Avatar of AlteredTundra


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3 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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InteractionsTyler Jane // Savannah // Talya
Mentions@Melissa @NeoAJ @HaleyTheRandom

Nicholas Grey had always been one to test the deep end without getting his feet wet. He wasn’t one to tread lightly nor think too far ahead when it came to how his actions might misfire. Honestly, it never occurred to him that he would miss his shot. Whether that was trying his luck in getting out of an exam by faking being sick or having the gall to call out certain people for the problematic trends he started, he was always one to take risks when his gut feeling directed into the light of success. It almost always went according to plan.

Keyword: Almost.

And this was such a case when he decided to jump headfirst into giraffe and gazelle-infested waters without a safety line. He gave them both a compliment. Despite what came after, Nicholas didn’t have any regrets nor was what he said a lie. He really did think both TJ and Savannah looked hot tonight.

But, as the events unfolded before his eyes, Nicholas heard Mr. Hale’s sternly-worded advice replay in his head like a broken record, like it was the fucking gospel of the good book he never bothered to read: maybe try a little honesty with her and quit all of these games.

The problem was Nicholas didn’t know how to be honest with her. His default setting had always been to play games and have his fun. Maybe Hale is right. Maybe I don’t have anything to lose.

Of course, try telling TJ that because she had the audacity to make some shallow comment about some dude’s arm, like he held a candle to Nicholas Grey. He was a nobody. A non-important spec of dirt in the riveting oasis that was the man wearing the blue floral-patterned shirt.

Keep calm. She’s probably doing this on purpose.

And maybe that’s why Nicholas was getting excited all of a sudden. He always would do the same thing to, well anyone, but getting his own medicine thrown back at him was a sensation he didn’t know he liked or not. At the least, it showed that this was going to be an interesting night.

“Oh, hi Nicholas. Nice of you to join us... fashionably late I see.”

Took you long enough. He gave the redhead a sweet smile. “The hero always makes their appearance at the last minute.” And despite what everyone thought of him, he was the hero of his story, and sooner or later, TJ would become his heroine. Of course, that dependent solely on who would give this game up first.

“So this isn’t quite the privat--”

"Sorry to interrupt but I was wondering... Savannah, would you like to dance?”

If there was anything he didn’t like more than not being acknowledged, it was being interrupted. And of course, Talya Burnley was the source of the latter. And this time it was to ask Savannah to dance. If he wasn’t furious at the tall brunette, he might think it’s sweet. Maybe he still thought it was, but he was much too irritated to admit that -- even to himself. Thankfully, when they left and they whisked each other off to the dancefloor, that gave both Nicholas and TJ some breathing room. Although, whether that meant anything would actually happen in the immediate future remained to be seen.

He had to find a way to keep his composure, so he snagged one of the untouched solo cups of beer and gobbled nearly half of it down in record time. It tasted like ass but it was effective. “So how long has that been a thing?” Nicholas asked TJ, gesturing towards Savannah and Talya.

Rise & Shine
Herc & Ben

Despite everything that happened at the Conclave and the general sense of dread and stress and that subtle feeling that everyone might die at the hands of Hera and her demented angry son of war, Heracles was feeling pretty spiffy when he woke up.

He was one of the few people in this world who responded well to the sounds of a morning bird that served as his alarm. No, this wasn’t a literal bird, but on his phone, he found a cool app, Rise and Shine, which had the feature of a regular alarm app but with the added benefit of having certain animal sounds. There were wild cats, dogs, the sound a goat makes when frightened, but Heracles was, if nothing else, a traditional God. And so he woke up to the proud crowing of a digitally-created rooster.

From then on, Heracles did everything Heracles did when he woke up before the sun did: he made a healthy breakfast. Since today was Saturday, that meant a spread of wheatcakes with a light drizzle of honey, a greek yogurt parfait, and a tall glass of soy milk, all of which were devoured fifteen minutes after posting a shot of it on Instagram. Thanks to that and his proud sponsor King Arthur’s Wheat Flour, which was never bleached and never bromated, he was going to find close to nine-thousand dollars in his bank account by tomorrow.

“Today’s going to be a great day!” He repeated to himself as he found himself out the door of Acropolis.

