Annabeth Elliot

{ "You know what? I don't get to decide who lives and who dies. Somebody needs help, I help them. I save lives. The End." }- General Characteristics -
| {Full Name} |Annabeth Elliot
| {Nickname/Callsign} |Big Foot
| {Age} |31
| {Gender} |Female
| {Character Image} || {Dialogue Color} |Golden Rod
| {Appearance} |Annabeth, outside of her power armor, is still a rather impressively tall woman at six feet and five inches. Her general appearance, health, and complexion makes one thing clear: she is vault born. Compared to most wastelanders she lacks the irradiation almost innate to everyone, for better or for worse. But looking past the skin and you'll find that much any other person left in this world, she's got quite a few issues under the hood. Her body is very muscular, practically masculine, due to the hormones put into her during her life in the vault, and dotting her body are faint scars where tubes had been inserted for the purpose of her physical alteration. More noticeable are the other scars she's obtained via her training with the brother hood, namely a rather large scar going down her left thigh where she had an almost crippling bone injury that could've cut her career short. She has tannish skin and bronzish hair, and piercing blue eyes. She generally keeps her hair short, and would often time simply get a crew cut if she's been out in the field for a while. She notably has almost abnormally large feet, which combined with her size serves as her callsign.
- Psychological Profile -
| {Personality} |Annabeth is if nothing else, looking on the brighter side of life. She makes no delusion that her life will be fraught with perils, she will go through man suffering, and there's a very high possibility that her death will be gruesome, violent, humiliating, or some combination of the three. Yet despite of this, she continues to trudge onward into darkness because ultimately, she'd rather die trying than curl up at home waiting for death to take her. A self-proclaimed nihilist on the idealist/cynic scale of things given that even if there is no material reward for self-sacrifice or generosity, she likes it well enough that she'll do so if the whim suits her. That being said, that does not mean she willingly helps anyone who asks of her; she makes the conscious decision to be nice and do good, and just as well can make the conscious decision to not be nice and do no good if it also suits her. She feels no obligation by either code or ethics to cooperate with anyone unless it suits her.
A woman who generally expects the worse of people so she doesn't disappoint herself if they turn out to be scumbags, and can be pleasantly surprised if they turn out relatively harmless and nice. Still she opens diplomacy with one arm outstretched in friendship and the other holding the trigger to her gun, so while she is willing to try any option to avoid violence, that is only because she appreciates the ability to have violence as a reliable backup. When it comes to outright combat Annabeth can be a bit cold and almost barbaric. She openly admits to taking no prisoners, even against those who are surrendering and begging for their lives. If they have not tried to kill her, she may allow them to leave with their lives and nothing else. But if they had so much as inconvenienced her in the midst of battle, the only mercy she will give them is a swift death.
| {Fears/Limitations} |There are times where Annabeth's nihilism overcomes her optimistic view of things. It is during these moments of introspection she feels most vulnerable knowing that much of her accomplishments can only be achieved by virtue of blind luck and being born with opportunities and blessings she had no choice but to accept, and how even with those things she may be lesser than others who came from nothing and have accomplished greater things than her. She also often mulls upon the futility of her cause and how more often than not she feels as though she's only beholden to the Brotherhood because she is scared of what will become of her without them, and often regrets thinking outside their dogma and wanting to do justice by her own means, which still relies on the strength and technology of others to support her. Her greatest fear is to fail to meet expectations so harshly that she will be left alone. No fanfare or heroic sacrifice, simply abandoned because it was more important to leave her behind than to help her. This causes Annabeth to feel the need to overcompensate a lot, which in turn feeds her complex of being a heroic and upstanding member of the brotherhood who deliberately chooses to do good out of her own free will, when in truth she's really just desperate for approval and relevance.
At it's worse, it makes Annabeth abandon the ideals that she tells herself to uphold and simply becomes another human trying to survive in a cruel world, becoming a person who only seeks out to do good for the sake of taking what she can by force, and expecting other people's gratitude to both validate her actions and prevent them from interrupting her looting. Even her usual fearless view of death turns into a desire to die in a needlessly glorious mayhem just for the chance that somehow, her legacy would live on as legend, and a slow painful death where she gradually becomes weaker and more useless will just cause Annabeth to break down and lose her mental and probably physical faculties. She also forgets, or rather actively denies the assistance of others, in order to somehow prove to everyone and herself that she is more than powerful enough to take on any threat alone as long as she believes in herself and makes up a plan that may or may not actually be all that well-thought out. She'll desperately take any opportunity she can and make up the details of her victory later, so long as she's certain no one will contradict whatever tale she'll tell.
