Bouncing back, boys!
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![]() ![]() _______________________________________ N A M E Skylar Aolani Vass ∞ Kyle, “Totally Kyle”, KyeKye (his little sister used to call him that) A L I A S E S ![]() ![]() ![]() A G E 17 || February 16th G E N D E R Cisgender Male S E X U A L I T Y Pansexual - Much like the waves he rides, Kyle is very much about “going with the flow” when it comes to romance or otherwise. Gender identity has no place in this surfer’s heart. C U R R E N T C I T Y Long Beach, California E T H N I C I T Y Native Hawaiian, ScotIrish, Chinese, and Japanese _______________________________________ A P P E R A N C E
_______________________________________ R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S Single (for now) F A M I L Y father: ∞ Akoni Kahale Vass || 55 || Retired Surfer/Owner of VassWear, a successful surfing apparel and equipment brand || FC: Keanu Reeves mother: ∞ Mitsuki "Suki" Vass (nee. Watanabe) || 54 || Retired Skater; now a consultant for skating games such as Skate and Skater XL || FC: Tomita Tamlyn younger sister: ∞ Malina Leilani "Malu Vass || 16 || Junior at Delbrook Academy; ametuer skater || FC: Fivel Stewart P E T S ∞ Rocky (4 years old male) - Male Black Lab || Lola (4 and a half years old ) - Female White Lab ∞ Hawk (3 years old) - Male Saint Benard _______________________________________ H O M E S W E E T H O M E _______________________________________ ![]() ![]() | ____________________________________________________________________________ L I K E S ✔ The beach and everything it provides: the sun to tan, the ocean to surf and swim, the beach to play volleyball and throw frisbys, also the beach to get buried in the sand by the boys and potentially have a sandbra made in the process, and having occasional picnics where SAND WILL NOT GET CAUGHT IN THE POTATO SALAD! ✔ #winning - Kyle loves to win and hates losing. There is no worse feeling in the world to him, so he'd prefer to win if at all possible. ✔ Loco Moco - yeah, he's a walking stereotype, so you bet he adores this beloved classic from the island. Meat? Good! Rice? Good! Beef gravy with MSG and soy sauce? GOOOOOOOD! ✔ Or really any food. Kyle loves his food. Especially if it';s cheesy or with a little soy sauce on top. ✔ Not doing homework - he's not his sister. Homework makes him want to die. ✔ Hanging with the boys ✔ Mixing all sorts of sodas for a special surprise flavor ✔ 90s beach vibe, or really anything about the 90s ✔ Playing video games ✔ Trying to win big with the ladies and fellas who aren't one of the boys D I S L I K E S ✘ #losing - he isn't a sore loser or winner but he really hates the feeling of failure ____________________________________________________________________________✘ When the vibe is ruined - all Kyle wants to do is be all about those good vibes, but when the good vibes are ruined, it's a real bummer. ✘ Drugs that isn't weed - he gets high but he doesn't do anything stronger than that. ✘ Being told to cut his hair - yes, he understands you dumb boomer - his hair is too long. You can shut up about it already. ✘ TV series/films that require too much thought to enjoy ✘ Aggressive music - he much prefers the easy listening stuff ✘ Beer - not that Kyle doesn't enjoy his alcohol, but he's more of a wine cooler and fruity drink kind of drinker. ✘ All the "Kyle" memes - okay, maybe not all of them, but it got annoying a couple of years ago when all everyone wanted was for him to punch some drywall. ✘ Spicy food - he does like the hot stuff and definitely doesn't like it when it gives him the shits from hell ✘ Wasting time - not so much because he's impatient but Kyle doesn't want to waste time beating around the bush. Rip off the bandaid! ✘ Spiders - they scare the heeby-jeebies out of him P E R S O N A L I T Y Adventurous → confident → energetic → hyptastic → super friendly → optimistic →motivated to win → creative → tenacious → stubborn → oblivious → foolhardy → thick-headed ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Being the thrill-seeker that he is, Kyle approaches every new obstacle that comes his way with the mindset of someone optimistic about success but accepting that he might stumble. He believes that if you don't try, then you won't know what'll happen. Rejection is always something that life will throw at you, but in his sometimes-humble opinion, Kyle has always tried to keep a level head if he failed. Of course, there are moments when his emotions get the better of him. He might flip out, fall into a "mood" that will take him out of commission for a while, but eventually, he'll come back swinging harder than ever. Kyle