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Current new FFXIV EX fight sucks ass.
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There's a difference between the ability to be social, and the desire to be social. I function perfectly fine going outside and talking to people, but that doesn't mean I *like* doing either.
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Pepsi and Milk, also known as an affront to everything good in this world. And my tastebuds.
2 yrs ago
Pilk seems to be trending, so I tried it. Anyone who tells me this is a good drink is no longer a person I wish to associate with.


The day that Moss was hanged, eight others were cut down,
And when the graves had all been dug, the queen rode out of town.

(I have a badly written 1x1 check if you want to know what kind of person I am.)

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<Snipped quote by Ammokkx>

Alrighty then, henceforth I shall call them velocity duels!

official term is either Riding Duel (Original) or Turbo Duel (localization)

Despite me using Japanese names for characters, I tend to use Turbo Duel and Duel Runner as opposed to Riding Duel and D-Wheel. People get confused enough already when I say Manjoume instead of Chazz.
Anyone thought about what banlist to use, or is this more of a "Free for all, but don't break the game" kinda thing? I think I'd prefer it as such, because this is by no means a competitive environment, so using a banlist catered towards it isn't ideal.

Yeah I'm scrapping the banlist for this one. I can just veto you if I think you're doing something in bad faith (like putting 5 banned cards in your deck and they happen to be pot of greed, harpy's feather duster, graceful charity, sixth sense and self-destruct button)

Also, I've not seen enough 5ds to know this, do characters use different decks for Speed Duels and normal duels, or do they just use a speed duel version of their regular deck?

Pretty much just a mod of their original deck. Since spell cards can't be used, they swap out their spells for speed spells.

also speed duels are something else entirely, that's duel links format guys please stop calling them that
<Snipped quote by Ammokkx>

Oh, don’t get me wrong, I’m more than perfectly fine with Speed Spells if that’s the way you wanna go with it. I just think the logistics would be simpler on your end if we just went with Neo.

Speed spells aren't too hard to balance as it comes down to a case of "How many turns can you justify having to wait for this kind of effect?" as something like Monster Reborn takes 5 of your turns but Speed Fusion only needs a single turn to pass. It's easy enough to keep a database of created speed spells and they'd mostly have to be used to make sure someone's deck isn't crippled by going turbo. There's a selection of 200-odd generic speedspells already, so it's not like variety is completely lacking.

When I say "custom speed spell" I mean more like "convert already existing cards to a speed spell counterpart" rather than create wholly unique cards. Angel baton is the god king of speed spells anyway.
<Snipped quote by Ammokkx>

What kind of people GM a yughioh rp?

Let's just say that certain things are best left unsaid. Some stuff even your own mother can't forgive.
Hmm, I might need to start watching 5D's at this rate.

people who watch yugioh in general have made poor life choices
Especially since canning speed spells seems like it would defeat the purpose of a turbo duel being anything other than a regular duel on wheels if memory serves me right.

Yeah, it never quite sat right with me how Arc-V had turbo duels without speed counters. Speed counters, outside of speed spell usage, served both as limiters to how fast you could go (in the first season) and as race points to gain in laps you complete while your opponent is in the pit-stop (WRGP).

However, I'm not too attached to them and am perfectly content with tossing them out. Grey and Charak both seem to not approve either.

I like the duel gang concept personally. Again, to me it seems to open up possibilities for character motivation. A duel gang doesn't just have to be full of delinquents. We can have a mechanic who can't get any other kind of work, a former sector security type who got kicked off the force for any number of reasons and wants to try and keep people safe in any way he can, or someone who just loves to ride fast and live hard. The duel gang also ensures that there's plenty of interaction potential, and that someone doesn't feel like they're kind of stuck off in a corner without the chance to interact with people.

In regards to a duel gang, I like the idea of having those NPC and outside threats, but don't want to overload the GM by having everyone duel NPCs the whole time. The stakes of facing outside foes is good and can lead to some interesting drama and possibly recurring rivals. For example, I know a couple of us mentioned wanting to play as underdogs. What if one of those underdogs is forced to play a duel while putting up their duel runner as an ante, only to lose it. It can open up the possibility of someone else stepping in to duel for that duel runner back. Same opponent, same deck, different outcome and stakes.

try not to worry too much about anything recurring or far away plot points for now. The best plans fall apart in the face of the anarchy that is RPing. Still trying to think of an exact overarching goal/reason for grouping together for the gang, though. If the examples you gave are any indication, a simple "Dominate all of satellite" goal that Team Satisfaction had isn't quite going to fly, and actively opposing security won't do the trick either.

One final thing I figured might be worth tossing out there as well, and possibly address at a much later time: tag duels could also be interesting to RP and have been Staples of the earlier shows (can't testify to the later ones). Just thought the logistics, possibility, or desire of those could be interesting to discuss as well.

lmao I'm so used to people just randomly tag dueling whenever they please that I didn't think anyone would even question if it was an element or not. I don't really think this is a question of "if" as much as it is a question of "when" since even Vrains eventually had two tag duels. Show went a good 100 episodes without a single tag duel in it because links screwed everything up for everyone, but they still did two of 'em.
Alright, it's 1 AM over here and I like sleeping. Quick recap on the consensus so far that I think we've managed to reach (correct me if I'm wrong and point out if I missed something):

-Setting is a 5D's esque dystopian Satellite knockoff
-People start out with tablescrap decks
-No point buy system/card pack progression system. Just ask the GM if you want to change your deck up in any way.
-Duels are done in whatever way the two players that do it agree to do it in. Just no simulators.

I'll also throw out some thoughts to keep the discussion going while I'm asleep:

-If we're going with the 5D's knockoff, what's the crowd's thoughts on Turbo duels? Personally I'd like to throw them in, though not every character would need to be a turbo duelist. If they are thrown in, do we do it with or without speed spells? I'd probably allow some custom speed spells, if only because the current selection is pretty limited even if we take all the real-cards-turned-speedspell-variant from the games.

-Duel gang seems to be an idea that gained some favor, so how about I set you guys up with the following: Outside antagonists and general NPC's, I'll have one GMPC that'll act as the leader of a duel gang which all your guys' characters have rallied under one way or another. What the objective is for the gang isn't quite clear yet (would need ideas if you guys are cool with it), but either way they'll be clashing with rival gangs for territory and with security because law enforcement. Y'all cool with that or would you rather something else?

-The most powerful card in the world is a singular copy of Mokey Mokey held by the final boss.

If I'm having a shit idea again, feel free to call me out on it.
Will we get the occasional meme NPC in the RPG?

If my general lack of humor permits me to be funny for once in my life, yes.
Oh how wondrous it is to see so many people watching and posting in this topic. Never though I'd see that after reading the title.
Potatoman reminds me of that tomato guy in ZEXAL... that duel was such a WTF?!-moment...

Tomato guy is the meme thing people remember from ZeXal, but I'm gonna be real with you, he's not even that bad of a filler duel. Yuma had 3 worse ones in the same span of a few episodes. At least the tomato duel is genuinely hilarious, if only for how incredibly ludicrous the situation is. Can't say the same for soccer kid, construction kiddier, and borderline molester photographer.
If we are using ace monsters (and hopefully we are)

Allow me to show you all the true power of


this is why GX has the best duels
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