On the physical side of things, Annabeth is very attached to her power armor not for protection, but for mobility. This is due to an injury she had sustained during her training with the Brotherhood where she once again overlooks her limit and ended up with a bloody compound fracture to her left thigh, which would have likely resulted in her death by blood lost if there was not a highly capable autodoc nearby. But even after she was able to walk again, she always had a slight limp whenever she moves outside of her power armor, and it's much more noticeable when she is forced to run or do general feats of agility without the aid of armor. Thus, despite her generally above-average physical ability, she still feels a psychological and physical need to stay in armor, protecting herself from people who may know her weakness.
| {Place of Origin} |Annabeth came from a vault in what was Fresno, California. Vault 30 was designed to attempt and create a single indistinguishable race among the inhabitants, thus sought out those who were already multiracial and encouraged selective breeding, even incest, in order to create a singular homogeneous human race. There was a mix level of success, however the scientists inside began to stray off course of the vault's original intentions of a single race and even tried to create a single gender capable of both forms of reproduction, which resulted in a sharp decrease in actual birthrates and many deaths. This spurred a violent uprising in the year 2267. The insurgents were the winners and managed to send out a distress signal, which eventually lead the Brotherhood to discovering the vault. Relations were initially good with many vault members integrating into the brotherhood thanks to their conditioning enabling many to become highly capable paladins, however around the year 2272 many residents who stayed in the vault suffered from mysterious mutations born from the foreign bacteria found in the wasteland which killed many and drove the survivors into a ghoul-like state, and eventually only those who had joined the brotherhood initially and received extensive medical treatment survived. The vault was than converted into a Brotherhood Bunker until the year 2077, where a large contingent of NCR soldiers forced the Brotherhood onto a desperate march east as more chapters were wiped out by the growing NCR. By 2280, Vault 30 is firmly under NCR occupation, as was most of California.
| {Background} |Like nearly everyone in Vault 30, Annabeth had a rather large family. Her father was the vault's spiritual leader, basically a priest, but one who was dogmatically loyal to the Overseer and generally encouraged the other residence to follow their "Divine Purpose". Annabeth's mother was a much more logical-minded security guard who was but one of many women who had been chosen by the vault's spiritual leader to bare his child for the sake of the vault's "Divine Purpose". Growing up Annabeth showed much promise in terms of physical development, being functionally female enabling her to reach puberty at a rapid pace which in turn allowed the vault scientist to begin the experiments on her body as soon as she was ten years old. Like many other children she was put through rigorous physical and mental conditioning in order to try and promote the best genes from her bloodline, a goal that Annabeth was all too willing to pursue thanks to the indoctrination she grew up with.
it wasn't until she was around fifteen years old that she started to notice the cracks in the facade. And it all started when her mother mysteriously vanished. Though her father oversaw much of Annabeth's childhood education, she was much closer to her mother in terms of parental support. Her mother was a strongly independent woman who nonetheless recognized her own faults and limitations, and encouraged Annabeth to also question things that are taken as truth. At the time Annabeth was too young to truly understand, until a shocking revelation occurred when she was seventeen years old and learned just what happened to her mother. Annabeth's mother, as well as many other people in the vault, were taken to test out new twisted experiments trying to splice not just race but gender into a singular bring, creating horrific mutated abominations that the mad scientist demanded experimentation with. Annabeth's own father tried to use his authority to force the inhabitants to either undergo operation and allow themselves to breed with these twisted beings, which cascaded into a violent rebellion where Annabeth willingly became an insurgent.
The fighting lasted for almost a year. Due to the Overseer's mistake of using some of his own security team as test subjects, this enabled the insurgents to access weapons by security team members who betrayed the Overseer, including the Security Chief. It was here that Annabeth's abnormal physical growths and experiments allowed her to shine as one of the primer fighters, taking up a humble sledge hammer and doing far more damage with it than even advance laser weapons or the classic 10mm pistol. Despite their intellect when it came to science and technology, the Overseer and those who supported him were soon defeated and executed for their treason. Annabeth's father was even killed by Annabeth's own hammer, where she had struck him so such force that she had decapitated him with a blunt weapon. Soon a new overseer was picked and it was determined that it was time for the experiments to stop. However nervous about what may lie beyond the vault, the Overseer choose to release a distress signal that would only be picked up by anyone who had knowledge of the old American communication signals. Meanwhile, new security guards were trained, with Annabeth being a promising recruit for her valor in battle.
Barely a month would pass before the vault received a message from the outside world. A faction known as the Brotherhood of Steel, a remnant of the old United States military, was approaching and made clear intentions of what they intended to do and desired from the Vault. Their goals were reasonable: they wished to study the vault and it's original purpose, and wished to integrate members of Vault 30 into the Brotherhood, however they had a very strict expectation for those who wished to join their armed forces. They would otherwise offer to protect the Vault as long as the inhabitants continued to cooperate with the Brotherhood, and with the terms settled the vault would be opened for the first time since the original inhabitants entered.
