Avatar of AlteredTundra


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Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
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Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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In Rangers 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Hope everyone is doing good!
He's not that bad.
Yeah sure why not



LOCATION Castillo-Brady Home


Tap tap tap

Marco’s left fingers hit his white gaming keyboard at such a speed that the tapping noise was almost like a mild click. His room had posters all over it so the sound didn’t echo as much as it would have had he not decorated it with his K/DA poster that spread from one end of his wall to the next and, if you were to ask him, that was his favorite thing about the amount of LoL merch he has, which includes his Draven shirt and hoodie.

Tap tap tap

“Cover me!” Marco said into his headset.

On his screen, Marco stared intently, his fingers tapping away while on his dominant hand, his hand right clicked and clicked and clicked some more. He mained Master Yi. Might’ve been outdated, but in the four years Marco has been playing League of Legends and the almost two years he’s been taking it seriously, which in the process created a bit of an addiction, he knew his way around him. He could effectively kill other players while taking minimal damage.

And he did.

Alpha Strike and Highlander was always a guaranteed strategy to ensure victory.

And he got it. His team, that is. While he took out most of the enemy players with his perfect timing, his team took out the final turrets and the enemy nexus.

In a moment of triumphant victory, Marco did what he always did.

The Pancake Man: ggwp
DeezNuts: Report Pancake Man
DeezNuts: they cheated

“They’re always so negative.”

With a sigh, Marco closed out of the LoL window and stood him. His limbs ached and cracked, though his left leg had genuine, grunt-worthy pain. The same leg that was a month off of full recovery. The same leg he got shot in, though it didn’t ache in that way, every time he stood up, Marco felt a certain stiffness in his shin. Sometimes it was mild but other times he felt it in his entire leg.

“Wow, what time is it?” Marco looked to his clock on the wall and immediately grimaced when he realized he had been playing...all night.

And then he shrugged.

It was totally worth it. He racked up at least ten wins in a row, which was a nice small improvement on last night’s win streak of seven. Surely, Marco was on his way to reaching Gold III. It would be a first since he started playing. The furthest he achieved had only been Silver I, so that was something he was looking forward to.

After a few moments of stretching out his limbs, the same stretches he learned from his time at PT, Marco took a spot on the edge of his bed. He yawned at the same time his stomach began to growl.

And so he was faced with a tough choice: ignore his rumbling tummy and sleep away the morning and early afternoon or go out into the kitchen. Both presented their own risks.

For option A, of course, there was the disservice he was giving himself by not eating. Marco wasn’t his brother or sister or even parents when he was hungry. Sure, he was a bit grumpy and yes, even Marco Brady, patron saint of Northie Boston felt that, but he wasn’t an asshole or even an insufferable cunt.

...Not that he would ever say that to Marcy’s face. Marco just healed from an injury, so he’s not stupid enough to risk another and he knew his sister’s kick was almost as precise as his was, so if he said anything meaner than bitch to her face (agian he wouldn’t), he could say goodbye to any future kids he may or may not want.

But more importantly: he wasn’t a dick when he was hungry.

But that brought him to the other end. If he went out there and his mother found out he stayed up all night again... Well, he shivered at the thought of it.

Now, it wasn’t like his mother was going to yell at him or anything. It’s not like he has any classes in the morning or anything. It was more the fact that if he was up now, she’d made him do stuff as punishment.

“It’s early though. And it’s her day off. She wouldn’t be up, would she?”

Now whether it was a larger power forcing him to or just coincidence, Marco glanced over to his door and his heart sank to his bottomless stomach, rumbling as it was, as he saw her in the doorway. She didn’t seem angry but pleased was not a word he’d describe his mother’s face right now.

“Oh! Ma, what’s up? You’re up early!” He said, greeting her with a smile as he stood up somewhat sluggishly. Not exactly what you would call convincing.

“I could say the same thing to you, Güero.”

In regular circumstances, Marlena Castillo-Brady was nothing short of a sweet, kind and warm mother-- the kind that would smother her kids with copious amounts of affection at a moment’s notice. But right now, the lavender silk robe-clad Mexican woman stood in the middle of the boy’s doorway, arms crossed in front of her chest while blocking Marco’s exit. Although her oldest son was significantly taller than her, the level of commanding authority that oozed out of her made it clear who was the clear boss of the house.

“How was your sleep last night? Did you get a good rest?” she asked him with a fake smile, knowing fully well that Marco had spent yet another sleepless night behind his computer monitor playing his life away. The evidence was painted all over his dark circles, heavy eyelids and the way the blue of his irises stood out from his bloodshot eyes.

