Avatar of Apollosarcher


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7 mos ago
Current A quiet day is a good day, especially when it doesn't have to be productive.
2 yrs ago
I made a new RP for the first time... In years. roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… please give it a look!
6 yrs ago
Fallout Tactics has death claws that can talk, scary killer robots, and the ability to have a tank. It just doesn't... Sit well with the rest of lore.
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6 yrs ago
Very sick, will post when not hurting.
6 yrs ago
I'm awake at weird hours again.


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North Carolina, one of the finest states in the Commonwealths of America. Making up the Southeast Commonwealth are North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. These three states would suffer less compared to the North East, when the bombs dropped on that fateful october day.

North Carolina would come to prosper the most, with the super mutants to the North only ranging down occasionally and a less bombed out state than their northern cousin. The Old North State began to prosper, of the five Vault-tec vaults within the state two of them would open to help grow the wasteland. The first vault to open was vault sixty-six, a vault filled with dwellers who had spent nearly a hundred years below ground. Sixty saw many skilled craftsmen and trading partner’s return to Carolina’s even bringing with them new goods. The second vault to open would come twenty years later, while not trading and settling the waste the like sixty-six vault thirty five contributed in it’s own way.

Vault thirty five would begin to trade with the outside mostly for food and supplies to maintain their vault. The laser weaponry that they would often trade in return or skills they would provide showed their value and earned them prefered trading status. With these two vaults providing food and weapons, the other towns began to prosper. Soon the formation of the Carolina marshal’s occured, these marshal’s start as a handful of bounty hunters. However with the signing the Carolina Trade Treaty, this treaty made the marshal’s recognized protectors of the townships who signed the treaty.

With this the townships and the marshal’s began a push back against their enemies, raiders, mutants, and more. Soon North Carolina prospered with raiders of any significant size forced out of the state, eventually this would allow for more trade to grow and expand further along the coast. As North Carolina grew, it took a vested interest in protecting itself from it’s southern sibling South Carolina who had become home to many of the raiders and criminals they had forced out.

North Carolina has existed as a trader taking it’s food and automotive expertise to other parts of the wasteland. The broken banks which they sailed out from grew in fame, while cut off to the south due to the large number of raiders. They would become while not a force in number or technology a true symbol of humanity’s chance to return to form.

Now in the year 2280 the world has changed even more, the purification of the Potomac river, the second defeat of the Enclave, and of course the Brotherhood of Steel’s growth under Elder Lyon’s, the younger. Sarah Lyon’s now leading the Brotherhood has begun to truly fulfill her father’s vision of a better wasteland. Sarah has much on her plate with the reconnecting the BoS Outcasts with the Lyon’s BoS, currently making peace with the Enclave’s Remnant, and of course delivering fresh clean water to the wasteland. Not mention all this while recruiting more wastelanders into the Brotherhood of Steel now that the fight with the Super Mutants is finished.

The Enclave however, has been forever changed as well. Colonel Autumn had set in motion the events before the purifier, having under the guise of a code name **Benedict Arnold** began to slip the Brotherhood messages. He warned of their return, soon the attack on the purifier came proving Benedict was right. Between the Brotherhood and Lone Wanderer, Autumn soon played his hand putting the Enclaves purist faction on the front line of the fighting. By the time they had lost Adam’s air force base the Purist’s faction had taken massive casualties in a war that they, by all rights, should have been winning.

Enclave then began to shift, becoming more Reformist. The Purist’s tried to forcefully regain control over the Enclave but the Purist’s were routed in the end. With this the Reformist began to officially speak to other groups and such with the full authority of the Enclave. While the Purist’s began a plot to destroy all who would defy them, if they could not rule America they would burn it.

As such most recently, the Brotherhood and Enclave have been alerted to Super Mutant production from Florida, which has led to large hordes being unleashed upon the rest of the wastes. The states south of North Carolina have already begun to flood with them and teeming masses looking to escape them. To secure the Enclave and BoS’s position on the East Coast a team has been formed to drive back this horde. Just as well, North Carolina’s townships have opened up bounties, summoned marshal’s, and brought in mercs from other regions to help protect this thriving region.

