Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by ASDAValueMilk
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Member Seen 4 days ago


Oh if only Sable could smile at that moment. Not only was he being allowed to use the Turbolaser's but to also be using it on inferior life forms, this truly was a momentous occasion for him. Solace had given him the great honour of wiping this vermin from the front of the ship and he was going to enjoy every second of it. He felt the mention of a warning shot was a little redundant given it was a Turbolaser he'd be using but he knew what Solace meant none the less.

There was deafening feedback from the loudspeaker followed by a rather robotic voice. "Attention foolish meatbags, this is you're friendly neighbourhood murderbot letting you know that as of the moment you walked through those doors you had fucked up, there's no going back and I hope you've made peace with your Gods. There was a crackle as the speaker turned off and the turret began tracking onto the Mandalorian. Then the speaker crackled again. "Oh and to the meatbag with the Energy shield... Block this fucker." Being careful to not place the shots to close to Kabal and the bomb he gave the order to fire. There were three loud blasts as the twin Barrels fired in sequence at the three targets. Dust and debris were thrown into the air, followed by... silence.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Amalyra
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

After watching her blaster bolts fly true, Skylar could only glare at the Mandalorian through her scope as she witnessed said bolts dissipating upon impact. "Of course they give the person with a minigun an energy shield, why wouldn't they give them an energy shield?..." She scowled before looking over to the woman that shouted at her, quickly recognizing said woman as the captain she had encountered earlier at the cantina. "On it!" She quickly trained her rifle on said horned bastard and fired a burst of blaster bolts aimed for the vitals. She then noticed that the cargo bay doors were starting to close before having to quickly duck behind her cover to dodge about a dozen blaster bolts that were hitting far too close for comfort.

"Well... guess I'm staying here whether I like it or not... I'll just need to ask for the room farthest from Natasha's and it'll probably be fine...probably..." Skylar let out a sigh as she watched blaster bolts fly overhead, knowing full well that even try to peek out of cover would be a mistake. That was, until, she heard the voice of a droid over the loudspeaker. Her eyebrows knit together as she listened to what was being said, only peeking out to see the reactions of the three invaders after noticing that the blaster fire had died down. It was then, that she heard the all too familiar sound of turbolasers charging up. Before Skylar could even question what was about to happen, she had to shield her eyes from the impact of said turbolasers as they sent sparks, dust, and debris all around. "Holy fucking shit they actually did it..." Skylar stared at the cloud of dust in slight disbelief before slowly pulling back up her rifle. She trained her scope towards where the enemies were standing before the turbolasers to the face and watched for any movement while waiting for the dust to clear.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by HamakazeKai

HamakazeKai Grumpy Pallas Cat

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sharp hears the unfolding drama, He jumps to his feet and grabs his helmet and DC-15 and runs his way back towards the cargo bay, the sound of the fighting punctuated by the sound of his boots pounding on the floor as he runs. He double checks his ammo count as he runs through the halls.

He slides into the cargo bay and leaps into cover just as Sable fires off the Turbo Lasers, kicking up dust and debris. He peeks up and over his cover and aims his weapon out the door towards the last known location of the contacts. He calms his breathing and watches for any movement.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Airus Vel Aath

Airus had relaxed holding Sena's hand when Sena shouted her warning, her senses were keener than his own. So Airus took a breath gripping his staff tightly, he turned his head towards Sena. "Go to your room, wait for Solace or me to come to get you," He told the younger Miraluka, before turning back towards the turbo lift. He heard the sound of blaster fire below, gripping his staff as he stepped into the turbolift as he focused his breathing,

He had to be ready, he had no clue what exactly was going on though Sena had told him about bad people he didn't know if they were on the ship or-. Then Airus felt the thump of turbo lasers hitting nearby and groaned, oh joy so it was that kind of bad. "Damn it... I'm a doctor, this not the kind of stuff I should be dealing with today." Spoke the man as he stepped out of the turbolift and rushed towards cover.

