Avatar of AlteredTundra


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2 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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Physical Description
Everything about Daichi is about as average as one gets. Among his peers, he is seen as short since most of them tower over him, but he’s always thought of his 5’5” height to be normal for someone like him. People always have their opinions and they’ve always been as harsh as Hokkaido winters. His sandy blonde hair and deeper golden eyes have always stood out. Something he inherits from his mother without a doubt. He’s a fairly lean boy with not much going for him in the way of muscle.

Personal History
Ever since Daichi was young, he always had certain difficulties. It wasn't just because he was the only son of two pro heroes who operated out of Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan nor was it because when they weren't around, Daichi was raised by a rotating door of nannies, butlers, and sitters. Yeah, he grew up wealthy because his parents did well for themselves: Ice General and Mother Nature, one of the few husband-wife duos of heroes.

No, the reason that Daichi struggled was, early on, he displayed behavioral issues. He wasn't temperamental or needy or really anything like that. As a young boy, he was fairly mild compared to other kids his age in similar backgrounds. His issues were behavioral because, as professionals examined him, while he proved to be normal in most areas, what these professionals deduced was that Daichi showed signs of having an unique form of split personality disorder where instead of two separate identities living in the same mind, his ability to distinguish who he is really was divided among two core people: his parents.

Over the years, Yukino Yukiyama and Shizen Chikyu, otherwise known by their hero names Ice General and Mother Nature respectively had tried their best to ensure their son got all the help he could. They hired the best therapists, gave him everything he needed: love, attention, but they could only do so much. Eventually, as it would turn out, Daichi's problems and the further ones that he'd face in the future, would be in his hands especially as his quirk had manifested when he was eight years old. A freezing quirk at its core that only worked on natural ground. A fitting quirk for someone who comes from the lineage that he does.

With the tools at his disposal, Daichi was enrolled into the best elementary school that his parents could find. He ended up making friends, though some took issue to his unique personality (or lack thereof). Bullies became the norm, but no matter what, he always wore a smile. Torture was the name of the game in the cold, cold world of elementary school and kids were as cold as the winters in Sapporo, yet Daichi never wavered. His smile and apparent optimism persisted. He endured like the cold he grew up in, always remained grounded in the one thing he come to discover about himself. It wasn't the whole package to his identity and he didn't know if he'd ever know that for himself, but sincerity was key. Sincerity was the only way you could survive in the face of despair.

This helped him through the last years of elementary and middle school until he took the entrance exams for Isshin Academy. While he didn't pass with complete flying colors, what he did pass with was enough to pass the written exam. The next stage was even more difficult but Daichi persisted. He faced the adversity with a smile. Someday, he would know who he was meant to be. Whether that's grounded like his mother or cold like his father. He'd face it as The Sincere Hero.

Character Arc
Daichi is a character who was born in the middle of two forces pulling at him. One represents his father, the cool, powerful hero who always knows what to say and never lets his emotions get the better of him, while one represents his mother: a nurturing, sensitive soul who is a master at PR and public speaking. These two sides of what influenced him the most were always something that divided him in more ways than one. Eventually, it divided his personality and shook his confidence, splitting it right down the middle. His whole journey is about being decisive about himself. Who is Daichi? Is he the in-charge man that his father shows or is he the attentive friend with a heart that matches sincerity?

This is his character arc. By understanding who he is and who his true self is, Daichi will be able to grow stronger as a person. He is useless if his foundation is as unstable as his ability to make a decision about something so simple as an everyday interaction.

Quirk Description
Altered Tundra is a quirk that is both literal to its name and more complex than the name implies. At its core, Daichi's quirk can rapidly decrease the core temperature in the ground, freezing it solid by the physical touch of his feet. By decreasing the temperature, he literally alters the ground, making it both solid and brittle enough to be easily broken (depending on what his intentions are). Daichi can control the state of its hardness, though going between the hardened ice state and making it brittle like an icepick about to snap off a ceiling in winter takes time to do so effectively.

With the combined elemental quirks his parents have - his father's absolute zero quirk and his mother's control over natural ground - the perfect marriage between the two have taken shape in his own. Daichi knows he lacks in some areas and because of his lack of mastery, specifically being able to shift between brittle and solid ice, he has a long way to go. As it stands now, he can only extend his quirk to five feet in any direction of him but only either with brittle ice that wouldn't take much to completely obliterate or the kind of dense frost on the ground that one might find on a frozen body of water in the winter. Maintaining either take an immense amount of concentration, something of which requires Daichi to remain as stationary as possible. If he doesn't, the stability of what he has frozen - brittle or firm - may be compromised and just shatter within seconds.

TIMESTAMP: Flashback || Sophomore Year - Spring Semester (right before Summer)



A week before finals and Danny was royally screwed. He only had a weekend to study for all the subjects he hated and all he could do was think about beating Rye in a stupid love game. Love… sex… same thing. They were both equally stubborn so neither were going to tap out just yet. The end of this coming summer would be the end of their game. They had made their bets at the winter formal when Rye sarcastically joked his fuck list — pardon the language — was larger than Danny’s. Danny took that personally.

Now he was sitting at a picnic table with his team, the legacies of the Elite, surveying prospects while the rest of them complained about school. If they got lower than a B that would mean they’d be put on probation from the team. None of them wanted probation. They loved basketball, it's what kept them going since most of them absolutely hated school. In Danny’s case it wasn’t school per say, it was the fact that he had to do homework and study. Homework sucked. Studying sucked. Okay, school sucked too. If he could, he'd skip highschool just to pursue basketball professionally. Unfortunately, his parents said he needed an education. How lame was that?

As he closely observed all the pretty girls, his mischievous gaze trailed from a cheerleader’s backside to her tight jean wearing, emo looking boyfriend’s booty. They weren’t facing him so he couldn’t make out who they were but the guy’s plump toosh was distracting as hell. Before he could get caught staring for too long, he brought his attention to his brothers-in-arms only for him to be rewarded with quite a disgusting sight.

Danny went from being turned on to disgusted in a matter of seconds. River Jansen, #33, junior and Clayton’s Power Forward legacy, was sucking face with his girl, primitively and without a care in the world who was watching. His girl? Side piece? Friends with benefits? Whatever they were, they needed to chill. He didn’t understand why River couldn’t wait until after school. Lunch was about to end too. If they really needed to release stress they could just go to the janitor’s room and do a quickie. Goodness, Danny hated PDA.

