Chief Librarian Airus Vel Aath
| {Full Name} |Airus Vel Aath
| {Age} |28
| {Species} |Miraluka
| {Gender} |Male
| {Force Sensitive/Alignment} |Yes Light
| {Appearance} |Airus stands roughly two meters tall, with a muscular build that reflects his own constant training, his weight is around ninety kilograms thanks to his rather dedicated psychical training. Tufts of red hair often poke out from under his hood and the bandages that are wrapped around his head. Scars mostly healed along his chest, while usually wrapped in traditional Jedi robes Airus does favor bolder color choices closer to home or when traveling on trips that involve less crawling through the dirt.
With pale skinned tanned from field work and days spent looking for items or gathering information scholars within the temple requested. At a distance with his hood up, many assume Airus is much older than he appears upon lowering it the Miraluka's rather unblemished skin, with a strong jawline his usual clothes looking more akin to traveling pilgrim or settler as he assists in dig sites, archive recovery, and taking younglings on tours of Jedi heritage sites. He also keeps a small military locker with extra robes, tools, and equipment on board his ship so he can change clothes changing out equipment between missions.
| {Equipment and Personal Belongings} |A refit Hammerhead class cruiser, with large personal data stacks with holobooks in them. Airus keeps several datapads filled with information. His personal companion BD-1, storing logs and personal research. Two light sabers, designed by Varina Vel Aath and given to her brother as gifts. Cin Drallig's and Jocasta Nu's personal Holocron's are stored in his ship. The memory crystals for Holocrons are stored within his belt. Jedi utility belt and extra equipment for artifact work.
| {Physical Abilities} |Chief Librarian: Attaining the position at a relatively young age compared to many of the others who held the title, Airus is one of the most dedicated Lorekeepers. Serving as Chief Librarian with the few remaining Masters of the Lorekeepers working on the Council of first knowledge. Airus and the other lower Lorekeepers have gained been tasked with the enormous job of refiling and securing all of the data and holocrons they saved from the main temple. Airus also given access to Jocasta Nu's holocron which contains the knowledge she wished her successor to have, as such. Airus is considered a wealth of information and while he may not remember exactly what they need at a given time he usually can find something relevant and useful quickly enough to help.
Defender of Knowledge: Many assume a Jedi consular would not be practical more concerned with knowledge and the force than any skill that will serve them well on the battlefield. Many have been proven wrong by Airus's devotion to saber combat, originally known among his class for refusing to learn Shii-Cho. Airus was approached by the Battlemaster Cin Drallig who questioned him on why he didn't agree with the training, after much arguing Airus was allowed to learn Soresu from the temple Battlemaster, on the condition he keep with however Master Drallig chose to teach him. Airus kept up, the young Miraluka would eventually lose his much loved teacher, one he thought of as a father to the destruction of Coruscant. After that he found himself tested as the training partner to the most up and coming lightsaber combatants since Master Skywalker, Verra Alleron. Three years later he would meet Toryn, another Jedi who he would spare with. Though meeting these two Airus's own combat skill grew up to Encompass Djem So and Shien as well. Turning Airus into one of the finest defensive fighters of the Order.
Practical Force User: Airus isn't one learn to use the force for war, he took the force like one takes to a skill. He focused on trying to learn things that would serve him well throughout life rather than focus on combat skills and things to substitute his lightsaber skill. Taking to things that would serve him and those he cared about well in the field or help him fulfill his duties in the temple better. Taking a Sentinel like approach he asked himself what is practical and not what is powerful. Airus see's the force as something to helping him serve, not as a weapon. The Jedi is the tool the force merely the medium they depend on to get there.
| {Force Abilities} |Force Sense
Telekinetic Defense
Force Empathy
Force Sight
Force Speed
Jedi Hibernation
Mind Trick
Protection Bubble
Comprehend Speech
Breath Control
Force Heal
Alter Damage
Detoxify Poison
Force Weapon
| {Limitations} |Miraluka: Born without eyes, Airus can only see through the use of the force and when cut off from it by himself, by force, drugs, or other means. Without the force Airus must depend on hearing and touch alone to navigate, he has learned somewhat how to navigate without the force but is still far less graceful without the force to aid him.
