Avatar of Ammokkx


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1 yr ago
Current new FFXIV EX fight sucks ass.
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1 yr ago
There's a difference between the ability to be social, and the desire to be social. I function perfectly fine going outside and talking to people, but that doesn't mean I *like* doing either.
1 yr ago
2 yrs ago
Pepsi and Milk, also known as an affront to everything good in this world. And my tastebuds.
2 yrs ago
Pilk seems to be trending, so I tried it. Anyone who tells me this is a good drink is no longer a person I wish to associate with.


The day that Moss was hanged, eight others were cut down,
And when the graves had all been dug, the queen rode out of town.

(I have a badly written 1x1 check if you want to know what kind of person I am.)

Most Recent Posts

"Hear anything?" Ayu responded to the question, lightly tapping her cheek with her index finger. "...No. I didn't hear anything, not even the sound that Momoe and Aurel heard." Her gaze wandered again. Momoe took advantage of the silence so she could speak up again.

"Oi, you." Momoe's gaze was firmly locked onto Maiya. "I don't know what the hell you're tryin' to pull here with draggin' me into this... but I've been to your lab, yeah. I also know for a damn fact you've got a bunch of old rags strewn all over the place," she growled. "It ain't just black and white... you can make a damn rainbow out of all those clothes."

Ayu was muttering again. She mumbled about how something was wrong underneath her breath. Momoe's head snapped to look back in her direction. "Your attitude is pissin' me off too. If you've got any better ideas I'd like to hear 'em," she growled at Ayu.

"...Aurel," Ayu spoke up. "The noise you heard wasn't near midnight, was it? Because that means I'd have heard it, too. Isn't there something strange about that?" she asked him.

Ayu looked to be in thought ever since she'd spoken up about the state of her and Hiroki's mutual bindings. Up until Snow directed a question at her she hadn't bothered to look up, and even then only briefly glanced at the taller girl. "It doesn't make any sense," she muttered, looking down again.

"if you've got somethin' to say, speak clearly." Momoe chastised her. Stifling a yawn, however, her charisma lacked somewhat.

"Like I said, it doesn't make any sense. Hiroki can't be the killer," she stated rather bluntly.

"Well, why not?! He could've been sneaking away every night, right under your nose!" Taka chimed in. "In fact, that's what he did, didn't he?! Just look at him! He's shaking in his boots, now that he's been caught!" he continued the assault, gripping the podium in front of him with barely-suppressed anger.

"No, he couldn't!" Ayu raised her voice at Taka, this being the first time she'd done so ever since being locked up with everyone else. "Hiroki was sleeping by the time the murder happened. I was awake the entire time through midnight," she continued, crossing her arms and looking down on the ground again. "There was no bag. No chance to grab any of those things. We're missing something in this trial. There's a piece of evidence we still don't know anything about... something that we don't know what it was used for, a missing detail..."

Ayu was mostly talking to herself, forgetting she was even in the room. Another voice cut through those mutterings. "Well, if you were awake that night, then aren't you the killer?!" Chikako shouted. "40 minutes would be plenty of time to commit murder, and the only ones with that chance were you two!"

"Wait, me?" Chikako piped up, completely ignoring the fact Snow wasn't pointing at her at all. "I've been spending my twenty minutes practicin' my dance steps. Every day. Without fail. Hibiki can back me up on this," she said. Chikako proudly slammed her fist against her chest and continued: "I'll be damned if I get rusty in this place. Besides, Hibiki doesn't do anything other than sit in his lab all day... I'm bored out of my mind in there!"

Taka slammed his palm against his head, peering through the gaps between his fingers. "Goddamnit, Izo! This is getting us nowhere! Obviously everyone's used up their twenty minutes every day! I even saw Lilly skip around yesterday and Flare sure wasn't fucking connected to her!"

"Bingo," another voice piped up from the crowd. Taka turned to it.

"Oh what do you want now, Momoe?" he asked, irate. She barked at him to shut his mouth.

"Anyway," she muttered to get herself back on track. "Think about who we know the alibis of. It's everyone short of Snow, Naomi and Ayu... and, unless you're mentally deficient, I don't think Snow's the killer here. Now lemme ask you directly, little Ayu..." her voice trailed off. Momoe leaned forwards with a smirk, tilting her head to the girl. "You never unlinked, did you?"

Ayu didn't answer, not immediately. Despite that, she didn't look any less relaxed than before. Her head turned to Hiroki's stand. She took a moment, and gave him a faint, but reassuring smile, as if to tell him it'll be okay. Soon as it came, it went again, and she turned her head back to Momoe.

"Me and Hiroki never used that function. Not since the day of the motive."

Do you want to save?

> Yes > No
Monokuma Theater

Whoa, did she just confess?!
I've seen my fair share of class trials, but this one seems to be going by in the blink of an eye...
Hey, speaking of eyes, did you know that bear eyes are better than human eyes?
I see colour just the way you do, but have even better nightvision!
I saw the murder happen with my own two eyes, puhuhu...
That girl must have been scared out of her mind!
Being so brutally murdered... the killer went way too far!
Please find the culprit quickly! Or don't. I don't care either way, puhuhu!


The discord invite didn't work. Could I get a fresh one?

Honestly, I probably shouldn't because we're getting towards eighteen people now and I barely have faith in my ability to run something with five, but at the same time I want to let anyone who's interested in, because I know there isn't really much in this genre, especially in RP form. I might split the group down the middle and make two or more separate teams. That way we can all play and it shouldn't be too chaotic. Hopefully.

Don't take on more players than what you're comfortable with. It doesn't end well. It's always better to set a limit in cases like this, and give people a time window to sign up in, with the best sheets selected from it.
<Snipped quote by Ammokkx>
Play Astrologian instead.

I'm actually a black mage mainly, I just levelled Conjurer third so I had a decent DPS/Tank/Healer lineup to fill roulettes
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