Detailed description of the warrior.
Ca'tra Ordo is a fair skinned woman with a muscular build from her youth spent training under her father's tutelage to one day replace him as leader of the clan. Standing at around one point eight meters tall and weighing just around seventy-five kilograms as she would say it's all muscle. The tattoos along her right arm were given to her by her older sister who did them so that they could identify each other remains should they die in battle. Dressed often in her personal armor when out of it she prefers loosing fits or practical clothes, usually wearing that when performing weight training or sparring with a partner.
Report on all relevant skills and talents, including level of skill.
Expert diplomat, an unusual skill for a Mandalorian but Ca'tra was tutored by several former Republic Senators, other major players in Republic space. She also learned the court manners and rules of Imperial culture, once the Imperials returned to known space her mother and father believed it best that she be able to speak and commune with those outside of Mandalore. Rather than sheltering her in tradition they encouraged her to learn and follow her own ways while keeping to her Mandalorian heritage.
Fluent in several languages Galactic Standard Basic, Mando'a, Durese, Miralukese, High Galactic, and Imperial basic. Languages come easily to her and she practices them constantly.
Capable weapon and armor smith, as with all Mandalorians Ca'tra has had to learn to improve her own armor and weapons without help. As such she had upgraded her armor several times before, communication's relay improvement, Beskar armor reforged in her own style, jetpack, Beskad, Kal, vambrace weaponry, and a custom blaster cannon tuned for rate of fire and damage.
Ca'tra Ordo is believed to the next to lead the clan taking over from her father who even in old age has held onto the title of Clan leader fiercely. Clan Ordo is strong willed and is one of the most intact clans having been rebuilt far earlier than the other clans, while they follow the Mandalore they hope to bend the ear of the Mandalorians to hear their ideas and perhaps join them in. Ca'tra training was spared no expensive in learning to talk and convince others, she has studied history of the Jedi Order, the Sith Empire, and Mandalorian people knowing these she wishes to show others the lessons they can learn from their history. Like how the Sith will inevitably turn on them and they may not stay Mandalorian under the rule of the Empire.
Report on known combat experience, training and weapons training
Ca'tra's blaster cannon combat training is second to none, after Canderous Ordo rebuilt Clan Ordo the Clan began to focus on the weapons training for his clan and rearming them for coming conflict. They were warriors with a sworn mission first, mercenaries second. As such the warriors of Clan Ordo learned how to perform suppressing fire, fire while moving, and accurate aim a blaster cannon for maximum effect on enemy units.
Ca'tra personal weapon of choice is her Beskad, a heavy traditional blade of Mandalorian Iron as useful as a club as it is a sword. An understanding of a heavy blade and how to use it while encased in heavy armor which could hamper movement. Even learning how to use her vambrace weaponry and jet pack in a duel to maneuver and survive battles with those who are less armored and more agile.
Blaster pistol training began young just like blaster cannon training, learning to quickly draw and pick targets. Learning to judge maximum range without a helmets heads up display. Marksman ship and vital point targeting were taught as you needed to hit the weak points in the armor. Most importantly depending on that pistol to protect your life when caught in spaces to small for a cannon or in a place where you might not be able to carry one.
Opinion on the Neo Crusader movement vs traditional Crusader?
She leans more Neo Crusader but believes both are wrong. War breeds strength but war should be tempered with a careful selection of opponent, while ensuring they remain armed and skilled enough to beat those opponents. Mandalorians are warriors first but they should also look to the greater stage to protect themselves from becoming pawns in someones else's plan once again. Mandalorians should fight for Mandalorians, not for Sith, not for the Republic, not the Jedi.
Detailed notes on common/favored employers and any noteworthy contacts.
Clan Ordo.
Pirate hunting in Hutt Space.
The destruction of the Blueblood corsairs pirate gang, former inner rim nobles who had gone pirate out of boredom and wanting to simply gain attention. It worked and their parents placed contracts on their heads for them to be brought in alive, ended up being assisted by a Jedi Master and Jedi Padawan who found respect for and maintained communication with, even with her people technically being at war with the Jedi.
Jedi Battlemaster Sar Dan'ii and Jedi Knight Airus Vel Aath was a good friend of Ca'tra having encountered her and her Padawan when the two traveled into Hutt Space where she was working at the time. Ca'tra stayed in contact with Master Dan'ii and even spared often her Padawan Airus Vel Aath. On a few occasions Ca'tra attempted to battle Sar Dan'ii the Sephi Jedi proved far more than she could handle it also showed her that Jedi could be just as threatening as Sith on the battlefield.
Detailed notes on known rivals and enemies.
