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4 yrs ago
Current Well, after a year and a smidge, I'm actually being called back into the office. So ends my working from home experiment.
4 yrs ago
Was just out mowing. Found a large garter snake trying to eat an even larger toad. Toad was still fighting. Trying to decide if this is an omen, and if so, of what.
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4 yrs ago
Just heard a character described as a 'pizza cutter': all edge, no point. Wish I'd thought of that one back in the 90s.
4 yrs ago
I want people to say of me what Lincoln said of Henry Clay, "He loved his country partly because it was his own country, but mostly because it was a free country..."
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4 yrs ago
The problem with studying history is that I've now got all kinds of "well, actually .." triggers in historical rpgs now. CoC is a mine field. Don't get me started on Deadlands.


Been playing RPGs since the red box era of basic D&D (AKA "you think THAC0 is bad?") Looking for ways to play while still being a fully-employed, married introvert.

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Both the guild and the streets encouraged light sleeping, so dragging herself up from the abyss of unconsciousness was a new experience for Jagg. Being unable to move was, alas, not so new. Although usually there were ropes involved.

But fair enough, few can stay as motionless as a thief. Jagg stayed perfectly still while flexing first this muscle then that one. When the time came to act, her captor would find her limber and primed for action.

Said action would likely be running away, but it would be action nonetheless.

Jagg watched the Warden as the Warden - presumably - watched her. She was aware of the rumors of the Warden’s inhuman nature. As far as Jagg was concerned, none of the rich and powerful were human, so that made no nevermind. They all had some kind of weird powers, whether it was wrenching you out of sleep and freezing your limbs, or sending fat guardsmen into the back alleys at the second bell of the morning. She’d handle this one as well as she had all the other.
@Zeroth Think "thrown naked into a tiny little cell in the cold darkness". No bed, no furniture, just a mouldy pile of straw and a smelly bucket. The Maw is a very bad place.

Do we want this to be absolute for narrative purposes? Because locks are just polite suggestions for Jagg.
Hmmm. Seems like a good opportunity for one of my favorite fantasy archetypes.

Damn. Okay, I've been notified that I have to return to the office this week. I expected another couple of months of work-from-home, but that's apparently not going to happen. I work for the state and their firewall is no joke, so I'm not even going to be able to access the Guild for most of the day.

I think I'm going to have to drop out. I'm about to have a fraction of the time I've gotten used to having.


Aliyah stared at the empty space for a moment, then looked around. Somehow - magically - no one else seemed to notice that a large black man had suddenly vanished. Well, that confirmed it. Far be it from her to ignore the warnings of a Loa. Particularly one that filled out a pair of dress pants like that.

Dammit. Her aunts were right, she needed to start dating again.

So. Giselle was being attacked. She was defended by her own musical thoughts. She thought about music constantly, so that's no small thing. But eventually it would break through. Aliyah had to stop it, and soon.

She absently sipped her drink, then flinched. Somehow her rum-and-coke had become a rum-and-rum, with a splash of rum. Really GOOD rum, better than the club ever served. She sipped it again, respectfully. The Baron would probably frown on someone who wasted good booze.

Did Giselle even know she was being attacked? Like most of the fea, and the fae-adjacent, she could be flighty. Well, it was a good thing she had a friend with the last name of Schilling.

Aliyah dug through her handbag and came up with a handful of silver dimes. No good conjure woman left home without a few. On a cocktail napkin she scrawled out part of Psalm 7 in King James English, "O LORD my God, in thee do I put my trust: save me from all them that persecute me, and deliver me ..." The Schillings were no longer Christian but respected the power of the traditions. Ordering a shot of local whiskey she spilled three drops across the napkin before wrapping it around the dimes.

That was the nice thing about hoodoo. You could use local ingredients. Now she just needed a bag to contain it.

She wove her way through the crowded club until she reached the bar. The bartender was Janice, a pneumatic brunette who was probably a were. She seemed to be able to smell just how drunk her customers were.

"Janice, Grunge Night was last week, wasn't it? You have any flannel shirts in lost-and-found that no one has claimed?"