Rolling his eyes in annoyance, he noticed Mika too wasn’t pleased with the sight. Mikhail Zima was the late David’s legacy and he took this borderline porno in the courtyard as his opportunity to bounce. Smart move. Outstanding even. Why didn’t Danny think of that first? Tapping his pen on a notebook with unanswered math problems, Danny watched his bro pack his belongings. Mika explained how he didn’t need to get an earful from Mr. Beau for being late again. Danny could understand that. Mr. Beau was kind to a point. Poke the bear too much though? Then the gavel dropped.

Just like that, the team was saved by the bell and River was up from the bench, after he left a hickey where the cheerleader’s cleavage was. Once he gave Danny a high five, he disappeared with his girl. Out of sight, out of mind. Soon after, the rest of the Legacies said their goodbyes and strode to class. For a moment, Danny did find himself frowning as he tried to get a read on Mika, his biggest competitor. It was still unreal that David was dead and he wondered how badly that impacted Zima. Before Mika went inside, Danny called out, “Fourteen! Sunday morning, let's start our week right. You, me, Lyon Park.” When Danny wanted to meet at the park court that meant he wasn’t looking for a fair game nor was he looking to play by professional standards. He wanted to play some streetball, have fun, and best Mika. All things that would start Finals week right.

“Yeah, I’ll be there Twenty-Seven!” Mika halfheartedly waved with his back to the reigning captain, arm raised high over his head.

About the same time that Mikhail had disappeared with a crowd of people, another equal-in-height, fair-skinned boy by the name of Marco Brady had been secretly half-eavesdropping at the table nearby. Marco wasn’t intentionally listening in. He had honestly been trying to work up the courage to approach. For ten minutes, but all he could do was just sit as normally as he possibly could, listening to the banter between the Elites. River Jensen and his girlfriend, Mikhail being grossed out by it but not being as vocal as Danny was.

Marco was at the table next to them for a few reasons. He had actually ate lunch at the table, so it was just the perfect cover, but for a while now, Marco has been hardcore crushing on Danny Belmonte. He has been for close to a year now. Ever since the Carlisle house party, it’s only become stronger. More intense. He’s tried to date people here and there. Friends would set him up with girls, but Marco always blew them off (politely, mind you) because his heart was taken by another. Danny just didn’t know it.

But now that the coast was clear, Marco made his move, walking up to the table. “Hey Danny!” He greeted the Italian boy with a bright smile and a wave that made his stomach tighter than wearing his clothes from junior high. It was so awkward and he wasn’t sure what else to say. “Hope I didn’t catch you at a bad time! Just saw ya and thought I’d say hey..”

Marco Brady wasn’t someone Danny usually hung out with but since the party that Allison tragically died at they were more amicable with each other in the halls. They didn’t really hangout much outside of school but if Danny had to kill time in between classes or before practice and Marco happened to be there, why wouldn’t he talk to him? He was finding it oddly enjoyable, in a needed distraction kind of way, to listen to the soccer boy’s passions for Rock Lee and the sorts.

Honestly, prior to Marco, Danny didn’t do anything but live and breathe basketball. Well that was a lie, sorta. When he did have downtime, he carved wood in his dad’s man shed, planted flowers with his mother, played paintball with the boys, or watched films, usually of the spy or action-thriller variant. The Italian Stallion wasn’t a complicated boy, he knew what he liked and kept to it like clockwork. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t intrigued with the geek world, especially with how Marco talked about his interests.

He was so full of life, with an infectious smile. Excitable, like a hyperactive puppy. Undoubtedly and unapologetically himself, Marco made the young Captain of the Edenridge Celtics want to get into hobbies absolutely foreign to him. He even convinced Danny he could do more than just be a kitchen assistant. He made Danny believe he could actually cook a good meal. Marco would be a good salesman if he really wanted to. “Nah Pup,” Danny rested his chin on his palm, his elbow on his math notebook, as he glanced up to meet his unlikely friend’s gaze, “I got a free period now, so I’m just going to die here and try to study so my dad doesn’t kill me. How ‘bout you? Things been aiiight?”

Marco had partially frowned when he noticed how negatively Danny sounded when he spoke about studying. It was somewhat of a foreign concept to him because he did rather well with most subjects. English was one that he half-struggled with. “Anything I can do to help?” He asked, taking a seat opposite of Danny. “I got a free period too. I was originally gonna run a few laps. Coach Rojas said I could, but that can wait.” And there he went rambling on again. Marco really had the bad habit, especially when he didn’t know what point he didn’t want to get across. “I can help..if you want it!”

“I don’t even know where to start!” Danny dramatically complained as he looked down at his poor note taking and his study guides. “Like first of all, quizzes and tests should not exist. And secondly, why do I gotta’ get good grades to play basketball?” Whimpering like a big guard dog with a soft center, the thicker jock rested his head on his math notebook and lamented, “Just plan my funeral right now. Danny Belmonte. Death by school. Why live?” Maybe he should bug Rye to come over this weekend and help him study but the idea of studying and convincing himself to do just that was the initial problem. Danny did not want to study. At all. It wasn’t fun and quite frankly, it was a waste of time. Why was the world so cruel?

“There will be no dying today!” Marco protested with a smile and his usual positive outlook. He didn’t blame Danny for feeling like this about math. It was a hard subject. Geometry was hard if you didn’t understand the basics. He wasn’t doubting that Danny did, but stuff on the finals, or at least what Marco was assuming, was more advanced than what they had covered at the top of the year. “You have my sword!” Marco professed. He felt a need to stand up, but he settled for a slamming of his fist on the table in a dramatic way.

In faux amusement, Danny drawled, “Wooooo…” He was already exhausted from studying and all they did was plan to study together. “How about this,” Danny closed his notebook and gave the soccer jock a mischievous grin, “Why don’t you put your sword away, for now, and this weekend come over to my place and we go into battle, one subject at a time. Crash course it up! Studying like there is no tomorrow! But, for now…” Danny swiped all his things unceremoniously into his backpack, got up from the table, threw it over his shoulder, and gestured for Marco to follow him, “Wanna see something cool?”

Like the nerd that he was, Marco made a motion with his arms as though he was sheathing the invisible sword. His curiosity was piqued when Danny gestured to him. “Do I ever!” The usual optimism and high energy that Marco Brady embodied all day, every day, carried him into a brisk walk beside Danny.