"Alright, first what the hell is going! Second, Solace where do you need me?!" Yelled Airus at the gathered crew as he gripped the staff in one curious what they needed doing to get them out of here.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Vasani'Brinme Skirata || The Shadow

Oh great, just what she wanted, the situation to somehow get even more chaotic. Brin was starting to grow very wary of everything aboard this damned ship. As the blaster bolts flew all over the place, the girl decided that she better contribute to something to ensure her place among the crew. While she was wary of the crew, she was firmly at the point that she had a choice of die or join the crew at this point. Starting up her datapad, Brin began to tap furiously at it as the streams of data flowed along the eyepiece. The girl focusing on her task she kept her head down, slicing her way past the Noreaster's firewalls that were set up. As the girl did her actions, small curses could be heard as she tried to battle her way past the firewalls within. Surprisingly enough, these firewalls were sound enough to actually put up a fight against the twi'lek, something that wasn't terribly common. Although the task was surprisingly slow for the girl, she still was able to make it past the security protocols and into the ship's systems.

First, she overrode the controls on the cargo hatch, forcing it to close just a bit faster than was completely safe. She was certain that the captain wouldn't be too angry if there were a bit of paint missing from the force of the door closing. After that, she switched her attention over to the engines on the ship. Turning them onto the lowest thrust setting, she knew that would not be enough to move a clamped ship, but would dump an obscene amount of heat into the hanger that contained the Noreaster. Her goal was simple, to cook the bastards shooting at them alive in an oven roughly the same temperature as a starship's engines. Mere moments after starting the closing of the hangar doors, she heard the sound of a turbolaser firing after the droid spoke up, her eyes going wide with surprise. That droid was certifiably insane. Not long after, the blind man suddenly appeared in the cargo hold. Just as the cargo hold doors closed, throwing the contents of the cargo ramp into the hold, the sound of the engines to the ship starting on their lowest setting would be heard through the ship.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Alfhedil
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Alfhedil What do you see Kaneda?

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

It had been a bold move to begin with, one that smaller and less experienced crews would have folded to any day of the week. Aurek had partly been hoping for this outcome as at least now there was some thrill of a hunt to look forward to. Both his own team's fire and the return proved mostly ineffective at this distance and from where he stood that was fine enough for the moment. Afterall, the force-sensitive one was needed alive and there was quite a bit of risk of collateral damage in such a firefight. A shot or two winged his way, grazing his shoulder and singeing the leather as he inclined his head just a bit so as to get a bearing on who had managed to get that close. Two women on either side of a crate in the cargo bay, one pink-skinned and bearing the countenance of a hardened mercenary and someone who had very likely seen quite a bit of combat. The other who had actually clipped him though, she was the opposite. Some fresh-faced human girl, perhaps core-worlds or the colonies if he had to guess, but either way it was too close of a shot to be coincidence.


His command carried over the blaster-fire, drawing his companion's attention to where he pointed… Directly at Skylar hunkered down behind the cargo container. For her part she was more than eager to close in, but the incoming fire was too much to even dare leaving from behind their walking tank. Then, for one all too brief moment, it went silent. Aurek watched as who seemed to clearly be the captain issued out orders, a small exchange between her crew and the cargo bay door closing just that bit faster. If he was one to worry over the small details he would have noticed the arrival of yet another crew member, this one obviously blind and carrying a staff, as well as the shift of the baradium-fission device up the ramp and into the hold a bit faster than the crew pushing it were physically capable of managing. Others may miss those details as well as the whirr of servos kicking into motion, the scrape of metal on metal as turret rings badly in need of some loving service traversed. Yet Aurek was not one to miss the small details and just before the turbolasers opened fire he stepped to the side and backwards, hunkering down with his team within the energy shield.

Everything was sound and light as Ceph crouched down and minimized the size of the shield in the process. Flashes of brilliant blue and white nearly blinded him, eyes adjusting to the after-gloom and repeated bursts of light in repetition all while a distinct heat began to build and dust filled the air. When it was finally done it was almost as if a smoke grenade had gone off in the hangar, and slowly it dissipated to show the two distinct marks in the ground from where Ceph had been physically pushed back across the duracrete floor. Yet all three of his team still stood, and for that Aurek stepped out of the energy shield and smirked up to the captain and her team.

"Marvelous play captain!" He called out, directly to Solace as he aimed his blaster her way and then towards Skylar not too far from her side. "But the hunt has only started, and we always find our mark!"

Anything further was silenced as the cargo bay door shut and sealed before the killteam, Aurek turning to begin to direct them out and away from the ship. Then something unexpected happened, and so rarely was he ever caught off guard by his quarry. Locks slammed shut within the CR-90 behind him, as at the same time an automated protocol activated inside the hangar. All doors leading out of the hangar locked and secured themselves, something done only in the instance of a ship starting to take off. The heat began to build within as he noticed the distinct glow of the engines, raising an eyebrow partly in surprise and partly in respect for taking the unexpected. His admiration for the move was short-lived as quite rapidly what was initially a comfortable equatorial Tatooine summer turned into something approaching a braise and his skin started to blister and bubble right before his eyes.

