Avatar of AlteredTundra


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2 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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In Rangers 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Okay but side note: Turbo was a severely underrated season. Even if it didn't have all the right things going for it, the zords ruled.

Also the movie wasn't that bad.

Had it been just Melissa, Miki would've been able to deal. She was an insufferable bitch who needed to know the difference between them, but there was nothing she'd could say about her or Jackson that Miki couldn't handle. She was, of course, a true queen. It was liberating to see her look at Miki with such a nasty expression.

But that wasn't all. Unfortunately, as that tall boy who looked like someone who didn't belong anywhere near her or Jackson, Miki could tell before he even opened up his mouth that it was going to mean an extended stay of disgust that she would've preferred.

She wanted to say something demeaning to Dee. She wanted to say something mean to him. Maybe comment about how he didn't even compare to Jackson and how the only thing he might be good for is a featured spot on some adult entertainment. Or some reality show down the road. Out of all the things she wanted to say, nothing came up. She found herself mostly just observing, watching Jackson and Dee exchange words.

Too bad that was cut short.

Before Melissa opened her mouth, Miki was already preparing herself for the word vomit.

And sure enough, just as she had always been right, Missy Elliot came out the gate swinging. What she was swinging at, now that left Miki thoroughly amused.

While she laid into both her and Jackson, Miki smiled and smiled more when she went on about threatening her with mascot duty. The thought of that made her feel repulsed. Actually, it downright sickened her. To think that she could have that much influence. But then Miki remembered this school was just about as trashy as it got. Melissa going off on her like this was proof that, at the end of the day, it took flexing her inflated ego in attempts to prove a point.

She contemplated doing something about this queen of trash because that's what she was. No amount of huffing and puffing would ever change her mind about that. the longer she sat on it and the more the scene before her began to devolve, it was clear that was what Missy wanted. She wanted a reason to punch Miki. And really, could she give her the satisfaction of having a reason to hit Miki's perfect face? No she couldn't let that happen. Besides, as furious as she was, which don't be fooled by her entertained smirk, Miki was boiling red underneath, there were easier ways to get one over this bitch.

"As much as I'd love to go on about how Stuart little and Yogi bear are in the way, this is the one time I'm free to do whatever I want, I'd rather not waste it on Rosefell filth."

When Jackson put his arm around her waist, she looked up at him with a smile and nodded. But she'd quickly look at Melissa and Dee. "Count your blessings, Missy. Because I'm going to choose the high road and going to spend the rest of the party with my Jackson." Miki proceeded to tighten her grasp around Jackson's waist as he did to hers. "But know this isn't over. Not by a long shot." She'd say as she walked away, pulling Jackson with her.

When they were far away from them, she'd say the following to Jackson. "She'll regret messing with me. That Queen of Thorns is no match for my premium clippers."

In Rangers 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
In Rangers 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Clint and Jordan over here making a contest out of who can kill the most druidons

I'm here for it!

"I could never say no to a drink."

”I think you and I are going to have a grand time tonight.”

There wasn’t any denying in both the way Nicholas pleasantly smirked at the shorter redhead who so graciously accepted his offering, which totally wasn’t a random red solo cup he didn’t find on some table along the way to her, that he was looking forward in getting to know exactly who she was. Of course, he always felt this way about any beautiful ginger, regardless of gender identity. All they needed was to remind him of those memories, the fond ones growing up when he fell in love with Blossom and how, even if they didn’t realize it, they captured his curiosity, pulling it towards him like their hair was the red cape and he was the bull, mindlessly charging.

Nicholas took a medium step closer to her, maintaining a fixated, invested, though not appearing too desperate, with hers. Even from afar, Nicholas knew she was someone special because of how the light from the bulbs above sparkled in her gentle blue eyes. She was even better up close.

”So, you have a name—”

”Absolutely the fuck not.”

Nicholas heard a familiar voice, one that he was usually always happy to hear. But that tone. He knew that Billie always carried herself with that tone when she was about to ruin his fun.

Nicholas Salvador Grey--”

And there she goes, using my full name like she’s our mother. Nicholas’ thought was concluded as she came charging in like the more intense, though noticeably shorter twin bull-of-a-sister she was. “Did you really need to do that?” His question, no matter how rhetorical, was obviously met with an already nasty expression his usually-pleasant twin used so rarely, especially when directing at him. It was only when he was going to enjoy himself with someone that she magically appeared.

We are not doing this again.

He gave his sister an equally, though slightly less obvious, nasty expression back at her. “And what, Billie Jean Grey--” Say my name, I declare yours “--would that be, exactly?”

In Rangers 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

He is such a wholesome boy. Loves him so much! He hits my want to huggle button but Jordan is a little twit so we shall see if I ever get to do it....and if I get to that it isn’t the most awkward hug ever which I feel like it will be.

I like to think, over time, she could find herself in a position where she can see the magic of Huggable Ross.
In Rangers 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Ross just makes me want to give him endless hugs.