Overseeing the operation between the vault residence and the Brotherhood was Paladin Alexander. It was him who selected who among the vault inhabitants were worthy of becoming Initiates and joining the armed division of the Brotherhood. Though many were promising by virtue of their physical abilities alone, many could not handle the cruelties of the wasteland firsthand, washing out before they could ever even be field tested. Annabeth however remained strong even in the face of such maligned existence. The memory of her mother, and the hatred of her father, was what drove her to face the injustice and chaos of the world above the vault and made her want to see it in all of it's horror and glory. She withstood harsh physical, mental, and even spiritual training that made her training as a vault security officer seem like a game of recess. Annabeth nearly failed when during endurance conditioning she had been bitten by a bloatfly on the leg. Instead of getting it treated she had simply dismissed it as she had quickly killed the creature, but a few days later when they had returned to base, the bite turned into a nasty infection that had severely weakened both the muscle and bones in that leg. It wasn't until she had dropped off her gear that she had finally allowed herself to break, literally, and was rushed to the infirmary.
There Annabeth had to receive extensive physical recovery for almost a year. Originally it would've taken three, however Annabeth was determined to recover as quickly as humanly possible. By 2270, Annabeth had largely recovered and was finally allowed to take the test to become a Brotherhood Initiates , which would allow her to formally take on specialized brotherhood training and access to their facilities. Thanks to a combination of prior combat experience thanks to the war of Vault 30, as well as the physical body granted to her thanks to the vault's experiments, she was able to master the basics of being an Initiate and would soon become a proper Knight. However things would not be the same in the Brotherhood.
Annabeth was always aware of the NCR existence, but she had simply dismissed it as a struggling nation trying to rebuilt America from the ruins, as oppose to the brotherhood which at least was built from the military remnant. That all changed when suddenly during a mission, Annabeth and the team she was in was given distress orders to move East instead of returning to Vault 30. She didn't question the orders at the time as the area they were in were ripe with dangers, and had simply thought they were going to deal with another nest of raiders or perhaps Super Mutants. It wasn't until they were sneaking through Arizona, avoiding Legionaries, that Annabeth learned of the true might of the NCR and how they had managed to oust the technologically superior Brotherhood. And during her trek through Arizona and New Mexico that she even heard of Caesar's Legion, and was absolutely baffled at how a faction that actively shunned technology could have evern survived the wastelands, let alone grow into a faction powerful enough that they actually threaten the Brotherhood themselves.
It was during this exodus east which she has come to call "The Long Road" that Annabeth started to have doubts about the Brotherhood. She started to realize that just like her childhood in Vault 30, she had allowed herself to be consumed by the dogma and fervor of the Brotherhood, blinded by their amazing technology and power to not realize their flaws and weaknesses. Indeed, it wasn't until it was already too late, when the NCR besieged Vault 30 and put many of the inhabitants down, that Annabeth realized that the Brotherhood was not in fact the saviors of the new world. They were hardly even a faction of considerable power in the west: the NCR had already developed technologies that even the Brotherhood haven't had. The seeds of doubt made Annabeth reflect much about what she truly wanted as a member of the Brotherhood as she traveled The Long Road.
And it wasn't until Annabeth's team reached Tennessee that she realized what she really wanted to do. By this point her team, which had originally consisted of five Initiates, two knights, and a paladin, was reduced to two initiates, a knight, and the paladin. The other Initiate was a fellow Vault Dweller, Maxwell. But he not from Annabeth's vault, but from a Vault 144. They had apparently been tested to master various forms of languages. The knight was a craven of a man named Mikey who was only a member of the Brotherhood thanks to the sponsorship of an Elder, or so he would claim, and had only survived so far because he priorities his survival above all else. And finally there was Paladin Pylia, originally a doctor who nonetheless showed fearlessness in battle but compassion to others. By this point moral was at a all time low, as were supplies. Before they had survived off BOS rations and utilized chemical purifiers to drink clean water, but both had ran out. And so Annabeth and her fellow Initiate was tasked to find supplies while the knight and paladin charted their course.
It was when than that Annabeth and her fellow initiate had stumbled onto a tense standoff. A small family of tribals, armed with crude guns, were being held up by a gang of raiders, also armed with crude weapons. Her fellow initiate suggested that they simply standby and watch, as there was no telling how either side would react to their presence. But when Annabeth noticed that one of the tribal women was pregnant and yet armed with a gun to fight off the raiders, Annabeth could not allow herself to stand idly by. Before the firefight could start Annabeth charged the raiders with her laser rifle, catching a few off guard and disintegrating them instantly. The raiders turned their guns onto Annabeth but her power armor enabled her to shrug off their bullets and engage them in close-quarters combat. In a blind frenzy, she had destroyed her own rifle to ensure the raiders could not use it against her as she hefted her trusty sledge hammer and brutalized the raiders, sending the survivors scattering. She never got a word of thanks from the tribals; they had fled as soon as Annabeth arrived and distracted the Raiders. Her fellow initiate was quite angry at her for not only breaking her rifle, but putting herself in danger and achieving nothing for it. But Annabeth had no regrets. She got what she wanted from it.
