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Current new FFXIV EX fight sucks ass.
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There's a difference between the ability to be social, and the desire to be social. I function perfectly fine going outside and talking to people, but that doesn't mean I *like* doing either.
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Pepsi and Milk, also known as an affront to everything good in this world. And my tastebuds.
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Pilk seems to be trending, so I tried it. Anyone who tells me this is a good drink is no longer a person I wish to associate with.


The day that Moss was hanged, eight others were cut down,
And when the graves had all been dug, the queen rode out of town.

(I have a badly written 1x1 check if you want to know what kind of person I am.)

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hate you too grey ❤️
@Ammokkx Ohhh I actually like the look of your scripted duel.. but how do you manage if someone vanishes mid-duel?

Ass-blast them into oblivion.

how would you feel about a looser system? as in players decide how they determine the duel before it happens. That way if two people prefer improv they can improv, while others can plan beforehand if they prefer that instead?

I'm cool with that if everyone else(the grand 2 people) is. Just no sims, dear god, that shit leads to metagaming.

Oh, and on the cheating part: Yeah, I'm not for it either, but I'm like 95% certain it did happen. Some people just want to win everything, but I won't accuse any one individual of shit they may or may not have done like... 3,5 years ago by this point.
As someone who watched the anime more than played the card game, I'd be in for a RP that doesn't focus much on powerful decks and duelling simulators. I'd join the RP for the character-interaction and adventures, not to have a lot of duels. And I dislike the academy trope too.

People could get together in non-duel related ways and discover they all like to play duel monsters. An expo at a museum or library comes to mind. Maybe we all happened to visit Sea World because of a one-time free entry (where Make Tsunami tends to the dolphins?

With a wink to the first Yu-Gi-Oh!, we could all be visiting Kaibaland, where I'm sure Kaiba made some arenas for casual duels. But who wants that if they can go in a Blue Eyes Roller Coaster, am I right?

Alternatively, we could go Ancient Egypt too, where we all have just one spirit that we can use to fight with. Except for the spirits that already belong to the Pharaoh and his Priests.

Mmm... I'd like to avoid canon as much as possible, since I'm highly uncomfortable taking the reins of these characters I love. At that point I'd be writing glorified fanfiction with them, so I'd prefer a setting that's as original as possible.

I'm perfectly willing to recycle ideas from the anime(s) (Shadow games, ancient egypt, spirit world, Ener-D, multiple split dimensions of which one got ultrafucked by a sad man looking for his daughter) but nothing that *directly* links to the canon.

I do need some kind of initial hook past "the characters met that one time" though, as there was always some immediate problem to kickstart the plot in the various animes. The thing is, I need something a group of people would be interested in rather than just 1 guy.

I could do the whole 'Everyone has a card linked to their very soul that draws them to battle for the fate of the world' schtick but that depends on if everyone wants to hold onto their one copy of Shapesnatch for dear life.
<Snipped quote by Ammokkx>

How about we use the old system then? Having the setting be during GX or OG times?

I like running with simulated duels but I get why you don't like using them, so how do you think duels should be planned out aside from picking who wins from the get go? Would there be a discord or we use dms to talk about what chains or actions would make the duel more interesting?

Thing is, my personal favorite series is ZeXal. I'd be lying if I said GX and DM were the epitome of Yugioh, and my own personal RP was run in the midst of Arc-V with all modern cards available. That's why I had everyone start off with a structure deck, either real or one of their own making where I'd fill in 10 cards of my own choosing (unless a player righfully points out a mistake I made, such as putting in a card that can't even activate in the gamestates their boards produce).

Setting the game back to an earlier time doesn't fix the problem, since someone could always sign up with the era's equivalent of Tele-DAD. What I want to avoid is mostly someone running Trickstar FTK, Aqliphort towers turbo, Utopia the Lightning etc. That's why I think there should be a control on decks, but no limit on era.

Strongest guy in the RP used Chaos monsters (the ones that banish one LIGHT and one DARK monster from the graveyard to special summon themselves) so, y'know, go figure.

As for the second part: There's a very real conflict between what I want and what I believe other people want. Personally, my favorite method is to handle it like this old example. Script out the entire duel ahead of time, then collaboratively write with your partner in character.

However, there's other ways I've seen it handled, and the way I've personally found the most success with is also the one prone to the most cheating. My old, personal RP, Duel Tower, did it as follows: Duels were not scripted, but also did not use simulators. Both people went into a collab and randomized what cards they drew through an RNG and RP'd it out. The system was built on trusting that the other guy wouldn't cheat, and it worked smoothly for the most part. Personally speaking, I only ever got the feeling a single person abused it. I'm less optimistic about it than I used to, though.

The other way to handle it is to do it the way KOgaming did: Just let people choose what they draw, no predetermination. He let people start a duel IC and they'd just RP it out post-by-post.

I've also seen it handled that the GM determines what everyone draws via RNG, but that depends on how much people trust said GM to both have integrity and be online when they need them.
Might as well make a World Legacy RP.

I am not looking for any kind of card-lore RP; if that is what you're looking for, it's probably best to start a separate interest check from this one in which I'm not involved at all.

My only real interest in Yugioh is the anime, so anything not resembling the somewhat traditional mold it shapes isn't anything I'm willing to host or join.

this is an awful idea

'sup. It's me, Ammokkx, the one guy who won't shut up about (title). Now, it may just be me and a single other guy, but I feel like there hasn't been anything on this site on the card game front in a good long while. Especially not something decently long-running ever since both me and KOgaming stopped running them.