Screaming sounded right then as well, as while at the very least he had some kind of tolerance to the slightly warm, and Ceph had his Beskar'gam, one member of their team was woefully underprotected from environmental damage of this kind. Besh's robes had caught alight as she cowered behind their larger companion, pale hands clawing at her face that was starting to fuse with the hood she had been wearing just moments ago. He stood there and watched as what was cloth and what was woman were starting to blur together, giving one final command to the two of them as he too succumbed to the heat. Ceph obeyed as he always did, turning and sheltering the smaller woman as best he could, providing a bulwark from the worst of the assault.

"Okay… So, that's a thing."

Solace broke the silence in the cargo hold as she brushed a stray lock of red from her face, cybernetic eyes adjusting to the break in combat and feeling her body steadily calm. "Brin yeah? Conference room. Now. Skylar, find yourself a bunk on the main deck and get comfortable for a long ride. Natasha… You know what I'm going to say, so just focus on doing your thing and helping the others count guns." She issued out orders rapid-fire, pointing to each person in turn as she ensured that control was firmly in their hands and providing everyone a point of order in the aftermath of the chaos. It wasn't just for them though, as while it would help immensely to get people focused and moving after a firefight like that, it was also for her to do a slightly discreet head-count and ensure everyone was present.

As she did, she noticed that while there were a couple new faces in the form of Skylar, Brin, Jarak and Alyra, she was also missing one and still had the issue of the boy and his dog. "Ah, and before I forget." It was just Kabal that was missing, likely the Ubese had crawled off somewhere in search of explosives and just chose not to tell anyone about it. What she hadn't realized is that in their rush to get the bomb on the ship and close the ramp, that he had actually slipped off the edge and was outside the ship being cooked with the bad guys. More prominent on her agenda though, she brought the rifle to bear that she had liberated from the guy looking quite confused at the end of her ramp, and put two blaster bolts into his chest. The next two found the dog that was poised to retaliate after the attack on its master, and with that one less problem was on her to-do list.

"Someone clean that mess up and don't tell Five-Toes about the dog. I don't want him cooking it, since we all know he would and won't tell us about it."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Vasani'Brinme Skirata || The Shadow

It took just about every fiber in the twi'lek's system to not cheer aloud as she watched the cargo bay begin to close rather rapidly, closely followed by the low rumbling as the ship's engines started up. A small grin did appear on her lips, as the girl tapped a couple more times at her datapad to cement her place in the system. Looking up as she heard the blaster shots, her eyes went slightly wide for only a brief moment as she watched her former ally get gunned down. Closely followed by the dog that had accompanied him at all times, both dead and the captain of the ship telling the rest of the crew to not tell a... five-toes? She wasn't sure who the hell had a name like five-toes, nor how they even managed to get such a name, and figured that she was not particularly keen to find out. Letting out a small sigh, she slowly stood up from where she had been hiding from the blaster fire, looking for a long moment towards the droid standing next to her who had shot the main guns at them. "See, didn't even go for a weapon. I'm trying to work with you guys." She said softly, wanting to hopefully make it clear to the droid that she wasn't there as an enemy. At least, reassure it enough that he wouldn't try to put two between her shoulder blades the moment she started to walk away. Looking up at him for a few more moments, a standoff meant to determine for her whether or not the droid did in fact plan to kill her. Deciding that he would have already done so if he was planning on putting her down as her former ally had been just a few mere moments ago, Brin gave him a small nod before turning and walking back to leave the cargo bay.

As she sauntered towards the elevator door, the girl tapped lightly at her datapad and called opened the door to leave the cargo bay and go further into the ship before she should have been close enough to activate it. A small gesture meant to subtly show that she was in their system, and hopefully a point that she could use in the coming encounter with the ship's captain. Then moving towards the elevator on board, the girl tapped twice more at her datapad to call down the elevator. To the casual observer, it would seem as if she had gotten in and seized total control of the ship. The reality of the matter was that she had only managed to get into the basic systems such as calling down the elevators in her short amount of time she had dedicated to actually getting into the system. Still, it was a move she hoped that she would be able to pull over on the captain. The woman looked smart, but typically unless one was also a slicer, most in this galaxy did not particularly understand slicing or the intricacies of computers. So with any amount of luck, she would be able to use this to convince the captain of this ship that she was actually critical to be added to the crew. Granted, the fact that she had gotten in so quickly and rather easily was in and of itself a sign that they needed somebody like her. At least, they needed her to upgrade their defenses to prevent somebody else from doing what she was doing. As she rode the elevator up, she cast a small look over at the astromech droid that had been following along with her. Sparky beeping along pleasantly even as she noticed that he seemed to have taken some minor damage in the scuffle. "Aw, they got you a bit hurt, Sparky? Don't worry, I'll fix you up later sweetheart." She whispered softly, as the doors opened to reveal they were at the level she was supposed to be at.