And since that day, Annabeth had started to act more independently, even acting outside the Brotherhood Codex. At her urging, she had her fellow Initiate translate and speak to various tribals they came across, sharing knowledge in exchange for supplies. She even learned how to craft spears from the tribals, which helped Annabeth since she lacked a gun to use for the longest time. Though she received insults and lectures from the Knight Mikey, Paladin Pylia showed silent approval as Annabeth often took the lead when it came to speaking to tribals, even learning their language thanks to Maxwell. Thanks to Annabeth's new found desire to take initiative of her own life, she was able to make the journey east last much more smoothly, securing enough supplies to keep the four well fed when they arrived in Capital Wasteland and joined up with the local Brotherhood Chapter. For her ability in the face of perils, Annabeth was promoted straight from Initiate to Knight Sargent.
She quickly would begin to prove her worth for the Brotherhood. Often taking on missions alone, she would single-handily protect the roads and secure settlements from raiders, mutants, wayward beasts, and even the occasional haywire robot. But more than that, she made sure to foster positive relationships between the Brotherhood and these settlements, encouraging them to become strong and join the Brotherhood. She oversaw many welfare projects if only because she wanted to see these people live comfortably, with or without Brotherhood assistance. And when she heard word of a mission to the south, into the mysterious lands of North Carolina, Annabeth knew what she needed to do. Grasping her hammer and donning her armor, she would join the Chapter to retake America.
- Survival Characteristics -
| {Non-Combat Skills} |Survivalist - Thanks to her willingness and education from tribals, Annabeth is quite adapt at surviving off what little the wasteland provides, be it surviving off irradiate plants and animals, or crafting highly effective weapons from scraps and monster parts.
Empathetic Insight - Annabeth has something of a knack at sensing emotions and intentions in others, which enables her a bit of an edge when she needs to be charismatic. She's good at sensing lies and detecting feints, and isn't afraid to call bluffs or be a subtle as her sledge hammer.
Force of Personality - Some call it willpower, others call it recklessness, but whatever you call it Annabeth is capable of forcing her ideals to shine through even the bleakest of situations, and isn't easily broken no matter the adversity. Indeed, the only thing that can truly destroy Annabeth's confidence is herself, which she tries her best to avoid by always putting herself in the company of others.
| {Possessions} |Deck of Playing Cards, Harmonica, Packs of Cigarettes, Personal Diary, lots of ink pens, Bag full of Bottle Caps, Needles and Thread, Someone's Skull, Lighter, bag of rock salt.
| {Combat Skills} |Melee Combat - Annabeth is especially skilled in melee combat utilizing two-handed weapons, weather it be something as simple as a baseball bat or as advance as a super sledge. Her favored weapon are hammers, which she's been using ever since she fought in the Civil War of Vault 30. In addition, Annabeth is also quite skilled in some other types of melee weapons, including knives and spears. She's actually quite a shot when using javelins, capable of slicing the wings off a bloatfly with a single throw.
Laser Weapons - As part of her brotherhood training, Annabeth has been familiarized with various types of laser Weapons, from the basic plasma pistols and laser rifles to even the more advance gauss rifle and gatling lasers.
Incredible Durability - Not so much a skill as much just a talent of Annabeth. Even outside of her power armor Annabeth is incredibly tough to take down. She could and has brawled a super mutant and come out on top before. And while she's far from invincible, she can survive things that would kill most monsters, let alone humans.
| {Gear} |T-60 Power Armor (C Model, Brotherhood of Steel Knight-Sargent Paintjob, Standard Headlamp, Recon Sensors, Optimized Servos), Sledge Hammer (Heavy Rocket Mod), Throwing Spears (Can carry around four out of armor, and up to ten in armor), AER9 Laser Rifle (Photon Exciter, Sniper Barrel, Full Stock, Reflex Sight, Beam Splitter), Microfusion Cells (Mostly Standard, but at least three full Over Charge Cells), Fusion Battery (one in the armor and two spares), Combat Knife (Serrated Blade), BOS Uniform (Olive w/Hood), Battle Coat, Vault 30 Canteen, Stimpacks (Tries to keep at least five shots), Psycho (Tries to hide at least one), MRE (Carries usually seven), Bedroll, Authentic Canvas Bag, Toiletries.