Avatar of Ammokkx


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Current new FFXIV EX fight sucks ass.
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1 yr ago
There's a difference between the ability to be social, and the desire to be social. I function perfectly fine going outside and talking to people, but that doesn't mean I *like* doing either.
1 yr ago
2 yrs ago
Pepsi and Milk, also known as an affront to everything good in this world. And my tastebuds.
2 yrs ago
Pilk seems to be trending, so I tried it. Anyone who tells me this is a good drink is no longer a person I wish to associate with.


The day that Moss was hanged, eight others were cut down,
And when the graves had all been dug, the queen rode out of town.

(I have a badly written 1x1 check if you want to know what kind of person I am.)

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Oh, also, @rebornfan320, I don't mind if you dislike me on a personal level. That's fine, that's fair. But do notice that the things I am saying are not being said in a vacuum. I am mainly echoing what others have said, and the fact at least 1 or more people deign to leave a reaction on my posts should show that the words I say are sentiments echoed by not just me. It's fine if you don't want to take my words seriously, but if that is the case, I implore you to read them as if someone else who dropped a reaction on them had posted them.

Despite what you may think, I am genuinely trying to help you. The problem is that you need to first recognize the faults of your failures do not lie with your partners, but with you. I am sorry if this is painful, I am sorry if you have trouble believing that but it is the undisputable truth of the matter. Until you accept this and do some introspection, as well as be a bit more humble towards others, I fear that you will continue to fail time and time again.

Regardless of what any single individual here may feel about you, and regardless of what you may feel about them, each and every single one of us are trying to help you in some way. The best result, for all of us, is that you open your eyes to the errors of your ways and start actually engaging with the community on a level they are comfortable with rather than what you wish out of them. You will find us more receptive to you, and you more receptive to us, if you make an active effort to fix the problems we have pointed out to you multiple times.

My apologies for being rude to you at times, truly, but this olive branch we extend to you is going to wither and die eventually if you do not reach out and wrap your hand around it.
@Tuujaimaa Well like you said it is a fair question to ask. My answer and reply to you is that I don't think my viewpoint is incorrect based on the experiences I had and feel like I need to defend myself from people that never gone through the pain to me of having the amount of RP's dead within a year at all.

Then you should not be in this thread as you do not think you are doing anything wrong.
Well 'dishonorable' isn't weird to me when I look at it. I look at it and your word as someone has said it, you should be more than capable to back it up also.

It might not be weird to you, but other people think it's a strange way to put it. At the very least the more common terminology would be "being a dick" or just, y'know, "ghosting" as it is. Ghosting isn't a good thing, it's inherently negative. Stacking "dishonorable" on top of it sounds like you're talking about how someone violated the samurai code. Corrosive said it best: Honor is a personal thing. It's a value each of us has to weigh for ourselves individually, and you can't force your sense of "honor" onto somebody else. To another person it is meaningless, and they are under no obligation to feel the same way as you.

My viewpoint would disagree with 'everybody' having a lack of interest on their part or even to the levels of my bad RP luck.

Everyone has slumps. I've posted in threads before that didn't get interest or died because of too little. Here's one that got very few hits and thus the GM didn't feel it worth to start it up. It happens.

Well I have to be guarded because whenever I have done put myself out there before there was little or even no interest for it and I have kept trying before but it felt like a waste of energy and effort

Being guarded gets you nowhere. This is a social hobby and if you can't be open to the other person you're never going to get anywhere. That being said, I'm reading you being defensive rather than guarded, which is equally bad for a different reason. If you can't take pushback from what someone else tells you, you are never going to find a partner, as people will disagree with you. If you bite back in an overly defensive manner, instead of being humble about the critique you're given, people will be put off by your attitude and won't want to RP with you. This has bitten me in the ass quite a few times (idk if ambra even remembers it but I sure do remember a scuffle with her at some point).

as at my max in terms of effort I wasn't seeing the payout I expected for myself.

Don't expect anything for yourself. You are not owed a single thing by anyone else; the only thing you can do is up your game and try again. If that fails, try something different. If you're not going to try something different, then expect the same results unless you get lucky at some point.

I feel it is a war against those who are dedicated and in their way are dishonorable ghosters. I don't see their actions as 'moving on' at all. I can't justify someone doing that to another person.

Lastly, this "me vs. them" mentality isn't going to get you anywhere. People ghost for three primary reasons:

1: Something in real life came up that makes them not want to deal with the stress of RPing so they vanish without a trace.
2: The plot you've laid out with them isn't interesting them no more and thus they leave
3: You've gotten bad blood with the other person and so they leave because they don't want to be around you as an individual.

