Avatar of Ammokkx


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1 yr ago
Current new FFXIV EX fight sucks ass.
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1 yr ago
There's a difference between the ability to be social, and the desire to be social. I function perfectly fine going outside and talking to people, but that doesn't mean I *like* doing either.
1 yr ago
2 yrs ago
Pepsi and Milk, also known as an affront to everything good in this world. And my tastebuds.
2 yrs ago
Pilk seems to be trending, so I tried it. Anyone who tells me this is a good drink is no longer a person I wish to associate with.


The day that Moss was hanged, eight others were cut down,
And when the graves had all been dug, the queen rode out of town.

(I have a badly written 1x1 check if you want to know what kind of person I am.)

Most Recent Posts

I think obviously everyone wants as many people to play the game as possible.

i mean i've been campaigning pretty hard against this even if it may cost me a spot for it

Another possibility, if we do get pared down to 4-6 players, is to just assume that everyone else is still in the school. It is an academy, there's got to be more than half a dozen girls enrolled at a time, right? If retention becomes a problem and someone drops, all the sheets here have already been given at least a tentative thumbs up - poll who's still interested who might not have been immediately picked and then give them a chance to slide into the action.

To me this is the most sensible option. There's no reason *not* to keep a "reserve list" in case of drops. Give priority to those who wanted to sign up from the start, and if that pool's exhausted due to no or negative response, start scouting for new players (if so desired). Granted it would mean some don't get to play at the start and that runs the risk of them losing interest later down the line even if a spot opens up, but it's a better option than taking on the burden of more players than is needed.

I also dislike campaigning for co-GMs. It's better for the GM to spontanously want a co-GM they think is right for the job rather than the players suggesting they take one on, since it's a position inherently governed by trust. A GM that doesn't trust their co enough leaves the co with too little power, and a GM who trusts a poorly chosen co too much runs the risk of the co-GM running the show in their stead.

There's no real perfect answer to these things, everything has its pro's and cons. I'm pretty cynical by nature, and I've been around for a while, but I also recognize that uh

I don't

have the best track record when it comes to people wanting to RP with me, specifically
I mean personally, I’m not sure if it would be awful to start with 12 or so characters, if nothing else because RPs on guild typically don’t have the best retention rates. I struggle to think of many games that don’t drop like half their players in the first few weeks. Ultimately though it’s your decision, just figured I’d give my thoughts.

You're still dealing with 12 players at the start though. It's a mess on the players' front, too, because who do you interact with? The first few pages are going to be bloated with all these disparate character interactions and somebody might not even show up on a page if they're a bit unlucky.

Personal experience has left me as not much of a fan, but it's Inedible's choice in the end. I can see my position is in the minority anyway, as from what I can tell, everyone here is assumed or hoped everyone got in.
I'm giving some thought to running two versions of the game for two separate groups, but I won't make any promises.

Wouldn't recommend it for the sake of your sanity. GMing even one group is kind of a pain, and keeping track of two at once means your workload is also doubled. It's not just keeping track of everyone, but also double the amount of writing you need to do, and that adds up quickly.
I'll be honest, I totally missed the Small Group tag when I was drawing up Selma's sheet.

she good tho
<Snipped quote by Ammokkx>
Personally, I hope nobody's left out, this seems like a very interesting premise, but I understand that not all games and not all GMs can handle this many people.

10-11 people is a ridiculous number unless you have a team of like 3 to manage everyone. I personally don't really blame Inedible. I once GM'd an RP with a ridiculous amount of characters and after a while I struggled with coming up with stuff for all of them to do.

Hell, I know of a few people who've been in massive conglomerates and more often than not it feels like a couple of players just get ignored in favor of a more rapid few.
@Inedible the cast is growing quickly...!

should we move accepted characters over to the character tab? or has no one been officially accepted yet?

I'm going to walk back my earlier statement and close a bit earlier than planned. All submissions will be due by Wednesday the 14th. I'll pick 4-5 from that group.

that being said, while I made the "Are you a betting man" joke earlier, there's tough competition in here and idk if my character does enough to stand out. Good luck to everyone regardless, tho.
Fire: 2
Air/Wind: 1
Ice: 1
Lightning: 1
Earth: 1
Gravity: 1
Darkness: 1
Light: 1
Aether: 1

10 applicants so far out of a possible pool of 4-5

We're getting down to less than 50% odds boys, are ye a gambling man?
I'm a fan of magical girl deconstruction, but not 100% on dice. I'll see if this goes anywhere.
I'll keep an eye on this.
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