Humming some pop song that would usually play in the more 'new age' cantinas to herself as she walked down the hall, the girl looked around the ship to take in the state of the ship. Overall, it seemed to be in remarkably good condition considering that she really didn't see all that many people running back and forth upkeeping the ship. It would not be long after this that she would arrive at the conference room. Tapping at her datapad a couple of times, the door slid open and she slowly strode inside. Looking at the long table and chairs, she hummed some more as she walked around the table. Carefully looking and deciding which of the seats she would want to use, as she wanted the one which looked the most comfortable. Then the Twi'lek found one that looked suitable to herself, and sat down calmly, leaning back in the chair as she kept an eye on the door. From her demeanor, one could tell that the girl did not feel overly worried about the whole situation, as she felt that she very likely had it all under control. Next to her, Sparky pulled up in between chairs and made worried little rumblings. The girl laughed and shook her head in response to the droid's beeps and boops, patting Sparky lightly on the head as she did. "No, silly. I helped them with their problem, our former ally will serve a bounty that I brought to them, and... if all else fails I got a backup plan in place. We're gonna be fine, you and me buddy. I'll make sure of that, and we'll make sure to get you all patched up." She said once more as if talking to a close friend of hers. The droid beeped a couple more times, and Brin nodded along. "Yeah, I promise Sparky. Don't worry about it buddy." She said in a friendly tone with a sweet smile towards the droid.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarok Aleon
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Zarok Aleon

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alyra Vosrin

The strain on her body was incredible yet some how she managed to slowly inch the bomb up the ramp. She looked over her shoulder just in time to see her Ubese friend unload with her blaster, seeming to not want the cover. She was just thinking how unwise it was when the heavy repeater cut a swath over him. Each blast tearing through his torso in a line as it knocked him off his feet and into the air. Alyra turned away before he hit the ground and just kept pushing. It didn't seem anyone was going to help her as explosions rang out and the crew fired back. She wasn't even sure whop was shooting at them or why.

Was it her crew? Did they want her dead so bad they would assault another ship here of all places? It seemed pretty extreme but then again she had destroyed their ship so it wasn't unreasonable. She continued pushing the device up the ramp even now her muscles screaming at her to stop. Everything was on fire burning and aching as she continued to push. a few crew members ran by into the hold of the ship as words were exchanged. She began to wonder what she would say if they did find out it was her fault they were getting attacked, but hoped that they wouldn't stick around to ask questions.

Suddenly the ramp began to move, Fast, too fast. The ramp on the CR-90 has safety protocols to prevent rapid closure, a lot of ships have them to keep anyone from getting crushed. Yet it seemed this ship was lacking in safety. The ramp moved at an alarming speed as it moved upward she suddenly found herself moving downward and into the hold. She couldn't process what was happening but she knew just enough to let go of the bomb as she did she was thrown clear across the hold from the momentum. The bomb rolled in and went only a few feet and then rolled stopping against some crates. Alyra was not as lucky, same force, less weight, it wouldn't take a genius to figure it out, or even a normal person if they were not flying through the air in the hold of ship.

Alyra impacted the far wall of the hanger with a loud crunching thud and everything went black.

The pain brought her back suddenly. Searing pain in her chest as she breathed in and she let out a groan. Slowly she opened her eyes and she could feel the comforting rumble of the ships engines under her and for a moment she felt peace. Looking up through the haze of blaster weapon discharge int he hold she could see the crew gathered. They were speaking but Alyra couldn't hear anything then the captain turned around to a man and the dog he had with him and raised her weapon and without a word shot them both. Perfect shots, the boy right through the heart and head, then his dog in the side of the head and then the torso. Alyra's blood ran cold: She was next. Pulling herself up she looked for an exit but could only see the door with a few crew members in it. Her shoulder was throbbing, it hurt to breathe and she could taste blood in her mouth but she staggered towards the door while Captain shouted orders now actually making sound but she couldn't make out the words. A red Twi'lek walked through the door and Alyra bolted past her and the others into the corridor and began to stumble as fast as she could away from them. She knew she was an easy target but she wasn't going to lay there listening to the hum of this beautiful ship and wait to get shot.

