Avatar of Apollosarcher


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7 mos ago
Current A quiet day is a good day, especially when it doesn't have to be productive.
2 yrs ago
I made a new RP for the first time... In years. roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… please give it a look!
6 yrs ago
Fallout Tactics has death claws that can talk, scary killer robots, and the ability to have a tank. It just doesn't... Sit well with the rest of lore.
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6 yrs ago
Very sick, will post when not hurting.
6 yrs ago
I'm awake at weird hours again.


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"Sic semper tyrannis"

Name: Abraham, Gaius, Praetor, and many more.

Age: Over two thousand

Species: Kindred

Powers: Fortitude, Potence, Celerity, Auspex, Necromancy

Clan: Caitiff

Generation: 5th

Appearance: He carries himself upright and with a quick step, remnants of his days on the march for glory and conquest. His list of names and titles is long, so the short and sweet name of Abraham was taken after an old friend. His clothes clean and freshly pressed, he carries himself well but their a sadness in him and tiredness. He looks remarkably alive for a Kindred, though he carries an aura of man who carries the weight of the world. His body is fit and lean, a surprising amount of scaring dots his chest and his chin is a familiar scar of chin strap from a Legion helmet. With raven black hair and short beard, he looks the part of a young soldier and even has the manners and discipline to prove it.

Collab with @Ruby

Little China still irritated her. Since her days stalking Night City for Danger Girl, there had never been something quite 'right' about this stretch of city. It wasn't meant to be like this. Sora could have blamed the Triads, but there wasn't much left of the Triads--she had largely seen to that, herself. Walking the strip of Little China that should have been something closer to City Center than it was to slums left a metallic, harsh taste in her mouth as the tip of her tounge rolled across back of her top, perfect, white teeth as she ignored the looks and stares from the excuses for life that inhabited the back alleys of Little China. He had dropped her off at the end of the alley, next to the same sex club that had existed before, just different names and different owners...a common theme in this rejection of a normal, functioning, city.

Tokyo this was not.

Sora's movement down the alley became listless, her head tilting this way and that, her black lashes fluttering as eyelids opened and closed with no apparent rhyme or reason. Her nostrils flared, her mind racing through the sensory overload, black gloved hand just barely tracing the edge of every wall and door she came across on this side of the alley. Her lips formed the words she didn't say, her head tilting back as she tasted it: it was written in blood. All or nothing, dressed in black, unable to look back for longer than a moment just long enough to see the memory of her face. By the time her eyes opened, she had wandered off the main alley, pushing past a small, flimsy, metal gate.

The woman occupied her sigh, black eyes opening to the stairwell. A cat hissed, arching in defense, sensing the arrival of a predator. "Oh, shut up."

Her gaze flashed from the back door of the storefront that was closed, smelling the incense and hearing the heartbeat beyond. The placid surface of the killer betrayed the sudden, inexplicable, white hot rage that erupted under the skin. Sora could almost taste the Mercs. Sora knew the truth of it; she would always, no matter what, now, be a broken girl. There was no going back. There would be no savior, even if she found the woman. Nothing could be the same, nothing could be pure again. Arasaka had taken it's pound of flesh, corrupted her life before it even started, ruined the dreams of a little girl and turned her mean. And they thought they could get away with what they did?

Sora audibly snorted as she restrained the impulse to go crashing through the back of the store front and impale the child, then and there. She nearly gasped as the ease of the door sliding open, or pouted at it. It shouldn't have been so easy. He shouldn't have been so easy. Prey should put up more of a fight. Sora had no respect for cowards, and when there was nothing but her, the victim, and the blade between them...that's when people showed who they really were. That's when Sora saw people no one close to them ever could; that's how Sora knew, truly, who was a coward and who was not. What would Vik Vektor be today?

Very little illuminated the garage turned clinic but a Kiroshi neon sign, and data screens, except for the vid feed of the boxing match. He sat there, hunched on his stool, sunglasses on like it was mid-sunny day, entranced by the violence. There was no sound, only a black shadow creeping at the edges. It was hard to say just how long she stood there, staring at him. Somewhere in the void beside her mind, Sora started to blink in and out as her eyes shuttered again and her anger started to boil through. When her eyes opened again her forehead was brushing the closed, but unlocked, security cage of the entrance at the bottom of the stairs in which she haunted as shadow.

The sound he noticed, the image he realized was no shadow. She heard his heartbeat, she felt his intense gaze, it made her feel as close to orgasm as anything had in months. She wasn't a bad person; she was just overwhelmed, that little voice of that little ghost repeated in the back vaults of her brain. By herself, by choice, chance, or strange reward, she ignored what he said to her then. Ignored it, or just wasn't present enough in the now to hear it. She tried to whisper to him, but he didn't figure it out, he didn't hear it.