Only one thing to say at this point, the Land of Sky is going to be awfully crowded soon.
Chief Librarian Airus Vel Aath

Airus Vel Aath

Interacting with: Talia Je'and@Zarkun

Mandalore, Jedi Temple

"Revan... A subject of so much debate within the Sith and Jedi." Airus sighed folding his hands into the sleeves of his robes as he focused on Talia. "While I do agree with the standing theory of Sith mind Domination, I believe Revan was not unaware of what he was doing. In truth he was shaped by his time with the Emperor of the Sith at the time. I believe Revan was dominated but upon his return to Republic Space changed his plan." Airus explained his pet sitting on his shoulder diligently watch Talia as if also lecturing her.

"Revan did no plan to bring the Republic and Jedi to heel for his own gain. He viewed the situation as a General, not a Jedi he looked at weak and broken Republic from the Mandalorian War and realized the only way it could beat the Sith Empire would be to start preparing for war now." Airus explained in his usual tone he delivered his explanation and thoughts to classes of younglings and Padawans who wished to learn about history.

"Revan was nothing if not a great tactician and leader of men. He would have quickly understood the only way to protect the people of the galaxy would be a strong authority forcing them to martial for the coming invasion. His Empire while brutal was fairly just by comparison to other past Empire's formed under Sith, most likely due to Revan's belief that he might one day after defeating his enemy restore the Republic." Spoke the Chief Librarian as his cat gave a meow at the twins looking between them.

"In truth, I believe Revan may have not been the Dark Lord we think of him as today but a far more tolerant and open minded Sith or a simply a Jedi who no longer could understand that the deaths he would amass to protect the people would outweigh the number he could save." Airus shook his head a moment then turned as Ve'vut Ca licked his cheek then hopped down heading for Talia's lap. "Either way I look at it, Revan was no hero and the Jedi's belief that joining the Mandalorian war would spell ruin for the Jedi, came true."

Airus paused thinking it through a moment, before shrugging. "If you two are not busy, I'm actually planning a short trip off world for some research into the Force and Dathomir. You could accompany me if you like, though I will say the native flora and fauna can be... Dangerous." Airus chuckled, deciding not to mention the other part of last encounter he'd land far away to prevent that from occur again.

Varina Vel Aath

Interacting with: Mor'gann Arnhar @LadyRunic Adaahna Vanil @ReddentheEarth Saveld Caldrassir 'Sav' @Paingodsson

Mandalore, Keldabe city streets

"We won't force her to do anything, we will simply speak to her. Much like we all choose to join now, no one is forced." She explained putting away her saber, slowly walking away. "Come on, we can grab a speeder and make the trip back to the temple... You can all go your respective places and I can go get back to saber building." She muttered as she headed out of the alley heading towards a nearby automatic speeder cab.

"Alright, all of you pile in. Kid you sit up front with me." I don't want to inflict your company on these other two. She thought waiting on them all to get in then keyed in the Jedi expenses account... Namely the one for the Chief Librarian, she hummed and sat up straight taking manual control to fly them along once they were all on board. Varina would just be happy to get back and dump the problem children onto Airus or Solace or even Sena if she could... She disliked most people and having three people she had to responsible for, well she had to wonder if this was somehow one of those pranks that were so perfectly pulled on the Jedi of the temple.

They would arrive shortly however for the moment it would afford them all time to talk about the trip or ask questions to the Jedi as she flew the speeder along.

@JessieTargaryen Hey look what I did.
@Bright_Ops Twitchy is reviewed, not sure how he can interact with the other heroes and magical heroes will probably have an issue with the whole 'murder ritual brought him to life thing' at least, I know Constantine will. Either way, it's approved to move over.
Chief Librarian Airus Vel Aath

Airus Vel Aath

Interacting with: Talia Je'and@Zarkun

Mandalore, Jedi Temple

Airus had been focused on his own thoughts, having just looked around he couldn't find his former master anywhere. Well that meant she was busy and he'd have to get by with what he remembered from her old lessons. He sighed then, before he could react one another Jedi in a dead sprint came running towards him. He braced so when she collided he hardly moved but she bounced off the taller Knight's chest. "Where is the fire Talia?" He gave a small laugh and offered her a hand.

"I know you didn't mean to, it's fine. Please, I'm not a Master yet Talia, Chief Librarian is the only title I hold other than Knight." Though mentally he thought of a few other titles Solace and Toryn called him by that were less than flattering. He added stepping out of her way, at that moment of course Ve'vut Ca, the little devil of a cat hopped from the ground up to Airus's shoulder and perched there like he owned it.

"Believe me I understand letting time get away from you, you wouldn't believe how many times I've only left the library to shower." He sighed shaking his head. "I still get in trouble with it from Toryn and Solace for it some times. Apparently not eating or sleeping is a bad habit." He shook his head. "Now if you need to please go on, if your sister asks. I was having you research something for me, your tardiness is my fault."