Fighting the urge to find the nearest access shaft and disappear into the depths of the ship she instead stumbled through the long hallway to the nearest Refresher. Finally she stumbled upon one and pulled herself inside and closed the door. She then found the control panel for the door and cut the ships sensor to that room and sealed the door. The Blast door hissed closed and she stopped and tried to take a deep breath but instead winced in pain.

"Fuck, what have you gotten yourself into?" Breaking the silence she half expected something else to blow up. But it didn't and so she moved from the door to the sink and pulled her pack off her back and started to take inventory of what she had. She assembled her Electro-staff and pulled her secondary blaster from her pack, putting it in the open control panel by the door. "Alright, you have been in worse situations, first we need to find out what is broken and get cleaned up. Can't hide on their ship forever. We are going to have to introduce ourselves. Stay positive. Maybe we can be friends" Even her voice sounded fuzzy in her ears and she was talking wrong, probably to do with the swelling. Reaching into the refresher she turned the hydro settings to their coldest, just above freezing and began to slowly undress. First checking the door again to make sure it was still sealed. It was and no sounds of anyone looking for her. She took off her armour, trying to minimize bending as much as possible. She had definitely cracked a rib or two, and probably dislocated her shoulder. She finally got the courage to look in the mirror and it was just as bad as she thought. Several cuts and her nose made her looking like a Gamorrean. She stood there looking at herself for a moment and then decided to start with the shoulder. Using the door of the Shower she steeled herself and then suddenly leaned into it while pulling out. With a pop and blinding flash of pain her shoulder was back where it should be. Next she looked at herself in the mirror and put her thumbs on both sides of her nose and with a sudden movement attempted to put her nose back in place. The blood started flowing as soon as she took her hands away. But her nose did look better, not right still but it would have to do for now as she didn't want to pass out again.

She stepped into the water and sighed as deep as she could without pain. Letting the water wash away the dust of Anchorage and the blood. Not all hers but most of it. She was used to the cold and the shower was comforting. She felt the ships engines winding up as it began its ascent. With that rumble she finally let herself process and she began to weep. Blood and sweat and tears washing away she let it all wash over her. The betrayal, the running, then nearly being killed. It all washed over her as the tears fell. After a few minutes they stopped as she couldn't breathe with all the blood in her nose. She turned the shower to sonic to blast the water away and then stepped out drying her hair and recalling everything she knew about the CR-90 ships. She slowly dressed paying more attention to her various injuries.

She settled on the fact that she couldn't fight her way out of this one. She was too weak to do so. No this was going to be a different kind of negotiation. So she backed her stuff up and trying to wipe all her blood off of the various places and picking up her staff she unsealed the door and stepped out into the hallway.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by ASDAValueMilk
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Member Seen 4 days ago


"10000 IQ play there Sable, Solace will be giving you a medal or something for sure, saved us all, even if that stupid Tail Head denied me getting to see their ashes with my own eyes." If only Sable could show emotions because if he could he'd be grinning from ear to ear at the thought of his own genius. Though perhaps his celebratory self-congratulations were poorly timed as, as the dust began to clear the cameras motion sensor picked something up. No multiple things, Sable's proverbial jaw dropped to the floor, those fuckers were still alive, being cooked by the heat of the engines but alive none the less. "OH COME ON!" His cry rang out across the now silent hangar. The thought of giving them another few blasts did cross his mind but letting them cook alive was far more fitting punishment for not being turned to dust by the Turbolasers. Though Solace's next action soon turned his mind to other thoughts, the boy and his dog, the two who had begun this whole madness were stood at the now-closed bay door, well they were before Solace put a few blaster bolts in them a move even Sable thought was a little Cold and unnecessary. Well, unnecessary for now at least.

Yet despite this cold execution, Sable couldn't keep his thoughts off of what the Twi'Lek had done. Was it her that closed the bay door? Because if he certainly didn't then who? But his worst fears were confirmed as he watched her leave the cargo bay towards the turbo lifts. Opening doors in front of her as she went if she had gotten into the ship's system that quickly then things were worse than he feared and if she could get into the systems then there's no telling what she might do. If Sable couldn't get back control then she might try and kick him out but given how linked into the ship's systems he was, his anti-hack failsafe might kick in. And Sable didn't need to explain to Solace or the other crew why that would be a very bad thing indeed.