“Do you like scary stories?” Danny walked through the courtyard and to the football field. There was no one there which made this journey quite blissful on this beautiful June day. As they walked through the field, heading straight to an area gated off, with unruly bushes, a couple of trees with creeping mildew, and leaves curled unhealthily, Danny strolled down the field, right in the center, making his way to this foreboding, off-limits, cut off section that was away from the rest of the world. A neglected part of the school grounds that could be a garden oasis if someone took the time to maintain it. “Do you know anything about the Unlucky Clover curse?”

“I grew up on Courage the Cowardly Dog, so that was pretty scary to endure through - but I loved it too!” It may not have been what everyone thought of first when the topic of scary stories came up, but it was the first thing he could think of as they walked across the football field. There was a lot of horrifying imagery that made a little Marco shit his pants one too many times, yet he never stopped watching it. Despite everything, it was one of his favorites. Even the King Ramses episode, which apparently everyone hated for a myriad of reasons. Shockingly, that was one of the few Marco didn’t get traumatized by.

As they reached their destination, Marco saw a lackluster section. He never saw nor heard of the part of school. He didn’t know it existed, but Danny Belmonte apparently knew a lot more than the Edenite of three years did. “Unlucky Clovers?” He repeated so he could think about it. The cheerleaders were clovers, right? Maybe it had something to do with that? No that couldn’t be it. “Well I know four-leaf clovers are lucky, so what is it like a five-leaf clover is bad luck?” Marco truly didn’t know -- at least, what he suspected he didn’t have enough confidence to put his guess out there. “Why? What are they? Where exactly are we, Danny?”

“1953. Karen Nowinski,” Danny began, as he forced the slit, cut by a student many years ago, of the chain link gate to open more. Gesturing for Marco to go into the thick of it first and to follow the faded gravel path, Danny watched the other boy carefully as he embarked on a storytime journey, “She was popular, pretty, and full of promise. AND she was the cheer captain of our Clovers, just like Allison was. The queen of the castle.”

In time, Danny was taking the lead again. The deeper they went into this forbidden overgrown garden, the creeper it got. It was quiet. Too quiet. All that could be heard was their footsteps on the ground and their soft breathing. “Someone like that could get anyone she wanted and she did. She was perfect. Why wouldn’t she? She sat on her throne, leading the Clovers to victory, and most importantly, she was seen. All she ever wanted was to be seen.” He paused, with fast reflexes he pulled Marco to him, catching his friend from almost tripping over a branch.

Whether it was the story that had his attention or he just didn’t see that branch, but Marco was falling forward. Thank god for the sturdy safety net in the form of Danny Belmonte. Chuckling as he collected himself, he said, “Thanks for that.” Marco wasn’t clumsy, but easily distracted, so he may as well be.

Danny continued.

“There was this one particular boy, shy and unassuming, Gregory Mooney was his name. Her boy next door loved her dearly.” He stopped in his tracks, seeing the apple tree that marked they were almost there. Almost to his spot, that wasn’t all bad once you went inside. “You know this place used to be beautiful. Back then Edenridge’s garden club took their job very seriously. Nowadays not so much. Under this apple tree here, Greg spilled his heart, telling her all his life he loved her and only her, and you know what? She liked him back. Loved him, she said. Of course… this isn’t a love story.”

Could have fooled me. But Marco was aware that this wasn’t a love story…despite everything being told. Danny said this was a scary story, so there was bound to be a plot twist somewhere. What could it be? Marco wondered as he looked at Danny with his undivided attention on the Italian jock.

Turning around to face Marco, Danny crossed his arms and sighed, really speaking passionately of his knowledge on this tale, “Her friends showed up and laughed at him. Laughed at him like he was a joke. A fool. And not good enough for Edenridge’s sweetheart. Karen didn’t, no couldn’t, lose face. If she did, she’d fall from grace. Be at the bottom. She couldn’t risk that. She couldn’t risk being ridiculed. She couldn’t risk being invisible. And so, she broke his heart. Shattered it. Setting her fate in stone.”

“How cruel,” he mouthed out loud. It didn’t anger him per se. He had to imagine things back then were different than they were now. People were more accepting of how their friends felt for someone else, or at least that’s what Marco liked to believe. His stomach tightened up. What was it he felt? Empathy pains? Yeah that’s probably it. Though maybe deep down, a sense of relation passed through him. Could that be his future with Danny? God he hoped not.

Finally, Danny led his friend to their final destination. A small building, disused and abandoned. An old girls bathroom, with nature taking over it. Over the years it became a safe place and sanctuary for teens. Whether they were burners or loners, or kids just needing to get away, this bathroom was here, ready to provide them shelter. Doesn’t change the fact that it was cursed. Haunted with dead cheerleaders, the story gods say. “This is the place Greg was found and arrested for the murder of Karen Nowinski. On the night of the annual basketball charity game, Celtics versus Monarchs, he drowned her in the lake cursing the Clovers for brainwashing her and blaming them for taking everything he ever loved away from him. All the best cheerleaders from that point on would be accompanied by misery and every so often a cheerleader just like her - popular, pretty, and full of promise - would see her… wet and with his hand marks around her neck… moments before they…” Dramatically Danny pretended he had a noose around his own neck, crossed his eyes and stuck his tongue out. To add to the theatrics, he made a sound like he was choking before he finished with a whisper, “…died.”

Marco jumped at that final word. The shock of the tale lingered for a few minutes, but the immediate reaction that he had with Danny’s choice of theatrics was a slight nudge of the larger boy’s shoulder. Of course, Marco being so tiny in comparison, it didn’t do much but the spirit of the act was there and couldn’t be denied.

As he took the next few moments to collect and run back everything Danny told him, his first thought was about how that story made him feel. His best friend was a cheerleader. He knew others, too, that were cheerleaders. At some point, he wondered, did they come to know this knowledge? Was it like a rite of passage for them? He could be jumping the gun. It’s not like he actually knew what it was like to be a Clover.

But holy heavenly spirit, this really wasn’t what Marco had expected. And now he couldn’t help but look around. Curiosity killed the cat, but the only animal around was the hunk with a morbid grin on his face and Marco, so they were safe. He started to walk around and examine the building and then the bathroom. He walked ahead, slowly but with the intent to explore, he stumbled upon a part of the building with a myriad of initials. “What’s all this?” He asked, turning his head and glancing at Danny, his right index finger of a half-bent wrist pointing to it.