With his gym bag in the back seat of his red Ford F150 and the roaring engine sounding off as he left the upscale neighborhood that he and Apollo lived in, Heracles had the intention of going to the gym that was less than seven miles from his loft but then he had the thought of not wanting to work out alone, which brought him to a conversation he and Benten had the night before the conclave. Among other things, the conversation progressed onto how fit Herc was and just how out of shape Ben was. Whether it was a stupid suggestion then or a brilliant one, he didn’t know, but Heracles promised to help her out by being her gym buddy, and she agreed.

And that’s how he found himself back at Seattle U, walking in thigh-high shorts that showed off much of his well-toned legs and a matching, black tank. Thankfully for it being still relatively close from summer, it wasn’t that chilly but it still being morning, Heracles had the adrenaline of helping out a friend in dire need of his help.

After briskly walking for about ten minutes and asking around where Bentley Stark could be found, everyone he asked had told him at the Sigma Chi House and low and behold, there he was in front of it. As far as fraternity houses went, it wasn’t bad. Decent size and he even thought some decent parties must’ve been held here. And the thought that followed was how it paled in comparison to the wild times the OG fraternity held. Acropolis for life!

After he knocked a few times and had a slick back and forth with the guys who lived there, immediately they recognized him. Jackson Drake, the widely popular Instagram Influencer who had over a million subscribers and holder of two American Influencer Awards for Lifestyle Influencer of the year even though he technically wasn’t a lifestyle influencer. Still, he was known and that meant people wanted his photos.

Ten rounds of selfies later and one of his less-starstruck fans led him upstairs and to the room Bentley was sleeping in. He stood in front of her bed, watching her sleep for a few moments. Part of him was going to feel guilty for what he was about to do.

“Rise and shine!” He shouted, giving her bed a firm Leonidas, King of Sparta kick.

There was the sound of a babbling brook, flowing freely and without care to the world around it. The feeling of grass surrounded her, a featherlight feeling of fingertips trailing along her thighs, the wanton kiss against her lips, the breeze that played with their contrasting hair. They parted for only a moment, taking a breath, eyes filled with amorous passion

“You’re the most beautiful girl I know.” The words fell true, the brook seemed far away as Benten gazed into her lover’s eyes, cupping her cheek tenderly.

The lips of her liver moved but Ben missed the sound as a jolt went through her, a feeling of dread pitting in her stomach. Even her question fell silent on her ears as she felt the words flow from her mouth, the pounding of her heart was deafening in her ears, the scenery around her growing blurry, hazy through her panic. She reached for the lover that seemed a mile away now, shouting her name silently, eyes wide with fear. The lover she once saw was no more, instead, a hulking beast stood smug before her and opened its gnarly mouth to bellow-

Ben scrambles awake at the sudden intrusion, her back pressed to the headboard, looking around wildly for the monster that ruined her dreams. When her eyes landed on Heracles her shoulders slumped in relief, before tensing again after realizing she was in her room.

“What are you doing Jackson?” Irritation graced her tone as her eyes narrowed into a suspicious glare.

“What does it look like?” He backed away from her bed just enough so she could catch the glimpse of his outfit. “It’s Saturday, Ben! And you know what that means, right?” He left it open in hopes she would know.

Ben pursed her lips for a moment fighting the grogginess of her abrupt awakening. “Uhhhh… her eyes took in his appearance, he was wearing gym clothes and she was capable enough to at least put two and two together but wasn’t sure why he was here. “Okay, better question… why the fuck are you cock blocking dreamworld me to show off your bulging muscles? Did you get those shorts from GapKids®? they look like they’re going to burst around your quads dude.”

“Pfft, these are top of the line! Perfect for stretching, running, and they’re surprisingly comfy!” there was a sense of pride in his voice. “But more to the point, it’s leg day, Ben! So come on, get up!” He kicked her bed again but not with as much force as his first one did.

Ben’s thin patience was quickly running out, the second kick made her release a drawn-out sigh, willing herself to stay chill. Killing her bro was out of the picture, she wouldn’t survive prison, goddess or not. Alright, alright, it’s obvious you’ve dropped one too many dumbbells on that ample head of yours, so I can forgive you for ruining my beauty sleep. Now, please, swiftly get the hell out so I can return to what I was doing.”