believes in never staying down. Whatever he did wrong before won't happen again because he'll tackle that obstacle from a different approach. Whether it's mastering a new trick, making friends, wooing the hot person that caught his attention, or trying to figure out the monster that is Algebra, Kyle never gives up. Even in his down periods, in the back of his mind, he knows he has to face what nearly destroyed him. Remember, what doesn't kills you truly makes you stronger. His eyes being open to adventure and trying new things also extends to befriending someone who might be his polar opposite. Sometimes he isn't met with the most positive reaction due to his ability to come off as obnoxious and simpleminded (not his words, but it's been said in the past to his face) - but he always means well. In both friendship and romance, Kyle only has the best intentions at heart. As overbearing as he might be and as annoying others might find him (ask his younger sister), Kyle will persist. He's tenacious like that. Sometimes, however, Kyle is oblivious to what others want. Or more like he'll be so lost in his own head, believe that the best thing for him is to succeed after he has failed, that he'll lose sight of something even more valuable. In his mind, losing often doesn't come into play unless all options have been explored. Sometimes Kyle doesn't acknowledge that some things weren't meant for him to succeed. And that's really the worst thing about him. A special kind of stubbornness that takes form in his dedication to win. B I O G R A P H Y There is a love story that holds a lot of importance in the Skating and Surfing worlds. Two cultures that have often been associated with each other, yet both have significantly different vibes (as the kids say). Surfers are laid back and relaxed. They are very much “go with the flow”, as is the requirement of their sport. ____________________________________________________________________________Meanwhile, skaters are rowdier. They live by a “live free or die trying” creed. They are rebellious and not always law-abiding. They are rough around the edges and usually come from broken homes. Their aggression takes form int he music often associated witht hem. And their tricks are flashy. Very much a “high risk and high reward” style. And yet if you really think about it, they aren’t all that different. That’s what brings us to how these two collide and why it is so relevant to Skyler and Malina Vass. IT is because their parents comes from both worlds. And much like their parents, they followed in the same footsteps. In the shadow of Akoni Vass, Skyler found a love in the freedom and the relaxed vibes that the ocean gave him, while Malina, who was very much like her mother, Mitsuki Watanabe. Aggressive, graceful, and full of attitude. And the story of how Akoni and Mitsuki met is something of a romantic tale that goes back nearly thirty years. Akoni, a native to the Island of Oahu, Hawaii, came from a long line of Big Wave Surfers. And he was a gifted one at that. At just twenty years old, he was in the surfing finals in 1985. It was him and an Australian by the name of Jason Dust (clearly not his real name but that’s what everyone called him). He got the name in how he always left everyone in his dust and won every competition he paritipated in. And this one was no different. While he lost in the competition, it was after that a nineteen year old Japanese girl came up to him. She introduced herself as Suki. They talked for ten minutes about how close he came and how hse was rooting for him. She said she had been following his career for a few months and how she admired his talents. And then at the luau, they talked some more. They’d spend the entire night off on their own, talking about anything and everything: their hobbies, interests, what kind of music they liked, what kind they hated, their favorite food, least favorite, and pretty much everything came up. It’s funny. They were two people who met by chance. She was visiting her grandfather who lived on the island and there she met the boy who would become the love of her life - only it wasn't at that moment. It wouldn’t be until twelve years later at the 1997 Summer X-Games that were being hosted in San Diego where he’d see Suki again. It didn’t matter that he received international success as a multiple award-winning surfer and had made a name for himself, or that so much time had gone by since he last saw her, Akoni knew her face almost immediately. And when she took gold in the Vert event by landing a 720 tailgrab and she was getting honored, he thought about all the time wasted and he rushed to the podium. Of