Avatar of AlteredTundra


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3 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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24 - Green Ranger - Part-Time DoorDash Driver/Full-Time Adrenaline Junkie - 5'9" - Gregg Sulkin

Like a true nature child
We were born
Born to be wild
We can climbed so high

Character Description

Levi has always been a thrillseeker, a boy who wanted to prove to the world that he wasn't afraid.

Growing up in Angel Grove, he was always a hyperactive knucklehead (though most people just called him an idiot) who got into trouble. It started when he was an infant and he'd make himself the center of attention by drawing it from anyone he could and getting it from anyone he could. At his core, he is a fun-loving person and this always came through as much as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. His parents always encouraged him to live his life as long as he maintained at least some form of boundaries.

But to a thrillseeker, to someone whose high came from that brush with death, boundaries don't mean the same thing to him as they do to most people. Between his indulgences in wave boarding (that eventually became hover wave-boarding) to skating and rock climbing and basically any extreme activity that would satiate that desire for the rush, Levi kept pushing his body to the max, kept pushing his mind past the limit, and kept busy. and sometimes he would even venture into places he may or may not be allowed to step foot on.

As someone whose greatest academic accomplishments were graduating high school with the bare minimum GPA requirement, he was never someone who could understand anything past basic communication. Technology wasn't his strong suit and if you were to ask him about any current events, he'll just give you a blank expression. Instead, Levi will cheer you on and support you if you're going through anything difficult and he'll make you laugh and help you feel better by being a solid friend. In that, he is without a doubt the smartest man in the room. His heart is huge. And really, that's what's most important, right?



☠️ LOCATION ☠️ Hades Cabin — Graveyard
☠️ INTERACTION ☠️ Old friend @MarshiestMallow


Girls with mother issues was a foreign subject for Damien, because he couldn't relate, or didn't find himself relating to it. The truth was that he had an amazing relationship with the women in his life, especially with those who weren't directly related to him or didn't have any sense of familial significance to him. His mother was a godsend and one of the strongest people he has ever known. Persephone was someone he didn't think would be so kind to him, but maybe it was their distinct dislike of Hades that made it easy for them to get along. Of course, Erin was someone he was massively protective over.

And then there was Sera and ALina. Sera was someone who he enjoyed sparring with. She may have gotten the one-up on him today, but he'd get his revenge on her sooner than she realized. Alina was fun and a likeminded individual when it came to the concept of relationships (spoiler alert they didn't care about monogamy).

But dead mothers? Yeah, Damien couldn't relate. But then again, maybe he could? It was weird, but he almost found himself identifying with that need of wanting to spend time with one's mother. Hell, if his father wasn't such an omnipotent, all-seeing prick of a father, maybe he could just...go see his mother right now.

Kalinda, apparently, didn't have that luxury.

And damn it, Damien actually felt sorry for her. Not the kind that came out as pity, but a genuine remorse for someone who wanted to make things right.

But he hated that she was expressing some kind of regret for feeling that way.

"Damn it, stop saying sorry for something out of your control!" Obviously, that hit a nerve. "What kind of stone do you want for her? Do you want any special engravings on it? I mean, since we're in a graveyard and there are plenty of empty gravestones, I can get it done for you, well.." He expelled out a small laugh and raised up his right arm, extending it to the side. The palm was open and fingers faced towards the back of the graveyard. A magical rune appeared on the ground three paces in front of him and behind his throne and about ten skeletons with pickaxes and various engraving tools arose from it. "Just tell them what you want and it'll be done."

"Sire, what is it?"

"Good news! You won't be sacrificed today! Instead, Kalinda here will tell you want she wants to be engraved on that there headstone and you'll do it." Damien stared at the empty eyes of the souls of the dead that possessed skeletons with parts of the skin still on the bone. "Fail and then I'll sacrifice you. To Onyx!"

As if on queue, his black pitbull-looking hellhound made his presence known and struck the fear of their sire into their barely alive eyes.

And then they walked up to Kalinda. "Mistress, what would you like for us to do?"



Location: Outside of Home → Delbrook Academy Parking Lot (before school)
Interactions: Her idiot brother

Outfit for The Vass Siblings


"I swear, if that idiot doesn't hurry up, I'm going to risk it and ride to school myself."

Malu was beyond pissed and it was for a good reason, too.

For as long as she's been attending Delbrook Academy and, hell probably ever since she's been going to school, Malu Vass has never missed a day. She never took a sick day or decided to play hooky because her friends wanted her to go to the beach or just game. No, she never did this because Malu had her eyes on what was beyond next week's test. Malu knew from a young age she wanted to make something of herself. She didn't know exactly what that was, but knew if she could get into a good college, then maybe she might figure it out once she got accepted. All she knew was that acing tests and having perfect attendance were just a couple of ways she might achieve this.