Curious: Airus while knowledge craves to learn more, while he has limits Airus seeks out new knowledge or will do his best to gain more knowledge, to sate his curiosity. While Airus curiosity will drive him to places that are dangerous or unsafe, this curiosity extends to mystery, history, people, places, and things. Airus loves to learn and the lack of knowledge can frustrate him though he does know the limits what he can do and what he can't do in the name of learning.
Compassionate to a fault: Airus is one of the kindest people you will ever meet, his natural empathy and kindness towards others has made him into someone people from outside the order find approachable. While many would say Airus shows almost to much kindness, the truth is that he feels the need to improves others lives by doing anything he can. Believing that Jedi are more meant to pursue a better universe through all means fighting, charity, goodwill, or just simple acts of benevolence. This has also led Airus to develop a very strict practice of putting people first, the force is not used to rule over or command others. Airus's moral convictions have led him to outright threats against those who practices he objects too.
| {Personality} |Airus is one of the more traditional knights, still having some of the traditional beliefs and ideals of the Jedi with a more modern teaching intermingling in his world view. His time under Master Drallig shaped his view on lightsaber combat and his later years serving under Master Zatliazha. He found an understanding of more modern teachings and that the old ways while useful are not always the best ways. Flourishing as a student of knowledge and reveling in lightsaber combat, Airus did receive lightsaber training from another Master, Zatliazha found herself lacking in that area. So Airus depended on Holocrons from Cin Drallig and tutoring occasionally from Obi-Wan
Airus prepares for combat and expects violence against him but never raises his fist first, taking any step he can to avoid fighting. Airus gives freely of his medical talents, force skills, and time to anyone who needs the assistance. However, the Jedi Consular can be devious having picked up a gambling as a pass time and is rather successful. Kindly, compassionate, and deviously clever Airus is strange but interesting Jedi Knight.
| {Place of Origin} |Coruscant, raised among the Jedi of the old temple since he was a baby.
| {Background} |Airus Vel Aath is the surprisingly capable Chief Librarian of the Jedi Order, Airus is the last Jedi to have received personal tutelage under Cin Drallig. Airus was brought the Order alongside his sister,
Varina Vel Aath both were the children of a Republic Navy captain and a ship designer. The two were brought to the temple when there father was killed in an accident and the siblings had no nearby family. Their mother being a Miraluka understanding their potential she entrusted them to the temple and the Jedi Order, knowing even if she didn't return they would grow up to finest and kindest people with Jedi teaching guiding them. So Airus and his sister found a new home among the Jedi Order, a new family, one they treasured from the start.
As Airus grew older he advanced through the teachings, in the classroom he showed great competence in academics, though his meditation suffered, when it came time to instruct lightsaber combat, Airus refused to pick up the training saber. The instructor told him a Jedi had to understand the weapon that served as their badge of office. Airus agreed, however he would not learn Shii-Cho, 'a form for a Jedi looking to attack' Soresu was what he wished to study. Soon the Instructor was waning, his as the student offered rebuttal to his points at every turn. Eventually Cin Drallig, the Battlemaster, was brought in to tell the child no instead Master Cin Drallig found Airus as stubborn as he was correct at his every point. So Master Drallig gave the boy an offer, study under him and keep up with the pace and training needed to use Soresu, he would teach him specially.
Airus agreed, so around the temple the child followed at Master Drallig's heels training his body, sharpening his reflexes, and preparing himself. So to did Drallig take to the child, it had been years since his last time personally teaching a youngling, it seemed to give him the stoic Battlemaster a reason to smile in these troubled times. The hardest day for both of them it seemed was when Airus was sent away, the Clones Wars grew worse and worse, the eight year old Jedi would not be safe on Coruscant should the war finally reach it. Master Drallig took the boy aside, passing him a holocron, his holocron, one that contained his personality and his teachings one that would mean Airus would have the closet thing he ever had to a father with him always. Airus broke down at that and tossed his arms around the much taller man hugging him and Cin embraced him in turn, happy to know his last personal student would complete his training one day.