Sora was cold.

"I don't have any drugs," he said, as uncertain and on edge as he was irritated, like she were just another junkie to roll into his clinic to beg.

Sora giggled like a school girl as she threw open the gate with a sudden, dramatic, motion. "You do. You are a purveyor of the only drug that seems to sate me these days, Vik Vektor." The giggle was gone, leaving behind only the ghostly grin on haunted lips and the menacing black eyed gaze of the predator. In that very beat of his heart, she saw it, smelled it, TASTED it: fear. A sharp, deep, inhale, and Sora smiled, "There it is. There's my drug, Vik Vektor...you loved them, didn't you? Did you think the love was free?" She stared, somehow looking more confused than he felt and hid. "Did you think there would be no price to pay?"

"Arasaka," it was only a word, spoken in a tone that he might as well had spat. The devil's grin that enveloped her face as she felt the fires of hell warm her back. He moved for the weapon. That's all it took. He might as well had moved in molasses as she moved in bullet-time. He was so fucking slow she wanted to scream at him, she wanted to complain and condemn his bad form. His surgically repaired and enhanced Ripperdoc's left hand crunched as she held it between her index finger and thumb, and SQUEEZED. He howled in pain, Sora howled in heat, dismissing his body like a little sack of meat and bone as she flew across the clinic and landed at the foot of his surgical chair.

The whisper was delicate and soft, sad and torn in regret, the tone of heart-wrenched apology, her black gloved hand gentle at his chest as it held him down, "Someone must get hurt." She had come too far to make it easy, the tedious dances of quiet meltdowns and consented abuse had driven the madness and boiling rage to a hushed moment of sheer desperation and tragic realization; the Ripperdoc was analyzing her. Guessing at what had turned her to demon.

"...what the fuck are you..."

Her free hand curled and coiled, making pain wrench across his face as it grabbed the back of his head by his thinning hair and started to press with the hand on his chest with the kind of force that would be snapping bone and popping organs in but a few, short, minutes. "Pay attention, because it's all over; this is the price you weren't willing to pay." She gripped tight at the back of his head, the hand at his chest pulling his upper body up by his dirty shirt. Sora had to give him credit; he never betrayed the woman. He never looked in that direction. Nothing on his face even hinted at her presence.

Didn't matter. Sora knew. The shot of gunfire rang out hideously loud and violent in the confined space of the clinic, as Misty Olszewski pulled the trigger. The spiritualist had enough skill to not murder Vik Vektor. The woman tracked the blur enough that the bullet only ripped across Vik Vektor's right shoulder in a grazing blow, leaving to man to cry out and put his near limp left surgeon's hand over the searing pain. Panic hit Misty Olszewski as her target was there, then just wasn't there, leaving Vik to take the round that grazed and ricocheted off the surgical chair behind, sparking as it hit a wall off to the left.

"Misty!" He yelled, his eyes unclinching from pain just in time to see the dark shadow behind the spiritualist. They moved so slowly, children to the unreal enhanced speed of the Arasaka Ninja. The gun was gone, crushed and discarded, Misty's body tensed and struggling as Sora took the girl from behind. The heat of the spiritualist, the flesh pressed against Sora tight. She felt her eyes closed as she felt Misty's heart as much as she heard it now, one hand around the girl's throat, the other still around the wrist that had held the gun, beginning to slowly, carefully, apply the kind of pressure that would crush it in less than a minute's time.

Sora didn't hear the girl's cries. Eyes closed, mind torn, all Sora felt and heard and saw was Etta Autry. All she knew in that haunted heartbeat was love and misery and pain. The desperate, erotic, whisper hitting the girl's right ear. "...I want to fucking tear you apart."

The gurgled cry didn't sound right. The scent wasn't right. The body against her wasn't right.........Sora saw vision ascend as her black eyes opened, her face frowning as she saw Misty Olszewski and not Etta Autry. Her vision focused on the bleeding man on the ground, moving, screaming in a growl about...something. In her haze it took Sora another beat to realize he was yelling about the girl.


The girl was discarded like the gun had been, just tossed to the side there in the entryway at the bottom of the stairs. Sora moved again, more concerned with the Ripperdoc than the spiritualist. The sound that came out of the old man was ear piercing as the katana blade came out and pierced flesh in the kind of quickness that left the human mind reeling to catch up. It took him a moment to do more than be in shock and silence; but when the sound came it was blood curdling, it was anguished and it was enough to make the girl on the ground behind them scream in horror: the sight of the katana sticking shoved into the concrete floor, through Vik Vektor's right thigh.