Problem, though: Anyone who has me on discord knows I talk a lot of shit about RPing, and an especially big amount on Yu-Gi-Oh RPing. I like to think I know all that there is to know about YGO RP and what an ideal one would look like, but the reality of the situation is that I haven't been in the saddle since "The Duel Tower" ended and anything since that time, from anyone, has crashed and burned. I don't really want to keep the situation as-is, since Yu-Gi-Oh RPs can be a ton of fun if you get a bunch of people together.

"Hey Ammokkx where is your pitch though?" - yeah, well, about that. I don't actually have any concrete idea on what to do. I have a bunch of loose elements, sure, but most of that is in the form of half-formed deck ideas, vague notions of characters, settings that I don't think through and a constant conflict on how the technical stuff (decks, duels) should be handled. That's why I started this thread; I'm honestly not a creative enough person to come up with something on my own, and I want to step out of my echochamber for a bit.

Now, I'll presume enough people read up to this point to get an RP party going for a moment. Obviously I started this thread with the intent that I'd GM after enough heads band together to create something out of nothing, but on the off-chance someone else would really like to give the GM business a shot, I'd be willing to let them. Probably should boot me from the group when you do though; I've been told I'm like a bad habit.

So this is getting a bit drawn out, I realise that. Let me finish it off with a couple of my own thoughts and ideas to get the brainstorm going, and let's see if we can work from that.

  • I don't like using dueling simulators. They're good to show off your deck with, but I don't actually like playing on them. I feel like actually RPing a duel out is important, as it helps you stay in-character and make moves your character would make. Whether or not you randomize what cards you draw or you choose on a turn-by-turn basis doesn't matter too much in that regard. I'm personally fond of deciding a winner beforehand, laying out a skeleton of a duel ahead of time, and then writing it out in-character in a collab or RP posts.
  • I don't have any concrete ideas for a setting or a plot, I'd just like it not to be an academy. That doesn't rule out every important character being a teenager, I'm just sick of academies being used as the reason everyone is in the same place. A city would be the next safest bet. I think starting on a tournament isn't a great idea, unless nobody has a better idea of getting together.
  • For decks: I don't think everyone should have complete freedom in what they build. I love every single one of you people, but my jaded and cynical heart has left little room for trust with how many times I see people trying to power play or have end-game level cards in their decks from the start. Every deck should be low in power, not full of archetype specific cards, and generally cause duels to last longer than 7 turns on the average. The modern game is much too fast to have a meaningful "conversation" with your battles, and if we want to play at 4000 lifepoints like the anime (which I do) modern decks would cause games to end much too quickly. In that sense, I'd also rely on the main deck as much as possible. Keep the extra deck small and only for your most powerful monsters, while still using main deck tribute monsters or even some limited stall cards like Swords of Revealing Light. The GM(me) would need to make sure decks are more in line with something you'd (generally) see played in GX or 5D's, rather than the combos Reiji pulls in Arc-V.
  • Players can and should upgrade their deck as they go along in the RP, though I don't have an exact system. There was the point buy system from Duel Tower, and it worked well enough up until someone gamed it. I think a modified version of it could work, but it's perhaps the one thing I think everyone should have a talk about the most.
  • No custom cards.

As you can see, nothing concrete. I want to receive input from a lot of different people and work together to create something unique and fun for everyone. So if there's anyone out there who wants to work together to lift the Yu-Gi-Oh draught from RPG, let's make something together!
Okay, that Inkarnate one is definitely awesome.

ink is a pretty cool guy, I agree, but don't inflate his ego too much
the mystery sucks

Momoe's head tilted a little further upwards when Aurel addressed her, one hand in her pocket. His frown was met in kind by one of her own. Regretfully, she said: "Tch... cat's out of the bag, then. It's as the mousy girl said; the noise didn't happen anywhere close to midnight."

"Wait, you knew?!" shouted an angry Taka. "Why the hell didn't you tell us?!"

Momoe gave him a casual shrug. "I have my reasons. Mainly, I've got a better idea of the killer now. Someone here was really desperate to cling to that theory, and they weren't even the one who thought of it."

"Hey, hold up! Why are you two so sure the noise has anything to do with the murder, anyway?" Chikako interjected. She wanted to say more, but Momoe decided to cut her off right there.

"Piss off with the flimsy excuses. The noise we heard was the lock breaking, and you know that damn well."

Taka threw his voice back into the mix. "Oi, back up! The killer? How could you know when we've been going in circles?!"

Momoe's irritation was starting to reach a boiling point. She closed her eye for a brief moment, a soft growl escaping her. "I swear to god, if you say one more stupid thing in this goddamn farce of a trial..." she muttered, partially to herself but mostly aimed at the offending party in question. Ignoring him, Momoe opened her eye again and continued. "Before that... Oi, Tinkerbell," she said to Maiya. "You said somethin' real interesting earlier. 'The killer had the CD in mind as a murder weapon.' Maybe it's 'cause the thief's been keepin' me up every night, but something's tellin' me you're not far off."

Chikako challenged Momoe again. "Wait, weren't you the one who said the scissors were the murder weapon?"

"I said I hadn't played all my cards... I never said anything about a murder weapon," Momoe replied with a smug grin. "I could carry just about anything around in my coat and the thief wouldn't even notice. Those scissors were pretty large, though... I dunno how anyone'd be able to lug those around without their partner noticin'. Now a CD's large n'd all, but..." Momoe continued to explain, but left out the last part of that. She glanced over at Ayu. The girl noticed Momoe's gaze and replied after a little bit of hesitation.

"...The CD was already broken before Naomi's murder. They shattered it to make it easier to carry."

"I knew you were one of the smart ones," Momoe snidely replied. "Snap that bad boy in half and it's a lot easier to hide. Take it from me."
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