Heracles was starting to become annoyed but he wasn’t going to succumb to the inner-Zeus-like tantrum he’s been known to throw “But you promised! Remember? At the party a few nights ago. You said you would be my workout partner!”

“What? I did no such th-“ Ben was interrupted by her own flood of memories. During the party at Acropolis after the conclave she had drunkenly committed to working out with Heracles, and she had done so on camera and to her fans. A groan filled with her deepest regrets escaped her and she flung herself back against her bed, pulling her duvet over her face, “Dude, no one ever means anything they say when they’re drunk! Well… I always mean it when I tell Coco I want her to sit on my face… but everything else is just bullshit dude. I’m busy today, maybe in my next life I’ll pursue being a bodybuilder with you.”

“Busy doing what?” He asked point-blank.

“I got a couple appointments, one in 75 seconds with going back to sleep and one at 3:45 with a cheesy Gordita crunch. Now if you wouldn’t mind, make sure to close the door all the way behind you. Byeee~” Ben pokes a hand out from under the covers and waved for a moment before getting comfortable again.

“I guess we’re doing this the hard way.”

Whether Ben was paying attention or not, the silence that followed should have been the first red flag. Heracles was a lot of things, but having the tendency to be quiet for no reason wasn’t one of them. When his yap stopped moving, either one of two things was about to happen: either he would leave you alone or something very bad was going to happen to someone in a short amount of time. Ben probably thought it was the former, but as he gripped her blanket with a firm grasp, in the following three seconds, it had been swiftly removed, exposing Ben in the shirt and shorts she had been wearing.

Ben had just about drifted back to sleep again when Herc ya led away her soft, sweet comfort. Goosebumps ran along her arms as the chill of the room crept along her exposed skin. A grumble left her as she pressed a pillow to her face, blocking out the light in the room, she could fall asleep like this if she really tried. Ben was adaptable to most situations and places, but that did not extend to the gym, “This is harassment! A targeted hate crime! I’ll call Athena if you don’t go away Herc, it’s illegal to be this committed to the gym. Do you want to go to jail again, you annoyingly fit bastard?”

He expected a fight, but what Ben was doing was just childish. “Oh, don’t be like that, Ben. You know Athena wouldn’t answer your call. Besides you made me a promise and who else will help you put some meat on those painfully-skinny legs of yours?” He asked her, pointing to her chicken legs. He always heard that negative reinforcement often produced positive results.

Ben moves the pillow from her face and gave a dramatic gasp, “How dare you-“ she threw the pillow with all her might at the beefcake, watching it thump against his head and fall to the ground. It was anticlimactic and did little to give her any sort of satisfaction,body shame me in my own home. Don’t think I’ve forgot about the times you tried to put the moves on me Heracles! You didn’t have any problems with my chicken legs then! For the last time, I’m booked and busy today! Call back tomorrow to see if I can reschedule you!”

He had the partial thought of giving up, but now he wouldn’t be Heracles, Conqueror of the 12 Labors of Olympus if he had thrown in the towel the minute things became difficult. If she wasn’t happy with him now, Gods only knew just how furious she was going to become as soon as he did what he was going to. “Just remember, you forced me to.”

With guilt hanging high within him, Heracles took both of Ben’s legs with relative ease. It was fortunate for him that she wasn’t so athletically gifted. Pulling her from one end of the bed took no effort whatsoever. And then as he placed his hands carefully around her waist, he picked her weightless body and threw her over one of his shoulders, making sure he wasn’t touching her in places that could land him his own canceled party hashtag.

While Ben had doubled down on the “try me bitch” approach she hadn’t thought Herc would actually do it. The man was mighty, but mostly docile, intimidating from afar like a pitbull with its lip curled, but up close, just a cute little bully that wants to cuddle you and lick your face. The banshee-like cry that reverberated off the walls of the room was completely called for when Ben ended up tossed over Herc’s shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

”PUT ME DOWN WONDER BOY!” Bentley Stark shrieked trying to grab onto anything she could as Herc made for the door.

And anything she did had little to no effect in stopping Heracles from walking out of Ben’s messy room and into the hallway, halfway to the stairs. “Just calm down! You’re making this into a bigger thing than it needs to be!” It was clear Herc was growing fatigued of her fight, but he couldn’t deny that he was getting some satisfaction from it all.