"...stay." The color had drained from Vik Vektor. His heart was near explosion, his heartbeat in full shock and panic, his system beginning real overload from the mind-breaking amount of pain and distress, sweat beading at his receding hairline, his body twitching and shaking. Sora didn't even care now that the girl scrambled and darted up the stairs of the entrance, screaming into the Night City night like a raving lunatic for help. Sora's tone never changed; automatic, chromed, with a muted volume. "Etta Autry. Where is she?"

His voice quivered and shook as violently as the rest of his body as his eyes dazed and blanked behind the sunglasses from the shock of the trauma. "...wh...who? I...don't..."

Sora growled like a beast, eyes clinching shut and head tilting as she let her heartbeat remind her mind to calm. "I hope your 'children' were worth it. May you serve as a warning to any others who would strike against us."

She stood, her right hand slowly curling and gripping the black handle of the black bladed katana that ran through the thick of his thigh. One pull, one swing, all in one motion, and his head would fall from his body. Before that, she looked down at him, and sighed, taking a last measure of Vik Vektor. "How I wish you would have known where she was..."

Dusty had been up the street, a smoke in an alley keeping an eye on some Maelstorm punks trying to give a few working girls a hard time. He gave a whistle and flashed iron, NCPD were just a block over and they never hassle a Nomad for street cleaning. They were close to Misty and Vik’s place, but he didn’t have any ripper work to be done and tarot cards just weren’t his thing. He liked to think Nomad’s made their own luck not fated to go down a certain way, the Clydesdale was parked in an alley hidden from view to avoid someone trying to boost it.

The Maelstrom punks had just been leaving when he heard a faint scream, one that no cop would answer. The gun shot he’d heard but assumed it was the police mopping up someone, he bottled towards Misty’s place, that voice was one he remembered from nights spent drinking and partying with Jackie Welles. He rushed through the beads sliding over the counter and out the back door before jumping the railing landing, barely on the stairs. A short jog past the security gate hand over his holster, well it was until he saw his new boss was standing over Vik with a glare that could have killed if Arasaka had the tech yet.

“What in sam hell do you think you are doing!” He spoke, he didn’t pull iron, knowing it sure as shit wouldn’t help. Moving in slowly hands up looking at Vik. “Vik and Misty? They never hurt nobody, well... Vik used to punch people and Misty’s got a biting tongue but... that ain’t never been a reason to go lopping off heads?” He spoke hands up moving towards the woman carefully.

“Even if they done did wronged ya it was a small slight or blunder on their part, Vik... Misty, somebody explain why the fuck a Saka ninja wants you two dead?” He spoke slow and calm like, trying to be rational and understanding, namely the side of friends against his boss. A fine line to walk when a razor sharp sword is involved but he was good at keeping balance came from a life in the saddle.

“Listen whatever’s going on before ya going stabbing folks like it's a Japanese Samurai revenge flick or your righteous Silverhand himself, prick he was. Maybe think about it, how could these folks ever damage you or them Saka goons again?” He added confused as he removed his hat trying to be honest and open here.

Her head turned at the sound of the man. At the sight, her black eyes narrowed. Hand gripping the blade's handle, now, in anger. It came and went like a Night City breeze; gone as fast as it appeared, if it was ever there at all. The blade was removed with the force and precision of an assassin, leaving nothing but a sudden surge of blood in the wake of it's removal, save for the dripping of Vik Vektor's blood as Sora walked across the clinic, katana in hand, staring a burning glare through the eyes of the Nomad as she simply walked out and climbed the stairs.

Indignance was the appearance of the Arasaka Ninja as she passed a bum in the back alley, ripped the shirt off his body, letting him run away to leave her to use his rag to wipe Vik Vektor's blood from her katana. If Sora were more vocal a presence, she would have been muttering about the damnable fool Nomad. She was prepared to skewer him through the chest and pin him to his damned car; she'd fucking walk back to Arasaka Tower.

It was utter annoyance when she realized the Nomad was staying in the clinic to call a fellow Ripperdoc friend of Vik's for help, and to assist Misty in applying emergency first aid to Vektor. There was even dulling gall in her that Vektor had enough presence of mind to walk the two through his own first aid. Sora jerked her head in the direction of the once more hissing cat at the top of the stairs that had led down to the clinic. "Are you fucking happy, now?"

Disgusted, Sora simply sheathed the blade back on her back and straightened her suit jacket, wandering off to find the Nomad's car, lighting a cigarette as she walked to calm her temper and nerves. Nomads were never far from their cars.

The Clyesdale was sitting pretty parked about two blocks down, the trail of all terrain tire marks and his unique blend of tobacco would lead her right on to it. The car wasn't covered in stickers and markers, instead the Jodes family emblem was on the hood. Thick armor of the vehicle was shined and blue, along its side painted strikes along it as it cut marks or decals. Each one a deep black with a red outline as if a beast had gored them in. It was bigger, an extended cab and trunk meant he’d probably tuned the engine to keep the power able to move all this weight. It was a one of a kind car, the kind of thing most nomads dreamed of rather than owned.

