Faceclaim: Gigi Hadid
Quote:"When the entire world is there for the taking, resisting the call to have it all is a test of one's restraint."-Fatima al-Umar
Name:Originally: Fatima al-Umar
Currently: Angelica "Angel" Aziz
Apparent Age:24
Appearance:Though in her early twenties, Angel has a sophistication and style that is mature beyond her years. Her grey-hazel eyes are piercing in an almost hypnotic way.
Personality:Angelica's nature is best described as charitable; she's an empathetic person by nature and even millennia of fighting against the malevolence inside of her haven't changed that. She sees the suffering in the world and rather than wring her hands and lament, she rolls up her sleeves and tries to do something about it. Despite her efforts, she is riddled with self-doubt. In order to give, one must first receive, and in receiving she often wonders if her efforts are truly selfless charity, or just an excuse for her to receive & passively sate her Greed.
Biography:Before Angelica was a Host, she was a young woman named Fatima al-Umar, the third daughter of a Prince of Nazareth. During a famine caused by a plague of locusts sent by minions of Lucifer to weaken the resolve of the Jordan army of soldiers and priests fighting in the holy war, it was Fatima who left the safety of the guarded compound day after day to offer bread and milk to the mothers of starving children who lined up outside to plead for succor.
In time, after the war had wrought devastation on the land, the famine ended and prosperity began to return to the people, and they sought to repay Fatima's kindness, bringing offerings of produce, fattened animals, and fresh wine day after day. Faced with this abundance, rather than keep it for herself and her family, she convinced her father to set up a fair trade route through which they could sell the offered goods to less fortunate regions at a reduced price to help them through their recovery. In turn, the money made could be reinvested into the populace, supporting those who had little of their own, setting up orphanages, and subsidizing those in need until they too could prosper, in turn donating goods that could be added into this charitable cycle.
When another battle against the forces of Hell loomed on the horizon with bloodshed happening in Jordan, the people despaired, but Fatima, accompanied only by a handful of loyal and beloved servants, set out with a caravan of food to take it directly to those in need.
Greed, incensed by this selflessness, interfered with her plans directly. Not pestilence, plague, betrayal, or heartbreak stopped her trek into Jordan to feed the hungry, and though in the end, all those who accompanied her perished at
Greed's hands, she persevered. The last servants at her side, monks of the secret order that'd discovered the Demon-sealing method, waited until
Greed was distracted and weakened in the face of Fatima's act of charity, then took the Demon by surprise, sealing it into Fatima's body & sealing her fate in the process.
Immortal, Fatima has traveled the world over the centuries, taking on new identities so as to not raise suspicion of her unchanging mien. She was a follower of Mother Theresa, taking part in missionary work for the Catholic Church, though she left when the work became more of a grift, less charitable as much as a religious recruitment drive. She's also gotten involved in various charities, and was instrumental in the creation of both the Red Cross and Amnesty International, though she despairs privately at many of the atrocities committed in their name by predators who use the cover of charity to exploit the desperate and needy.
In her current identity as Angelica "Angel" Aziz, she is a beauty and lifestyle influencer on social media, well-known for her charity work. She hosts regular contests between influencers to raise money from subscribers for charity, and partners with big-name brands to create aid packages and scholarships for the less fortunate.
Sin:Angelica's Sin is known as
Greed. They feed on the desire of humanity to conquer and acquire through any means possible. At their bosom, they cradle the insatiable CEOs, the oil tycoons, the land barons, the millionaires at the head of supposed non-profits worldwide. They don't just get ahold of the wildly ambitious, however, the tendrils of their influence are felt in the broken crevices of the minds of kleptomaniacs, and all the way down to the kindergartener that steals an extra cookie at snack time.
From the start of civilization up through this very day, one might say the driving force of all civilization has been
Greed. The desire for more land, more subjects, more resources, more, more, more. There are those who say without
Greed, man would be content to give in to Sloth and languish in squalor, but still, others say that the influence of Pride would never allow mankind to sink that far & that the defenders of
Greed are just looking for a convenient excuse.
As one of Lucifer's Seven Generals,
Greed was a driving force in the War for dominion over man, tempting humanity with promises of gains beyond their wildest dreams if they simply gave in to Lucifer's demands, sacrificing their country and countrymen for their own betterment and damning their own souls in the process.
Greed is unfortunately not impervious to its own temptations, and the desire to see more turn toward
Greed had it influencing even the other Demons of Hell, competing with one another to have the greatest number of Sinners under their thrall, even to the detriment of their goals in the War.
When Angelica calls on the power of
Greed, she can influence people to risk it all for their worldly desires. During the war in Ukraine, she hosted an auction on her subscribers-only Patreon channel for a limited edition autographed James Charles Morphe palette that sold for $525,000 due to her influence exerted on the top bidders, and though the proceeds went to a good cause - specifically munitions and first aid for the people of Ukraine to defend and tend to themselves - such efforts come at a heavy cost to her confidence, making her doubt at times whether her selflessness is real and if she's truly capable of keeping
Greed at bay when it feels so good to let it out for her own ends.
Greed preys on Angelica through this insecurity, constantly reminding her of all the good it could do if released, all the poor and destitute it could inspire to actively seek achievement for themselves, and accusing her of wanting to keep
Greed all for herself.
Curse:As a Sin of desire, much like its 'cousins' Gluttony and Lust,
Greed is insatiable. Angelica is therefore prone to act on impulse, forever driven by a sensation as consuming as hunger for a starving man, or the need to breathe by the drowning. Her quickness to action can sometimes be a boon, but other times it can cost her dearly; when once a follower expressed a wish for a used car she could use to commute to her new job, Angelica rushed to get local car dealerships, greedy for the free press, to donate a car to the young woman in need. The car was donated, but without due diligence, Angelica didn't stop to look into this follower first - she'd lost her previous car by crashing it into a pole while under the influence of alcohol, and after receiving this new car, she got behind the wheel again while drunk, and killed a family of four.
Likes:Though at times ashamed to admit it, Angelica likes glitz and glamour and is attracted to beautiful things and beautiful creatures. Her charitable nature means she's prone to giving people the shirt off her back if they need it, which has led more than once to her giving a homeless person an Alexander McQueen hoodie. Ever wary of
Greed, she questions her purchases but justifies them as the cost of maintaining her beauty brand and access to those whose
Greed can be exploited for charitable aims.
Dislikes:Large dogs, Cristal champagne, Tommy Hilfiger, makeup brands that do animal testing, ungrateful people, greedy people, people who downvote without even watching the video.
Quirks:- Except when dismissed (which they always are before Angelica discusses anything regarding the Sins), Angelica is constantly followed by a small filming crew to create content for her various channels as a beauty/lifestyle influencer on social media.
- Angelica has a pair of baby albino ferrets she carries around in a designer shoulder bag. They're rescue, of course.
- Angelica suffers from a mild form of anorexia nervosa that keeps her from ever eating until she's full, so she can use hunger as a reminder that unfulfilled desires cannot hurt her.
- Angelica is sincerely generous; where others might offer help or money out of a desire to indebt others, Angelica offers what she has freely & experiences a brief period of respite from the gnawing sensation of
Greed when others accept.