Say what you will, she served 70 years and worked until her dying breath; may the Queen rest in well-earned peace.
2 yrs ago
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2 yrs ago
3 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses
2 yrs ago
Say what you will, she served 70 years and worked until her dying breath; may the Queen rest in well-earned peace.
2 yrs ago
Loving the organizational prowess of the Shipden Peak GM.
3 yrs ago
If more people hated racism as much as they hate accusations of racism the world would be a dope ass place.
3 yrs ago
Being new is always awkward, apparently.
Jaded & cynical hopeless romantic.
I enjoy: Antagonistic banter, themes of distrust, slow-burn romance, passion, intensity, gay panic, loyalty, some mild violence, thoughtful plot twists, and well-paced plot progression.
I don't appreciate: One-liners, filler-posts-sans-progression, egregious grammar/spelling mistakes (Grammarly is free), one-dimensional characters, gratuitous homophobia, Deus ex machina, slapstick silliness, or garish depictions of mental/physical disability.
An unreasonable pet peeve I cannot help: I truly, madly, deeply dislike smilies like :) or XD in any form of conversation/interaction & it will make me flee as quickly as politely possible even if you're the second coming of RP-Jesus in other respects.
Jaded & cynical hopeless romantic.
I enjoy: Antagonistic banter, themes of distrust, slow-burn romance, passion, intensity, gay panic, loyalty, some mild violence, thoughtful plot twists, and well-paced plot progression.
I don't appreciate: One-liners, filler-posts-sans-progression, egregious grammar/spelling mistakes (Grammarly is free), one-dimensional characters, gratuitous homophobia, Deus ex machina, slapstick silliness, or garish depictions of mental/physical disability.
An unreasonable pet peeve I cannot help: I truly, madly, deeply dislike smilies like :) or XD in any form of conversation/interaction & it will make me flee as quickly as politely possible even if you're the second coming of RP-Jesus in other respects.
[b][u]Current Fictional Endeavors[/u]:[/b]
[url=]The Un-Vanished Palace[/url] - Fallen London setting, human x human, adventure; with [url=]EchoicChamber[/url]
Regency Romp - Regency era, arranged marriage, MxM; with [url=]Catena[/url]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Jaded & cynical hopeless romantic.<br><br>I enjoy: Antagonistic banter, themes of distrust, slow-burn romance, passion, intensity, gay panic, loyalty, some mild violence, thoughtful plot twists, and well-paced plot progression.<br><br>I don't appreciate: One-liners, filler-posts-sans-progression, egregious grammar/spelling mistakes (Grammarly is free), one-dimensional characters, gratuitous homophobia, Deus ex machina, slapstick silliness, or garish depictions of mental/physical disability.<br><br>An unreasonable pet peeve I cannot help: I truly, madly, deeply dislike smilies like :) or XD in any form of conversation/interaction & it will make me flee as quickly as politely possible even if you're the second coming of RP-Jesus in other respects.<br><br><span class="bb-b"><span class="bb-u">Current Fictional Endeavors</span>:</span><br><br><a href="">The Un-Vanished Palace</a> - Fallen London setting, human x human, adventure; with <a href="">EchoicChamber</a><br><br>Regency Romp - Regency era, arranged marriage, MxM; with <a href="">Catena</a></div>