With an expressive eyeroll, Janice can out with an armload of fabric. Aliyah wasn't sure why all of the old hoodoo medicine workers used red flannel. Maybe it was all they had. Regardless, it was what she used for hoodoo talismans. A few rips and a bit of quick stitching from her mending kit gave her a flannel bag. In went the dimes and napkin. She sewed it closed and gave it an experimental shake. It *clinked* lightly, which was perfect.

It wasn't a great talisman, but it would hold for a few days until the silver dimes tarnished completely. That would buy Giselle some time while Aliyah investigated the "Black Maaaaajic."

Now to catch Giselle after she finished her set.

Aliyah blinked at the image framed in smoke. Quickly she dove into her handbag and came up with a vial of pure white powder. A flick sent a palm-full of the powder into the air, and Aliyah peered through it. The shimmering powder darkened noticeably in the air, finally turning pure black before settling on the floor. Aliyah hissed through her teeth.

"Goddess, whatever that is, it's nasty. I don't recognize the hand behind it. Do you know where it's coming from?"
Aliyah's eyebrows went up when the man first appeared, then kept climbing as she took in the top hat and the nose plugs. In Corvus Bay there was no predicting who - or what - you would meet. Best to be respectful of everyone. They could be a king in disguise. Or at least a Baron.

"What do you see when you look at her?" he enquired, gesturing to Giselle with his cigar.

At his question she turned her eyes to Giselle. All five feet two inches of her, and that was with the boots and the crown of hair. Bearer of the legendary harp Durabald, carved by the fairy, older than human civilization, now reshaped into a Strat and chewing through the opening chords of "Stand Up and Shout" by Dio. A woman who cried at cat memes and would someday level one of the oldest of the Fae courts.

"She's unique. She's reformed this band a least a dozen times in the two years I've known her, but this time it might stick. They seem tight."

Giselle always insisted on an all-woman band. Something to do with the flow of the magic. The vocalist was going for the Joan Jett black leather look, and pulling it off nicely. Giselle always had a problem finding a lead singer, since they would be the one at the sharp end if the magic went wrong. Alas, Giselle simply didn't have the pipes to do it herself.

"I'd never call myself a fan of golden age heavy metal, but I like their energy. They love what they're doing..."

She turned her eyes back to her new companion.

"... and of course you'd have to be three kinds of dead not the feel the magic thrumming underneath it all. I trust them, but if they play "Smoke on the Water" I may move closer to the door."

The fact that the card was slid under the door was in itself alarming. Aliyah had carefully chosen the door and frame to prevent any vapors from getting in, or out. The whole area was sprinkled with goofer dust - a sort of all-purpose Hoodoo hex powder - which prevented anyone with mischief in mind from getting close to the house.

Drying her hands on a kitchen towel, Aliyah studied the card as it lie on the floor. The front - the part she could see - showed a darkened room with an image of the full moon projected on the ceiling. The Moon's Gift. But they weren't the sort to advertise, were they? If you were the sort to go there, you already knew about it.

She flipped the card over with her toe. Huh. Not too many people would be writing her in sparkly purple ink. Or signing off with a sketch of metal horns. Giselle then.

So Giselle had a new band together? Third this year. They were playing at The Moon's Gift. Normally Aliyah would have made up some conflict and apologized, but if Giselle was sending a physical card then it must be more than just "Hey, check this out!" And if it weren't for Giselle Aliyah would have ended up in a janitor's closet with that faun.

Time to hit the wardrobe and see if she had anything suitable for clubbing.

A few hours - and some hasty laundry - later, and Aliyah was in front of the Moon's Gift. It was tucked away in the trendy district, crunched between a fusion restaurant and an art gallery. The bouncer at the door was a troll. A literal troll, although he just looked like a big, ugly man. Amazing what you could do with a charcoal suit and a good tailor.

"Hey Keith! How are things? You still with Chrishell?"

The troll's face split in a granite smile. Sometimes it was nice to be a local fixture.

Aliyah shot the breeze with Keith for a minute until a line started to form, then paid the cover charge and slid down the stairs. The club itself was dimly lit - duh - with most of the light coming from the image of the moon projecting on the ceiling. It waxed and waned thought the night, giving a feeling of time slipping by.

Aliyah was early enough that the moon was still a waxing sliver in one corner of the room. She'd just grabbed a table - really, a frisbee with legs - and ordered the mandatory rum-and-coke when Giselle made her appearance ...
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