Avatar of AlteredTundra


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2 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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Most Recent Posts

In Rangers 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Wow Jordan, using curse words. That's not very power ranger-ey of you. :p
In Rangers 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
It's always "How can we make fun of the cowboy?" Not "How's the cowboy?"

sad yeehaw intensifies

Yeehaw? More like nohaw. :(
In Rangers 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
WEll RIP the Cowboy then
In Rangers 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I have no qualms with shorter, conversational posts either. It brings me back to the old days when I'd do 1-2 paragraph posts.
In Rangers 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Potemking I'm glad that showed.

Also I really liked how you described Clint's look ten years prior. I was picturing a young Blake Shelton minus the mullet
In Rangers 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Potemking It definitely took a turn. Once I got into the groove of his post it became less "I am the best" and more "this center is the best and the kids rule"
In Rangers 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Surprisingly wholesome ross post is up!
In Rangers 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location — Angel Grove Community Center
Interactions — Trevor Turner, Vallory @Zoey Boey

Ross has never been shy in basking in his own glory. Whether it was when he had been really young and overcame a difficult task or managed to not completely explode over having a loose strand of hair after spraying it with hairspray for over an hour, he has always taken a gloating approach to being proud of his accomplishments. It’s been in his nature ever since he was a little boy, still coming to the terms that he wasn’t like the other kids at Angel Grove Elementary.

So, seeing the Community Event at the Angel Grove Youth Center take off without a hitch made him feel prouder than any of his previous accomplishments. Not even graduating college came close.

Seeing all of the long hours he spent with all of the leaders of the organizations that were participating, making sure all of their stands were built in time. He might’ve not been a manager or in any position to officially take any credit, but he spent long hours helping out wherever he could. Whether it was people from the high school, soup kitchens, or even that amazon of a woman, Vallory Vance from the Women of Power League.

Ross was taking a leisure approach to check up on the various stands. Ross was wearing a white, plain polo with black stripes and charcoal grey slack with a pair of black loafers. To him, this was as casual as the worst parts of him could allow. If it were up to him, he’d would be dressed in semi-formal wear, but he had to look approachable, did he not?

Having just finished checking up on the Gold Dragon Karate Club that the AGYC co-sponsored, he was making his way, taking in the small victories of all the kids having fun. They all ranged from as young as five to nearly a teenager. And that, of course, made him happier than getting his mani and pedicures appointment with Jean Claude at the Angel Beauty Salon.


As the young man was heading in one direction, he heard Trevor Turner yell for him. He turned around. “Trevor! What’s up?”

Trevor was one of the assistant managers at the center. Trevor was a few inches taller than Ross was and had pale skin like the Irish-American he was. Red hair and green eyes to boot. Trev had an AGYC blue T-shirt on and beige shorts.

“Oh nothing bad, but I just wanted to thank you.”

“Thank me?” Ross repeated back, blinking his eyes at the older man.

“Just for all you did for this event. I know it was a group effort and all and I’m not trying to invalidate the combined efforts--”

Ross put up his hand, smiling at his superior. “No need, Trevor!” Ross took Trevor’s hand, laying his on top of the usually anxious Irishman, and smiled. “I love this center more than anyone could know and I’m just thankful it went on without a hitch.”

“Still, you put in nearly double the amount of hours that you got paid for.”

“Do you see them, Trevor?”

Ross took a moment to glance around and Trevor followed suit, seeing some of the kids he helped out during the school season and feeling at peace just seeing them having a blast. Most of the kids that he saw having fun, smiling without a care in the world, talking at reps at the booths that appealed to their interests, and feeling completely safe, they all had their stories and Ross took pride in knowing every single one of them.

“They are why I did it. I don’t care about the money. I have enough saved to be good for a few months and my parents have always helped me out whenever I needed it. But for them--” Ross felt himself getting emotional again, so he just smiled through the happy tears. “--Well, I just want them to feel as safe and protected as I once did when I was their age.”

Trevor was silent for a few moments and Ross took that time to compose himself.

“So, was there anything else you needed from me, Trevor? If not, I was going to take a lunch break.”

“Oh!” Trevor sounded off as if he suddenly remembered something. He pulled out a stack of flyers with the word “Wopple” on them. “Could you go find Vallory for me? These just came. I don’t know if she needs them, but with how popular the Women’s Power League is…”

“Say no more!” Ross took the stack of flyers from his friend and gave him another smile. “Shouldn’t be too hard, right? She’s not exactly the type that blends into a crowd.” Ross laughed, which Trev mirrored.

“Thank you so much! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta find Peter.”

When Trevor walked off and Ross made his way to the Wopple booth, he couldn’t help but wonder exactly why on earth they chose that name. The Women of Power League was a great name in itself, Ross thought as he found himself at the booth. There was someone there, but as he remembered exactly how much Vallory towered over him, this was not her.

“Wonder where she could be?”

He spent a few moments scanning the immediate area. From the fraternity booths, the judo and football booths, Ross caught the glimpse of someone near the picnic table section of the center. He had to squint more than he was already but he saw her, seemingly isolated. And then he made an immediate beeline for her, side-stepping past people.

He was stalled a few times because of his popularity with most of the regulars, so he shook hands and said hello to those who graciously reached out to him. Ross could be difficult, but he was the furthest thing of being rude.

When he reached the table, Ross made an added effort to announce his presence by not-so-softly placing the flyers on the table. “Sorry about that,” he apologized to Vallory who was sitting down but still managed to come close to the bottom of his chin. Damn she’s so tall! “Vallory right? It’s me, Ross. You might remember me from earlier this week. We went over your booth placement.”

In Rangers 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
This group just makes me think of this scene

I love this so much in ways you can't possibly comprehend.

Also Tom and Ben is Ross and Sloane. Prove me wrong.
In Rangers 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Charlie after realizing what she's done in assembling a new Ranger team:

"Guys can we please just... not bite each other's heads off, please? At least until after we win and nobody dies, mkay?"

Ross be like:
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