Perhaps it would be best to work the situation out with the Twi'Lek first, if she could get in then perhaps she could help in securing the breach. Diplomacy wasn't the Droids style at all, but just killing her would only put some tape over the crack not help fill it in. Sable began to chase after the girl his metallic feet banging on the floor as he went ending up in the lift next to her. the doors opened not long after showing that he had made it in time to meet her. Following her down the hallway and into the conference room behind her, unfortunately for the droid, she didn't take her eyes off of the entrance to the room, acing against his better judgment he decided to take action by pulling out the young girls blaster which he had holstered and pointed it at the girl. "Brin, was it? before anything else happens you and I need to have a talk about you being in the ship's systems. You've managed to get yourself into this ship's system, not a difficult feat I'll be honest but it's what you're planning to do next that has me concerned. If you're going to try and take full control of the ship then you and I are going to have a falling out, I'm quite ingrained in this ship's internal systems and have access to most of its functions. That means if you try to kick me out it could have quite... explosive consequences, literally. As in I will explode and take most of the ship with me. I won't go into details as to why but if you wanna call my bluff then go ahead. The droid paused momentarily and changed his tone to a calmer one. "But if you're planning on working with us then you have nothing to worry about and you can have this back." He then flipped the laster over to hold it by the barrel, holding the grip out towards the Twi'lek and awaited her response.


The door to the bay closed and silence befell Jarak's mind once again, a chance to take stock of just what he'd gotten himself into. Sinking back down next to the crate he was covering behind he looked around the bay at the array of bodies who had ended up in there. First, there was Solace, his main target, a woman that was both enchanting and utterly terrifying with her mere presence. He knew what she was but not who she was, but after watching her put down the boy and his dog, in the same manner, he'd seen Storm Troopers execute 'Rebels' Jarak knew exactly the kind of woman he was dealing with. One of sultry demeanor until sudden frenzied stabbing motions.

There were, of course, some unaccounted-for entities. The red Twi'Lek who had seemingly taken control of the ship's systems as she could open doors at will as she left, the Pantoran who had come quite literally flying into the bay before running off further into the ship looking quite wounded. Oh, why did he say yes to this mission, he had a choice he could be off somewhere else in the outer rim on one final tour of counter-terrorism. But in his infinite wisdom, he thought that this mission looked like a more interesting way to end his career. And end it certainly would, but would it end with his retirement or funeral? Only time would tell.

Jarak hadn't forgotten Solace's initial instructions, however, and began making his way into the ship, following behind the Twi'Lek girl and up the Turbo Lift to the deck where the meeting hall was. Jarak had to admit, the ship was quite well maintained, not as clean and shiny as the Atlas but then again his ship was maintained to the highest of Imperial standards. Jarak opened the door to the room to quite the sight. The droid who wasn't listed on the crew roster for obvious reasons was pointing a gun at the Twi'Lek girl and talking about Techy stuff that he was far too old to care about. Jarak looked at the pair and raised his hands in a 'not getting involved' manner and moved to an empty chair along the side of the table.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Paingodsson
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Paingodsson A Dreamer

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Natasha Dubrovnik

Natasha had been continuing to fire at the three mysterious beings who seemed to be almost impervious to getting hit. She cursed under her breath, though she was good at fighting even in mid-range combat, she preferred time to take her shot. She knew if she could just take a moment to take a shot that everything would be fine, and go exactly as she needed to, she'd be able to hit someone in the head, she would be praised and then she would take care of the next guy. These buffoons were ruining her whole day. She thought to herself, I'll show them, I'll show them all what exactly can happen when you anger, Natasha Dubrovni- she paused as she heard the captain's orders to fire the ship's weapons, her eyes widening at the thought of the weapons firing in such a hangar. She decided this was the best time to get away from the hangar doors and stop firing.

She crouched and heard the screeching, "I can fix that later" she'd say aloud to no one in particular as the weapons moved. She waited and when she heard them fire, a grin came across her face. She stood back up and as the doors were closing she took a peak. ""Oh what the actual fuck?!" She'd yell; aiming her blaster to take one more shot at them. But it was too late the door was closed. She sighed as she holstered her weapons and leaned back against a wall and took a deep sigh. She instantly made a note of each being in the hangar at the time, from the women who got bodied by the wall to the boy and his dog. Even Skylar who she figured would have crumbled in the combat. She shook her head at herself, if she had just hit a shot, she wasn't sure how they seemed to not care about the flash bomb she had thrown out but that was a matter for a different day.