Bentley put all her energy to thrashing in his hold, beating her hands against his back, and clawing at all the walls and door frames she could. To no avail did she free herself from Herc’s iron grip, and so she channeled the potato energy and grew slack against him. Bentley’s fingers folded into the only sign language she knew and flashed the big ‘fuck you’ to all her laughing frat brothers, ”I can’t believe I once called you traitors my brothers! No more, you’re all dead to me! Dead! You hear me?”

The front door was quickly approaching, and with that, her window for escape was becoming narrower. Just as she was getting her second wind the final knife wedged deep into her back, the sharp tip piercing her heart, “Et tu Brad?”

Bentley’s Big stood beside the front door with his arms casually crossed over his chest an amused shake of his head was a response to her childish antics, “Count this as a necessary evil. With how heavy you breath running up the stairs every time, and I’d rather not gamble whether you’ll survive your next climb.”

“How dare you defy fate! If it’s my time it’s my time. Now I’ll meet my end to the sound of gym rats releasing their mating cries as they hit a max rep. This betrayal hits the deepest, sleep with one eye open Bradley otherwise I’ll be coming for those brows!” Brad only offered a hearty chuckle as he opened the door for Jackson and gave an enthusiastic wave to Bently as he closed the door following their exit.

“Thanks man! I’ll have her back in a few hours!” Jackson gave Brad a gesture that resembled a friendly wave as he ran out the frat house, feet firmly planting against the steps. They were about seven yards from the frat house when Herc made the conscious decision to allow Ben to walk with him as he set her down. That and her constant wiggling had rendered it impossible for him to continue carrying her without growing frustrated with his friend. “There. Now it’s not so bad. We only have about fifty feet to the parking lot. You can do that, I’m sure!” He said to her in an encouraging voice.

Ben didn’t try to hide her pouting as she practically stomped beside Heracles, producing the only sound she gave in response to his “encouragement”. Meanwhile her mind was racing, calculating the possibilities of her making a break from him and successfully getting away. By the time they reached his truck she had concluded there was no escape from this and resigned herself to the death that awaited her.

“Let's make this as swift and painless as possible, alright?” Ben grumbled once she was situated comfortably in the passenger seat.

For a rather long moment of silence, Herc thought about saying something, maybe give Ben one last comment to mull over. But then he thought about how that would defeat the purpose of what he knew at its core was him wanting to spend time with one of his friends and helping them achieve an ideal body that would make basic acts such as walking up a flight of stairs not seem like a marathon. So he decided against it and just hopped into the driver’s side seat, letting the engine roar for a minute before they were Fitness City-bound.

“Trust me, this will be fun! I’m an excellent spotter!”

Introducing Cassie Lucasta

A few hours later after he had changed into his party clothes, that of which consisted of a blue floral patterned, buttoned-up T-shirt, beige shorts that show off his surprisingly attractive ankles and shins, and, to complete the outfit, some burnt sienna and white sneakers, Nicholas found himself walking out of the health center with a somewhat tightly-wrapped hand, which served as his reminder that he ought to have a better sense of his surroundings. Considering that his injuries could have been a lot worse, his poor imitation of being a Kyle would have landed him in the land of surgery, or at least that’s what the nurse told him.

“And thank god I’m not.”

But it still was unfortunate. Not only because he was left with just one fully-operational hand, but as he stopped about a few yards away from the health center, he decided to check the time and, of course, he was fucking late. WEll, not late in the sense he couldn’t still make it to the party if he hurried, but late enough that, if he were to keep his usual pace, he might actually miss the point of being fashionably late. “Then I better hurry.”

As he picked up his pace and felt the wind around him bush against his skin due to his brisk walk, he couldn’t help but wonder who all got the memo. He knew Billie knew about the party. Granted, he didn’t know how she knew. Maybe someone else who knew blabbed to her or he wasn’t giving his twin the credit she deserved. But honestly? As much as Nicholas wanted to get ahead of it, the one thing he knew was that, for his own health, playing dumb was his best course of action. Better Billie gets on the bad side of those who orchestrated it rather than him being the cause of Tyler Jane's anguish.

“Not like there’s any other option in front of me.”

“Talking to yourself again, Nicholas?”

“It helps me clear my thoughts.”