“History,” Danny nodded as he stepped forward and traced his hand on the initials that decorated this wall. “As cursed as this place is said to be, the school deciding it should be put to rest, abandoned, just like the dead are, kids still found a way to it… a hideaway, an escape, a lover’s den,” Unintentionally, Danny glanced over at Marco when he said that last part: a lover’s den. His eyes fixated on the other boy’s gaze, before he smiled, “This is like sixty something years of kids making their mark.”

Stepping closer to Marco, leaning towards him, Danny’s chest brushed against the smaller boy’s side as he insisted, “Check this out.” He pointed to a SJ x SL. “That’s Officer James and Mrs. Ramsey, Mei’s mom, or well Miss Ling when she was younger. They were highschool sweethearts. Oh!” Danny shifted himself to where he was behind Marco and pointed to a cluster of signatures above them. RL, WR, JSW, SC, JC. “The Gallows. Jericho, the guy at the record store, says they were short lived but the music they produced makes you feel like… those that are meant to be, will be. Souls bound together connected by music. Connected by love. Connected by… fate.” He paused again, looking down at the boy following his hands with intrigue. There was a short instant where he felt like he was looking too long, so he brought his eyes back up to the signatures, keeping his mind distracted, for good reasons, “Sadly, all good things come to an end and they are now gold dust in Edenridge history. Pretty cool, huh?”

Danny wasn’t looking at Marco at this point. Whether he was standing close intentionally or not was hard to tell, but he made sure to keep his attention on the names and not the boy that was inches away from him. Danny hadn’t written his initials yet. It felt silly to do it alone, at least for him. But seeing all these kids of Edenridge’s past find sanctuary in a bathroom, writing their initials to engrave their presence, made him hopeful that though there was so much hurt and so much pain, there was still good in the world. David’s death hit home for him but he didn’t want to fail his memory, Coach’s legacy, or the Elite. He wanted to make them proud in the only way he knew how. He wanted to shine, just like them. All these souls, whether friends or lovers or perfect strangers, found each other and found this place. Souls bound. Soulmates. Souls turned stories. Beautiful, really, how all these alumni found their chosen family. Found home.

“Yeah..Pretty cool…” Marco spoke in a barely audible whisper-like tone, now realizing that Danny was behind him and so close that he could feel the significantly stockier boy’s voice on his skin, making it tingle to the point where Marco felt his arms and knees grow weak.

Focus, Marco. C’mon you gotta f-o-c-u-

But focus he didn’t. All his mind could think about, all Marco could allow himself to obsess over was his scent. Something about it was familiar. Sweet. Spicy. Intoxicating. His senses were blinded and caught off guard. He went forward, but as he tripped over what he thought was maybe a loose step was just air. It didn’t matter, though. As he tripped over something invisible, Marco fell back, feeling the backside of his shoulder blades hit Danny’s firm chest. He lost all sense of balance as he made a sound of panic. Words came but none of them were known to any recorded human language.

Breaking the fall with, well, with himself, Danny held Marco in his arms, steadying him and the soccer jock’s suddenly weak legs. He was surprised to see that Marco, even with his athletic build, was light as a feather and he assumed, easy to pick up. Leaning his head forward to get a better look at Marco’s face, Danny intently gazed into the other boy’s dreamy, hopeful eyes and asked, “Are you alright?” Concern was written on his face. He didn’t even realize how tightly he was holding onto Marco but what he was aware of was how gorgeous Marco’s eyes were, like a perfect spring sky. There was something about the way he smiled and how his face radiated warmth like the gentle sun that made it hard for Danny to pull away. He liked looking at Marco. “Do you need water?”

As he found himself in his crush’s strong, muscular, yet soft arms, Marco was in heaven. He felt lightheaded by whatever was happening at this very moment, but make no mistake: whether God was a man, woman, or some ambiguous, androgynous being, he was in their kingdom and had been transported by the Italian hunk who had the most compassionate eyes. Like a meadow under a sunset sky.

Wait what did he say again?

Marco blanked for a solid half minute before he heard it like it was a delayed reaction. “Huh? Oh, yeah I’m fine. I just lost my footing is all--” And got lost in that intoxicating aroma you wear.

As he was coming to his senses, Marco didn’t even entertain the thought of addressing the position they were in. This was his best case scenario come true and he’d be a fool if he was going to do anything to ruin that.

Relieved, Danny gave a winsome smile and muttered, “Glad, great.” There was a moment where he just stood in that position, holding Marco, in a stupor. Marco wasn’t the only one being lured by charm and an addictive scent. Even with Danny going through the motions of their shared moment, his expression was unreadable. The only thing that could be read was from the glint in his eyes, the heat behind his stare, and how he looked at the other jock with adoration. He could feel a natural pull while his gaze fell on Marco’s lips.

Unfortunately for Marco, all good things don’t last forever. The warning bell, while faint and distant, seeing how they were in a small abandoned building a way away, brought Danny back. Quickly evaluating his predicament, he gently stood Marco up and released him, stepping away. Hiding any sort of embarrassment behind his cool stature and strong physique, Danny rubbed his neck and gestured to the exit that led back toward the school, “We should probably get going. But yeah, I hope you liked..” he gestured around him to the old and unsupervised bathroom. “… this.” He hoped Marco also enjoyed the time they spent together. It wasn’t a lot, but each time they did he looked forward to seeing him again. Seeing that big, goofy grin. One could hope.

Marco was left feeling conflicted. As the subtle sound of the warning bell had snapped him out of the heavenly state he was in, he still couldn’t peel his eyes away from Danny’s. He was slowly collecting himself. He didn’t want this to end, but sadly Father Time didn’t wait for anyone, much less a crushing Marco. Danny motioned towards the exit and Marco’s legs started to move on their own. “Yeah! I loved it.” Marco was on autopilot. “It was…an interesting experience. This place has a…I don’t know what to call it, but I like it. A lot!” Of course, the main reason for that was because Marco came here with Danny and it was just the two of them. Even if Danny didn’t actually know how he felt, just being here with him was enough for him.

“Oh yeah!” Danny had just remembered as he turned around on his heel, only to realize it might’ve been too sudden for his comrade. The clumsy boy that was Marco Brady went straight into his chest and once again Danny was steadying his friend within an embrace. He chuckled this time, finding Marco’s accident prone trait endearing and adorable. “Sorry… I should’ve warned you. But yeah, quick question,” Danny cleared his throat, watching Marco with a soft, yet careful gaze, “My place or your’s?”