But, of course, as her brother proved time and time again how consistent he was at testing her every button, she stood outside of the Vass home, dressed in her usual summer wear of jean shorts and white top, tapping her foot impatiently against the ground. Curses of all sorts flew out of her mouth in a low tone. She was counting down the seconds she was expecting him to show.

As the final seconds of the last minute Malu could spend standing, waiting for her brother, she was growing so furious that it could no longer be restrained to her gripping her board tightly nor tapping her foot. By this point, Malu was visible fury.

And, of course, that would be the time that her brother’s truck came speeding down the street.

And when it came to a stop, opposite of a glaring Malu, Kyle was smiling at her, eyes partially closed. As if he thought that giving her his trademark “I’m sorry” face was going to make up for making her wait until the literal last minute.

“Sis, I’m so sorr—”

Malu cut him off as she tossed her board into the trunk, and climbed into the passenger seat. “Save it!” She sternly told him. She leaned back into the seat and looked at him with the same scathing gaze that was trademark for her. “Don't just sit there like a dog waiting for a bone!” She gestured to the road in front of us. “Drive, you moron!”



Location: Homeroom → Lacrosse Field/Carnival
Interactions: Sister, DANGERRRRRRRRR @King Kindred



After they finally arrived at the Delbrook Campus, not even a second after his truck came to a stop did Kyle frantically see his sister hop out and grab her board. She didn’t even give him a hug or kiss goodbye. She didn’t wait for him to wish her a good day, which after the fact he realized was weird considering they’d have the same class this year. But still. Rude.

As he sulked for a few moments, Kyle took a glance behind him and admired his surfboard. The reason he was almost late wasn’t because he was slacking off. He just knew that there would be some killer waves to come in, so Kyle did the thing that always came naturally to him: he woke up at 3am, took a shower, and surfed for a few hours. Of course, where he surfed wasn’t practical considering he lived in Long Beach.

The waves he rode were in San Diego.

Yeah, maybe he understood why Malu was mad. Or maybe she just needed to chill. Or maybe she hasn’t pulled that stick out of her ass ever since her last relationship fizzled out. Truth be told, there wasn’t much Kyle could do there. She got with this person and they dumped her. And instead of dealing with it like the more mature sibling she claims to be, she lashes out at him just because he chose to go to the San Diego Beach and ride some waves on a school day.

“And I’m the rude one?”

Kyle shook his head and went to get some food, then went to class.

As the morning progressed, Kyle deduced a few things were made obvious. Number one was the most obvious and that was the incredible discomfort he found himself experiencing when he realized that one of his best bros, Cassian, his little sister sat behind him. And throughout most of that time spent trying to focus on whatever Miss Goldman was saying, he felt the tug internally between wanting to acknowledge her (yes, he’s aware that’s bad) and ignoring her existence for obvious reasons, but also because her brother was sitting in the next row and a couple of seats behind him.

So all in all, Kyle didn’t hear a single word that she said, but before he realized it, the Principal appeared on the screen. Kyle was getting ready to prop up, but when the old man told them to stand up for the pledge, there seemed to be a few others that just groaned when they stood up. And after it was all done, the old man talked a bit about what the year was going to look like.

When Mr. McGregor mentioned homeroom, there was a feeling of dread that passed through Kyle’s entire body when he realized he’d be in hell with one of his best bro’s little sister behind him and Cass watching like a hawk. Or maybe he wouldn’t. All Kyle knew was that he was in for one hell of a last year.

And after they were left go. And after the assembly ended, which left Kyle feeling a lot better than he had all morning, he was pumped. The Carnival was awaiting the most chill, yet most hypest surfer in all of Delbrook and Long Beach.

“Let's do this!” Kyle pumped himself up.

With a loud “wooo!”, he took to a charge towards the lacrosse field.

Kyle went deep into the carnival and had his eye on that big hammer thing with the bell...what was it called again? Honestly, Kyle never knew the name of it, but he knew that it was his favorite attraction alongside the ring toss. But it was the first thing he saw, so once he got his fill, he’d seek out the ring toss.

As the easily excitable surfer took off to a run, he found himself smiling. There were a couple of reasons for this. The bright lights from some of the more well-lit attractions and booths, the energy he felt when he stepped onto the field, but it was more than that, but also simpler. He was smiling because nobody was in line at the hammer-and-bell thing. So, he’d have first, second, third, and maybe if he was feeling lucky, fourth cracks at it.


He heard a murmur of his name being called out amongst the loud chatter and sounds. It caused him to stop and look around.

“Kyle! Over here!”

He heard his name being called again, but this time he found who was calling him.

“Oh no…” He shook his head. “Just...keep walking. Don’t do it. Yeah, she’s cute, but donnnn’t do it!”

As he repeatedly tried to convince himself that walking over to a cheek-to-cheek smiling Sandra was a bad idea, especially when she was wearing a really nice top--

Okay, you definitely shouldn’t be looking at what she’s wearing…

As Kyle half turned his gaze away from Sandra, he could still hear her call to him and he could still see her move her raised arm up in the air, as if trying to get his attention. If she had just learned when to quit, he could still make it to the hammer-and-bell game. It was less than ten feet away from him, but as he made a step towards it, he heard a gutwrenching sound that selectively paralyzed him only when he turned back around.

