Name: Sorus Faihe
Species: Miraluka
Age: 27
Force Sensitive: Yes
Ace Pilot- Sorus is a rebel ace, putting his natural Force sense to use for the Alliance, he is formerly a pilot from Silver Squadron, a group of A-wings. Transfer to rebel command he began flying solo scouting missions in an X-wing.
Crack shot- No slouch with a blaster, Sorus can pick off targets and make seeing impossible shots with his gift of Farsight.
Force Trained- Naturally gifted with the force and having learned how to understand his senses and depend on them, Sorus can anticipate and react much faster and often times before trouble starts.
Improvisational Tactician- In the field Sorus is a capable commander, prefer impossible daring plans that made rebel victories even more outstanding.
Artist- Unable to see color Sorus likes to paint and draw, creating images that will inspire the rebellion. Almost everything he flies is painted as one his original art pieces.
Equipment: T-65B X-wing fighter, DT-12 heavy blaster pistol, DLT-19 Rifle, Plasteel staff, and Astomech droid R3-F2
Bio: Born during the clone wars, Sorus Faihe was the son of the Miraluka Senator. Born on Coruscant the young man spent much of his life on the planet during the clone wars. His mother and himself were off-world, traveling to Alpheridies to meet his grandparents. Sorus watched heard the news when the Jedi were declared traitors and heard the news that the Jedi were to be killed... Sorus and his mother fled the planet, along with other Miraluka who held ties to the Jedi and the Republic.
They spent years living as spacers on the outer rim selling everything they had to maintain themselves. Miraluka were considered allies to the Jedi, criminals to wider galaxy even without real proof. The only thing they had is that unlike Jedi they were not actively hunted or carried a bounty on their heads. Sorus's mother became a rebel out of hope to see her people made equal in the eyes of the Republic and Sorus himself began to train as a pilot obsessed with space even since his childhood. He loved traveling and the feeling the thrum of a hyperdrive, the rebel pilots took to training the boy happily.
Sorus grew and began to fly more and more missions, his mother moved from activist to rebel commander, co-ordinate the rescue and recruitment of other Miraluka. They assisted in helping orphaned Miraluka learn about their people and older ones spoke of the Jedi and the Force the blind race being very in tune and understanding of the Force. Sorus found himself flying with silver squadron as silver ten he proved himself a capable pilot and eventually became silver squads leader. He proudly accepts the post and in the months after was asked for by name by rebel command for a mission shortly after the theft of the Deathstar plans.
Sorus was selected to fly a mission to escort Princess Leia and return her to rebel command along with the information she is carrying. He was also trained by commandos and other soldiers of the rebellion to fight and shoot. With a few rough extraction letting him get hands-on experiencing taking down stormtroopers.