As he once again found himself blessed with a face-first full of Danny’s toned chest, something he wished he could stay in forever, Marco grasped onto whatever willpower remained and only had pulled away for a short moment, though not by much as he didn’t have that much willpower. He met Danny’s eyes. Maybe it was just him and this moment that he was creating a different version of in his head, but when Danny just randomly asked his place or Marco’s, his mind went alive, scribbling any and all possibilities. He didn’t want to assume. He didn’t want to but he also couldn't stop himself from entertaining the possible scenario that Danny wanted…to go to his place and be…alone.

No, he’s not like that. At least, I don’t think he is.

Looking up at him, Marco went the safer way and said, “I’m sorry? My place or yours?” He asked with as minimal hope as he could show on his face, yet a very small part of him was hopeful and more terrified than he was willing to admit that Danny was asking him out on a date…

This reaction was rewarded with confusion as the muscular jock asked, “For studying?” Danny knew if he failed finals his life was over but maybe Marco didn’t like this whole gesture to get him to be more comfortable with him as a friend. Danny thought if he showed a side of him to Marco that he hadn’t seen before — the one intrigued by local stories and secrets, the one who had his own sanctuary at school, and the one who wasn’t all testerone and did care about more things than basketball — then he wouldn’t regret helping him out. Did he get ahead of himself? Did he assume Marco liked him as a friend but really was just being polite? Did he force himself onto Marco and now he was left with no choice but to say yes he’d help him? Was this all selfish of him and Marco wasn’t getting anything in return? “If you don’t want to, I understand. I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want… or is there something you want? I can… sweeten the pot?”

Briefly, Marco could see another side of Danny. The side that thinks more than he gives off. A side full of self doubt as if one wrong move he makes, he’d upset someone. In Danny’s case, that would be his father. The man that expected him to do his best. Always his best. Danny didn’t want to lose his chance to have a study buddy but at the same time he didn’t want to force someone to do something they didn’t want solely because he was being desperate right now. Still, there could be the off chance that Marco actually wanted to help him. That Marco liked him beyond the obvious fact that Danny was a dumb jock. Or was he getting his hopes up on something that wasn’t true? Did Marco only like him because he was popular and hot? Did Marco even like him?

Almost immediately, he shook his head, waving his arms slightly. “Oh no no! I do I do! I just wasn’t sure what you meant is all!” He had to clear his head of all impure thoughts, all distractions and focus on what Danny asked. Before they came here, Marco offered to help him study. That’s what this was about. Marco’s initial offer to help Danny out. “We can go to your place if you want! I don’t think there’ll be any peaceful quiet at mine - not with my younger sister and brother.” Marco had a half-grimacing expression on his face. It wasn’t so much that they would bother Marco, but Marcella and Emiliano loved to have their own screaming matches. Sometimes it was about nothing. Actually, ninety percent of the time, it was about nothing worth all that energy, but those two were like Madara and Hashirama: always fighting no matter the circumstances. And of course, that led to Ma doing the same with them. Hardly what one might call ideal studying zen zone.

“Great, yeah, awesome!” Danny’s demeanor changed once more, relieved that Marco seemed to want to help him. All his worry was inside his head. He was doing the most by making up problems. Marco liked him. “I mean my house can get pretty loud too but we can drown out the noise with music. And,” he eagerly added, “My mom will definitely cook something big for dinner if she knows you’re coming.”

Grinning from ear to ear, Danny was now completely ecstatic at the possibility of not tanking his finals. He surveyed his study buddy, wondering already how he could properly thank him when this weekend was all said and done. Glancing at his wrist watch, he yelped in surprise, “Oh snap! We’re late. We better get going.” Instead of leaving right away, Danny gleamed at the boy, looking straight into his eyes with joyous admiration. Gently, he ruffled Marco’s hair and expressed his gratitude, “Thank you. This means a lot to me, and if you need anything, anything, I want you to know I’m just a phone call away.”

Under normal circumstances, Marco’s instinctual response might’ve been to push Danny’s hand aside, but never in a million years would he do that. Not with him. With a smile, he nodded. “I’ll hold you to that!” In a rare showing, Marco teased the hulking jock as he took the charge. As the Winger of the soccer team, Marco was fast. Haste might’ve been his motivator because they were late, but something in Marco came alive. Seeing the way Danny was looking at him lit a fire under him. How long that might last remained to be seen, but he was going to ride the storm for as long as the universe allowed him to.

Igarashi, Denki

I am the Storm
~"The calm before the storm."~

Apologies for the long ass wait, but completed sheet is a go!

Igarashi, Denki

I am the Storm
~"The calm before the storm."~

This was...a lot to take in. Most of it didn't make any sense and Damian was trying to wrap his head around it. He mentioned JC as a joke and, if he was being honest, a bit of a guilt-tripping tactic. How would he be able to predict it would result in them actually revealing that they had actual Gods in this world?

He glanced down at Frimon, who was emulating those around him the best that he could but just stared blankly up at Damian for a moment. Their eyes met and then suddenly a golden ring with weird markings on it was tossed their way. Damian caught it with one hand. It fit into his palm quite nicely. Like the size of a couple of golf balls, closer to the size of a baseball. As he looked at it, he noted it was sturdy and hard, yet lightweight. The ring might as well be a feather in his palm.

"But that ring can be wielded by your partner, to tell if another digimon has ulterior motives for you."

A crimson gaze went from the little pink Digimon who tossed the ring to him to the lion-looking one that was wrapped around his neck. He saw him eying the ring, a glint in his eye different than before. "Is it...mine?" Frimon asked, moving his face closer to it. Something about the golden collar-like ring called to him.

Even if Damian didn't quite understand what this meant, it seemed helpful. "Thanks for the assist! You're pretty rad!" Damian grinned, giving the little pink mon a thumbs up. As he did that, Frimon slid his head through the ring as it easily fit its fleshy mane through it and it secured perfectly around its neck. Damian looked down and smiled. "A perfect fit!"

"...Perfect fit." Frimon seemed uncertain what to say. He knew something about this was meant to be, but he lacked some knowledge to know exactly why that was. The only thing he knew was that the pink mon who had threw it was a friend in his mind.

Looking around, Damian mostly listened to the same pink mon that tossed the ring their way talk about some wise, not-so-old mentor who told them all about them (the humans, that is) and about some device that 'linked humans and Digimon', which they apparently had in their possession.