Dusty for his part, had moved Doc into his own patient's chair doing his best to listen and apply first aid. He’d learned some on the farms up north when guys got gored by horns or work equipment. But this was sure as shit new level he was dealing with for stab wounds, so breathing deep with a phone in one hand applying tourniquet to the wound as he breathed out. He focused, Misty cried off to one side while assisting as he finished up blood still on his hands. “You got him till doc Ryder gets here?” He spoke hugging Misty tight before taking a breath heading back for his car, probably a lose of real fucking easy payday.

But he could live with that... He couldn’t live with himself if he’d let Misty and Vik just get... Fuck. Great, he was starting to remember he didn’t usually take big high paying gigs, always fucking something about them! So exiting out through the alley behind the place he tossed his smoke while walking back towards the car, as he started to leave a couple of Maelstorm goons were eyeing him no doubt pissed about earlier. This had to be something to do with Jackies death, even from the Afterlife he was still managing to rope Duston in on bad ideas.

So with Maelstorm’s spider eyes on him not worried about it he walked to his car, to his boss to have what was probably going to be a very heated chat. He just prayed that if she killed him wouldn’t ruin his car... His sister would take care of his baby at least, he’d spent more on that care than some Mercs do on Apartments, guns, sex, and liquor combined.

She stood facing the car, on the passenger side, staring a hole through the Nomad with dark, dark, brown eyes. Her voice much as it ever was, so calm it sounded bored, "Did you know Jackie Welles and V?" He had, obviously to her, known Vik Vektor and Misty Olszewski. It was no great leap of logic or deductive reasoning to think he might have.

“I did know Jackie, T-Bug too. Been out of the city awhile, wasn’t here to meet this V. Merc’s are a tight clique, Jackie wanted to go big time but... I can’t, I got people to think about. Family, Clan, and more of what I earn goes back home to help them if harvests get bad.” He paused, drumming his fingers on the hood as he stood by the driver side door. “What I can tell you is this. Misty does her best to help people and try to guide them down a good path... Vik, well he gives away as much as he makes in that little back alley. They didn’t mean to rock the boat, they ain’t mercs and Edgerunners. They just live in a shit city where the only people who ever mean anything are those who are gonna die going against the system. If you don’t... You become part of it, till the corps or the city kill you.” He answered looking back the way he head come more Maelstorm goons now loitering watching the pair eyeing the car.

Sora's head bowed, as an audible, deep, sigh escaped her lips the moment before she brought her cigarette up to the same lips for another drag. The smoke made her voice just that much deeper than normal. "...I warned you not to interfere. Is it that you don't understand what I am? Is it that you don't get the zero-sum game Arasaka plays? Explain this to me, Nomad." The word, she exaggerated both syllables of, as one might a heavy handed curse. Dark brown eyes now staring up at him through bangs of black hair, and inner rage that came and went like a ghost in the system.

“I get that but... That, that shit was personal beef. Not Saka corpo cleanup detail, you were doing this for them heads would have been off and you’d have been in the car before they spoke.” He answered bluntly, looking right back into her eyes without fail, soft hazel eyes meeting her own. “...I ain’t gonna make you spill but maybe we'll trade little details... Because whoever you really want it ain’t some people who don’t know anything about living.” He breathed slowly as he shut his eyes. “Cause vengeance we can do. But if you want it, we get the bastard who did you wrong. Not those with cut strings left laying on the floor.” He spoke, casting a glance at the Maelstorm mercs. “Let’s ride, you can give the lecture as we go, I’d rather not shoot my through fucking borgs.”

Sora flicked her cigarette, removed the sheathed blade from her back, and got into the car's passenger side, letting the katana rest between her legs. "El Coyote Bar. It wasn't personal to me, I don't care if they live or die, but you don't get to hurt Arasaka and have no one pay some price. Welles paid with his life, fine, but V did not. Well...they're probably dead or dying, but not by our hand, and in not in a way that serves public notice that you do not FUCK with Arasaka in Night City."

She didn't look his direction, but the opposite. She enjoyed looking out windows, she enjoyed watching the world blur by. It reminded her of trains, and home.

“Then find V or people who helped them, hell I’ll help if it keeps you from stabbing civvies.” Dusty spoke climbing behind the wheel of the car, flipping the Maelstorm boys the bird as they shut the armored door and the screens projecting the view outside. “And you don’t fuck with Nomad clans but killing everyone who knows a person is a bit much.” He added as they crawled out into the clamoring traffic of night city heading for the highways.

“Mama Welles has lost all of them, she’s working dead end in a bar... You thinking killing her will send a message? Only message it sends is really more people living there to stand up to Japanese interests, Saka isn’t getting anything from a dead old lady, a Mystic, and a doctor. Way I hear it, V has created a movement, more Mercs than ever. More Fixers, more high risk jobs and shit tons of brave new souls.” He shook his head as he stopped at a light.