course, security recognize dhim and in a rare moment, they let him go on stage. After several moments of letting the audience realize that Akoni Vass was in the crowd, he went straight to Suki, knowing full well she knew who he was (or so he hoped) and he stumbled through his words only to say “frick it” into the microphone and got down on one knee. “We haven’t seen each other in so many years, but I never forgot you. Suki, marry me babe!” And she didn’t hesitate to say yes. On the day where, until five minutes before seeing Akoni, her biggest thought was how happy she was about all of her hard work paying off. But after it all, now she was engaged to the person she’d spend the following 20+ years with and have two amazing children with. And no matter how many times the story gets told in their household, both Kyle and Malu never seem to be able to fake their smile. It is more than just a nice, romantic tale about how two people who didn’t think they’d ever see each other again end up not only finding their way back to each other, but carpe diem life. It’s about how all the success in the world never fill the void of true happiness. But one big takeaway they both have (albeit for very different reasons) is how their parents’ story, much like the old tradition, is also their legacy. For Kyle, he has always saw it as inspiration. The hope that you might not always succeed, but never giving up has stuck with Kyle all his life. Not only does he take after his father in the passion he followed, but many who have seen them together have said that they are alike in so many ways: their thrill for adventure, love for Hawaiian classics like dry seaweed and loco moco, and the completely approachable personality. But the biggest thing that they are often compared to each other for is their ability to piss off the women in their lives. Kyle is young, so he doesn’t know better, but Akoni is almost fifty, so you’d think he wouldn’t be a literal manchild, yet he constantly proves this whenever he and his boy decide to go on one of their spending spree at whatever toy store they can find. But you can’t say that they don’t make things interesting for whoever is waiting on the other end of one of their wild adventures. S C H O O L I N F O G R A D E Y E A R 12th - Senior G P A & A V E R A G E 2.9 || C+ average with your occasional B and rare A E L E C T I V E C L A S S E S Yoga & Acrobatics E X T R A C U R R I C U L A R ∞ Surfing (for Delbrook) in the spring; otherwise, he does it as a passion. T R A N S P O R T A T I O N Kyle drives a dark blue 2021 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 P L A N S A F T E R G R A D U A T I O N As if it wasn't obvious, Kyle wants to go pro. As in be like his father was at his age and go pro in Surfing. It's his biggest passion and, even though he might be the captain of DA's surfing team, it's not enough. At the end of the school year -- spring season, to be specific -- he won't be the captain anymore. So Kyle hopes this last year will open doors for him. He hopes that he'll make it big and really get off to the right foot. If not, then there's always being like Mr. Beast and becoming the biggest stunt Youtuber the site has ever seen. That'd be fun, right? ____________________________________________________________________________ A F T E R - S C H O O L I N F O E M P L O Y M E N T Due to his surfing and acrobatic stunts and how-to videos on Youtube, Kyle makes anywhere from 1k to 7.5k dollars per month due to the consistent sponsorships he gets from companies such as Raid: Shadow Legends and SquareSpace. F A V O R I T E P L A C E S ∞ Really any beach, but he has a preference for Hunnington Beach ∞ Abalone Cove Shoreline Park (for cliff jumping) ∞ Driving along the SoCal coastline during sunset and sunrises ∞ Finding any hidden dives to chow down at after a hard day of surfing R E S P O N S I B I L I T I E S ∞ Captain of the Surfing Team #GoRisingTides ∞ Does being chill and awesome count? No, then probably making sure his sister doesn't get into trouble ∞ Managing his social media accounts and making sure he keeps his presence on them consistent ∞ He pays for his own phone bill and car insurance and he has been on time with them for most of the time. ____________________________________________________________________________ O T H E R
T H E M E S O N G Gimme That Sunshine - Animal Island Face Claim: Booboo Stewart - | #7fffd4/Aquamarine |