The girl who spoke up first was kinda right but Damian was feeling like he could trust these little pink mons. They were helping them out, which apparently they didn't need to. These devices sounded helpful, but they'd give them to Damian and the others if they could, right? "What about that...mentor they mentioned?" Damian asked. His red gaze went quickly to the others but then to those who were now in the bubbles. "I meaaan, the devices sound really useful and they seem like they'd be really helpful to us right about now but if you're not willing to part with them for whatever reason, could ya tell us where this mentor person lives?" He looked at the little pink mon that gave him the ring for his little shoulder bud. "That seems like a reasonable ask, right?"

Why did she always manage to get under her skin? Miki hated that about the icy blonde. Hated everything that she represented. The Alolan champion never wasted a single moment reminding Miki of that. She always thought she was hot shit, which was ironic since she looked like she came out of Lass Weekly. The hatred didn't come from her general personality and existence, though. It wasn't just because of her horrendous pokemon that Miki had occasionally caught on the television of whatever hotel or on the off chance she was at her home in Oreburgh City.

It was...everything. Everything about Melissa Elliot always rubbed her the wrong way. All of that superiority complex she had in her body and how she dressed made Miki Park's blood boil. Much like the fire types she believed were superior, she felt that red-hot anger boil to the surface, and Blitz, her Luxray had always been able to sense that in her. They had that close of a connection. As a result of that, as Melissa spoke ill of Miki, static was starting to be produced around the golden mane of her shiny Luxray.

She mulled over all of her words. She wanted to give Missy a piece of her mind, but as much as she wanted to (and she wanted nothing more than to wipe that smug expression off her face), Miki opted to use some restraint. "Not right now." She mouthed out loud enough for Blitz to hear and calm down.

As he sat down, pushing his soft fur against Miki's leg, she watched Missy walk away and aptly returned Blitz to his Pokeball, who made a sound that mirrored Miki's own feelings, she started to walk off the ship following Missy's frustrating exit. They might not be battling right now, but Miki wasn't going to let her get the last word.

She pulled up beside her, walking briskly, she saw the mansion get closer and closer. She glared at Missy but then cooled it, letting the fire in her simmer from a fireblast to an ember. "So if you're champion, what are you doing here then? Thought you had to stay there in case a challenger came knocking on your door." Miki hated she was actually curious. What had the world come to? "Not unless you lost and you were just blowing hot air to sound like you were some hot shit."
TIMESTAMP: Early Morning, Tuesday, July 20th, 2021 || After “I Promise/I Swear”


The shortest distance
Between two points
Is the line
From me to you

Featuring Mikhail Zima & Caitlin Cleary

Like the weights that Mikhail had been carrying in his heart and on his shoulders for so long, so did the freedom to be free of them at long last make him feel uneasiness. But in a different way. This uneasiness came through in hesitation last night. Unlike past times when he had been with Caitlin, or really anyone for that matter, he felt exposed. It was simultaneously the greatest feeling in the world and the worst thing for him because he had spent so much time being guarded, putting up walls that were reinforced with steel and secrets, guarded by armed guards and self-sabotage, and financially backed by billionaires and bad compartmentalization.

All of that became a moot point when it dawned on him through a very convincing Caitlin that she was about done. So many thoughts went through his mind last night, but in those moments, he couldn’t lie anymore. Not to her, but more importantly, to himself.

So he didn’t.

And the end result was any version of a best case scenario multiplied by his best dream minus everything that made him hurt the worst.

Last night, Mika didn’t have to think about what his brother was doing or thought nor who he was: Zima, Gonzalez, O’Hara. When he took Cece into his arms, though he hesitantly poured everything he ever wanted to say into kisses on her lips, her neck, her stomach, every inch of her bare skin, Mika felt the uneasiness build yet, at the same time, as he became one with her last night and with no worry in his glistening blue eyes, he felt nothing but a bliss he hadn’t felt since they were in the back of his truck that afternoon four years ago.

Last night, yeah you could say that Mika’s weight shifted into something weightless. He was exposed, but after everything and after deciding what felt most important to him, being in her arms was the only thing that mattered.

Then as the hours passed with them loving each other and coming together as one again and again after a shower, they were both laying together in her bed. Mika’s right arm was under her neck and shoulders, supporting it. He couldn’t stop replaying every second and minute that was last night. It was a whirlwind of emotions, a tornado of uncertainties, and a hurricane of ultimatums drawn in the sand by the unlikely source of fiery clarity. It brought smiles to his face all night and Mika just couldn’t believe it. Some part of him needed to be pinched because it wasn’t real.

Looking down at her, blue-green eyes full of love and adoration staring back up at his, seeing how she held onto him. While tight as she could, it still was gentle. Cece had always been gentle, but also firm. His eyes darted to the first light of morning blessing Edenridge after that hellacious storm. “Seems like it’s morning already.” He commented with a laugh, realizing that they hadn’t gotten a wink of sleep.

A cloud of gloom seemed to put a damper over the woman's previously content demeanor at this comment. "Already?" she asked her lover, visibly crestfallen and instinctively tightening her grip around his chest. After the magical night spent rekindling the love they had for one another, the last thing Caitlin wanted was for Mika to make his departure. It had been so long since they had been together in each other’s arms just like this… She didn’t want the moment to end.

“I know. I don’t want it to end, either.” Mika saw the disappointment in her eyes, a familiar glint that was in her eyes had faded in a rather swift manner the moment he mentioned that the sun came to greet them. He mirrored her sentiments as he found himself frowning only slightly. There was a significant part of him that didn’t want to leave. Of course, this had been a long time coming and when they weren’t under her blanket, the moments that he had cherished above all else were the moments they were talking. How long had it been since he had been able to lay his soul open in such a vulnerable way to anyone else that wasn’t her? Boa was the only other person he could think of, but it was so much different. Cece always made him feel a certain type of way.

Just as Mika was about to say something else, he caught Cece’s thoughtful expression, like something was on her mind. “You okay? Looks like me whenever Ms. Belmonte decided to go all algebra on our asses way back when.”

Caitlin was quick to laugh at Mika’s comment, being reminded of the times she had tutored Mika in math. While subjects like geometry and algebra came easily to her (don’t ask her about calculus), she was aware that Mika had not been awarded that same courtesy. Back in their high school days, the two had spent their fair share of afternoons with their noses buried between textbooks and notebooks, with Cece trying to explain equations to an increasingly frustrated Mika. It was a task that tested her patience countless times, but that ended up being fruitful when he managed to pass the class with a C-.