Natasha was somewhat listening to Solace when she heard the blaster fire, instantly she pulled her blaster again in the direction of where it came from, but not at Solace at wherever she was shooting. Expecting some type of combat. But rather she just saw the dead boy and dog. she looked around her eyes narrowed as she saw where the women that had gotten smashed into the wall, she wasn't there anymore. She would show up eventually, unless she decided to jump out of the airlock. She could hear the engines beginning to work but she thought to herself that the engines might need a bit of work. "I should work on that when I get a chance, these engines should be booting up quicker." she'd say again to no one in particular.

Looking up at Solace as she spoke to everyone. Raising her eyebrows at the comment. "I'll do whatever, but I didn't do anything wrong, Captain." she'd say sounding as innocent as possible, smiling and batting her eyes at Solace for a moment before she turned gingerly now, as she walked towards the boy and the dog. "I'll help with the weapon count, but i'll take care of these two. Don't you worry. And, you are right about five-toes. I'm not going to let him cook a dog and have me eat it. I have my morals to think about." she'd say as she grinned and winked at the crew. She turned her back to the crew and then bent down as she picked up the dog and the boy. Somehow this small girl was easily able to pick them up one in each hand. Little did those who did not know her know, that she had cybernetics running up her back and her arms increasing her strength and agility, it was always a surprise to some. But most were probably distracted with the Twi`lek and the others that had boarded the ship. She turned as she began walking towards the door.

"Don't worry i'll give them a proper burial... I'll show them what the outside of the airlock looks like." Natasha would say gingerly and with an innocent sounding voice. Her plan was simple, she was going to drop these two out of the airlock when they take off, then when she got the chance she could count the guns. Or, go fix the ship's guns and engines. After that... she had some planning to do. Not to mention during this whole thing her bracer was vibrating her arm. Her contact has another contract for her, so she will need to figure out where the crew was going next to see if this was a contract she could take.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Airus Vel Aath

Airus had to take a moment, he was feeling a lot of things and seeing a lot things, a few he was having trouble processing. First was the Deathwatch Commando standing outside the ship with a personal energy shield that shrugged off a turbo laser. How did he know the Deathwatch commando without seeing the pattern of the armor? He knew Deathwatch and fought them, he knew the training and the style of combat. More importantly he could see the weapon choice. Mandalorian to the core, of course the most telling sign was the advanced equipment Mandalorians loved their tech.

Airus then noted the sudden shift in the ship, the engines started without warning and as the ramp closed he was concerned at first but then realized it was being done to aid their escape. Taking a breath as they left he focused on the force, then noted Kabal wasn't present... Nor did he sense the danger the little gremlin usually kept him on alert for. That would warrant further investigation later, for now he focused on Solace as she issued orders, trying to ignore the pain of the nearby agonizing deaths the bounty hunters they had just so thoroughly cooked had been left too.

Airus thought for a moment of asking Solace what he should do next then she shot the two intruders as Airus noted the new arrivals, some he'd seen before some he had not. Either way her orders were clear, so taking a moment to compose himself he figured he would do things in a timely order namely starting with his last given order. Locate the force disturbance, namely who was causing it as he pressed through the hallway moving his staff back and forth like a blind-man navigating a hall. Airus slowly moved towards the crew rooms, passing Natasha as he set a course to look for the girl. The short one, she seemed to be giving off the rather loud sensation of her own force abilities. She was a beacon to others of who exactly was on this ship.

However, stopping in the hallway he noticed a Pantoran one he hadn't met or had any memory of seeing on this ship. While it wasn't clear what exactly had happened, he could tell her distress and pain, he did want to deal with the trouble the force sensitive had caused them but as a doctor he could leave the woman before him like this. So stepping forward Airus spoke to the Pantoran woman leaning on his staff, frowning slightly as he took in what he could of her situation. "Your hurt, rather badly not to mention the emotional trauma... Airus Vel Aath, ship doctor." Explained the Miralukan man as he stood before Alyra.