“But, you wanna make things right with Saka? You wanna put fear in the Night City Edge Runners. You gotta hit them back... Killing a handful of people who knew a person won’t change nothing, gotta kill the idea that now is an age where the many take from the few.” He spoke as they finally started up onto the highway, the engine humming as his hand moved each gear up manually.

“I never said I was going to hurt ‘Mama’ Welles. Or that I gave a fuck about making things ‘right’ for Arasaka. They’ll be content with brutalization and ‘he probably died.’ That’s fine with me.”

"Lady, sometimes I wonder if your speaking in riddles just to fuck with my head." He answered as they got to speed, moving through the traffic. "I just... Trying to understand ya, you ain't the usual corpo type and you ain't just another hired gun." He added heading down the ramp towards the bar as they slowed down once again.

When the Nomad looked again, he’d find Sora staring at him, instead of outside the passenger ‘window.’ And smiling. “I have my own agenda in this city, this time. Vic Vektor and Jackie Welles’ beloved were agenda items for Arasaka, not for myself, personally. We’ve tried finding V; they’re gone. Either dead, or my guess, off world. If off world, that’s someone else’s job to track…I’ve had my off world time. I’d rather not, again. If dead, nothing we can do. Mr. Welles has no grave, but I’ve heard El Coyote has the closest thing to it. So I want to see it. I want to…pay my respects, such as it were. If that confuses you…I suppose I don’t blame you at all. I’ll leave the katana in the car, if it makes you feel better.”

To say nothing of showing up at El Coyote was expected of her by those at Arasaka watching the streets. She could say anything she wanted about what happened once she was inside, but she would, at the very least, have to make a show of going in.

“Well good, still got a color to bring... And to pay my respects too... If you like, I could... Tell you about’em? Jackie used to drink with me, I met the guy years ago. Right after he got out of the gangs and I was still sleeping in my back seat with a shotgun.” He chuckled a bit as he gave the ninja a smile. “I met T-Bug shortly after I got my first invite to the Afterlife... She was the runner on that job, wasn’t she?” He asked quietly, as they neared the parking lot. “I’d... I’d like to pay respects to her too, they were both friends. Pour one out as we do, say a few words maybe... For whatever god will have my friends' souls up above.” He added taking a breath as they slipped into a space next to a few Valentino’s bikers as he reached down towards the center console where a bottle of Firewater sat next to his smokes.

“Sora... Seems like you and I are gonna be an interesting pair, ain’t we?” Spoke the younger nomad, giving her a somewhat cheeky smile as he tipped his hat back.

"Hey Bea! Heard from Wakako you got yourself into the frying pan with the Tyger Claws while I was out of town. Maybe next time don't fuck with people who know where you live?" Teased Duston as he cruised across the desert having gotten in comms range about twenty minutes ago his first call was to 8ug8ear a good friend of his. As he listened to the Netrunner grumble a moment before giving her answer, Dusty reaching down adjust volume then pushing up into fourth gear as he watched the long straight road ahead.

The Clydesdale cruised onward hovering around eighty miles per hour as he looked around the rather interior of his supped up ride. The racing style wheel had the GPS up on it giving him directions as he rear camera's on the center console sweeping for any other cars or trucks sweeping from the cool low blue lights of the interior. His pistol sat in the side seat as the back seat had a massive freeze laid across filled with goodies from his folks up country. The low rumble of the engine mixing with the noises of the call as the two old friends caught up.

"You've missed a lot Rhodes, kinda for the better if you ask me. We've had a lot of shit go down in the city. Speaking of work, you're gonna have a hard time when you get back. Rogue's not running the show at Afterlife anymore, and the other fixers are all to their eyes in new Mercs. But you've got a talent and more importantly cred to back it, even if you are only a part time Solo." The Netrunner teased lounging as she spoke with him. "Speaking of loses... Jackie and T-bug didn't survive the shit that went down."

"Fuck... Well shit, I'll have to drop the steak by Mama Welles. I'm sure she'll make a meal worth me hauling it down for the guy, I know he always complained about not having real food..." Dusty tugged one of cigarettes out the pack setting it in his mouth then fighting the light which refused to spark. "Speaking of treats, I brought you a couple of whole chickens. Mom wanted to send me with a couple of live ones so you could have eggs. I shut that shit down quick, Netrunner's ain't got no business trying to raise chickens... Granted could also hook into the see how well it fried." He teased, thinking of the dangers of the Net as the sparker finally caught he was able to light his smoke.