The look he was pointing out, however, was one she wore whenever she began to muse about the trajectory of their relationship. "I'm fine," she answered sweetly as her laughter faded, tilting her head up to kiss Mika before continuing. "I just… I can't help but think about how far we've come since the first time we met." Cece mused, mindlessly tracing circles on her lover's chest. "When we talked under the oak tree, I didn't think much would come out of it. We clicked, and we had a good conversation, but I didn't really expect it to go any further than maybe some smiles in the halls and brief talks here and there after that. But we kept meeting up and hanging out and getting along so well with each other… By the time your birthday came around, I knew we had something special. Of course, I had no idea how special it would actually turn out to be, but I knew it was something unlike anything I had ever experienced before-- even with David."

That was quite the admission she just made. Mika obviously knew how much David meant to her. Even before he knew the full story, he still had an idea of how close she and David were. Despite that, at a certain point, it was clear to him that what they had between them wasn't just your ordinary kind of connection. What she felt for him and what Mika felt for her, it was meaningful in so many ways and that was something he always cherished. It never went forgotten, regardless of the hell that followed their first day of their senior year.

"What I remember most about that specific birthday of mine were the cupcakes I didn't get to eat because somebody helped herself to them before I got the chance to." Mika had always teased her about that and he certainly liked to. Of course he knew not to take it too far. He just liked to have his fun occasionally.

"First of all, it was a three-layer cake: blueberry, raspberry and strawberry with cream cheese buttercream," she reminded him in the same teasing tone he had just used with her. "I remember it well because it was my first attempt ever at an actual layered cake. And second of all, I only ate about a third of it. It's not my fault you were too focused on stuffing your face with the sandwiches and the rest of the snacks instead of paying attention to your very delicious cake-- which, if I remember correctly, ended up all over us because of that food fight you started!" Cece retorted with a laugh, vividly remembering herself play-wrestling with Mika, both their faces smeared with buttercream.

“Well it has been a few years. So sue me if my memory is lacking.” But it was coming back to Mika. That day with all the food that he remembered being like his dream feast. A smile crept on his face as silence claimed him as he remembered why it was so important to him. She went to all of the trouble leading up to his birthday four years ago. That was the first birthday they spent as a couple and it was the first time Mika had started to see her as someone whom he loved - yet never said it until last night.

Listening to her, she mentioned that food fight and Mika laughed, remembering what came after. “Yeah, I remember that. I also remember what came after…” Mika’s smile turned into a smirk as he was remembering - quite vividly, mind you - about that moment. “There’s always been something between us about bodies of water and food that’s led to amazing, unforgettable moments, huh?” He didn’t laugh, though he did chuckle. Not that he found it funny, but it was more of the kind of sound one made when they had a realization. Food had always been an important aspect of his life. Be it with his mother making dinner when he was younger or his Cece, it always held a special place in his heart and filled it with memories he always cherished.

Caitlin’s face flushed as red as her hair at the memory, and she let out a nervous chuckle. "Oh God…" she mumbled, burying her warm face in his chest just like she'd done that May 1st four years ago. Mika's sixteenth birthday marked a milestone moment not just in their relationship, but in her personal life as well. That afternoon, between the Zima boy's arms and his body on hers, was the first time she had ever become one with anyone. The adrenaline coursing down her veins when he kissed her for the first time, the desire kicking in when she returned his kiss after some initial hesitation, the anticipation building up with every second they spent exploring each other's bodies, the passion guiding their actions as they became one, the way they tightly held one another as they brought themselves to sweet release, the blissful exhaustion that followed as they laid in each other's arms just like they were doing right now… They wouldn't know it then, but their actions that afternoon had shifted the course of their lives forever.

"I was so nervous that day… And after we did it, too," she admitted, peering back up at him with vulnerability in her eyes. "I hadn't been with anyone before, so while we were laying there together after it all I could think about was you stopping things with me because I was inexperienced and didn't know what I was doing, or because you'd seen my body and didn't like it anymore. It's why I couldn't look you in the eye for days." Cece confessed, thinking back to how she'd practically avoided Mika for days after their first time. "Of course I realized I was just being stupid after we talked about it, but it was something that kept me up for a few nights."

Mika shook his head and ran a hand through Cece’s ginger hair and caressed it soothingly. “You weren’t stupid. Not about that and not about anything else.” Mika remembered the conversation they had about it back then. About how that was her first time and he never knew it until she did become distant from him. “Truth be told, I thought I did something wrong. So I guess if you want to say you were being stupid, then maybe I was too.” He gently laughed. They were both the same in a lot of ways. With her, he always felt like a softer Badger than when he was with everyone else in his life -- or at least in the way he would have been like he was with the bundle of nerves in his arms. “But look at us now? We’re laughing and even joking about a moment that, for a solid time, made us both nervous as fuck. If someone was writing a story about us, I think the phrase that Mr. Beau once said was ‘character development’.”

"You are such a nerd!" Caitlin teased him, joining in on the laughter as she nudged him playfully. Once it had faded away, she quickly added, "I'm glad it was you, though. I’ve never regretted it... And I wouldn't have had it any other way." She murmured softly, adding validity to her words by pulling Mika into another kiss.

As silence momentarily settled between them and they continued to lay contently in each other's arms, a question came to the forefront of Cece’s mind. Although they had come clean about their feelings and made promises for the future, no real decisions had been made about what came next for them as a couple. If there was anything she had learned from her conversations with Mika last night, it was that assumptions had been incredibly prejudicial to their relationship. So rather than make the same mistakes again, the Cleary girl took this as her first opportunity to start their new chapter off on the right foot: by being upfront and direct about the things that were on her mind.

"So what happens now?" she tentatively inquired, looking back up at Mika to closely study his reaction to her question. "With us, I mean."

Good question.

After last night, there was no mistaking they were a lot closer than they have ever been, or at least they were getting back to it. Last month he came into her life and was nasty to her. What he shouted to Niles about her still made him physically sick. Just thinking about it made his skin crawl. But now? Now they were here. He was in her bed, holding her close to him after one of the best nights of his life where he felt truly alive and like his old self before Hyde ruined it all.