![]() QUOTE "Ace in the hole!" | PROFILE Full Name: Sivus Veritas (not public knowledge). Date of Birth: March 22, 2155. Species: Turian Gender: Masculine Age: 28. Occupation: Bouncer for Chora's Den || CI for C-Sec Service Rank: Manditary service with the Turian Military → Part of the Cabal Vanguard Shock Troop Unit Profile: Cabal VanguardPowers: Belongings: Shockwave Barrier Lift Throw Armax Arsenal Crossfire Assault Rifle Hahne-Kedar Kesler Pistol Custom-made Turian Vanguard Armor outfitted with biotic enhancing technology |
______________________________________![]() | ![]() ![]() "The road to hell is paved with good intentions. |
![]() ___________________________________ N A M E Damien Moses Blake A G E November 9th, 18 G E N D E R Cismale S E X U A L I T Y Pansexual P L A C E O F O R I G I N [London, England N A T I O N A L I T Y British-American E T H N I C I T Y English and Greek ___________________________________ A P P E R A N C E
___________________________________ R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S Single for now F A M I L Y Mother Amelia Blake — Mother (Alive) Father Hades (King of the Underworld & Lord of the Dead) Siblings Erin Maree Chase (Older Half-Sister) Nico Di Angelo (Older Half-Brother; Camp Alum) Bianca Di Angelo (Older Half-Sister; Camp Alum) Hazel Levesque (Older Half-Sister; Camp Alum) Stepmother Persephone (Goddess of Vegetation) L E G A C Y Hecate (Goddess of boundaries, crossroads, witchcraft, and ghosts) P E T S Onyx, a black ceberus who has the visage of a black pit.. Damien always felt a certain pull towards those given bad reps and pitbulls are probably the most misunderstood of all dog breeds. || "A loyal partner-in-crime. He won't attack you if he doesn't perceive you as a threat to me. And he only attacks on my command." ___________________________________ ![]() | ____________________________________________________________________________ L I K E S ✔ His mother, stepmother, and legacy-mother. Let's just say, while Damien can't stand his father, the three women in his life mean the world to me. ✔ Anything rock and roll. This could range from the music, to bands, to lifestyle, to even the fashion. ✔ The original Coc-a-Cola. Yes, that means the one with a bit of cocaine in it. D I S L I K E S ✘ Hades - as if this needs any explanation. Damien hates his father with a passion. ____________________________________________________________________________✘ Excessively positive people. Not that he dislikes them personally, but too much positivity gives him indigestion. ✘ Mainstream pop music. Yes, he's aware this makes him a hipster. Yes, he's aware that it's popular for a reason. Still doesn't change the fact he can't stand the overproduced garbage. ✘ Church and most religions other than the religion of worshipping rock and roll. This has less to do with him being the son of the Greek Satan and more to do with his athetist-esque beliefs, which he is aware is ironic considering he's a demigod. P E R S O N A L I T Y Honest → Selectively compassionate → loyal →moderately antisocial → volatile (in good ways and bad) → spiteful → holds grudges Damien isn't one to always be forthright with how he really feels but he also isn't afraid to speak his mind should he feel the need to. He's pretty unpredictable in that way. Another fact about him is his tendency to hold onto grudges from years past. See, loyalty and trust has always been a rare thing for him. You can blame it on his father if you want (he sure as hell will), but he's been wronged so many times that Damien just doesn't have it in him to outright trust someone. But, if you can somehow manage to prove to him you're worthy of his trust, he'll give you loyalty in return. Break it and you'll find out just how much of his father's petty he really inherited. ____________________________________________________________________________As a lover, Damien is somewhere between a passionate romance to someone who will make your exes jealous. And he doesn't mind being that for people. He's never been too picky when it came to whoever he boned. Honestly, he's never had a monogamous relationship in his life. Granted he's only 18, but the fact remains. He might be Hades' son, but one might venture a guess as to how much like Zeus he really is. Eh, probably too much if he gets around as much as he does. B I O G R A P H Y Balance is the key to everything in the universe. For every action, there’s an opposite and equal reaction, right? For every good thing you do, it is often followed by a mistake of equal proportion. And just like that, for every Erin Chase, whose relationship with Hades, while not ideal, was decent, there is a Damien Blake, someone whose thoughts about Hades border on homicidal. And that’s on a good day. ____________________________________________________________________________Damien’s contempt for Hades exceeds as far away from it centering