Only two months later, Airus heard the reports and could feel it in the force, the siege of Coruscant. His sister held him as they were both able to sense what happened it shook the force so. The death of over a trillion people shook every Jedi, it was a gut wrenching moment for all those who knew what it meant. They had lost the Republic, the Jedi, and the grand army. It was over, Airus resolved at that moment, that this wouldn't break them they would be the Jedi until the moment they could no longer, Grievious could slaughter them to the last but their teachings and ideas, those would live and a new generation would take up the cause.
When the Jedi settled on Mandalore Airus withdrew even more, while his sister became more of a social butterfly among the Enclave. Airus focused his studies, his combat training, and on meditation. What the other younglings saw as a savant or gifted, Airus struggled with everyday to keep up to match the one person whose approval was all he wanted, Master Drallig's. While others saw him as an all around skilled Jedi, Varina shared the truth, Airus spent his time alone or days awake training. He would not be a disappointing legacy, he would be good teacher, perhaps even one day he would stand equals with the man he would often think of as his father.
The years rolled on and a youngling turned into a Padawan, who cleared the trials each on his first attempt yet with so many younglings and so few Jedi every master and knight took on a learner, Airus was tutored by Master Zatliazha, an unorthodox Jedi at the best of times. He found himself learning much of the force and of the world as it was. Instead of the world as the Jedi texts and Masters described it, as he grew Zatliazha found herself unable to provide lightsaber combat traininig to the level Airus needed. So turning to other began to duel others in the temple, Knights and Masters alike helped the Padawan shape his skills. That was until he met her, she was the Padawan of another Master Zentraedies. Airus was older and more experienced but he had heard she had the raw talent he lacked, so they took up an impromtu session of sparring would experience beat talent or would talent beat experience?
The hours rolls past, one of them would yield then help the other back up for yet another match, unwilling to let it end. The two went back and forth, the younglings packed into the room Padawans standing off to the side and even Knights stopped to watch the proceedings. When they reached the eleventh round they tied, both exhausted and happy to have someone they could train with truly they exchanged names and smiled. They were friends, competitors of sorts, though Airus always saw it as more him trying to see if she could truly live up to the reputation his master had laid out. Though he might never admit it, openly he was one of the people who believed Verra Alleron could be the next great Battlemaster of the Jedi Order. During this time Cin Drallig's Holocron offered his first advancement when he had shown true mastery of Soresu, Airus moved on to Shien and it's teachings.
What came next was a chance meeting between Airus and the Mandalorian Toryn, Airus was well read and one of the older Padawan's by this point. From his view the Mandalorian way of life could not mesh with Jedi teachings, they would have to choose one or another, yet the Order disregarded this and Airus feared for the Order Master Drallig had fought so hard to preserve. The incident between Toryn and Airus was... Messy, both boys would receive medical care for the injuries and both gave begrudging respect to the other, if nothing more. The would become rivals of sorts, though this Verra and Airus became closer. No longer were they dueling but trading knowledge, Solace teaching Airus Djem So, while Airus taught her force weapon.
Airus was the first of the three to be knighted, at the same time choosing his place as a Lorekeeper, though his rivalry had yet to die down, it was shortly after Solace and Toryn's knighting Ceremony that the three began to bond. Solace's assignment to the Diplomatic Corps, quickly found Airus assigned often to Solace's side as her attaché. Often by request other times to her protest, they were a good team and got along well, though for both they knew it was more than that.
Eventually an adventure that none of the three of them will ever live down took place, beginning with Toryn and Airus finally learning to work together and get past there mutual issues. Over the years the three of them have become good friends, of course, Solace and Airus have become a bit more. With Airus and her having gotten much closer, the two are often seen together and have things they do not share, though the gossip around the temple is a bit different they maintain a wonderful friendship and amazingly put together working relationship considering.
Two years ago, Airus was selected as Chief Librarian being the candidate put forward by Jocasta Nu, the former Chief Librarian. Airus has been directing the Lorekeepers and managing the reorganizing of the understaffed library ever since, while he is excited for the future he knows they will need to see a swelling in librarians before he can make any kind of true progress in reorganizing the holocron collections. He also still working to unlike the Holocron Master Nu left him, one that contains secrets for only the Lorekeepers to know and maintain.