Avatar of Ammokkx


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1 yr ago
Current new FFXIV EX fight sucks ass.
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1 yr ago
There's a difference between the ability to be social, and the desire to be social. I function perfectly fine going outside and talking to people, but that doesn't mean I *like* doing either.
1 yr ago
2 yrs ago
Pepsi and Milk, also known as an affront to everything good in this world. And my tastebuds.
2 yrs ago
Pilk seems to be trending, so I tried it. Anyone who tells me this is a good drink is no longer a person I wish to associate with.


The day that Moss was hanged, eight others were cut down,
And when the graves had all been dug, the queen rode out of town.

(I have a badly written 1x1 check if you want to know what kind of person I am.)

Most Recent Posts

Put on job armor and you're straight-up trailer derplander
Oh SHIT more FFXIV talk? And talking our characters?

Have some screenshots I just now took showing off my glams for DRK, WHM and SAM, then! (Khenda Chelewae on Exodus by the by)

mooncats masterrace
What are some games you actively have enjoyed but after you've beaten it once you have no desire to return to it despite liking it a great deal?

Oh there's plenty of those.

Idk if Hand of Fate counts because of its rogue-lite nature, but after my initial spree of playing it I haven't picked it up again since. That's a fantastic game, even though I never saw it all the way through to the final boss.

West of Loathing took all the best aspects of Kingdom of Loathing and made it into a single-player RPG instead of the webgame it was, and that worked really really well. The game is unbearably funny and actually manages to be a really good RPG, all things considered.

Eternal Sonata is a really fun RPG with a hilariously convoluted plot but it suffers from "large RPG syndrome" where anything past a certain number of hours in playtime isn't anything I'm willing to go back to any time soon.

Brutal Legend is a game I played once and then never again, despite me having a fun time with its action RPG and RTS mixed gameplay.

...Am I even allowed to mention something like Akiba's Trip: Undead and Undressed without getting laughed out of the room? Because that was a funny and competent game, it's just, y'know, also total bait to get someone like me to play it.
A good "MMO game", two words combined and not just one, is a game based around having fun through group socialization within the context it provides. Therefore in order to succeed both as a product AND as a MMO it has to tick not one but both of those boxes. It has to combines both a set of good team and/or PVP activities to engage you and keep you engaged when you have friends around and a good set of mechanics to forcefully make sure even the most awkward shy person ever could make friends so as to ensure nobody was stuck awkwardly playing along. It's a game that creates conditions for forced (if stealthily so) socialization and than makes that socialization fun.

I have mentioned about 7 different games that all do this and you refuse to acknowledge any of my examples in favor of the ones you can't even remember.

And commercial success does factor in, because people playing the game means people are socializing in the game.

You explicitely left these supossedly social experiences because they had nothing to offer you. The most you can remember is a bot crisis in one game, while RMT activities are shit that happens in every MMO.

I'm done with this. You are completely talking out of your ass.

Because they did their job of locking me and a bunch of other people in a room with the explicit order that none of us are getting out before each has at least one friend good enough that I don't have to remember them.


They don't

want you to get out

they want you to keep playing and spending money on it

I literally cannot fathom this perspective of yours. Even the original Everquest in all its archaïc glory was built to be a fun game for a certain crowd of people. The devs behind Everquest didn't want you to quit and not play their game. And that is one of those MMO's that, as you put it, "locks you into a room until you've grinded 300 tigers"


Final Fantasy 11 is the epitome of a game that forced(/forces) its community to come together to achieve anything and while people loved that at the time of its release, they took every wrong lesson from it for FFXIV 1.0 and that game did so bad it nearly caused a goddamn financial crisis at SE.

If a good MMO, by your definition, is forgettable and retains no players then PPQ, mate, I'd rather go play the bad ones.

Chie drew a few sharp breaths, trying to once again gather the Nox in the area. She desperately tried to power through the taxing effect it had to her body, forcibly pushing past her limits. No luck. The attempts just caused her to gasp for more and more air. A voice rang out from next to Chie, but engrossed in her attempts as she was, she hadn't noticed anyone approaching her. It startled the girl, who wasted no time in quickly whipping her head around. Relief washed over her when it turned out to be Selma.

"Selma! I-I have to..." she tried to stammer out, but couldn't find the right words or the breath to speak them with.

"You've done what you could. Now just hold on, alright?" Selma reassured her.

The big girl hoisted Chie onto her back, the latter being too worn out for protest. Even if she had been in a condition to fight it, deep down Chie knew she shouldn't. The situation was dangerous. They needed to run, but now she'd dragged Selma into her recklessness. Chie wrapped her arms around her, holding on as tight as she could.

"I'm sorry for... burdening you all."
But I guess, my brother literally paid for more of my sub time, so I guess I'm stuck with giving the story content another push in the near future.

datacenter? If primal, hit me up some time. I'll help you run content whenever I'm on at the same time.
@FamishedPants Anyone who openly admits they play Nekopara up to volume 4 and thinks saying its bad unironically will save them probably doesn't have a worthwhile opinion on VNs.

hey, I mentioned Ever 17 in the same post ;~;
But that's the point. All MMOs that have come since or have "evolved" past this are simply doing it wrong.

Which is why they continue to make money, right? Because they're doing it wrong. Doing it wrong = holding more players than before and making more cash. Obviously.

Which by the way is the reason I quit the genre to begin with. It changed and now it sucks and I hold and will hold this to my dying day.

Mate you literally can't remember shit about the MMO's you played.

I remember spending hours on Blade & Soul PvP, I remember throwing ninja stars in Maple Story and grinding out event currency, I remember fucking around in Goldshire in WoW.

These games have given me so many worthwhile experiences, even before the evolution, and yet you're going to sit here and tell me that the games you admit you barely remember were doing their job better than the games I remember clearly and have fond memories of?

If I want to socialize with my friends I go play Left 4 Dead 2. That's a great party game.

It's almost like you hate videogames and you have no good arguments, but you like to pretend you know what you're talking about to prop yourself up when you're full of it.
The Fruit of Grisaia: Haven't started it, and I won't until Muv-Luv Alternate is done. But I was recommended it by a connoisseur of VNs, so I'm expecting good things.


This VN wastes so much time on needless fluff and none of the routes are good

Fuck Fruit of Grisaia
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