The ghoster is not without fault, as they will fail to express any single one of these, naturally. The second one can even be entirely their whims, however, 1,5 of these reasons have you as a personal involvement. If RPs keep failing with you, specifically, and others are finding success, then I'm sorry to say this but you're going to need to change something about your approach or the way you talk to people. I have learned to keep my mouth firmly shut in 90% of cases where I have an issue with someone else's character or post, unless the group has made explicitly clear they're okay with me doing so or the problem is too big to ignore. In case of the latter, I have parted ways with multiple groups because the issues compounded too harshly for me to stay.

Take a look at the advice given in this thread. Compare to what you are doing. Don't go "Everyone else is the problem" since a repeated pattern of failure means a flaw in the process. Something is going to need to change on your end, whether you accept that or not. Failing to change also means failing to see any results beyond what you've been seeing.

Whether it's your personality, reputation, interest checks, quality of writing or any combination of such... something's gotta give.
"what does success mean for me as a GM/RPer"

when i'm not in it
If we're gonna take this thread seriously for a moment;

I've been in the GM's seat give or take 4 times now, to varying degrees of success. I've always gotten past the interest check phase but beyond that I've had quite... varied results.

I've found that in order to have a good interest check, you need to have at least some elements (but not all) of the following (and I definitely have left some gaps but oh well):

  • Being able to clearly articulate your idea. You may have the best ideas in the world, but if you can't properly explain what it's about then you're not going to get anywhere.
  • Doing something that people are both asking for, and others aren't providing. This one's a bit more abstract, but what it comes down to is this: Interest for a generic fantasy adventure is always high, but if your adventure is too generic, and there's 3 other RPs already on the market dealing with the same thing, people are going to be playing in those instead.
  • Knowing what you want. This isn't the same as having a detailed idea, mind. I've gotten away with posting an interest check titled "let's brainstorm a yugioh roleplay together" and I sure did draw a crowd from it (even if, when it got time to actual writing, it all fell apart). Thing is, even in that brainstorm thread I still laid out a few fundamental things I was looking for. Close to the anime, none o' dat meta shit, a lot of freedom in how duels unfolded (so no simulators). The details of the actual plot was for everyone interested to figure out together. This, too, was made clear. Set your boundaries and stick to them.
  • Putting effort into presentation. I'm not saying "use colours, tables, images and gifs like your life depends on it" since, really, I don't do that either. But do try to format your text in a clearly readable, easily accessible manner. Organizing your thread to have a clear beginning-middle-end structure and making sure it has at least some logical chronology to it goes a loooong way.

That being said, what I just wrote only really applies to specifically group RPs. I've not much interest nor experience in 1x1's, though I did, somehow, get a few hits on my rather poor attempt at a 1x1 check (can find it in my profile if curious). None of which went anywhere, mind, since I had no real chemistry with anyone who approached me, but it's an interesting footnote nonetheless. Wouldn't recommend taking it as a good example of how2intcheck though.
Bango I don't think starting this thread was a good idea

Chie was quiet and observant, as is her nature. She exchanged pleasantries well enough when prompted, but her focus was dedicated to learning about the other three rather than them getting to know her. They were nice. Conversation between the four of them was a constant, even if the subjects themselves barely held any kind of importance. Chie did, however, learn where her fellow Ars Magi-to-be all came from. Crystal hailed from Norba, Selma's past lay with Hasta and Rivka had made her home in Baeterrae. Nova Lux scouted the four girls from every corner of the world, it seemed like. Maybe there would be even more kinds of people waiting at the academy itself.

Her musings had to take a backseat when captain Wei informed all of them that they'd be getting off soon, another change of travel plans being made. It made Chie uneasy. Was the attack so severe? She didn't notice anything amiss before all this, but she couldn't help but worry for the safety of the people she left behind just over half an hour ago. It made her shift uncomfortably in her seat. Looking away from the rest of them. Distracting herself by watching the lights flicker by. She stopped thinking about the other three, forgot they were even there.

When it was time to step out of the railcar, Chie had found the atmosphere just as unsettling. Calcaria's railways were bustling during the day and she didn't have much experience with this dark, barren wasteland stretching out in front of her. She wasn't used to how dark everything was, to see people so silent and distant. Even though they had the military escorting them, somehow, it felt like something would jump out of the shadows at them. Some kind of void that slipped through, somehow, and was aiming for them specifically. A ridiculous thought, surely.

Instead, it wasn't ridiculous enough.