around the King of the Underworld being an absentee father. Damien accepted long ago that Hades wasn’t going to be in his life in any traditional sense. He wouldn’t wake up to the smell of pancakes and his father reading the paper. He wouldn’t experience typical father-son moments like playing catch, talking about girls or why Donald Trump is a moron. Or argue with his father about why the latter supports Boris Johnson. If only it were that simple, right? Growing up in London, Damien always had to fend for himself. His mom, as much as she loved him, couldn’t prepare him for everything. Their neighborhood was one of the many bad ones that were filled to the brim with criminals and drug dealers and all kinds of unsavory types, but his mother Amelia Blake was always his rock. And until a point in his life when he couldn’t rely on her, she was the person who gave him the strength to be strong. The person who he knew would always make his bad days okay again. No matter what happened, Damien could always rely on her. But unbeknownst to him, Amelia had made a literal deal with the devil. But this devil wasn’t Lucifer Morningstar or even the other devil-like figures in the various mythologies. This devil was sly, handsome, and a real charmer (his mother’s words, obviously). But he was also a bitter, scarred bastard and forced Amelia into a deal: in exchange for allowing Damien to know his humane side, Amelia could raise Damien for a full decade. From birth to his tenth birthday, he was going to live with her, but after his tenth birthday, the clock ran out and he would be whisked away from her and live in the underworld with Hades, his father. This is why Damien hates his father. He stole him away from the only parent he ever gave a damn about. It didn’t matter if life in the underworld was different and objectively amazing (his father’s words), Damien never let up on his anger. From ten until fourteen, he lived in the underworld, but during those times - especially after the first two years - Damien made trouble for Hades. At some point, he imprisoned Damien as a bizarre form of being grounded. The only contact he had was with his stepmother, Persephone and Persephone’s close companion, Hecate. It was Hecate who Damien felt the most drawn to. Maybe it was his natural affinity towards the dark side of things or his anger, but throughout his time in the underworld, which that in itself must have made time go by a lot slower, because his time spent studying under Hecate, learning from her, and generally feeling like he was some kind of adopted child of hers -- okay, maybe he was more like a student -- there was no doubting that he and Hecate shared a bond. After a few years locked away in the underworld, Damien made a daring attempt in escaping. He knew Hades would be mad, but who the fuck cared about him, anyway? With the help of his Legacy, Hecate, she opened up a portal from the Underworld to Long Island, New York. It was the place where Camp Half-Blood was and it was the only place he could go to be truly safe from Hades. And he did. And for nearly four years, he had been at Camp Half-Blood. For nearly four years, Damien Blake has held onto the hatred for his father, vowing one day he would go back to the underworld and kill his father. And maybe, one day, take over the underworld for himself. Maybe it was a big dream, but someone had to do it, right? D E M I G O D I N F O C A B I N ____________________________________________________________________________Cabin 13, Hades (King of the Underworld) Y E A R S AT C A M P Technically, three and a half since he arrived on his fourteenth birthday, but the official record states it’s been four. F A T A L F L A W Holding onto grudges and his temper (when it comes to certain individuals). R E S P O N S A B I L I T I E S W E A P O N S • Shadowhunter - two short swords imbued with magical runes (gifted to him by Hecate). The runes themselves enhance sharpness and accuracy, but mostly against mythological creatures that threaten Damien's safety. • Unnamed - A set of eight throwing knives that were forged at the Camp Half-Blood forge upon his request for ranged weapons. A B I L I T I E S Damien's abilities include: Necromancy, Umbrakinesis, Limited Pyrokinesis, and Rune Spellcraft Necromancy: Due to being the son of Hades, which he may hate more than anything in the world, Damien cannot deny his powers, especially that of the dead. Like his siblings before him, Damien has a certain control over the dead such as reviving them, speaking with them, commanding skeletons to fight for him, or in his case, serve as his training dummies. Most of the dead souls and skeletons that Damien