Kathelia had a pretty good plan. Everyone said the knight was useless, but if you ran two knights and one princess, your knights could serve as a sort of cover. Follow around the key scorers on the other teams and immediately fight them and take away the treasure they stole, then your princess could use the protection of your knight as an escort. Nothing stopped the second knight from playing defense during that time, and they could switch off. It was like, maybe 1.5 queens instead of two, but with the bonus of a safe escort for a single princess into a kingdom. A slow, careful, meticulous strategy. It would have worked absolutely perfectly, too, if Adila had played normally!
But nooooooo. Some dragon had to be a total party pooper and ruin it for everyone. With just one princess on her team (Dandy, obviously) and basically a billion knights running around, the game ground to a complete halt. No treasure was ever changing hands and it looked like the crowd of sprites, spriggans, and assorted animated objects was going to start booing and throwing things at having their entertainment ruined. And then fluffy poochy Adila had to go and make an offer to Alina to break the tie.
Kathelia pouted, but she couldn't really be that mad. Alina deserved a win, and Kathelia was still riding high on the cake and battle chess, so she figured her team could endure a little bit in the loser's box too. But her strategy had totally been good and she wouldn't let anybody tell her otherwise!
[3+5+2=10. Good, but not quite as good as Adila.]
But nooooooo. Some dragon had to be a total party pooper and ruin it for everyone. With just one princess on her team (Dandy, obviously) and basically a billion knights running around, the game ground to a complete halt. No treasure was ever changing hands and it looked like the crowd of sprites, spriggans, and assorted animated objects was going to start booing and throwing things at having their entertainment ruined. And then fluffy poochy Adila had to go and make an offer to Alina to break the tie.
Kathelia pouted, but she couldn't really be that mad. Alina deserved a win, and Kathelia was still riding high on the cake and battle chess, so she figured her team could endure a little bit in the loser's box too. But her strategy had totally been good and she wouldn't let anybody tell her otherwise!
[3+5+2=10. Good, but not quite as good as Adila.]