"Yeah pretty sure apartment has a no pet rule... I thought about getting cat but... Worried it might go for my face while I'm on the job." She spoke sighing as she listened to the hum from his engine as Duston drove along. "What were you bringing T-Bug? Must be something good, you never had anything bad to say about her." She spoke with a fond memories of sitting around talking with Duston about his jobs, she enjoyed having a friend who didn't ask much about her work as he understood even less. Dusty was more hardware than soft, she appreciated he never pretended to know more than he did about Netrunning or software. "And how was working on the farm?"

"T-Bug? ...Coffee, I got a friend in Metacorp, got a real fresh coffee beans workaholic she is I figured she'd love to have some of the good stuff." He spoke softly taking a long drag ashes falling onto thick leather jacket, he didn't care much right now it was a lot to take in and it hurt to think some of the faces he'd hope to see wouldn't be there. "As for farm life... Herd got bigger, our statics have been doing a real bang up job. Harvest is looking real promising, we're hoping for a big one this year means if all goes well they won't need the money I'll be making and can save it up for next year or spend it on something... Maybe finally get myself a bike... Or new gun?" He spoke the usual first thing a Nomad thought about spending spare cash on.

"How about a new outfit? Maybe something from this century? You look like an cowboy flick Choom." 8ug8ear teased him as gave a laugh at her little taunting, she'd always complained about how much he stood out. He was always quick to point out Netrunner's didn't fair much better their bodysuits made them easy enough to spot even if they tried to cover them up. Taking a look out the window he sighed seeing dust clouds starting to approach from the rear.

"Listen, I got the data on my jobs and reports on them from NCPD an Corps as well. Push it to Claire an have her drop that to the fixers, remind'em just cause I'm part time don't mean I can't do a damn good job. I gotta cut our little chat short, Raffen coming up on my ass and I got put'er in gear and stand on it." He spoke as the vehicles began to form up. "I'll be in the city inside of six hours, let my favorite fixers know I'll take what they got to give legal or illegal. Also, don't go grabbing anymore Tygers by the tail Bea."

"Fine, fine. Don't let those Raffen Shiv ruin my food cow punk." She spoke as she hung up, Dusty finished his cigarette as they closed in about five hundred meters out now he exhaled the smoke through his nose as flicked the music on, something to focus on other than what he was gonna do to the Raffen. He could see it clearly, two trucks and three bikes Wraiths by the look of them looking for easy pickings, they wouldn't find it here. As the bikes moved in on him he reached down slowly, letting them creep up if he'd started to speed away they would have pulled guns. As they started to come along either side, he spun the wheel yank the brake as the car careened left hard swiping into the pair closing on either side smashing their bikes underneath as the armored plated hull of the Clydesdale smacked into the woefully prepared bikes.

Coming to a stop pointed at the remaining bike he released the brake, slamming it down into first the remaining reaching for his iron as the engine snarled like a horse about to charge. Slamming his foot down hard, rammed head on into the biker still who was fumbling with his SMG when he and the bike were sucked underneath the car as both trucks swerved stopping as the guys in back moved to hop out and take aim seeing their bikes had just dispatched so quickly. Before led could start flying Dusty tossed it into reverse as lowered the window yanking his lever gun off his back he leaned out. Letting lead fly as he kept the heavily armored front of his car pointed towards the now stopped trucking his foot pressed down hard as he tore away in reverse letting bullet clanking off the trucks and off his hood as he suddenly pulled back he yanked the wheel hard to the right.

The car spun around he slammed it down into first yet again roaring away, the trucks now lighter on personal began rip after him. Shutting the window he listened to the hollers and cries of the Wraith as he wound up the engine it screamed out a cry as the Clydesdale began zoom further and further along the horizon. Trucks were great for work and such, but sports cars with the right tuning could outrun them all day long, figuring the best thing to do was to sit up near top speed for an hour or two, make sure he was well beyond any of their friends up ahead.

"Howdy Jim! How's the wife and kids?" Duston spoke as the city bound cowboy took a seat in the in the darkened room of the border crossing agents inspection room. Sighing as he looked over Dusty returning yet again, smiling at him he couldn't help but offer him a hand to shake as James shook his head he really shouldn't get this chummy with a Nomad but here he fucking was again about to sit down and let him through. "Bet Maddie's shot up again an Daniel must be getting ready for high school?"

"They are doing fine, your paper work is in order just checking to see if you had any items you hadn't declared." He asked with a knowingly raising an eyebrow as he turned the light to face more own towards the table. A large and sizeable bottle was placed on the table, as Duston grinned happily at him. Proper whiskey, Firewater as it came to be known among Nomad clans it wasn't some swill you could get in a bar you had to know someone and that meant the bottles had value. Especially from the better brewers, fortunately for James Dusty's Clan were pretty damn good brewers.

