Name: Zenobia Ziro
Species: Squamatan
Officially she is 40.
Physically she is 25.
In 19BBY she is 21
Spent two year pirating so 23
2 years on Tatooine
Force Sensitive: No
+Tactician: Having severed in the military Zenobia had proven herself to be a decent officer. Winning several victories for the CIS when she worked for them. She also learned a few tricks from being a pirate.
+Slicing: A useful hobby that Zenobia has been perusing since she was a teenager. Even now she is pretty novice but can do some small things.
+Weapons specialist: Zenobia has over the years during and since the Clone Wars has found it necessary to familiarise herself with various long range weapons.
+Basic Piloting.
+Basic close quarters combat.
+Basic mechanics.
+One long trench coat with armour plates sowed into it.
+Two DE-10 in hip holsters on her belt.
+One DX-13 in a shoulder holster.
+One Dissuader KD-30 in a shoulder holster.
+One DT-29 in a drop leg holster.
+One Class-A thermal detonator which she has been carrying around since she got here keeping it in her coat pocket.
+Two LXR-6 concussion grenades kept in jacket pocket.
+Two Spore/B stun grenade kept in jacket as well.
+One Adjudicator used as a sleeve gun.
Due to Zenobia’s obsession with weapons she keeps a few to many on her.
+Has an AeroChaser speeder bike.
Zenobia is from a very average family being fairly well off but not extremely wealthy. They were just your average middle class family. Well they had an average income for someone who lived in the Outer Rim which was pitiful compared to people in the galactic core. Her farther worked for the local police service as a rather under paid detective while her mother worked as a cook in a local diner. While her parents were out and Zenobia and her two younger brothers and one older sister weren’t at school they were taken care of by the families protocol droid. This droid had been very cheap due to loosing most of its functions.
When Zenobia was fifteen she had some great grades at school which her parents very happy. However that happiness was overshadowed by the disappointment, fear and disapproval of who she would hang out with. After school she would hang out with these delinquents who would illegally race their swoop bikes. This especially strained her relationship with her farther who in the end sent her away so she would get into trouble. Using the money they had saved up for Zenobia’s future they sent her off to a military academy close by. While not as prestigious as others it was the best they could afford. At first Zenobia kicked up a huge fuss but when she heard they used the money they had saved for her future Zenobia knew she would have to go or have all that money wasted.
At the school Zenobia found that her academic prowess was just as well adapted to study military tactics. She especially excelled at space based strategy being top of her class. However when it came to ground based tactics she struggled barely being able to pass. For the most part she did okay with practical ground based combat classes but by no means was she a star student. While her parents were pleased with her grades they were less than pleased to hear her attitude was still less then stellar even though it had improved.
When the Separatists rebelled the planet the school was on was now deep inside CIS territory. They came to the school to seek out new talent and teach them why the CIS cause was a noble one. In the end Zenobia agreed with them about how the Outer Rim was kept in relative poverty because of the greed and corruption of the Republic. Only a year into the war Zenobia was given command of her own ship at only nineteen. At first she made some mistakes but as the war dragged on she ended up winning several minor battles. She also successfully managed to harass enemy supply lines very well.
When the Clone Wars ended Zenobia was unwilling to give up. Gathering a few people she new shared her sympathies she managed to get her Munificent-class back up and operational. They attacked Imperial shipping or supporters of the Empire exclusively ignoring anything else. As such at the end of two years they found themselves under extreme pressure with them barely able to supply themselves from what they stole from the Empire. The Empire was even beginning to close in on them tracking them down. In the end the crew rebelled against their stubborn captain incasing Zenobia in carbonite not willing to kill someone they saw as a friend.
It would be over a decade before Zenobia would be awakened from her stasis. In her absence the crew had begun to operate as normal pirates with them sometimes even acting as mercenaries. It was in the Tatoo system that the ship would meet its end at the hands of several rival pirates who had set a trap for them. Zenobia awoke when the order was given to abandon ship and some kind sole unfroze her. To this day she doesn’t know who saved her as she was suffering from hibernation sickness. The first thing she remembers is waking up in an escape pod alone with a bag filled with supplies and a few weapons.
It took her two days to find any kind of settlement which she only found due to blind luck. While walking she had found several moisture vaporators which she used to guess the direction she should go in. The moisture farmers were every kind helping Zenobia by giving her a place to rest as she was almost dead by the time she had found them. She worked on the farm for a month as a way of thanking them for the hospitality. After which they gave her a ride into town were she could find some form of work.
She has lived on Tatooine now for two years unable to make enough to leave the planet. However she has managed to make her life much more pleasant than most of the other people on this planet. For starters she has her own small one room dwelling that has basic utilities. Even managing to afford a speeder and various weapons for her various odd jobs. For the first few months she worked in a local cantina before managing to get some proper less demeaning work. Mainly she acts as a body guard/guide to Tatooine with her occasionally doing some bounty hunting on the side. Mostly she the bounties she takes on are for people who aren’t associated with any organisation. Thus most the jobs she takes are to get ride of particularly violent Tusken Raiders.
The way she is going to enter the story she is going to hear about a rather expensive and important ship arriving. As such she quickly makes her way over to where it is going to land to offer her services.