“Oh, yeah! Totally!” He laughed, which honestly was all the energy he could muster at the moment. Both tired and hungry, Marco’s ability to put on a convincing lie was almost as good as his brother’s attempt at making anything other than cereal. “How about you?” He asked, smiling.

"It was wonderful!" she answered, the smile still in place. "You know, when I woke up to get a glass of water at like 1 AM this morning and then later at 5:30 when I came down here to make your dad some coffee before he left for his shift, I thought I heard you shouting something about 'cover me' this and 'cover me' that. Were you just having a nightmare, sweetie?" she asked him innocently, faking concern. Marlena knew that wasn't the case, but it always amused and entertained her to see just how much Marco was willing to lie to her face.

She heard that? Marco’s laugh dipped a few levels as it became spaced out and dominantly nervous. He didn’t realize just how loud he was, but then again, those noise-canceling headphones his Tio Mateo bought him for his 19th birthday must have worked better than he thought they would. “Oh. No, I didn’t have a nightmare. Or at least, I don’t remember.” When in doubt, Marco played the dumb, clueless son role almost as well as he did Master Yi.

The dark-haired woman tilted her head and raised an inquisitive, perfectly arched eyebrow. "Oh? Then what was it, then?" she curiously asked her son, giving him one last chance to admit to what he'd done before she brought it up herself.

Marco sheepishly hummed, momentarily looking down at his aching feet. For a moment, he considered exactly what he should do. Coming clean might make the blow less embarrassing for him. But on the other hand, he really didn’t want to face the music right now. He didn’t want to hear her usual disappointed tone, especially when it came to this not-so-healthy habit of staying up all night.

As he brought his eyes back up, Marco said, “a very intense dream?”

"Hmmm… Okay…" Marlena looked at her first-born son with an almost thoughtful expression on her face. "So you mean to tell me that every intense dream that you have also happens to include the glare of your computer monitor shining through the crack under your door?"

“I-” Crap, I didn’t even think of that. “Would you believe me if I said I fell asleep at my desk?” Marco asked, giving her a half-assed grin.

The way Marco stumbled over his answer and the twinge of guilt visible in his smile was all the confirmation his mother needed to know that she was right. She flashed him a knowing Chesire cat smile. "I'd believe it if I was born yesterday and didn't know about you playing all night and sleeping all day," she told him, dropping the fake niceness in an instant and settling into her 'I mean business' mode. "And since you clearly feel well enough to be behind a computer screen yelling at a game until your dad wakes up to go to work in the mornings, then I'm going to assume you're also feeling well enough to go outside, walk the dog and fetch the mail while you're at it."

And there it was. Hidden behind the soft hints of the Mexican accent his mother always had, her graceful posture and the eyes that always were full of so much love, trapping him like the idiot he was.

This was the reason why he wanted to avoid going out...anywhere. Why he wanted to sleep despite his stomach that roaring for food, screaming to be fed pancakes and bacon.

Marlie wouldn’t leave until she knew Marco heard what she said. And even though he grimaced through the tension in his legs, he walked over to her dresser and heard the sounds of his mother’s bare feet smack lightly against the smooth wooden floors and he cursed a few times in a subtle murmur. He was so close. So close to being able to sleep and now, because he got so caught up in his game, he had to do a few errands.

“Knowing Ma, it’s not going to stop at just the dog and mail.”


LOCATION Somewhere on Camp then the Big House
INTERACTING WITH Mr. D and everyone else (too many to tag)


It felt like forever since Vivian was able to actually walk. She couldn't tell you just how freeing it felt to be able to leave the infirmary. Since having that nasty fainting spell that led to a vision that just bled epic fail, Vivian was practically verbally probed by her sister with all sorts of questions that were both necessary, which Vivian understood, but they were also extensive. She always had those kind of visions and especially with the fainting bit. And, of course, she would feel woozy afterward. It was not only a normal occurrence but, come on now! No need to play twenty-one questions, Doctor Kalinda!

But Vivian didn't fault nor blame her half-sister for that. She wasn't even mad.

Yeah, as if Vivian Lucasta was capable of feeling such an emotion. The closest to anger she felt was when she wasn't able to partake in the tower event today. And that, at the very least, was a mild disappointment that may have resulted in her saying heck.

So, here she was, roaming about, leaving Defined Jawline behind, somewhere.

Or maybe he left her behind.

Yeah, it was probably the latter.

Oh well! Vivian was enjoying the rays of the sun hitting her skin. For someone who looked as pasty as she did, people who didn't know she was the Daughter of Apollo might fear she'd get sunburned. But she was in good hands. Not only was she being looked after by her father, but her Legacy was technically the proper God of the Sun.