"Well if that's you were carrying excess and it is a gift... I think you can head on through." The customs officers smiled shaking his head before adding. "And Dusty? Don't cause any fucking trouble, I don't need anyone wondering why I am always on shift when I see your name go through processing." He spoke turning around heading to lock up his prize as he stretched a moment, while the Cowboy picked up his guns he watched the custom car head on out into night city a couple more bottles of this stuff sold in the right place would put his kids through college. That was worth letting one friendly Nomad through once and awhile... Right?

As the Clydesdale made it's way into the city, Duston found himself in traffic so he lit up a smoke and leaned back taking a long deep breath. "Never gonna be home... But damn is it hard to quit you gorgeous." He spoke looking up the neon lights and metallic gleam of Night City smiling to himself. He programmed in his stops first go see Wakako, then over to Afterlife for a couple of drinks maybe pass out in one of the backrooms. Finally head over to see Mama Welles, then to his place across the bridge from Heywood in Pacifica, get the place spruced up chase off any squatters. After that get ready for work call around about jobs and Netrunner, anyone working without getting chipped needed a damn good Netrunner watching them, plenty a person with human eyes couldn't see these days.

Went back through and finished things up.
Command and control

"I will make a list of items that could be dangerous to your people that are unaccounted for... It will be a long list, humans find creative ways to blow up things. Like stars." The Hermiod AI chastised for the previous times humanity had used such things as weapons. "Captain you and the bridge crew may rotate off as needed, we will be traveling through well documented space for hours yet to come." He reminded her before blinking from the room.

Bowels of the ship

"Could do but you'd get a weaker end product. That said... I did pack a cooler with treats as well. I've got a got a chocolate cake from home... Also a few different bottles of different stuff for our new friends to try, here I thought you didn't much care for living on Earth." He teased as folded his arms across my chest. "Come on, we can have a drink and chat in my room. I've been wanting to pick your brain on several topics... Since I get the feeling the captain if gonna leave getting the base up to us. Wonder if I can get those horses after all... Great for scouting." He pushed the still back carefully hiding it from view as he offered his flask to the woman. "Come on Queenie."

Falnore's quarters

"I hope personally we can discover the secret to building our own gates... After all if we can build gates we can expand the network... Imagine Union of planets all working together sharing technology and trade!"
He smiled dreamily as he long wistful sigh before also pondering. "Though I admit I am even more curious to learn about the ancient Asgard and their history as warriors, Norse gods were an interesting bunch."
He laughed a bit imagining Thor getting drunk and celebrating with others.
Flynn listened happily, hearing just the thoughts on what they might find made him smile he knew he'd be happier here than he ever was stuck down in the mountain working on reading books and translating text. "Well, I'm curious about these Dwarves as well, I admit though they are much more of a long shot... Supposedly they a species who made gifts for others, even made a weapon for Thor his favorite if you believe the texts." He sighed paused pulling out a small journal as he kept for interesting things he wanted to note for research as he flipped through it.

"Of course, the Dwarves stopped talking to them even before the Replicators arrived, so they could be gone for all we know. No what I'm interested most in is the fact that when the Ancients came out here they said Ida was already teeming with life. Who knows how many more species could have appeared here since." He spoke as he flipped through the pages. "Honestly... There were rumors that if we were successful out here they might start up the idea of phoenix base here again. Namely bringing together Alien species to explore through the Star Gate themselves."

Down below, in James hideaway

"Yep, got the corn mash ready and the still's good to go." He spoke as he pulled his flask with little need to explain he offered it to Morrigan. "You ain't a fan of Hermiod... Yeah, heard from Sheppard that Hermiod was... Difficult, apparently he is one of the smartest of the bunch, it's why his AI was picked for the ship." James spoke leaning against the wall chuckling a moment as he looked at the Tokra woman with a smile.

"Well whatever ya reckon you'll be needing I'll supply gratefully Commander." He added as tipping his hat to her. "But if'n ya just wanna talk beyond earshot of Hermiod or the others my personal quarters don't have any security recording devices or listening devices. Mostly encase the ship compromised to have a singular spot for meeting to talk in private picked me room just for that... Mostly so I could keep with whomever I please with an Asgard memory nosing in." He answered giving her a wink, as he let her drink from his flask.


"True, though Commander Thor would be more excited by the idea of showing you all around the Ancient's technology and our own system. However, it was the opinion of your superiors was that technical expertise and experience working with humans was... Necessary." Hermiod answered as he reappeared seemingly looking over another console. "I agree that you should not touch many of the items we leave behind, some of them are to dangerous for us, they would certainly be far to dangerous in your hands." He continued about double checking the crew using the hologram system for the moment at least to acclimate them to his presence and leave them aware he was here.
Flynn smiled and took his seat carefully noting the comfort of it for a moment. "Oh I came to discuss your thoughts on what Ancient technology we should prioritize looking for?" He explained as he sat forward excitedly. "Also because I've never really gotten to work with anyone from off world, so it's my first time getting to hear thoughts and ideas from someone with a different point of view." He explained happily as took one of the fruits with a smile eating it. "Not to mention... Ask what's its like to explore through the Star Gate... I never got to go through it before we left."