Ve'vut gave a whine and tapped Airus on the face with a paw, as if threatening to scratch him. "Yes, yes were going soon Ve'vut Ca... I swear I've spoiled you rotten." He muttered, the cat hungry and knowing Airus had a fine selection of seafood still on the ship from when he last stocked it.

Varina Vel Aath

Interacting with: Mor'gann Arnhar @LadyRunic Adaahna Vanil @ReddentheEarth Saveld Caldrassir 'Sav' @Paingodsson

Mandalore, Keldabe city streets

Varina groaned internally, the boy she was with was going to drive her mad or... She could send the overly curious young man to Airus, that would brighten her day watching him go from happily answering questions to wondering what flavor lightsaber plasma tasted like. However, she had a job to do right now while she really wasn't in the mood for it or bringing back this gaggle to the temple. She didn't exactly have a choice, she could sense it from the girl, the Force... And the dark artifact of a saber on her hip something that she'd have to investigate possibly bring Airus or Solace in on. They knew more ancient stuff than she did, that thing was certainly old from what she could tell, though she definitely couldn't let Airus touch it.

"Boy, be a dear and be silent until this over or I won't answer any of those questions." She answered, turning her attention to the two fugitives in front of her. "You may think you have done no wrong but Keldabe Police disagree. You are wanted for a crime, however your friend there. The one who calls me Shaman, she carries the same connection to the force as I do... If you both come with me, I can at least temporarily keep you in the temple. Away from the police and spending a few nights in a jail cell here." She offered moving towards them slowly.

"I don't intend to fight unless you make it one, come quietly." She spoke with authority and grace, more importantly she looked past the Torgruta and at the one speaking in another tongue. "Not to mention, I know someone who can speak your language... A scholar from among us, my brother." He offered, trying to offer them ways out of this. She looked next at the Torgruta, "if you come with us and explain what happened we can make sure you are free to travel if you are sure you didn't commit a crime. We just want to tell your story of these events to us." She explained before slowly moving to place her lightsaber on her belt.

"If you all are ready. I can hail one of the emergency speeders to take us back to the Temple." She offered, praying the others here wouldn't start a fight she didn't want.
Airus Vel Aath

Ca'tra Ordo

Varina Vel Aath

Interacting with: Mor'gann Arnhar @LadyRunic Adaahna Vanil @ReddentheEarth Saveld Caldrassir 'Sav' @Paingodsson

Mandalore, Keldabe city streets

Varina Vel Aath had left the temple a hours ago, her brother and his fellow Librarians had been making repairs to the holocron vault in the archives the Jedi Artisan had decided she wanted to make a trip into town. She was currently hoping to find rare materials in the districts near the space port where off world goods were common, while could always hunt through official channels, she found shopping in person yielded better prices and less questions on where the material was going. She was a Jedi Artisan rarely did her duties ever take off world and even rarer were their jobs that she needed to do so pressingly they could not wait until shopping for new parts and devices was done. Not to mention any excuse to leave before Airus roped her into helping with repairs on the holocron vault, while Airus had some skill in putting things together he usually deffered to her when it came to anything more complex than his droid companion.

Many Jedi took speeders into town or grabbed a taxi, Varina loved the long walk between the temple and the city it was peaceful. Something she could enjoy, serene even, which was a weird word to say at all about Mandalore in general yet it was so true. Even with her lack color, she could tell this planet hosted gorgeous vistas, and stunning landscapes she hoped to capture in a painting one day. However, her work today would be gather materials for next master work attempt and low quality crystals for the younglings to use in training sabers. The markets here in Keldabe were perfect for that, unlike her brother Varina loved every minute outside of the temple she could never under how he could live in that library so often. He could be so single minded in his work he could forget things like sleeping, for a Chief Librarian his skills in remembering basic functions seemed terrible.

Varina paused by a shop Luke was there, Tosche Station, she heard the owner had moved from Tatooine after leaving his former manager the place he owned there. She shook her head, figuring Luke was here picking up parts to fix something, he had a talent for repairs Varina might have considered him for artisan training if he wasn't so dead set on keeping up with his sister. Luke walked out loading parts, no doubt some extra ones he bought using the discretionary account the library maintained for things like this. The younger Jedi gave a wave to her and climbed into the speeder, heading for home.