Sith Lords seeking to manipulate Mandalore, Imperials Agents trying to make Mandalore tied to the Empire, and those who would make them servants of anyone else.
List and description of other known associates outside the Clan.
Tychus Alastor: A fellow soldier, one who has found himself in politics after the war. Ca'tra views Tychus as cautiously as she does with joy, he served and fought the Empire. She believes he is one the Senators who would back her play with little convincing. While they have had a few encounters she seems to want to sit down with him to gain his trust and perhaps assistance going forward.
O'Keemi T'Sombe: Ca'tra believes O'keemi is more like a Jedi than a politician, always looking to help or give to others, she is impressive in the sheer scope of her generosity. However, Ca'tra believes she is not well suited to making hard choices or ones that could get people killed, sometimes their is no choice that saves people sometimes it's a choice between bad and bad, you just have choose which you can live with.
List of known belongings, including but not limited to planetary surface property, civilian and military vessels, vehicles, weapons, tools.
Personal items: Custom Beskar'gam, hand-tooled Mandalorian blaster cannon, Mandalorian vambrace weaponry, jet pack, Beskad, Kal, and heirloom blaster pistol.
Holdings: Ajuur-class heavy cruiser, Coruscanti sky rise apartment, a small personal armory, and Clan house on Ordo.
Psychological evaluation of warrior.
Ca'tra Ordo is one of the most driven women among the Mandalorians, she pushes forward working hard to achieve her goals and save her home from Sith rule. She also has deeply driven to become the Mandalore so that she can effect this change quickly however she'll need to be much stronger and have strong allies on her side. Even learning skills usually thought to be beyond on the Mandalorians while also being trained and groomed to take over the clan one day.
She views most people as another kill notch on her belt, with Jedi and Sith being treated more as a rare treat to fight as she enjoys difficult fights. Even in defeat against an enemy she smiles and laughs in good nature though she often accompany it with a punch to the shoulder. Ca'tra also very emotional and very cynical towards the Empire, it's belief and goal, as well as the leadership of the Sith who have betrayed Mandalorians twice before.
Lastly she is rather loud and rambunctious with her friends but quiet and reserve the rest of the time often looking deep in though as she constantly has to rethink and plan out what she is doing to improve her own skills or fulfill her ambitions which remain lofty and currently unchallenged. Her favorite past time however is tell stories she has heard or read, or even a few from own life.
List and description of known and suspected flaws. To be put into restricted database.
Prideful- While she is young, Ca'tra believe her goals are what is best for Mandalore and often has trouble seeing others point of view. She has difficultly accepting other ideas on how things should work.
Eager brawler- Eager for a fight a small slight will easily excite her so that she can have an excuse to test her own mettle in many situations.
Heavy Drinker- A trait she inherited from her mother she drinks whenever she can claim her own personal time packing it away to get drunk believing it's her only way to relax around others.
Less experience fighter: While she has faced pirates and such she'd never fought against military targets. She can handle herself however she cannot depend on her own abilities to be good on the battlefield having learned less than her sister and father in the ways of war.
Commitaphobe- Has dated for several years, then dumped each one over minor reasons as she tries not to get attached believing that no one will make her truly happy. Usually seeing the worst in committed relationship and often making snide comments about that prefer to have shallow and meaningless relations with others in terms of romance.
Known interests of the warrior.
Melee combat, diplomatic ventures, trade deals, history, blaster combat, drinking, dancing, and killing Sith.
Major achievements on record.
Subdued an entire gang in a shoot out with them before advancing on the leaders to capture them.
Has begun to win the support of the Senate in trying to get Mandalorian support moved over to the Republic.
Learned to upgrade and adapt her own gear rather than depend on others to do it for her.
Has convinced other Clans Mandalorians to join her at their consulate on Coruscant creating as actual diplomatic group.
Major failures on record. Confidential.
Three failed bounties in her entire career. One on a Gen'dai she could not would enough to bring in alive. Second a rogue force sensitive who had murdered people on Nar Shaddaa, unable to retrieve him before another Bounty Hunter claimed him. Three, she accepted a contract on a sniper who had been picking off Imperial troopers bringing supplies on Alderaan. Discovering a twelve year old girl she refused the bounty and took the child in as a member of Clan Ordo.
Has made no progress in bringing the Mandalore or a majority of the clans in to negotiate with the Republic mostly due to the lack of interest by the Mandolorians. She also has to little power to attempt to convince them directly though it has been growing since the treaty was written.
Failed to defeat her father the first time she tried to take over as leader of the Clan, her sister told her not to return to Ordo until she could defeat their father.