"That and... Well I figured we could talk since we are both non-military for the trip." He answered as he scratched his head seeming a bit nervous now that he was in the room.

Hermiod paused bringing up the system. "It was planet for last ditch weapon testing, hence the fatalistic name as you put it. We called it such because the weapons we researched there would be far beyond the scope of normal equipment. Far more dangerous than anything we gave you. However the site was abandoned after your assistance in defeating the replicators." The AI answered then muttered in Asgard annoyed with the question.

"We selected the site as the Ancients used for testing their work when they seeded this galaxy." He explained as he looked over at the captain. "The city itself is similar to Atlantis, in fact we believe the city there was used as a model for Atlantis." Explained Hermiod as he blinked out of the room, his voice now coming from the speakers only. "As for the exact research the Council decided it was better left unknown however nothing dangerous remains there, please try not to change that."
Flynn couldn't help but smile as they made the jump, however he knew who he wanted to meet first. He'd gotten to know the Colonel a bit and the Captain and her XO were interest as well but... He was more interested in Falnore, heading over to the engineering section he hummed a song as he walked down.

James for his part waited until after the captain and XO has settled then, like so many times before pulled his vanishing act no doubt off finding materials and ingredients for his still. If he wasn't doing that probably finding somewhere to hang a hammock where he could nap undisturbed when he wasn't working. When he worked he did an outstanding job but when he wanted to be lazy well... It was hard to find someone more dedicated to achieving the goal of doing nothing for hours at a time. Usually he could be found watching cow boy movies, listening to music, or goofing around at some point. While he did annoy some of the crew he was resourceful and clever, claiming laziness was the mother of invention.

Flynn stopped as he stepped into engineering before calling out to what he believed to be the engineer. "Falnore? It's Flynn Fletcher, I'm the Ancient expert for the expedition. I've been looking forward to meeting you personally." He called trying to spot the engineer from among the half dozen or so in the room busying themselves. Flynn had mostly been interested to get to know his fellow team member and someone else who would have a rank within the team. He understood the Tollan were usually not to thrilled to be doing anything like this. He hoped this one would be different at least, after all they had volunteered to be here like many others.

Hermiod muttered something Asgardian a hold over from his biological self. "The Asgardians defeated you because you preyed on others technology when while we innovated our own... Also because of your baser instincts guided impulses we had long ago eradicated."He paused a moment the hologram appearing near a console." Were it not for the degradation of our species and the Replicators we would have wiped out your people long before humans on Earth achieved space flight." He added as if a point of pride, perhaps more of the Asgard lived on through the memory matrix than let on.

James gave a grin. "Well if we're getting cattle when we get there I'll call up mom and pop arrange for some horses and longhorns! I know how you loved it when I slipped steak onboard." He chuckled as he moved towards Morrigan adjusting his hat, before taking it off giving a small bow the former Queen, placing his hat over his heart. "Morrigan, might I accompany our wonderful XO to her ship? Give us a bit to catch up, I missed ya something fierce while they had me down learning to play nice with all the flyboys, water jockeys, and jarheads." James put his hat back on and offered his elbow as if he was planning to escort her to fancy dinner party, not onto the latest battleship built by humanity.

James chuckled as he watched the Captain leave the ship. "She's not a big fan of anything she can't control... Like what I do in my off hours, she's great fun off duty though." He stated looking at Flynn with a chuckle as stood next to Morrigan cracking a sly grin. "When your working she's all business... Unless you got the luxury rations to bribe her. Speaking of which, I hope that cooler made onboard... Picked out a few choices steaks, wine, and a few other tidbits from back home. I figured if I make all personal items food she'll be a little less mean about the whole drinking on her ship thing?" James tilted his head curious if Morrigan knew if the Captain was still particular upset about him and his rather... Unorthodox methods of relaxation and creative use of his time.

Flynn was simply confused deciding to ignore all of it, mostly because he didn't really understand all the science behind it nor did he want to really. He heard from Daniel that Samantha Carter could make even interesting topics go right over anyone's head with techno babble skills, he decided he didn't want to chance it. "Well... Were ready down here. Just finished our briefing and the Captain's already gone." he explained to the Engineer turning again shaking his head at James and his seemingly unimpressed attitude to all of this.

A second chirp could be heard in the earpiece before the AI of Hermiod spoke through the comms. "It would be faster if the captain would also simply use the transporter herself. Should I start factoring this human illogical stubbornness into all of my calculations involving the Captain of this vessel?"
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