Helios, the Chariot God. He was super-duper cool. Ironic since he's a sun deity, but Vivian was never one to question that. He's just awesome!

"Oh right!"

Ever the forgetful blonde, Vivian had completely forgotten where she was supposed to be heading.

Not anymoreeee~

As she joined up with the Jawline man, Vivian made her way into the Big House. Funny enough, in the back of her mind, she thought she might be the last one to the party. Vivian always was late to important meetings when she let herself wander about. But minus a couple of people that Mr. D would later ask them about, to which Vivian shrugged at, looking as clueless as ever, she remained silent as he explained the reason her name, along with many others, were called out on the loudspeaker.

And when he was finished, a slow "whoa" that was stretched out a few seconds was her initial reaction.

Internally, Vivian's mind was racing around. The little people in her head, the ones that often led her astray and pointed her to the beach almost every time, they were going back and forth, panicking about what the next course of action should be. If this was the movie Inside Out, Fear and Anger might be having an interesting time at her control panel. Disgust is in the corner, rocking back and forth in the fetal position because, when it came to Vivian Lucasta, they were virtually useless. Joy was wishing Vivian was back by the beach.

Vivian too, Joy. Vivian too.

"So, uhhh..." Vivian spoke up, looking around, trying to process all of this.

There was a moment where her eyes were wide with the hint of something cooking inside that usually empty head of hers. And for a moment, her mouth opened, that California Valley Girl-esque tone of hers half-chirping out a word that sounded something like a question, but then Vivian's lips fell silent, closing as if she had literally forgotten what she was about to say.

With a disappointed expression, she returned to Mr. D's gaze, frowning. "Yeah, I got nothing." She laughed nervously.

Way to make an impression, Vivian. Real MVP material!
In Rangers 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Look at you guys posting! I gotta catch up 😂

Let's hope charlie doesn't lose her patience again.
In Rangers 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location — Command Center — Control Room
Interactions — Everyone in the room

"And, like, heart is what really matters. The suit can turn anyone into a badass. This is like, Captain America stuff, y'know?"

"Now, pretty boy over there might have an attitude. But personally, I know he kept me from getting hurt worse before Jordan and Charlie showed up, and that told me a lot. Wouldn't be the first mouthy Ranger we've had."

Okay, it wasn’t that Ross outright disliked Sloane. It was clear that if he wasn’t meant to be chosen, then he wouldn’t have the red crystal. Ross wasn’t so ignorant to that little fact that he’d overlook Sloane. But he just...didn’t like his entitled attitude. And maybe that was because of his last name. And maybe it was due to the fact that he’s been fed by that silver soon his rich family gave him. And maybe it’s because he has struggled to make end’s meet and how his mother has struggled all of his life to always put food on the table.

He knew better, sure. Ross was raised in a house of understanding and compassion. Unfortunately for Ross, SLoane pushed all of his buttons. His name was a touchy subject because his full name — Hiroshi Takahashi — always was memed on. People roasting him on the playground, giving him stupid nicknames because, of course they did. Because kids were cruel. So he went by Ross for as long as he could remember. With Sloane purposely referring to him as Ryan, well that made him want to punch him, but his temporary frustration was temporarily halted as CLint gave them a history lesson.

And after he was finished, Ross took in a breath. His temper was tied to his OCD. Things out of his control frustrated him and he just...had to remember not to let Sloane get to him.

Speaking of..

“They’re not my family, Sloane,” he said, looking at him. “But I know them well. Grace, the little girl who was taken, she’s one of the kids I mentor at the center. I told her everything was going to be okay and I let them down. I--”

Ross was interrupted by CLint, who extended his lesson on a highly firm suggestion that ended with a statement that made him blink confusingly at Clint. “Wait what did you say?” He asked. A few more blinks. “Train? Who? Us?”

In Rangers 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
The day I become busy would be the day the rp saw activity.

But yay! PAge 3 hype!

I thought I would mention this because quite frankly I appear and disappear out of this OOC like some geriatric Batman, but I love all you guys' RPing styles and characters. This is probably the most fun I've had in a while. The dynamic is chef's kiss. Which is perfect for an RP about Power Rangers.

Yeah totally get that. I'm sometimes the same way if I'm having an off day. And I deff agree about not only the character chemistry but the writer chemistry here is honestly one of the many things that has made this RP one of my faves atm. Every interaction has been hilarious and amazing!
In Rangers 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I feel like now we'll be seeing some of Ross' brattiness kick in huehuehue
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