He had to ask himself that same question: what did that mean? Where did they go from here? Could they stay friends after what happened? In his heart, Mika felt like they couldn’t, but how fair was that to Sinclair? Mika didn’t like Niles and he certainly didn’t care one way or the other what he thought about him, but even he didn’t deserve to know that his ex was in a relationship the very day she broke things off with him. No matter how badly Mika may have wanted that, even he had some grasp of what was right and wrong.

“Honestly, I don’t know, Cece.” He had to speak earnestly. He truly didn’t. “Last night was an unforgettable experience like nothing I will likely forget. I mean that. But I don’t know what it means for us. Like, do we stay friends? Can we stay friends? Truth be told, I don’t think we can - not after last night. And I don't think I want to, either.” But then there was Niles and what this might mean. God, why was everything so fucking complicated when it came to his romantic life?

Cece’s disappointment about the unexpected answer Mika had given her was unmistakably displayed all over her small, freckled face. After the night they had shared and every step in the ladder that had led them back to each other, she thought that he would be as ready to officialize things as she was. To hear that this was not the case, even as grateful as she was for his honesty… She truly couldn't hide how taken aback and stung she was by the uncertainty in his words.

"Mika, I don't want to be 'just friends' with you," she said with the same level of sincerity he had offered her, shifting away from his figure for the first time in hours with fiery eyes. Her earlier fear that his appearance the night before had been out of loneliness and a desire for sex more than anything else was creeping up on her, and she didn't want Mika to feel her body trembling as she internally fought against the intrusive thoughts. "I didn't end my relationship or told you I loved you or opened up to you about all of these things to be 'just friends' with you. And I know you didn't try to make amends with me after that dinner scene, come to my house in the middle of a storm and bared your soul out to me to be 'just friends' either."

Deep in his gut, which had been turning over itself since she pulled away and he saw that look of disappointment painted across her face. That only happened in two cases (at least when he was a factor): when she was mad at him for something or he said the wrong thing. In a rare showing, though, at least from where he saw things, it may have been both.

And that fucking sucked. Mika honestly didn't know how to answer her question. He knew what the answer was. Any god out there: Slavic, Christian-- all that applied to this situation, Mika knew the answer. She wanted to know, after the moment they had, if they were in a movie, this would be the defining moment and the start of a beautiful relationship. Obviously, this wasn't a movie; this was real life and in real life, it wasn't always so clear cut. Mika wished this was a movie. He'd be able to just skip to the part where he said the right thing and she didn't look like she was going to cry because of the idiot that he was.

No, he couldn't be the reason for that again. Not again.

He tried to shake every negative thought. They persisted because Mika never was able to rid himself of them, but he focused on her and only her. Honed in on that fire in her eyes, the way a creeping sadness was mixed in on her features. "I'm not the best at this. Maybe it goes all the way back to how I was the reason your heart shattered. And what do I do? I come back into your life. Then last night happened." As he remembered everything and as it played in slow motion in his head, he saw how happy they were together. Before all the shit on their senior year graduation and before that hellish year, they were happy together. Genuinely and sickeningly cute-happy with each other. With them, when it was good it was heaven and when it was bad, it was like being on the slow-ass stairway to heaven.

In an action that he hoped wasn't received with a repulsive yanking of her hands to her person, Mika went for them, holding them in his. "I just fear that I gave up any right to actually do this again with you. You know, the whole relationship thing. Even after last night, maybe I still think that--" Shut up and just say it! "I really am bad at this, aren't I?" He laughed and shook his head. "I don't 'just want to be friends' with you either. I want more than that. Like how it was with us before. Like how it was during our junior year, but...more official. You said you never brought up how you wanted a label on it? Then let's do that. Boyfriend and girlfriend!" God, his heart was pounding so fast right now. Was this what it was like to be normal for a change? To be… an O'Hara? It felt nice.

"Do you really mean that?" she asked him in a small voice, feeling guilty about how she might have come across earlier and worried that Mika was only saying what he thought she wanted to hear out of fear of further disappointing her or because he felt put on the spot or pressured to. “You really want us to be official? It’s not because of anything I said or the way I said it? Because if it is, I’m really sorry! I don’t want you to feel forced or obligated or--”

When she started to apologize, in his gut, Mika knew what would happen. In the past, when she started to apologize like this, that made him feel intensely guilty because she would become sad and no matter how much he had always tried to do the right thing, people in his life seemed to cry and become sad, but that wasn’t going to happen again. He wasn’t going to be the reason that she’d cry. It was impossible for him to make all the wrongs he committed right, but at least he could make one of them align with the new leaf he had turned.

As he leaned forward, Mika didn’t waste another second. As her lips started to move, he gently pressed his against them mid-sentence. There were no words from either of them. For a few moments that became eternal, he answered her questions and quelled her worries with a single action. He wrapped his arms around her, bringing her closer to him, their chests touching, bodies connecting, souls embracing, and goddamnit, it was pure bliss.

When he had pulled away, which felt a lot shorter than it had been, Mika pressed his forehead against hers, mirroring last night. “Please, no more apologies. I mean it. I promise I mean it.” Mika kissed her again, though shorter, it held a larger meaning. “I want us to be what you always wanted and what I never had the courage to say. Boyfriend, girlfriend -- however you want to label it, that’s what I want, Caitlin. I’m choosing you and nobody else to be my girlfriend.”

The redhead's eyes filled with tears of excitement and emotion, and her face broke into a joyous smile. Every previous concern or fear about Mika being unsure of the state of their relationship was put to rest when he pressed his lips to hers. The conviction and certainty in his voice when he spoke, so different from the hesitation and insecurity of before, added value to every word he said. Ever since the day of their first kiss, Caitlin had dreamed about the day Mika would ask her to be his girlfriend. In the past, circumstances both in and out of their control had stood in the way of their relationship status becoming official. But today, after trials, and tribulations, over a year apart and so much growing up as individuals, the dream had become a reality: she was Mika’s girl, just like she had so profoundly desired since that May afternoon in 2016.

With her forehead still pressed against his and her arms around her beloved, Cece finally spoke up. "I love you," she proclaimed passionately, holding Mika closely against her.

”I love you too,” he muttered in an almost-whisper.

Mika and Cece allowed their eyes to meet and take in the sight of each other, drinking in every one of their beautiful features. And as the sun continued its trek rising in the horizon after the raging storm, the two lovers locked their lips together in a deep kiss and eventually came together as one once again.

Igarashi, Denki

I am the Storm
~"The calm before the storm."~

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