As he stopped in front of the dormitory, Nicholas whipped his head in all available directions and the to his left, he saw that familiar shade of blonde hair about seven inches down walking towards him with her camera hanging loosely around her neck and gripping it not-so-tenderly in her slender fingers.

“Shouldn’t you be off snooping somewhere, Cassie?He could only look at her with a cautious friendliness, especially since he knew she was as dangerous as she was cute. And he thought she verged on being a fox.

The blonde giggled. “Calm down, Nicky!” Oh, how he hated when anyone but Billie disrespected his name like that. “I’m not snooping tonight. Just decided to catch some nature pics before the party tonight!”

“Wait how did you--” And then he remembered, this was Cassie Lucasta he was talking to and then he shut himself up. “--I didn’t think you were a fan of these parties. It‘s probably going to be lame anyway.” He didn’ say that because he believed it but he was still trying to save face in the event Cassie wasn’t letting on everything she knew, which would be absolutely like her.

“Nothing’s ever boring if its--” Cassie let out a sigh and smiled, walking out from the bushes, almost falling but Nicholas caught her. “--Oh, what a lifesaver you are!” She tapped his hard chest teasingly and regained her composure. “Like I was saying, never boring if it was kept a secret. Besides, how can I miss the chance to catch some marvelous candid moments nobody meant to be photographed?”

Nicholas had finally taken this opportunity to look over Cassie, seeing that she was also dressed for the party. Though, based on what she was wearing, it was shocking to him that she didn’t cut herself. With half of her torso exposed like it was and especially her reputation of being halfway to Clutzville, she had very selective luck.

“Guess I’ll be seeing you, Cassi--”

“Wait no!” She tugged on Nicholas’ arm, giving him the one true weakness that, of course, she knew: the cutesy puppy dog stare. “Aren’t you going to take me as your date?”

“Uhm, as my what?” For the first time in a few weeks, Nicholas’ face read like an out of body experience.

And for a solid moment that ran the length of five of Nicholas’ deepest breaths, she erupted into a fit of giggles, punching his arm.Kiiiiidding!The source of his near heart attack let go of his hand and proceeded ahead. “Catch ya later, Nicky!”

He didn’t stun easy. Anyone who knew Nicholas Salvador Grey knew that much about him. Or even if they didn’t know him personally, they had seen him around and how he was in his natural habitat. And that was to say his natural habitat was always when he put on the charm to anyone. It didn’t matter if that was shut-ins like Dwayne Freeman or delightful surprises like Tyler Jane Morrisey, he always had the upper-hand, but if there was one person that Nicholas had no saintly or devilishly handle on, it was Cassie Lucasta.

“I do not pity whoever ends up falling for her, or, God forbid if it were the reverse…”

Mood — Curious and Amazed

“It’s truly a blessed night~”

Cassie’s sang as she half-skipped her way through the first floor, the sounds of a party beginning to fill her ears.

She couldn’t say that what she heard was the start of a wild party -- at least, she knew that those who knew about this secret, hush-hush, keep-it-on-the-DL party hadn’t arrived yet. How did she know this? Call it a girl’s intuition. Oh, and, of course, the pure and simple fact that it wasn’t out of control. The 4-1-1 hinted it was supposed to be a “need to know” shindig, but nothing stays secret forever and if it wasn’t meant to be enjoyed by all, why have the gathering in the first place?

To Picaso
That brother of yours really is a sight. Immediately caught me following him so I had to blow our cover. But fear not! He knows that the party deets were leaked hehe.
Ofc he dnt say anything to meeeeee. I think he’s plying dumb 4 ykw
Nyways, guess i’ll see ya at it.

Of course, Cassie just had to text her bestie! There was no way she wasn’t going to explain to her just how excited she was for not only this party and having the time of the life (especially since she missed out on the scavenger hunt), but there was a chance of seeing that certains someone she has a whole folder of. Maybe it was a little stalkerish, but they were always their most vulnerable when they let their guard down--oops, probably shouldn’t reveal too much!

“Oh!” Well no duh, Cassie! You have to let the hosts you’re here, don’t you. “Wait no! She should know where I am so she can sneak in accordingly.”

