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Welcome to RPG! I hope you find what you are looking for and we are able to accommodate your rp cravings and big imagination. Cheers! :)
Welcome to RPG and I hope you find an advanced mentor here that will work well with you :D
Yass you're back?! Congratulations on making that A :D I'm anticipating that IC post
So I'm guessing we're at a stand still until Genkai gets back? *sits patiently and waits for evil overlord to return*
Aw man. Fine *strips off referee outfit*
^Oh shits going down *grabs popcorn* I volunteer as referee if things get too spicy!!! *raises hand*
I'd like clarification on ^all this too. Who can see who? Expansion on the DgtWld and its limitations etc.?
Just got back from watching Kingsmen. I must say, one of the spy movies of all time... So damn good ⊙▽⊙
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