Avatar of Andreyich


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Current Chris Chan's girlfriend is pregnant. If he can find love and family you have no excuse!!
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being non american, halloween is mostly just a reason to log into games i haven't played for months to check out the cool events
2 mos ago
"my basement"
2 mos ago
most of them are looking for something quite specific
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I did. Part of advertising for my Sonichu memorabilia resale business.


If you enjoy my posts then consider pressing here to see my 1x1 interest check. Now listen to the tale of a man far from home longing to see its greens again.

About me:
Where do I begin. I'm from Belarus, and fairly proud of it. I've been RPing about a decade starting mostly with chat stuff and some LARPs/reenactments, doing the stuff of this site for maybe half a decade now. I'm a former serviceman, and while I was conscripted I make sure to stay in related circles. As a day job I'm a programmer letting me usually work from home even when we don't have coronavirus forcing us to do so and thus I got a lot of time for RP.

Most Recent Posts

got a few new plots/edits btw
I'll erect some sort of OOC and maybe expand a bit on the world if you'd like, @Andreyich. It's pretty much the worst climate scenarios + a bunch of wars at irregular intervals in various places around the world all the way up to the 22nd century. Some are still ongoing, probs. I don't wanna write too much in stone as I want the players to help imagine what the world will be like, but I will put up the map of the world in 2100 with respect to sea levels as imagined if business-as-usual emissions continue. I'll slap it into the OOC when I make it.

that makes sense! but I guess I was also curious about the full extent of anthropogenic damage to the world. I.e., has nuclear war fucked up the planet? Or has soil damage from over-farming left long stretches of the world of incredibly poor fertility? billions of fish dead from ocean toxicity and the seas are covered in algal bloom? has space debris created a Kessler effect where satellites basically don't work at all anymore? and if not, is stuff like GPS still functional? has some agent orange analogue chemical fucked up much of the planet's soil (akin to the earlier question)? or are there some major plagues from bioweapons to be aware of? are fossil fuels and other 'limited' resources like helium and such gone? I guess I'm also wondering how much of the world might be 'degraded'. Are we at the point there'd be de facto tribals like fallout? or is it more global mad max? or just poverty and degradation everywhere? i'm guessing the nonhumans you speak of are mutants of some sort that diverged from humanity. can we expect that much of the landscape is covered in some scifi mutations like walking plants and stuff? or weird new unrecognizable creatures?

sorry if I'm being incredibly nitpicky, but I feel all these questions are relevant to my ideas lol
I would probably wait to read more about the setting, like the state of the world, what the non humans are

but I had 4 ideas

1 would be some sort of federation of mountainous peoples in central Europe (Dinaric Alps and a few of the other ranges nearby) that hid away in some sort of bunkers when the world was hit by cataclysm and only recently reemerge; almost kind of like dwarves in fantasy (though I planned them to be normal humans)

2 was something like the Vandals of late antiquity where during the apocalyptic event army units from places that got hit hard invaded places that were hit less hard and took them over (so i.e. Spanish divisions taking over Morocco)

3 I wanted to be in some fertile part of the cradle of humanity where after the collapse of world societies this region kind of just became an important broker of natural resources (food, minerals) while relying on fresh water from abroad (their desalinated water all goes to irrigation)

4 some sorts of Eurasian nomads, herding cattle in solar powered RVs driving from oil well to oil well that they then go on to sell lucratively in Europe and Asia

Leaning towards idea 1 becasue I like the idea of the naivete these people emerging from their idyllic underground facilities would have and the ensuing culture shocks but I'll wait for more details of the world and other players ideas.
Dang been forever but interested
"Cowards!" he Jin roared, still running across the roofs. He paced his breath, for the duo he was chasing was certainly quite limber. Still, he would not give up. Evil was here, in great abundance. He couldn't just let a murderer like that get away freely just because he was working up a sweat. Those medals, they had to mean something. Another snarl came from Temujin as he redoubled his efforts. For but a moment he thought to help himself to use the earth in the tiles of the roofs to make himself go faster. But no, he could do it by foot. If he began to start choosing these sacrifices in other people's names, that would begin the exact same slippery slope that everyone in the Kingdom that wronged him went on. The same path that made perhaps once good souls into villains.

In anger over this injustice he channeled a second wind, until very abruptly his attention was taken away. Some kid yelled at him. Jin looked down at him, and tilted his head. The boy looked scrawny enough that he'd struggle to get a blanket off of himself in the morning. "Run away kid. This is dangerous, it should be safe over there." he pointed in the opposite direction of where he presumed Ena and her newfound companion were going. "Get out." he commanded, not really even considering what the boy said. Hopefully he had sense enough to save himself, unlike the strange young firebender with the girl.

The thought of the wellbeing of the weedy boy suddenly brought Jin back to his memory of the old man he had left to fend for himself. "Damn." he cursed under his breath. Not that much time had passed, and yet it was more than enough for Mr. Hanwei to get lost or even hurt again.

For a moment the veteran looked back at the rest of the village, pondering if he should go back.

No, he couldn't. He was one man, and Jin had to hope he would have listened and stayed put. The Laughing Lily was said to have killed a lot more than one person, and would kill again. "You cannot outrun me!" he bellowed, and gave chase once more.

A grin came over him as he spotted the two fugitives. He dropped down, again entering a boxer's stance with either arm upraised and covered in earth, a similar affair upon his legs to avoid getting embarrassed like the other Earth-Benders Ena had beaten.

"You, boy." the stranger was a Firebender, but in this moment Jin just couldn't see him as a violent sort. He couldn't just batter him down. Besides, it wasn't like there was a bounty on him. "My problem's not with you." Three stomps with a briefly bared foot, and Jin erected a small staircase for Zai to climb to escape. "Get out, run fast." he was about to turn to Ena, before another thought hit him. "There's an old man out by the first shop behind the wall I made. One of you, Fire Nation. Help him. He's got a green cloak, brown bandana, little gold pendant on his neck. Eyes the colour of fire."

Finally, he could turn his attention to the Laughing Lily. "Now, drop the sword and put your hands on the ground and this can go smoothly. There's nowhere to run, and I'd rather not have to break you." But to demonstrate he was more than willing to do so, he banged his rocky fists together, producing a small light-show of sparks.
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