North Carolina, one of the finest states in the Commonwealths of America. Making up the Southeast Commonwealth are North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. These three states would suffer less compared to the North East, when the bombs dropped on that fateful october day.
North Carolina would come to prosper the most, with the super mutants to the North only ranging down occasionally and a less bombed out state than their northern cousin. The Old North State began to prosper, of the five Vault-tec vaults within the state two of them would open to help grow the wasteland. The first vault to open was vault sixty-six, a vault filled with dwellers who had spent nearly a hundred years below ground. Sixty saw many skilled craftsmen and trading partner’s return to Carolina’s even bringing with them new goods. The second vault to open would come twenty years later, while not trading and settling the waste the like sixty-six vault thirty five contributed in it’s own way.
Vault thirty five would begin to trade with the outside mostly for food and supplies to maintain their vault. The laser weaponry that they would often trade in return or skills they would provide showed their value and earned them prefered trading status. With these two vaults providing food and weapons, the other towns began to prosper. Soon the formation of the Carolina marshal’s occured, these marshal’s start as a handful of bounty hunters. However with the signing the Carolina Trade Treaty, this treaty made the marshal’s recognized protectors of the townships who signed the treaty.
With this the townships and the marshal’s began a push back against their enemies, raiders, mutants, and more. Soon North Carolina prospered with raiders of any significant size forced out of the state, eventually this would allow for more trade to grow and expand further along the coast. As North Carolina grew, it took a vested interest in protecting itself from it’s southern sibling South Carolina who had become home to many of the raiders and criminals they had forced out.
North Carolina has existed as a trader taking it’s food and automotive expertise to other parts of the wasteland. The broken banks which they sailed out from grew in fame, while cut off to the south due to the large number of raiders. They would become while not a force in number or technology a true symbol of humanity’s chance to return to form.
Now in the year 2280 the world has changed even more, the purification of the Potomac river, the second defeat of the Enclave, and of course the Brotherhood of Steel’s growth under Elder Lyon’s, the younger. Sarah Lyon’s now leading the Brotherhood has begun to truly fulfill her father’s vision of a better wasteland. Sarah has much on her plate with the reconnecting the BoS Outcasts with the Lyon’s BoS, currently making peace with the Enclave’s Remnant, and of course delivering fresh clean water to the wasteland. Not mention all this while recruiting more wastelanders into the Brotherhood of Steel now that the fight with the Super Mutants is finished.
The Enclave however, has been forever changed as well. Colonel Autumn had set in motion the events before the purifier, having under the guise of a code name **Benedict Arnold** began to slip the Brotherhood messages. He warned of their return, soon the attack on the purifier came proving Benedict was right. Between the Brotherhood and Lone Wanderer, Autumn soon played his hand putting the Enclaves purist faction on the front line of the fighting. By the time they had lost Adam’s air force base the Purist’s faction had taken massive casualties in a war that they, by all rights, should have been winning.
Enclave then began to shift, becoming more Reformist. The Purist’s tried to forcefully regain control over the Enclave but the Purist’s were routed in the end. With this the Reformist began to officially speak to other groups and such with the full authority of the Enclave. While the Purist’s began a plot to destroy all who would defy them, if they could not rule America they would burn it.
As such most recently, the Brotherhood and Enclave have been alerted to Super Mutant production from Florida, which has led to large hordes being unleashed upon the rest of the wastes. The states south of North Carolina have already begun to flood with them and teeming masses looking to escape them. To secure the Enclave and BoS’s position on the East Coast a team has been formed to drive back this horde. Just as well, North Carolina’s townships have opened up bounties, summoned marshal’s, and brought in mercs from other regions to help protect this thriving region.
Only one thing to say at this point, the Land of Sky is going to be awfully crowded soon.