Soon Varina had entered the port, the market place here teemed with offworlders and languages she half understood. She adored it, nothing like the boring calmness of the temple, her smile proudly displayed as she shopped along the edge of the street look through stalls from the traveling merchants who sold their goods before moving on to the next big hub planet. Eyeing a vendor who seemed to specialize in spare industrial metal bits she moved towards him, a few Mandalorians were eyeing his durasteel plates as well. As Varina glanced up and down through his scraps, she blinked and swung around towards the alley where the few Mandalorian mercenaries were looking, as a commotion could be heard in the distance. Mandalorian's watched out of concern they might need to get involved to prevent a fire fight, while Varina watched out of curiosity over who could cause such trouble.

Varina looked away however, when she noticed scraps of Electrum within the vendors possession, mixed with other small scraps he had collected from a site. She approached and pointing out the bits she wanted and showing the trader real credit ingots right here, right now, while a better price was not hard cash in your hand was hard to argue with. Eagerly they made the exchange and small bits of Electrum were secured on her belt one of pouches. She was just about to ask the man in question about a source for uncut low quality gemstones in the market he seemed rather reasonable and knowledgeable when the ruckus she heard in the distance finally arrived.

What came next however, was something she felt fit in with Airus's day to day life more than hers, a scrappy looking young man can bolting from the alley, making a jump no human could make without the force or serious cybernetics. Even Varina could sense it from him, he then asked a Mandalorian how to obtain his armor, ah so that was how he nearly been beaten seconds ago. Oh sweet Ashla, the boy was a moron and force sensitive well there were rules here, so before the Mandalorian could grab Sav to ask what the hell the little brat might have been implying with a smart ass comment like that, Varina quickly stepped between the too.

"Jedi Knight business, he'll come with me... And won't cause any trouble, will you young man?" Ask the red skinned humanoid asked Sav, her auburn hair pulled back as she crossed her arms. The Mandalorian for his part, gave a kurt nod from behind his helmet going back to browsing the goods. "I'm going to assume you don't know what you just did with that jump?" She spoke looking at Sav with a world weary sigh. "You used the force, and considering the jump you just made... Well you've got the potential to be a Jedi. Hence I'll be bringing you to the temple for recruitment." Varina explained before turning around, heading back towards the main street. "So keep up, wouldn't be fit a future Jedi if you got lost now. I have one more stop to make then we will get you back, should be a fun time."

Heading back towards the main street, Varina and her newly gained stray force sensitive which she kept a careful watch on and close to hand so she could prevent him from causing another seen found a dealer in low quality gemstones, who rather quickly agreed to sell a large bag of them to the Jedi as she slid her credit ingots over, while Airus had a discretionary fund for parts she was paid for services making training sabers and designs for Jedi to use. Thus she stayed rather while equipped for funds to make more with, even if she didn't the temple would reimburse her for paying out of pocket for building sabers for the younglings. Varina slipped the two bags of stones into her robes and headed back towards the central street to leave the port district. She'd certainly was going home with more than she bargained for, or wanted for that matter.

Making her way back through the streets, she returned to the main streets, what came next was a shout from a nearby Keldabe officer. "Master Jedi!" Came a yell from one, a younger rookie no doubt most officers in Keldabe weren't that interested in getting Jedi help, though no doubt with the ceremonies and such they were a stretched a little thin. "We have an incident, Torgruta and human stole goods and beat up two people in the bar." He jabbed a finger at the other officers getting statements. "Would you-" Varina held up a hand to stop him speaking, knowing what he wanted.

"Helping out and tracking down the two since I'm here? If you have a holo image that would help immensely?" The officer nodded showing a captured image from the bar, of the two fugitives. Varina gave a small smile, looking back at Sav. "Seems you'll be observing a Jedi Knight in action today." She turned back shutting her eyes, she had much more keen sense of force awareness. Focusing on Torgruta and human from the image, she expanded her search, moving slowly through the streets, carefully weaving through the crowds. She was not searching with her eyes or force sight, instead trusting in the force to guide her, in Ashla.

She moved slow enough Sav could follow, letting the echoes of the force guide her, through the crowd towards her intended fugitives. Focusing and tracking an individual through the force wasn't hard, if you were close enough to the site. Airus could do it better than her, though he couldn't actually see them to prove they were the right people, she supposed. Sena would have tracked them far faster, but Varina did her best, though it took a bit of aimless wandering and moving meditation to track her way through the streets she found her targets.