chooses to focus on are those who were warriors in their past lives. Since it's more than likely that he couldn't properly train against those who still live, Damien much prefers it this way. Making my Monster Grow!: Damien has the ability to raise dead souls (to an extent). And though he may be able to raise all sorts of souls of the deceased, his preference has always been those who were warriors in their past lives. And he, of course, can only revive a limited number, but since they do tend to serve a singular purpose, the amount of time they linger about is, of course, limited in a sense. I hear dead people: Damien has always had a somewhat unorthodox relationship with the dead. Due to this, his ability to hear them almost at any time he desired to, Damien could strike up conversations with the souls of the dead that might be in the process of crossing the Styx River or have been recently deceased. Though possible, talking to the dead across dimensions (i.e. those in the Underworld), does take just a little of added effort on his end. Nevertheless, there is something to be noted of his affiliation for the ghastly and strange. Umbrakinesis: As a child of Hades, Damien's affinity for darkness is apparent, he can control the darkness in most facets that are available to him. He can use it to travel in the shadows, bend it to cover his skin a protective layer of "shadow skin", as well as use it offensively in the forms of tendrils and bolts of darkness. Shredding Boundaries, man!: Damien's ability with the shared shadow travel his siblings have might be different than theirs. Of course, they all share the same principles, which is using their connection to the underworld and their father to travel using the shadows, but in Damien's case, his is more of a strategic usage. Since he himself, at his core, is a warrior. As such, not only does using it not tire him out as it would others who can use this ability, he does not use it to travel great distances but rather a few feet, though using it in rapid succession (more than 5 times in less than thirty seconds) would have the same effect on him as it would those who use it to travel across state lines. This is because he is also actively using other abilities in battle, so there is also that to consider. Shrouded in Darkness: Manipulation of darkness takes another form for Damien as he can wrap himself in the shadows that cover either parts of his body or its entirety depending on what he desires. It acts as a second layer or slightly harder skin that, to its touch, is like a smooth surface but can withstand multiple blows from steel. But as great as it is, if partially donned, then his other umbrakinesis-related abilities will be weakened equal to how much of his body is covered. If he choses to give all to his defense, then he won't be able to use any of his other umbrakinesis abilities. And donning it completely will gradually drain him over time. Spikes and other Things: Offensively, Damien can manipulate and generate darkness into tendrils that come from the ground with the intent to impale his desired target. And likewise, he can create bolts of dark energy that look like a blackened version of Zeus' lightning bolt and it may seem like that too, but when it hits, it's just condensed, dark energy that has high concussive force behind it. And depending on how much focus he puts into it, they will either have the power of a soft punch or that of a wrecking ball. Of course, both come with their drawbacks: weaker bolts and tendrils will be able to be used several times over until he is drained while those with the potnetial for higher damage output would drain him severely. Limited Pyrokinesis: Being the son of Hades makes his ability to create and manipulate hellfire a given, but Damien is not, as one might put it, a pyromaniac. As such, he is not so skilled in it. He can create fireballs and fire bolts, but as for the more complicated abilities, he does not have an inkling of potential there. Spellcraft: Call it a gift from the goddess that may have taken something of a special interest in Damien. Hecate imbued him with the knowledge of spellcraft, which he took and built upon it, focusing on offensive and battle-centric runes. Whether they are the battle runes that were engraved on his body (generally ones that enhance physical capabilities and accuracy), or on his Shadowhunter blades, Damien would consider himself very adept when it comes to general spellcasting. And one might even find that he's extremely grateful to Hecate for it, as he uses it frequently in battle. O T H E R
T H E M E S O N G Face Claim • Jamie Campbell Bower || Dialogue Color • #6699cc |