Avatar of Ammokkx


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1 yr ago
Current new FFXIV EX fight sucks ass.
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1 yr ago
There's a difference between the ability to be social, and the desire to be social. I function perfectly fine going outside and talking to people, but that doesn't mean I *like* doing either.
1 yr ago
2 yrs ago
Pepsi and Milk, also known as an affront to everything good in this world. And my tastebuds.
2 yrs ago
Pilk seems to be trending, so I tried it. Anyone who tells me this is a good drink is no longer a person I wish to associate with.


The day that Moss was hanged, eight others were cut down,
And when the graves had all been dug, the queen rode out of town.

(I have a badly written 1x1 check if you want to know what kind of person I am.)

Most Recent Posts

Name: 小刀禰 夕朱 (Kotone Yuzu)
Age: 15
Appearance: Normal (Source), Transformed (Source unknown)
Description: When there's evil afoot, her confident showmanship steals the show! When there's not, our heroine is modest and kind to everyone she meets! This quiet beauty has admirers from all over, yet none can get close enough to unravel the mysteries of her heart...
Title: Noble Robin
Description: The story of an archer highwayman who's chance meeting with a princess causes him to forgo his old ways. In pursuit of her love, he enters into an archery contest to show off his skills. The princess is swooned, but the two can never be together. In order for them to live happily ever after, Robin steals the treasures of her evil family together with his old friends. He scatters the new-found wealth to the peasantry before he and the princess elope into the woods.
Abilities: Robin was a master archer, able to hit his mark no matter how far or narrow the target. Yuzu gets a bow and deadeye skills to match, conjuring magical arrows to fire off at the enemy. Robin was quick on his feet and now so is Yuzu, able to fire off volleys of arrows during any daring stunt without losing the slightest bit of accuracy.
There was mention of a potential discord server in the int. check. I didn't comment on it at the time, but I'm in favor of making one. I find they're useful for socializing with fellow RPers. S'pose it would be more about what everyone else thinks, though.
we'd rather see what you do thee characters IC than static information on a CS that, frankly speaking, we know is unlikely to matter much after a short while.

I mean, I don't disagree. I forgo CSes almost entirely if I know the people I'm RPing with, or have had long enough of a talk with them. I know I'm guilty of steering off-course from my CS within 3 posts at most.

Not entirely sure how it works out when you don't know the people you're RPing with, but I ain't one to scoff at the chance to not have to care about my CS.
I know it's a very short sheet, but mimicking the example given by the GM, I tried to pack in as much as I could into as tiny of a space while still giving that 'flavor text' feel to it. If it needs more, though, I'm happy to try again.

I also thought about adding snares as an option to her archery (Like being able to have a chain following her arrow's trail, possibly creating a net when firing off enough of them ) but I didn't know how to word it. As it stands it's just magical arrows with pin-point accuracy even when performing acrobatic stunts. Idk if there needs to be more there, so I've left it out for now.

Oh and the fairy tale it's inspired off is Robin Hood, but I took some creative liberties with the whole "Similar beats but not the same story" thing. If I went too far off-track, I'll course correct it.

Name: 小刀禰 夕朱 (Kotone Yuzu)
Age: 15
Appearance: Normal (Source), Transformed (Source unknown)
Description: When there's evil afoot, her confident showmanship steals the show! When there's not, our heroine is modest and kind to everyone she meets! This quiet beauty has admirers from all over, yet none can get close enough to unravel the mysteries of her heart...
Title: Noble Robin
Description: The story of an archer highwayman who's chance meeting with a princess causes him to forgo his old ways. In pursuit of her love, he enters into an archery contest to show off his skills. The princess is swooned, but the two can never be together. In order for them to live happily ever after, Robin steals the treasures of her evil family together with his old friends. He scatters the new-found wealth to the peasantry before he and the princess elope into the woods.
Abilities: Robin was a master archer, able to hit his mark no matter how far or narrow the target. Yuzu gets a bow and deadeye skills to match, conjuring magical arrows to fire off at the enemy. Robin was quick on his feet and now so is Yuzu, able to fire off volleys of arrows during any daring stunt without losing the slightest bit of accuracy.
Calling dibs on a Snow White with ice powers, because what could be a more natural fit?

Summons (Seven dwarves) or poison (the apple), all things considered. Snow White is only really in reference to the colour of her skin.

Yeah. Yeah this is something to keep an eye on.
<Snipped quote by Ammokkx>

Don't let it steal your soul. D: (Or all your cash through microtransactions. Picture looks like a "I paid money for this." screen.)

Y'know, for as much as I'd like to flaunt my SSR collection, it's not that impressive. Yeah- I spent a bit of money getting there- a grand total of 1 euro for a Phoebe pack and nothing else. Getting SSRs in this game isn't actually the problem, it showers you in gacha currency and tickets to roll with and you get a guaranteed SSR on 20 rolls on a Select banner, with 70 rolls guaranteeing the cover unit.

No, the problem in this game is actually maxing the SSRs you do have out. Miyuki is super easy because not only does she have a select banner for new players, but you also get two duplicates of her logging in... others, however, are less lucky. Either you pray to the gacha gods to get more copies through rolling or you spend weeks at a time slowly grinding out 1-3 shards at a time in Arcana.

Don't take that as me complaining, though. Grinding is part of the fun in gacha games. The fact it's not too hard getting the characters you want is a bonus for me.

Chie was... unsure of how to transform back. Her pain-addled mind did her no favors in figuring this out, of course, but it wasn't just that which was the problem. The Nox in the air was still so... thick, even though she wasn't aware of any other voids that spawned. It made it hard to focus. The raw power running through her armagus wouldn't let her become normal again. Chie's earpiece buzzed to life as she pondered it.

“Masuzu, re--“ a voice came through, but the sentence was left unfinished.
"Operator?" Chie tried to answer back. No reply came. Something was wrong, she was sure of it. A queasy feeling washed over the girl. No matter how much she looked around her, though, she couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. The only thing there was this invisible miasma tickling Chie's skin.

And then the explosion happened.

"Nh-!" the ars-magi-in-training grunted in surprise as she shielded herself from the wind displacement. She hurriedly looked up to the source of the explosion, finding a fancy new hole in the tower awaiting her gaze. After a brief moment of shock and dread, Chie came to her senses and tried to say something through the earpiece: "Operator, is everyone-" she begun to ask, but froze up when she realised static was coming from the other side. "No..." she hushed to herself in a quiet voice. Chie looked around, trying to find anything that could've caused that shockwave, only to see a shadow in the sky diving past her and into the opening. Panicked, shaking in her boots, Chie had to think of something. She had to hurry. This was her fault, she must've missed one of them. One that was a lot more powerful if it could do that. She needed to fix her mistakes before it was too late.

But when Chie took a step forward, the sharp pain in her back shot through her again. The void's mark was still ailing her. She grit her teeth and ignored it. She was wounded, it hurt, but she could still move. Just like Calcaria, the girl's mistake had caused problems for the other three. She had to hurry back and fix it. Chie took a pained step, then another. Before she knew it, she managed to push through the pain well enough for to be running back. The ars magi felt light on her feet. Chie didn't notice it before, but even a mild jog was much faster than any sprint she'd accomplished before that point. It bolstered her confidence. If she could move like this in the state she was in, then the other three should've been able to hold their ground, too.

"Everyone, please be safe...!"

I've been playing for two days and I'm already knee-deep into a new gacha addiction

Illusion Connect is pretty good
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