Chie felt some kind of impact, sudden and violent, throwing her back. Her ears were ringing, her vision went black and she was too shocked to move her limbs. She tried to get her bearings on the surroundings, but everything spun and moved. Her body hurt. In a daze she weakly tried to move her arm, but found it stuck on something. Same result with the other one. Then, Chie noticed the reason why. Something was dragging her. Clarity shot through Chie, as did panic. Some manner of void must have bust through. They were going to drag her off and kill her, like... like they...

"G-GET OFF! LET ME GO!" she hysterically yelled, struggling and thrashing in the grip of her captors. She didn't know the truth of the matter, of course, and it's not like she could do much. Whoever, or whatever had her in its grip also strongly overpowered her. "H-help! HELP ME!" she continued her panicked shouting. It was all she could do.
April 8th, 117AV


"Huh? What? Why... huh?"

"Surprise, Chie!"
"We kinda sprung this on her out of nowhere..."
"Don't worry, the teacher said we could use the classroom!"
"Hey, come sit! This is your farewell party!"

"Farewell party? I didn't think it was that important..."

"Quit the modesty already Chie! It's Nova Lux you're going to! Nova Lux!"
"I don't really want her to go, though..."
"I know, right? I don't like goodbyes."
"Come on, everyone... keep a smile on! I don't want to see Chie go either, but we should support her, right?"


"Hey, Chie, try these! I baked them myself!"
"Oooooh... why have I never gotten some?!"
"These are farewell cookies. You come to my house enough as-is."
"...Huh? Hey, Chie, is something wrong?"

"No... no, nothing at all. Thank you, everyone."

The dim light coming out the screen of Chie's phone was more than enough to see with for the darkened night sky which surrounded her. It wasn't pitch-black by any means- the abundance of night lighting at both the dock and scattered through the vast city below made sure of this- but the artificiality of it all didn't comfort her any. Anticipation, nerves, fear, longing... the emotions Chie felt were complex, compounded by her incessant staring at the minutes counting down. Her escort was a rather tall, serious man and had made for a poor company. Not that Chie had tried particularly hard to strike up a conversation, but most any of her questions were answered swiftly and with no hope for a followup. She was left with nothing to entertain herself, save for the act of slowly watching time tick and tick by.

It felt strange. She wasn't particularly bound to her home, but now that it was almost time to leave...


Chie's thoughts were broken as she heard the airship dock. Naturally, it was at the station where she'd been (im)patiently waiting. She looked back up at her escort who, after a bit of hushed chatter with his earpiece, told her to wait just a little longer. It wasn't long before three girls were escorted off the airship by a slew of military personnel. Chie thought to ask some more questions, but before a word could escape her lips her escort had already begun explaining. He informed her that the airship would not be used to make the rest of the journey. Instead, she and the other three would be lead to a railcar which would be making the rest of the trip in its stead.

It hardly took any time for the five to get settled, but a silence hung over them nevertheless. It was quite the... interesting group. Out of the four, Chie figured she looked the most ordinary, but maybe each of the other girls thought much the same about themselves. One girl had hair unlike everybody else's, vibrant and colourful. But even more than the colour, what stood out how well-maintained it was. It looked like it'd give the feeling of silk were you to touch it. Another one was more modest. Her hair was fashioned in twintails and what stood out most about the her was just how fidgety she seemed. She'd been fiddling with something, or otherwise had been nervously twitching her legs or fingers, all the way from the airship to here. As for the last one, well...


The last didn't take too long to make herself known. She introduced herself as Selma, no family name given, and was a taller woman than Chie could have imagined possible. It was no secret that the people of Calcaria were shorter than some of the more western-laid city city states, but Chie hadn't even seen a man as tall as Selma. The girl seemed nice and friendly enough, but the difference in height was going to leave Chie uncomfortable for a while longer. Selma had introduced herself, however, so it wouldn't do to not respond in kind.

"My name is Masuzu Chie. I don't need help with my luggage, but I hope we can all get along from this point forwards."

Chie waited to hear the names of the other three.
I remember this thread as being way older than it is and am also shocked I never posted in it.

Go me.

I like to think I play a fairly varied range of characters, though all within the umbrella of "very anime". The variance for me comes more in the personality than it does the appearance, since 50% of the time I'm playing a cute girl and the other 50% is a boy under 16, or at the very least man barely out of his teens. Call it a lack of exposure to any other kind of character.

Then again, a friend of mine says I only really play two characters: A really goofy, energetic person or a cold, distant person. I can't say he's entirely wrong.
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