Hello there, so the opening of the RP will be a contingent of Brotherhood, Enclave, and affliated soldiers from the Canadian territories in a joint operation. They will be under the Leadership of a Star Paladin who was revealed to be an Enclave infiltrator under the direction of the Reformist parts of the Enclave. These three groups have created a fairly decent sized expedition that has been sent to occupy Parris Island and use it as a beach head to hold back Super Mutants and try to win over allies in the region.
The start of the RP will take place in the town of South of the Border where North Carolina military and Marshal personal have been under day and night attack from raiders coming up from areas further south trying to escape the super mutant armies. These raiders are those that have decided to try and forced their way into peaceful northern state to take whatever they want and before pressing further north in an attempt to avoid fighting the super mutants.
Discord Link! Please let us know if you are here for Fallout!
Home to several important townships and some of the most important trading hubs on the east coast. North Carolina like much of the south east was hit much more scattered bombings and bad targeting data. Rending much of the southeast into land that was still tillable and useful, what was once the Piedmont region of the state now hosts hundreds of small farms and townships. The mountains of the Carolina’s host several interesting towns and places to search as well, along the coast many smaller boats and such trade up and down the coast and with the islands off of the coast.
Raiders at least as the rest of the wasteland knows them have mostly been pushed out of North Carolina. Rule of law is common and gangs will cattle rustle or rob people, rarely does a human turn to violence to get what they need. This is thanks to North Carolina’s Township laws, which created two fighting forces. The Tarheel companies trained out of the former Duke University where they protect some of the best researchers, with training and weaponry descend from the number of military and police who survived the bombs. They work with the Marshal’s elite peacekeepers who formed from the remnants of the Army Rangers, 82nd Airborne, and Army Special Forces. The Marshals are based out of town of Speedway where they work alongside the command staff of the Tarheels, allowing them quick access to their main garrison at South of the Border, the only North Carolina controlled settlement outside of the former state.
North Carolina has several areas that the locals completely avoid due to a fear of the region or legends about it. As such these areas are highly avoided and almost no sane person is found near them. With little fear of raiders, the terrors of the waste and creatures are more often a threat so many people stick to routes that have patrolling marshals or guards from a given town.
North Carolina’s main features are it’s fairly intact ecosystem, the hundreds of farms across the state supply crops and other goods, large towns and small towns have popped up all around as trade hubs, Speedway has focused on restoring and building working vehicles, cars and trucks to some day can be found being used more commonly than in many other places, and of course without serious crime being common, guns are not allowed in towns except by armed guards.
Carolina Creamery is the largest ranch in the state and produces unique items, also is the largest sellers of horses and milk based products in the area. The Creamery is similar to an old west style of town spread out with several buildings with different owners and such, though underground is the vault where most of the people still live.
Home of those with... Lower morals, South Carolina has developed into three major zones of control, settlements aligning with one of three major raider gangs who all support and trade together. The vaults in these regions are little known and mostly still hidden from the locals, the trade here is mainly based on vegetables, slaves, and advanced research and skills. They have access to horses though they lack access to valuable cars and the know how to repair them. Finally they have a strong control of their naval area and large swamps due to flooding from the nukes that missed them and hit off their coast flooding several low lying areas. They have more combat capable boats and have found a way to create specialized depth charges for hunting creatures of the sea.
The first gang being the Last Resorters, a unique group of raiders who have taken control of the coast regions of the state and operate its many luxury hotels and beaches. The Last Resorters operate towns with more comforts and luxuries than any place should rightly have after the end of the world. They advertise these services to raiders, travelers, and spread stories of the place. The Last Resorters attract many a Raider leader who wants to retire before he or she meets their end, many end up living in the resort town with their caps slowly being taken by the luxuries of the grand resorts.
The Man Hunters, what were once tribes who lived near the edges of several national parks, were amazing hunters. Able to capture the mighty animals of the south for challenge in single combat or releasing them to hunt again later if not needed for food. These great hunters were invited to join the growing powers of South Carolina to bring in slaves for labor. The Patricians, the largest raider group in South Carolina. The Man Hunter’s became feared throughout the southern states as elite slavers who could carefully and patiently devise ways to take entire towns without fighting.