That sound that he heard was the godawful scream of one Alessandra Bishop after she found out how much force a speeding volleyball could dish out when it came into contact with the forehead

What felt like an internal struggle for Kyle was a simple game of tug-of-war. On one side, Kyle knew it wasn’t his job to go to her side, especially if it turned out she was okay. If he went over there and did make sure she was okay and wanted to leave, he knew she wouldn’t let him. God knew that if he did go over there, Kyle would curse himself because he didn’t want to give Cass the wrong idea.

But then the other side came into play.

Kyle was a good guy. Not only that, but all things be damned — including his kindasorta crush on Sandra — Kyle didn’t have it in him to leave Sandra, or anyone for that matter, laying on the ground after being struck in the face by a volleyball.

Rubbing his temples, he cursed himself and was running away from the hammer-and-bell game. He hadn’t looked back at it. He ran full speed to Sandra’s side and took a knee. Internally, he was still cursing but he couldn’t just leave her. “Hey, uh, you alright there, Ali?”
Here's my boy!



Potentially interested.

Well, I definitely am, but need to make sure I'm not overbooking myself.

If I do join, I might snag Thor and someone, maybe, who could fit my typical himbo vibe. Gotta have that idiot boy cause, ya know, it's me.
Bouncing back, boys!

Seeing the fireworks jump to the sky and greet the clouds in loud splendor left a bittersweet taste in Jackson Drake’s mouth.

Again, he had been forced to attend Camp Ridgewood, separated from just about every potential for fun that he could be having in town. Right now, he would be on main street, enjoying a classic Ridge-Dog, a cheese-stuffed sausage on a brioche sandwich roll with grilled peppers, onions caramelized until they resemble jam, and topped with a special sauce that consisted of Japanese mayo and a slight drizzle of balsamic vinegar. Just that little hint of the tart, bitter, sour, sweet balsamic makes the whole thing come together.

And of course, he would be hanging with his boys - his crew that he did everything with.

Jackson was missing it because, of course, Felix Lopez, one of the more reputable teachers at the middle school he recently graduated from, had felt the need to put his name down. Jackson was getting older. Lopez knew this and he wanted Jackson to experience the camp life as much as he could. And it wasn’t like Jackson hated being at camp. It wasn’t far from town, so if he really wanted to go home, as much as he knew Felix would hate it, Jackson could just ride the trail down the mountain.

It would be so easy to just head back home.

But Jackson hated easy. Easy was the coward’s way out. Easy was wearing floaties when you were learning how to swim. Easy was using Youtube when you struggled with a trick.

Jackson hated taking the easy way out. If he didn’t persevere, then how would he know what his limits were? Well, okay, he doesn’t know his limits for everything. He doesn’t know how many RidgeDogs he can eat in one sitting nor does he know how long he can go breathing underwater without wimping out.

What Jackson does is this: as tempting as it was, he wouldn’t go down the trail. Instead, he would sit at the edge of the cliff, phone in hand as his board was in his lap. He kept his eyes on the display of fireworks that continued.

And that was when he heard his phone buzz in his hand and that immediately caught his attention for a few reasons. Maybe, the most jarring was how, recently, cell service had been in a fritz today. No matter how hard Jackson tried, he couldn’t contact anyone that wasn’t outside the camp. For some reason, one of those who were in his contacts that were on campgrounds currently could be reached.

So, why of all times, was he getting an alert saying he got a fucking E-Mail?

Opening the email, he read it and it made no sense. Jackson read the wordy email and it made no sense. Someone named Jericho Watson, who went on to talk about something that he clearly didn’t know anything about. Did Jackson claim to see two giant ass monsters fight about six years ago? Yeah maybe. And did anyone believe him? Well, the local conspiracy theorist had a few ideas, but by the time Jackson’s parents had him go through the motions of seeing kid-friendly therapists, they deduced that it was just his wild imagination.

He was eight, after all. Who the hell would believe the wild and active imagination of an eight-year-old kid?

Laughing, Jackson just closed the email and deleted it. “Whatever man!” Remnants of his laugh carried into a sigh and Jackson looked at the sky. “Yeah...It was made up.” As he spoke, he blinked once and swore he saw something spark above the fireworks, the faintest sight of something...different than what he should be seeing. Like something flying that looked too...green to be anything in the sky.

“Oh, great you’re seeing things again.”

And when Jackson shook its head, it was gone. Gone, but what did that mean?

Nothing. Because that’s what it was. You were seeing nothing but your hunger getting the better of you.

Maybe...Maybe Jackson needed to get some food.

Yeah, that was a good idea. And that’s what Jackson did. He got up and went to the mess hall, hoping an evening snack may just help him not pretend like he saw what he did six years ago.



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