Hi! I was wondering if this was still open. I am currently on the look for a new RP and this seemed quite intriguing. Just in case, here is my application. I hope it provides some enjoyment in reading. Cheers!

| {Full Name} |
| {Age} |
| {Species} |
| {Gender} |
| {Appearance} |
| {Equipment and Personal Belongings} |
| {Physical Abilities} |
| {Superpowers} |
| {Limitations} |
| {Personality} |
| {Place of Origin} |
| {Background} |
Emily Brown

| {Full Name} |
Emily Brown
| {Age} |
24 years old
| {Species} |
| {Gender} |
| {Appearance} |
Emily stands at a height of 5'8 feet tall. She is quite often dressed in attires that doesn't seem to make her stand out in a crowd - her clothes usually being a tint of brown and dark grey. Her expressions seem to barely shift, making her appear often as cold-natured or uncaring. Emily doesn't seem to care much about grooming other than keeping it to the basics, her lack of interests likely being due to her power and the effects that have on her clothes and hair. She does seem to rather be sensitive about covering up her right wrist with bands or cheap watches.
| {Equipment and Personal Belongings} |
*Wallet, which contains some pocket money. But most importantly, her ID and driver's license.
* Three pocket knives.
* Her trusty cellphone, a Nokia 6.2.
* A few wristbands, most of them are leather with nothing significant to them.
* A cheap watch.
* Three pocket knives.
* Her trusty cellphone, a Nokia 6.2.
* A few wristbands, most of them are leather with nothing significant to them.
* A cheap watch.
| {Physical Abilities} |
Emily is semi-competent in hand to hand combat. This due to her past as a street urchin, where she had plenty of losses and wins - giving her some experience in how to throw and take a punch. Though nothing fancy regarding judo or karate.
Aside from that, she sports a rather good amount of stamina and running capability. Being agile seems to be helping well, usually running away from situations.
Aside from that, she sports a rather good amount of stamina and running capability. Being agile seems to be helping well, usually running away from situations.
| {Superpowers} |
Emily has the ability of Teleportation manipulation. She is capable of twisting and using her gift to warp both space and time, to create a diversity of abilities that can be useful.
* Emily can create small portals. These portals are requiring a point A and point B. Anything that travels from point A, will exit from point B and vice versa. These portals are, however, quite small and nothing larger than a soccer ball can enter through these portals. This is so far the most basic and mastered ability that Emily has so far. It has quite a long-range, up to approximately 50 feet
* Emily can create a stationary wall - up to the range of 8ft in width and 8ft in length. This once more requires a point A and B but also limits Emily from moving - as she requires to focus and hold the portal open. This ability is, however, more limited as the range to where Emily can teleport is up to roughly 25 feet. Not to mention that she can't teleport herself - as she is required to stand still.
* Emily is able to teleport herself in a rapid fashion. This usually takes around five seconds for her to wrap her ability around herself, so to say. She is capable to warp herself to a distance of 30 feet.
* Emily can create small portals. These portals are requiring a point A and point B. Anything that travels from point A, will exit from point B and vice versa. These portals are, however, quite small and nothing larger than a soccer ball can enter through these portals. This is so far the most basic and mastered ability that Emily has so far. It has quite a long-range, up to approximately 50 feet
* Emily can create a stationary wall - up to the range of 8ft in width and 8ft in length. This once more requires a point A and B but also limits Emily from moving - as she requires to focus and hold the portal open. This ability is, however, more limited as the range to where Emily can teleport is up to roughly 25 feet. Not to mention that she can't teleport herself - as she is required to stand still.
* Emily is able to teleport herself in a rapid fashion. This usually takes around five seconds for her to wrap her ability around herself, so to say. She is capable to warp herself to a distance of 30 feet.
| {Limitations} |
* The second ability has the limitation that she can't teleport herself as she is required to stay stationary.
* The self-teleportation has issues of its own. She requires to rest ten seconds before she is able to perform another jump. This ability is further hampered that she needs to know where she is going to warp to - in order to avoid falling to great heights or other calamitous results.
* She has yet to master the ability further. Right now, she has been using the abilities to her own benefits - which is usually small crime.
* The self-teleportation has issues of its own. She requires to rest ten seconds before she is able to perform another jump. This ability is further hampered that she needs to know where she is going to warp to - in order to avoid falling to great heights or other calamitous results.