She moved gracefully even with her eyes closed, never bumping into or jostling a person light careful steps helping her move through the crowds as she finally stopped, opening her eyes. "I have you now." She grinned then spun a hundred and eighty degrees, she didn't know how dangerous they would be but she wouldn't take any chances. With a wave of her hand, her lightsaber shot form her belt into her hand as she turned the corner finally spotting the two. She advanced towards them, making her approach known with a warning "I am a Jedi Knight, you are wanted for arrest. Come quietly and no harm will come to you. Resist and I'm not sure how little harm I can do." She warned, saber not yet ignited as she watched the two curiously.

She looked back hoping Sav would stay back from the now worrying situation. She then muttered for Sav alone to hear. "Stay back and let me handle them, just watch... If you do well, you could be doing this one day." She answered, her eyes darts from the Torgruta to the human girl, then she began her advance towards them slowly saber still in hand. "So, are we doing it the easy way then?"

Chief Librarian Airus Vel Aath

Airus Vel Aath

Interacting with: Padawan Ila'Iri Orina @rusty4297 Solace @Alfhedil Dra'kal Sherom @Lmpkio

Mandalore, Jedi Temple

Airus wished he could blink, right now it seemed the only way he could commune how confused he was by everything that was going on. It was days like this he really considered getting the cybernetic implants Solace believe would service him well, of course Airus had resisted currently stating his vision was and he was used to it. As Solace and this ancient Sith exchanged words he could only reel through his mind and wonder how the feel he would explain this in the Council of First Knowledge report... Or even worse, to the High Council we they ask him why Solace used this security system.

Airus was already feeling the headache he would get, zoning out the continued conversation the politics of Empire and Mandalore not his concern, more so protecting himself and Solace from the trouble this could bring. Though he did catch Solace's comment about getting a a Sith holocron sent to her personal chambers oh like it was that easy to accomplish. Some days he wondered if anyone other than the librarians really knew how hard they worked to prevent that exact kind of thing from happening.

Of course, he had an idea how to get her the holocron, it would involve registering the holocron and logged and secured, manually then stating he'd transferred it for personal study. Then slip it into Solace's room and pray the High Council looked no further into it and they could keep this relatively quiet. Of course he'd also need to get out of the temple, it would buy a time for Solace to study it and he could avoid scrutiny at least until he returned. He'd been wanting to take another crack at surveying Dathomir, though probably best to bring company...

"Ilia, good news. While we are waiting on your assignment to come down... How would you like to do some field work? We can even run training drills." Airus spoke with a small grin, nodding to himself. "If your interested gather what you need for a trip, we can use the Valiant we can use the travel time for training." He answered turning to Ilia to face her properly. "Also, please don't mention these events, we don't need the temple muttering about Sith. It will put everyone on edge and cause worry among the masters." Airus explained, before giving sigh as he straighted his robes and lifted his walking stick.

"If your interested gather your things and meet me near the temple entrance shortly, we will head over to the landing pad." Airus explained quickly before setting off for the library. Ducking out of the room, Sith holocron slipped into his robes, he headed back down towards the lower levels thinking it might be best to get this done quickly. Leia and Luke were no doubt still working on their assignments, leaving a handful of other knights and elderly masters mulling around the massive library chamber.

With the door malfunction, Airus decided to add a note to the log when he supposed logged the new Holocron into it. Placing it under the name 'unknown' and the date of the holocron's retrieval and theory on it's origin. However, Airus then logged it out as one for his personal research before finishing that, Leia was returning. "Leia! I'm going on another field research trip, thinking Dathomir."

His fellow librarian stared a moment before putting a her head in her hand. "Please, Airus... I know you like your trips out but I'd rather you'd let me and Luke handle a few trips out especially research trips. Your skills are impressive in the field but you should be here the Padawans do like your guidance and the younglings enjoy your lectures more than Luke's... He's rather bad at making history interesting."

Airus sighed looking at Leia. "I promise it will be a short run to Dathomir... I'm taking Ilia along, we will be careful. I'll probably see if Toryn is around as well... If nothing else, it would be nice to catch up with him. I've been so swamped lately."

"We. We have been swamped Airus." Leia pinched the bridge of her nose. "Just... Be safe, I don't want them promoting me or Luke to do all of your work." Leia muttered, as Airus finished his work at the terminal before heading back upstairs. No doubt to his room, well the shared room he had. They never talked about it but they knew a thing or two about the chief librarian's life even if he himself was a little nervous to admit to them.