The Patricians, the largest and most prominent group of slaver’s and owners of slaves in North Carolina. They maintain their power through use of unique non irradiated vegetables not commonly found outside of the state. They are well educated and teach many of their enforcers and towns the benefits of education. These elite also maintain vast slave work forces to gather their crops and work them, armies of enforcers and guards ensure rebellion or issues are swiftly put down. Their large area of control and firm hand have given them the most dominating presence in South Carolina. South Carolina’s factions have a Confederation which see’s them working together to overtake North Carolina and secure both halves of the breadbasket of the east coast. Not all raiders believe in the Confederation which has over the years mixed with a religious calling of sorts to defeat the long hated North. One can separate out those who truly wish to take the North or those who simply to force North Carolina to more heavily trade with them for supplies of rare items like milk, steak, alcohol, and cars.
[center][h1][color=???]Character Name[/color][/h1] [img]Img or gif here[/img] [color=???][b][sub]{ [i]"Insert character quote here."[/i] }[/sub][/b][/color] [center][h2]- General Characteristics -[/h2][/center] [color=???][b]|[u] {Full Name} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]First Middle Last.[/indent]
[color=???][b]|[u] {Nickname/Callsign} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Do they even have one?[/indent]
[color=???][b]|[u] {Age} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Note that most standard wastelanders would have a lower life expectancy than Vault Dwellers, Institute personnel, Enclave remnants and especially Ghouls.[/indent]
[color=???][b]|[u] {Appearance} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]This is one of the areas where I like a bit of detail, as appearances of characters help greatly in imagining the scene and working posts. At the very least cover the basics such as body type, height, distinguishing features and anything else that would be relevant.[/indent][.hr] [center][h2]- Psychological Profile -[/h2][/center]
[color=???][b]|[u] {Personality} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Again, an area where more is better in terms of detail. Include both positive features and negatives ones, everything that makes them who they are and how they think.[/indent]
[color=???][b]|[u] {Fears/Limitations} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]What are they afraid of most? Where do they fall short? Many times it is here that most of what makes a character is found, in the flaws and imperfections.[/indent]
[color=???][b]|[u] {Place of Origin} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Faction felt a bit clunky in the first CS, so I went with this instead. Here is where you would put where your character came from, and essentially what faction they would have been, or are, part of. Also note here if your character is something other than human, such as a ghoul, super mutant or synth(if you want to make that OOC knowledge :v)[/indent]
[color=???][b]|[u] {Background} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Last area where I'm actively looking for detail, since it's one of the big three. Use this to really tell the story of who your character is and why are they here in the Carolina's.[/indent][.hr] [center][h2]- Survival Characteristics -[/h2][/center]
[color=???][b]|[u] {Non-Combat Skills} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Here is where any skill your character may have proficiency in that is not directly combat related would go.[/indent]
[color=???][b]|[u] {Possessions} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Anything not directly related to combat, work on their person regularly or considered essential gear.[/indent]
[color=???][b]|[u] {Combat Skills} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]And here is where any skill your character may have that is either directly or indirectly related to combat would go.[/indent]
[color=???][b]|[u] {Gear} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]All combat and survival gear, as well as anything that they would consistently wear on their person.[/indent]
@Lucius Cypher Western groups of Brotherhood have been falling or retreating due to the NCR and Legion pushing the Brotherhood Detachments. Any character from that area is probably a survivor from the fall of their respective Chapter or their chapter gave up and moved to join either Mid-Western Brotherhood or Eastern Brotherhood.
@Lucius Cypher More like Fallout 4, Power Armor is a big cumbersome thing. That said we will be taking the fact that not just any yahoo can hop in it and work it like perfectly normal. It takes practice and training to become well suited to power armor use and advanced combat inside of the armor.
As for weapons we are going to pull from a wider variety than the games and generally I'll be trying to open things up more and allow for player based creation of ideas and concepts.