He could sense the other girl not far away while he wanted to deal with her, generally as a rule doctors treated the most injured first. "Please come with me to the medical bay. I'll administer bacta and painkillers, or rather what he intended to do was use the force to heal her truly. Minor damage like this was much easier to repair with the force and saved them on expensive medical supplies which Airus tried to keep as many of as he could. Extra medical supplies meant when poodoo finally hit the fan Airus would have supplies to keep the crew alive through more serious injuries.

Of course, Airus did forgot that to new people on the ship who didn't truly know him the idea of a blind doctor could be a little off putting to say the least. Airus mentally noted he'd need to bring the woman up to Solace after her treatment so she could find a place on the ship, Airus just hoped it wouldn't be yet another death in the day. He preferred saving lives to taking them when he had a choice on the matter.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Alfhedil
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Alfhedil What do you see Kaneda?

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

With the imminent threat of potentially eating a dog dealt with, as well as the rogue elements that came along with it, Anchorage had little hold over the Noreaster or her crew. The engines idled as they cooked the bounty-hunters who seemed to think attacking a CR-90 was a good idea, and everyone was settling back down after a little too much excitement on shore leave. Not the kind she usually preferred either, if Solace was being honest with herself, watching everyone set to their tasks with varying degrees of diligence. The blue one they picked up was off like a bolt as soon as she gained consciousness, which she really couldn't fault her for if she was being honest. It had been a good few years since she took a tumble into a cargo bay like that herself. Then there was Natasha going about her own order, to which she stopped her before she left, fixing her with a dangerous glare.

"Touch anything in engineering, and I'll cut off your hands. We're still fixing shit after your last improvement."

The Noreaster was an old girl, and though she may not run as clean as an Imp-90, she was reliable if given the right kind of care. When it came to their Zeltron assassin, she would much rather take her chances with whatever dock-trash she dragged onto the ship. Speaking of… There was something odd about that girl Skylar, and she didn't quite have the skillset to determine what. That was something for either her sister or Airus, but first she needed to settle things, make sure everyone was accounted for and redistribute if she had to. Soft steps took her from the cargo bay, into the main hallway of that deck, and passed the conference room where she took just a peek in to see that everyone was getting to work. Sable was doing what a fully-unrestricted assassin droid trapped in the shell of a battle droid does best. For what it was worth though, the Lethan girl was giving it back to him double, and she kind of liked that sass to go with the- A presence down the hall alerted her to Five-Toes trundling towards the galley, looking every bit like he just lost an argument with Natasha over the dog. She would have to deal with that later, for now she watched those in the conference room for a moment longer before poking her head in.

"Hey, knock it off cunts. While I don't normally care if crew wants to beat the shit out of each other over something stupid… Brin, you won't win that fight. Firstly, he has a bomb in his chassis that ensures mutual destruction, so even if you win you lose. Secondly Sable… Well, you know what I'm going to say about that. Either way, cool it and get to know each other without beating each other senseless. I'm heading to the helm to get us into orbit and to the next stop."

Without even waiting for what would surely be a witty comeback or remark on her tastes, she gave a little wave through the closing door and was on her way. It was days like this that made her hate docking at Anchorage. Always had to be trouble of some kind, and it never helped that almost the entire crew had a bounty of considerable size with the Empire. A few moments of uninterrupted thought led her to the bridge of the ship, where her sister was already waiting, seeming to have expected her there. The strange bear-thing that she had collected from the cargo bay had been dropped off on her way, now left to its own devices which she was sure would be nothing good, but would have to be sorted later.

"Yeah, yeah. I know what you're going to say, and as long as no one is missing him he can stay. Just try not to let him run loose in place he shouldn't be. Oh, you want to do the announcement?"

She knew what the answer would be as soon as she asked, a light smirk playing across her lips as she slowly pushed the throttle up and watched as the shields over the hangar released to allow their exit. An end to a dramatic evening for sure, but now they were off into the stars and towards their next job.


"Attention passengers~" The rather cheery voice came over the intercom as the ship rumbled into full motion, always the transition from stationary to full speed leaving some concerned over the structural integrity of the vessel. "We are now departing Anchorage~ Please ensure that all st-sto-" A pause as just to the side there was a whispered question asking what a word was, and the reply came right before Sena continued. "-stowage is safely secured, and to remain in your quarters until we have a-a-achee-" Another pause, this time briefer. "Achieved(!) orbit. Dinner will be in two hours, courtesy of Mr Grell as always, and sis has also asked that all crew be present in the c-c-co-con-conference room an hour afterwards to discuss business~"
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