Airus moved to a turbo lift, heading all the way up to the upper floors, where the apartment was, mentally making a check list in his head. He'd need to check in with Zatliazha before he left, and ask for a few healing herbs and anti-poisons since they would be traveling to Dathomir while force heal was useful the planet was a hellscape with stupidly toxic creatures and such. He'd also need to let Solace know he was leaving before he set off, of course she'd understand the move, she was smarter than her brain would probably have connected this plan in seconds. Instead of the more intensive planning Airus had required.

The lifted opened up and Airus set off finding his way home, he moved past the small decorations and the little shrine to Ashla in the corner. Heading into the bedroom, then the safe usually meant for sensitive data or precious items a Jedi might be working with. The knight placed the holocron inside and then made sure the bio key had both the right sets of data before heading back towards the lift. Ve'vut ca gave a meow following Airus out the door, the little spukamas stepped along following along at Airus's heels. The Miraluka took a different lift down, picking up the cat letting it settle into of the deep pockets of his robe and poke it's head out.

Soon Airus began a walk across the courtyard, Ve'vut Ca giving a small meow the as the rather fluffy black cat leaped from the pocket and wandered through the courtyard of the temple. Airus first stop would be the gardens, before he moved on to find Solace, no doubt meeting with other people, her work never seemed to end much like his own.

Chief Librarian Airus Vel Aath

Airus Vel Aath

Interacting with: Padawan Ila'Iri Orina @rusty4297 Solace @Alfhedil Dra'kal Sherom @Lmpkio

Mandalore, Jedi Temple

Airus snapped back from his thoughts when the room shut, the click of the cortosis weave shelter them from all who might glance in this direction. the Librarian instead stepped forward, listening intently examining the Holocron once again, it seemed less dangerous now but it still unsettled him. Well, he soon knew why, he heard it say it's name without his datapads or any major resource to hand he could only run off his passing knowledge. "... I am Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Acina's most trusted adjutant, Marisena Alleron the Dark Lady. Though in certain other circles, I have other titles."

Airus crossed his arms, tilting his head up towards the hologram adopting his more respect if stern tone again one that more befit the station he tried constantly to prove worthy of. "I am Chief Librarian Airus Vel Aath... Marisena, you were also known as the Empress's Light? One of the other titles, you were rumored to have a cult of Sith who practiced the Light Side inside of the Empire." He paused touching his chin.

"So this isn't truly a Sith Holocron... I would think it more of as Imperial relic, since Sith are Dark Siders. She, is not." He spoke rubbing his chin a moment. "Which I suppose gives merit to further looking into this holocron... It's far more advanced and the more complex system implies that one does in fact contain a Ghost." Airus spoke force pulling his staff back to himself, tilting his head up at the ghost.

"There is much to learn here... I'll have to look into her history and more so on the the family in general." Airus muttered as he leaned on his staff. "Hmm, this is... A lot to take in." He spoke shaking his head. "Solace do we need to keep going, I'm not sure how many more revelations I can take more today."
Outside the Tomb of Marka Ragnos, Korriban

Overseer Corinth Genbit

Corinth stared hard at each of the students walking down the line, inspecting them as they made final preparations for trial and the combat they would face. Corinth knew, others had plans of course he would follow along with the goals however, he would be protecting one particular student. He saw much of himself in her, so he decided to help her, quietly for now. She would need it if she was to survive here, the world of the Sith was not kind or friendly, but you could survive it you could learn to be useful and thus tolerated if you could make it through perhaps retain some of who you were before the Sith took you. Either way, Corinth would take care of the young girl, she would need something to help her survive.

With a solemn expression, Corinth stood slightly too close to Mahree as he spoke. "Preparations are complete. You will enter, from here only your own skill, courage, and fortitude will guide you to victory. Go forth acolytes, prove to me your potential or prove to me you belong here serving as practice for others." Corinth ordered, when the students moved forth he got in Mahree's way for a moment. A training staff, one that could resist lightsabers, procured early that morning appeared in the dirt before Mahree.

"Take it... And know, I too once suffered here. You will survive, if you let me help you. You will have the strength if you let me teach you. That, I swear to you on the Code and on my own life." Corinth whispered quietly before moving to let Mahree move into the caves, after they all left. Corinth would give a small smile and then begin to follow along lazily, sipping from his mug and letting the sound of training ease his worried mind. They would all make it, he would see to that... If anyone happened to go overboard he would remind them they were not allowed to kill or maim the students. He would take it as a personal insult, there would punishment for defying his words whether of not they heeded him was there choice.
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