* She has yet to master the ability further. Right now, she has been using the abilities to her own benefits - which is usually small crime.
| {Personality} |
Emily is a person that doesn't seem to judge or worry much about others. She is quite pragmatic and not bothering herself with issues that don't impact her right away or in the long run. This further with her desire to just survive and do her thing, Emily tends to come across as laid-back or uncaring to others.
This tends to be true to a certain degree. Emily finds it hard to trust people or open up to others.
Her experiences and street-knowledge have allowed her to grow into a mature person. Yet a sense of dark and twisted humour usually sticks around, which seems to appeal to a few people in general.
Nobody's perfect of course and Maddison has plenty of less favourable characteristics too. Her opportunistic ways and tactlessness are far from ideal and could ruin plenty of evenings.
This tends to be true to a certain degree. Emily finds it hard to trust people or open up to others.
Her experiences and street-knowledge have allowed her to grow into a mature person. Yet a sense of dark and twisted humour usually sticks around, which seems to appeal to a few people in general.
Nobody's perfect of course and Maddison has plenty of less favourable characteristics too. Her opportunistic ways and tactlessness are far from ideal and could ruin plenty of evenings.
| {Place of Origin} |
Emily grew up in the poorer neighbourhoods of Central City. With her family owning a small shop, Emily was able to enjoy a somewhat okay education. After high school, she would drop out of school. At the start, she would feign in being interested in taking care of the shop. But the dark truth was she was more interested in a life that would allow her to be as laid-back as she could be.
| {Background} |
Emily grew up in a loving and caring family. Her parents were owners of a small grocery shop. An establishment that has been taken over ever since the departure of Emily's parents after the accident.
During her time as a young girl, Emily did seem to possess a certain gift to find her way into places she wasn't supposed to be in. Or acquiring certain items that she desired.
Yet despite that rather eccentric gift, Emily's youth wasn't that eventful. She went through what most got: puberty and highschool - an awful combination, maybe someone should change that, huh?
During Emily's puberty, she became more interested in honing some of her gifts. This usually just for her interests and not to help others out. During this stage in Emily's life, she also started to become less interested in doing her homework. It was more fun to hang with peers outside and be up to no good. This did create some clashes with her parents, that desired Emily to be more successful - so that she could craft a better future for herself.
This would often be a point of conflict between Emily and her parents. To the point that a rift was about to rupture between the two. Until both Emily's parents would die in a car accident, being hit by a drunken driver.
For a moment, Emily realised some of her errors. Wanting to turn her study attitude the way around, the sequence of events that followed her parent's death made it near impossible. The fact that Emily's life was turned upside down made her start to run away from her troubles - wanting to cling desperately to the last bit of control that she had.
Over the years, she has established herself as a successful thief that steals for her benefit. Next to working some odd jobs for those willing to see various items vanish. Or desiring to gain a hold of certain objects, that may or may not just appear in their possession.
It may not be the life that her parents wanted for her but without any alternative, Emily sees no other way out.
During her time as a young girl, Emily did seem to possess a certain gift to find her way into places she wasn't supposed to be in. Or acquiring certain items that she desired.
Yet despite that rather eccentric gift, Emily's youth wasn't that eventful. She went through what most got: puberty and highschool - an awful combination, maybe someone should change that, huh?
During Emily's puberty, she became more interested in honing some of her gifts. This usually just for her interests and not to help others out. During this stage in Emily's life, she also started to become less interested in doing her homework. It was more fun to hang with peers outside and be up to no good. This did create some clashes with her parents, that desired Emily to be more successful - so that she could craft a better future for herself.
This would often be a point of conflict between Emily and her parents. To the point that a rift was about to rupture between the two. Until both Emily's parents would die in a car accident, being hit by a drunken driver.
For a moment, Emily realised some of her errors. Wanting to turn her study attitude the way around, the sequence of events that followed her parent's death made it near impossible. The fact that Emily's life was turned upside down made her start to run away from her troubles - wanting to cling desperately to the last bit of control that she had.
Over the years, she has established herself as a successful thief that steals for her benefit. Next to working some odd jobs for those willing to see various items vanish. Or desiring to gain a hold of certain objects, that may or may not just appear in their possession.
It may not be the life that her parents wanted for her but without any alternative, Emily sees no other way out.