It had been a bold move to begin with, one that smaller and less experienced crews would have folded to any day of the week. Aurek had partly been hoping for this outcome as at least now there was some thrill of a hunt to look forward to. Both his own team's fire and the return proved mostly ineffective at this distance and from where he stood that was fine enough for the moment. Afterall, the force-sensitive one was needed alive and there was quite a bit of risk of collateral damage in such a firefight. A shot or two winged his way, grazing his shoulder and singeing the leather as he inclined his head just a bit so as to get a bearing on who had managed to get that close. Two women on either side of a crate in the cargo bay, one pink-skinned and bearing the countenance of a hardened mercenary and someone who had very likely seen quite a bit of combat. The other who had actually clipped him though, she was the opposite. Some fresh-faced human girl, perhaps core-worlds or the colonies if he had to guess, but either way it was too close of a shot to be coincidence.
His command carried over the blaster-fire, drawing his companion's attention to where he pointed… Directly at Skylar hunkered down behind the cargo container. For her part she was more than eager to close in, but the incoming fire was too much to even dare leaving from behind their walking tank. Then, for one all too brief moment, it went silent. Aurek watched as who seemed to clearly be the captain issued out orders, a small exchange between her crew and the cargo bay door closing just that bit faster. If he was one to worry over the small details he would have noticed the arrival of yet another crew member, this one obviously blind and carrying a staff, as well as the shift of the baradium-fission device up the ramp and into the hold a bit faster than the crew pushing it were physically capable of managing. Others may miss those details as well as the whirr of servos kicking into motion, the scrape of metal on metal as turret rings badly in need of some loving service traversed. Yet Aurek was not one to miss the small details and just before the turbolasers opened fire he stepped to the side and backwards, hunkering down with his team within the energy shield.
Everything was sound and light as Ceph crouched down and minimized the size of the shield in the process. Flashes of brilliant blue and white nearly blinded him, eyes adjusting to the after-gloom and repeated bursts of light in repetition all while a distinct heat began to build and dust filled the air. When it was finally done it was almost as if a smoke grenade had gone off in the hangar, and slowly it dissipated to show the two distinct marks in the ground from where Ceph had been physically pushed back across the duracrete floor. Yet all three of his team still stood, and for that Aurek stepped out of the energy shield and smirked up to the captain and her team.
"Marvelous play captain!" He called out, directly to Solace as he aimed his blaster her way and then towards Skylar not too far from her side. "But the hunt has only started, and we always find our mark!"
Anything further was silenced as the cargo bay door shut and sealed before the killteam, Aurek turning to begin to direct them out and away from the ship. Then something unexpected happened, and so rarely was he ever caught off guard by his quarry. Locks slammed shut within the CR-90 behind him, as at the same time an automated protocol activated inside the hangar. All doors leading out of the hangar locked and secured themselves, something done only in the instance of a ship starting to take off. The heat began to build within as he noticed the distinct glow of the engines, raising an eyebrow partly in surprise and partly in respect for taking the unexpected. His admiration for the move was short-lived as quite rapidly what was initially a comfortable equatorial Tatooine summer turned into something approaching a braise and his skin started to blister and bubble right before his eyes.
Screaming sounded right then as well, as while at the very least he had some kind of tolerance to the slightly warm, and Ceph had his Beskar'gam, one member of their team was woefully underprotected from environmental damage of this kind. Besh's robes had caught alight as she cowered behind their larger companion, pale hands clawing at her face that was starting to fuse with the hood she had been wearing just moments ago. He stood there and watched as what was cloth and what was woman were starting to blur together, giving one final command to the two of them as he too succumbed to the heat. Ceph obeyed as he always did, turning and sheltering the smaller woman as best he could, providing a bulwark from the worst of the assault.
"Okay… So, that's a thing."Solace broke the silence in the cargo hold as she brushed a stray lock of red from her face, cybernetic eyes adjusting to the break in combat and feeling her body steadily calm. "Brin yeah? Conference room. Now. Skylar, find yourself a bunk on the main deck and get comfortable for a long ride. Natasha… You know what I'm going to say, so just focus on doing your thing and helping the others count guns." She issued out orders rapid-fire, pointing to each person in turn as she ensured that control was firmly in their hands and providing everyone a point of order in the aftermath of the chaos. It wasn't just for them though, as while it would help immensely to get people focused and moving after a firefight like that, it was also for her to do a slightly discreet head-count and ensure everyone was present.
As she did, she noticed that while there were a couple new faces in the form of Skylar, Brin, Jarak and Alyra, she was also missing one and still had the issue of the boy and his dog.
"Ah, and before I forget." It was just Kabal that was missing, likely the Ubese had crawled off somewhere in search of explosives and just chose not to tell anyone about it. What she hadn't realized is that in their rush to get the bomb on the ship and close the ramp, that he had actually slipped off the edge and was outside the ship being cooked with the bad guys. More prominent on her agenda though, she brought the rifle to bear that she had liberated from the guy looking quite confused at the end of her ramp, and put two blaster bolts into his chest. The next two found the dog that was poised to retaliate after the attack on its master, and with that one less problem was on her to-do list.
"Someone clean that mess up and don't tell Five-Toes about the dog. I don't want him cooking it, since we all know he would and won't tell us about it."