To Picasso
Immediate right by the ferns. Can’t miss me. ;)

Mood — Where's my stone when I need it?
Interactions@Melissa @NeoAJ

In the back of the room, against the wall, there had been a few tables set up for beer pong tables and he saw both Savannah and Tyler Jane, who, if he had to be honest, were both looking ravishing from where he stood, had started a game. Now, as much as he wanted to automatically approach them, observing them both might help him figure out just how to solve this problem.

No less than a week ago, he watched them in a similar position but they had been at each other, fighting for the prize of, well, him. And, of course, it was thoroughly entertaining that two incredibly beautiful girls would deem him worthy of their friendship nearly being thrown in the trash can, his reflection after the fact kind of changed his mind. And that’s not even counting that intense moment with TJ later. He was kind of on the fence but after talking with Mr. Hale, Nicholas knew where he stood. Still…

“--this needs to be handled with a little finesse.”

He waited a few more moments and took in a deep breath. Liquid courage wasn’t needed for this and Nicholas was, if nothing else, bold enough to take on two birds without a stone.

“Evening girls,” he said, easing himself towards the middle of the table, looking at both Tyler Jane, who immediately caught his eye in her black outfit that did everything right and Savannah, who again couldn’t do any wrong. “I have to admit: the place looks great. Although, nowhere nearly as good as you two do.”

Divine Protector

Had Heracles wanted to say something about the loss of the best smith this world had known? Of course, he did. He wanted to express his Grand Canyon-sized sorrow at the fact that this world, mortal or not, was deprived of someone so true and so hard-working and everyone would experience the pain. But he couldn’t. And do you know why? One reason.

Hera went fucking mental!

Whether that was harsh of him to think, given that her son was announced dead remained to be seen. Heracles certainly held no love in his godly heart for the Queen of Olympus and even less since she insulted his perfectly capable, and, if he did say so himself, quite majestic Egyptian goddesses, shields from her wrath, but the accusation spree she went on sent shiver upon shiver down his spine that forced the mighty protector of Athens to feel something he hadn’t since he stared down Hades when he was sent to retrieve Cerberus.

Fear. Impure, unadulterated, completely shivering in his boots, fear.

Every inch of his body that would’ve stood up and defended Hathor and Bastet was doing everything it could not to literally shit his pants. Instead, it was Hathor who seemed to calm his stepmother, though with the addition of his step-brother, Ares, pulling out a gun on Shango and Athena sparing no expense, this did nothing to quell the rising storm that was Hera’s grief nor did it do anything to help the morale of the room.

“Yep, we’re fucked.” Heracles muttered to himself, taking in deep breaths.

Ever since being reduced to something slightly more than a mortal, in times where he felt his life might actually be in danger, Jackson, not Heracles, often found ways to cope. Sometimes it meant burying his face between bountiful cheeks of some college girl who made their way to one of the many parties hosted at Acropolis and others it meant meeting his Seattle Fans at impromptu lunches at whatever restaurant was closest to his and APollo’s condo. Whatever he indulged, it often helped Jackson Drake not feel so anxious in his own skin.

And seeing guns and grieving mothers assume the worst about everyone in the room brought him back to the times he was nearly killed by said gunslinging gangster and scorned Hera; so much so that he sank into his seat even further. Haunted by all of this, brave Heracles was about to cower away, sink under the table, and plan his escape, but then he caught a whiff of a familiar aroma. It took him by surprise and without warning, he felt...calmed. It was like he took in the mist version of a blunt and all of his worries were gone. Any feeling he had that was even remotely close to anxiety and terror and even pain for losing Hephaestus was replaced with a neutral, centered self.

“Aphrodite.” Yes, this was her doing.

As he looked over at the Goddess of Love, he sent her a grateful nod. “Thank you, Aphrodite! I’m glad you didn’t...mist your mark.”

Was he going to get criticized for that remark? Probably. Did he regret? Not a damn chance!


@Melissa Here is my girl!

Example of Free:
He went to the door, and opened the door

Example of Casual:
As he went to the door he realized that it was locked, not with a key but with a deadbolt. Carefully he slid the bolt, turned the handle and opened the door.

Example of Advanced:

This is clearly false. I see some paragraphs with only 4 lines.
Of course! This is a hobby I love dearly and in the twelve years I have been roleplaying, I have met and befriended so many people. Some drifted over the years for a myriad of reasons but some have been with me since the start. So there is no doubt that I have forged friendships that are honestly closer to me than some members of my own family.
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