Avatar of Ammokkx


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Current new FFXIV EX fight sucks ass.
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1 yr ago
There's a difference between the ability to be social, and the desire to be social. I function perfectly fine going outside and talking to people, but that doesn't mean I *like* doing either.
1 yr ago
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Pepsi and Milk, also known as an affront to everything good in this world. And my tastebuds.
2 yrs ago
Pilk seems to be trending, so I tried it. Anyone who tells me this is a good drink is no longer a person I wish to associate with.


The day that Moss was hanged, eight others were cut down,
And when the graves had all been dug, the queen rode out of town.

(I have a badly written 1x1 check if you want to know what kind of person I am.)

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@webboysurf brother

don't even try to defend it lmao

You are not changing my mind on this. I am perfectly willing to admit I'm an elitist prick on this particular issue that will never budge. The dubs are objectively vastly inferior products that bring a butcher knife to it, and as grateful as I am for them introducing me to the franchise, I refuse to see them as anything approaching good or competent.

Good dubs are like One Punch Man, as they respect the original. The Yugioh dubs don't. The only one that gets even close is the Vrains dub, which I have a begrudging respect for. At least with Vrains, while it's still not quite the same, it at least makes genuine attempts at emulating the tone of the original. The script changes are less blatant, the voices are (mostly) fitting, and while the performances are still kinda stilted, at least they're competent.

The other dubs do not have this advantage and I refuse to acknowledge them.
<Snipped quote by Ammokkx>

I don't remember them even having a duel. Wasn't Yugi unwilling to duel Mai after his loss to Kaiba, so Tea dueled her instead?

Quarter finals were Mai Vs. Yugi and Jonouchi Vs. Keith.
<Snipped quote by Ammokkx>

Oof. This'll be such a tough loss. Dunno how I'll live with it.

In all seriousness, I don't hate dubs.

I just hate every YGO dub because they're actually terrible compared to the original.

Cut scenes, awful performances, headache-inducing script changes, a vastly inferior soundtrack and all around just incredibly dumbed down. Some people defend it by going "lul look at this guy complaining a show for kids is being dumb/has a lot of jokes" but my god I hate that defense. The humor in GX, for example, works because they play the absolute lunacy completely straight. They don't poke fun at the thing already being poked fun at any further than they have to.

There's also blatantly retcon'd plotpoints. A really infamous one is how in the duel with Mai back in Duelist Kingdom, in the dub, "Yugi" was dueling her and getting his ass kicked. He didn't want the spirit of the puzzle to take control again and brutally go to town on her like he did with Kaiba.

Only that never actually happened; the original plotpoint was that Yugi's other self was playing terribly because he wasn't even considering Mai as an opponent in the moment. He was so hyperfixated on fighting Pegasus that he forgot to respect the duelist he was actually fighting, Mai. It's nonsensical changes like this that grind my gears into fine powder. Not every voice performance in DM is awful, but I'm gonna be honest with you, Dan Green just doesn't do it for me with how screechy he made Yugi and how hoarse he made Atem. Sounds fine in Darkside of Dimensions, but not in the original.

then there's also just outright terrible voice choices, like the absolute butchery that is the 4 Yu-boys from Arc-V. Or, if you want an early one, how about the guy Ryo(Zane) fought in the underground duel ring? They made this absolutely shredded hulk of a man sound like a literal child and it just seeps away all the threat from him.

The dub also grossly simplifies every character's dialogue to the point they get just one character trait. Seto, in the original, actually admitted the existence of magic, but he still considers it "Occult nonsense" because technology can surpass it. In the dub he just staunchly refuses to acknowledge the reality that magic exists at all.
i too am more familiar with the dubs

alright you're extra banned from the rp
because I'm most used to the Dubs

alright you're banned from the rp
Here's a dumb but relevant question for you all:

Names. Do we go with the "Everyone is Japanese" thing or what? I genuinely kinda hate how the dubs change sick-ass names like Takeru Homura to fuckin' Theodore Hamilton and thus have kind of a natural predisposition against anything that doesn't sound Japanese. That being said, I'm not exactly gonna force anyone to adopt that philosophy themselves; I'm mostly just worried about the narrative dissonance of having names like "Umiko Hanetsugu" in the same five meters of "Anthony Dwight"

cards with a religious theme

Not a whole lot of Scrap Syncho options outside of archetypes.

Really? I think with cards like Powered Inzektron, Power Tool (mecha) Dragon, Samurai Destroyer and Vermillion Dragon Mech you've got quite a few options even when just looking at machine types. There's also other techno-themed generic cards, like Gravity Warrior. I don't think synchros are lacking at all.
Hope it's no problem I was planning for mine to be close to her 30s... 27ish...
But it won't be, I suppose. (Should make sense to our GM, in any case.)

make her 25 at the most, I'd say. Even Mai was only 24, and I think she's the single oldest character with a substantial, non-villain role in YGO.

I'm also just going to pretend Ushio doesn't exist because he's a goddamn time paradox in his own series

EDIT: To compare, this guy's 19

What age range are we looking at for our characters?

I was thinking young adults, mainly. The 18-early 20's range.
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