I didn't originally intend for Ross to be the wholesome one of the group, but the more I write him, the more I think he's definitely gonna be the wholesome one of the group

As a big brother figure, Clint can't give Ross a hug.

Firm pats on shoulder intensify

In Rangers 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location — Angel Grove Community Center
Interactions — A family, Vallory @Zoey Boey, Charlie (indirectly; observing her baddassery) @OGSG

When the lance was removed from the Druidon's grasp and he caught the non-verbal cue, Ross stepped back from it, removing his hands from the middle of the lance, and watched as Vallory would make quick work of the previous owner of the lance, as well as his friends.

Ross felt a secondhand adrenaline course through his veins. His arms were moving on their own. When Vallory made a thrust forward, his fists tightened up into a ball and lightly pumped into the air. He cheered her on when they were reduced to ash, no longer a threat to anyone.

And after a brief encounter with her friend Mia, who Ross recognized as one of the people he spoke with earlier before the event started, Vallory shouted at the two of them, telling both him and Mia to get out of here. He wanted to protest, feeling that she might need help. But then she mentioned Sloane and what he had suggested

Finding an exit.

For as much Ross was concerned about the kids and the parents they came with, he couldn't forget the fact that when it came down to it, he rushed into action. He wasn't a Power Ranger or anyone who was in any position to make a real difference -- not yet, anyway. But he was respected by most of everyone here. He had been working with just about every family that had kids stay at the center from early morning well into the evening. They looked up to him. They saw him as a role model.

And this was the time for Ross to prove that to them.

"Right. Just..." Ross looked at Vallory before she took off, "just be careful."

His heart thudded intensely in his chest and Ross took maybe five steps forward, heading towards a family of three who were under an awkwardly positioned bench. A Druidon soldier was coming close to them. Ross prepared himself to take off in a jump. He was a skilled long jumper, which was his specialty when he was a part of the track and field team during high school. He took the stance with his body being poised to take off using his left foot, however, the soldier was distracted by the same thing that Ross turned to see:

A girl who couldn't have been any older than he nor Vallory making quick work of a Druidon.

"Whoa..." was all Ross could mutter as he sloppily ducked as the Druidon soldier noticed him and swung its lance at him. He tripped over himself.

As he looked over at the family, he put on a brave face for the little girl who was terrified. "It's going to be okay," he promised her even though he wasn't the least bit confident that it would be. He had to make sure she wasn't afraid.

He stared down the creature as it raised its lance, but the sight of a bright purple light caught its and his attention. The druidon soldier took off to a run, though it was obliterated about five paces into its haste-like sprint. Ross shielded the sight as he positioned himself in front of the kids, his back turned to the light and he smiled at the mother, father, and their little girl. Telling them repeatedly it's going to be okay.

Curiosity took over as Ross turned and his jaw dropped around the same time that he heard Vallory's voice. It reverberated like a crashing wave, the vibrations of her fangirling outweighing the previous desperate feeling he felt when he had his hands on the lance. The light that seemed to overwhelm the darkness of the scenario made Ross feel...good. Something about seeing it made him genuinely confident that maybe things weren't so bad now.

And when the smoke cleared, his eyes widened for the first, authentic time. Hearing Vallory's voice confirm what his eyes and mind were confused about sent him up to his feet, almost star-struck.

"Who is that?" The little girl asked

Ross slowly turned his head to face her. "I...think that's a Power Ranger," he admitted as he tried to process that the rangers were actually back.

Ten years ago, the rangers disappeared without a trace. They had been the saviors of Angel Grove. They were the heroes that they never thought they'd get. PArt of the reason Ross became so grounded in wanting to help people out had more to do with just the center. Of course, it was a large reason as to why he is the way he is, but it was the rangers who stood as symbols of hope that inspired him to do what he could. It was the rangers who protected them all from the Druidons that Ross felt if he had it in him, he should always do the right thing. But more importantly, the rangers made him believe in himself more and truly gave him the confidence to not let what people said about him get to him so much.

Snapping out of it, Ross quickly got up, holding the table up. "Okay, it's safe to come out." Ross held out his hand, helping all three of them get up. "There's a fire emergency exit over there--" he gestured to the door with the neon "exit" sign about ten feet to the left of them, "--use that to get to safety. There's a staircase that will lead you outside." Ross told them and smiled once more.

Suddenly, the little girl gave him a tight hug. Ross was caught off guard as his heart pumped in that fluttery way and he pat the top of her head.

"Thank you Mr. Ross!" She said as she hugged him for a few more seconds.

"No problem, Grace," he said before he watched her leave with her parents. He made sure to watch them until they disappeared through the door. Better safe than sorry.

He felt a sense of pride in how he was able to help a family get to safety but he had to do more.

But what?

In Rangers 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Vallory fangirling out over Charlie is quite literally one of the best things I've read today other than Charlie getting her Purple Dino Ranger on.
In Rangers 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I don't know where Vallory and Sloane's head is gonna be at as soon as they see Charlie morph, but I know Ross will be somewhere between


in reference to his bad gut feeling about the drudon soldiers
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