Avatar of Apollosarcher


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7 mos ago
Current A quiet day is a good day, especially when it doesn't have to be productive.
2 yrs ago
I made a new RP for the first time... In years. roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… please give it a look!
6 yrs ago
Fallout Tactics has death claws that can talk, scary killer robots, and the ability to have a tank. It just doesn't... Sit well with the rest of lore.
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6 yrs ago
Very sick, will post when not hurting.
6 yrs ago
I'm awake at weird hours again.


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@Cuddles 1438 You are approved, glad to have her.
@Doc Doctor I'm fine with humor, you just decided to write a character that is childish and idiotic in how he appears and acts. I don't expect everything to be serious, I expect some degree of actual character motivation, driving force, and thought process to go into a character. The other character sheets that were put up were good indicators of the level of effort I want, I'm not asking for a dozen paragraphs but some genuine effort and unique ideas other than 'crazy weird old man whose so random and unpredictable he wins'.

You wrote a literal hobo who seems to be mentally broken and seems to have no real goal or purpose. What would anyone from the faction's that are coming down to Carolina want to do with him? You wrote a character that seems to be nothing more than a joke and now you are continuing to insult and belittle my RP even after you've been asked to leave.

Raiders are dangerous because people with guns no matter how shitty are still have guns and if the bullet hits you, it can kill you. Yes some items from Fallout will help keep you alive after being shot but a bullet is a bullet.

I am not writing 'just serious Fallout' I am however expecting a degree of competent writing in the characters here, if you want somewhere that will take a character like that. Go check out the Free RP section or find a Fallout RP more into your 'lol so random' idea of humor, good day.

Just a note, if you continue to ping me on this I'll reach out about it, so just drop the topic.

It's over, please find someone else to go submit a character too.
@Doc Doctor You didn't mention the idea of having him in cryo, you didn't state him as pre-war at all. Instead you wrote a character whose main joke is beans, farts, and butts. That's not even really funny, it's stupid and kind of disturbing honestly.

Oh yes, the giant patriot robot built a by paranoid US government to fight a cold war that has been going for over a hundred years. Yes the setting is designed to show the violence and horror brought by conflict and war. Having two super powers who are almost parodies how truly messed they got is 'humour'.

As for a side character cross dressing in a cave eating a person, yes, because a stumbling around a corner to find a cannibal in a night dress waiting to jump out and try to cut you up can never be scary it's only funny since 'man is in dress and he eat people'.

As for why raider's can be dangerous, drugged out psychopaths, vicious killers, and worse with nothing to lose but the clothes on their back and a life they care nothing about? Yeah, can't image how easy it would be to deal with them.
@Doc Doctor No it is not the Last of Us.

Fallout, as a series is a dark, it often involves dark themes, and terrible circumstances. It deals with how people misremember and misrepresent the past or how we struggle onward to try and preserve a future we might never get to enjoy. Fallout two introduced some of the humor we know today but it never let it detract from the story. The goal for the conflict and how I came up with it is this, to realize a terrible future that Fallout the original avoided what would happen if the Super Mutant army had grown unchecked in major population centers? What could stand against them? Would it force greater change or growth how would it shape the growing factions of the wasteland?

Quirky and strange characters, with actual value and reason for existence I can work with. You have submitted a character who 'was a salary man in his twenties who went crazy' that's not possible really even in a vault to be a 'salary man'. He also thinks of farting as a skill, you have made what would at best be a two minute joke in a fallout game that would probably catch a bullet from a raider and die.

Then you complain about how I plan to run the setting rather than make any attempt to understand why I choose to run it the way I do.

Thanks for interest, resubmit if you want, but otherwise leave and don't come back.
@Doc Doctor I'm sorry but no, this RP is a fairly serious conflict besides a rather confusing backstory and character concept the character wouldn't be a fit for the kind of story this is being centered on.

If you want to make a character that is more serious and set more to the tone of the story, I would be fine with that if not well then thanks for your interest.
Update to the OOC first page, discord invite is now up for those who want to join and ask about character details!
@Lucius Cypher It would mean upgrades to her gear if she requested them, yes.
@Lucius Cypher Everything looks good, but just a quick note. The Brotherhood at least by the start of the RP are mounting an expedition to North Carolina, if you want to be down there at the time of that. That's fine, though if you want she could have been one of the Knight's to volunteer to join the expedition after her unit arrived at Citadel in the Capital Wasteland.

As her own experience traveling would make her probably one more veteran knights and more experienced people within the the Brotherhood. If you want her at the Citadel she'd probably be given the rank Knight Sergeant to show her veteran status.

Just thoughts, I really like the sheet though great job!
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