Avatar of Apollosarcher


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7 mos ago
Current A quiet day is a good day, especially when it doesn't have to be productive.
2 yrs ago
I made a new RP for the first time... In years. roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… please give it a look!
6 yrs ago
Fallout Tactics has death claws that can talk, scary killer robots, and the ability to have a tank. It just doesn't... Sit well with the rest of lore.
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6 yrs ago
Very sick, will post when not hurting.
6 yrs ago
I'm awake at weird hours again.


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Airus stepped out from the ship, moving down the ramp he pulled his robes tighter around himself the tall Jedi keeping his hood up as he felt the world around him. Expanding out his senses as he, from his time in the Rebellion he'd gotten used to operating on many different worlds from searing to heat to bitter cold one didn't complain if, especially if they did not want comrades to make jokes about weak constitution. The former rebel had taken to heart the work and training of a Jedi, he'd heard tales that the Vel Aath's his father's lineage were a proud family from the Core worlds who had served in Jedi and Republic for thousands of years. Perhaps he might learn more of that history but for now, he felt thrum of the force in a way he had not since he had last been home.

"The temperature reminds me of Hoth... And the feeling from Ashla here... It's like being back home, it's a wellspring of force energy." He turned lowering the hood as stepped up next to Sildarg lowering the hood. "It's incredible feeling to bath in the energies of the force. I feel as though I could move mountains." He spoke as leaned on his wooden staff, rarely had he been seen without it. Burn marks and scars along it told the tale it was not some cane but a weapon for Miraluka. The staff had carvings along it... And if one knew their materials might realize it was from a Wroshyr tree's wood. No doubt a gift from his Alliance days.

Of course as cold as it was, this was no Hoth as much as he hoped to never set foot on that planet again he missed the tauntauns fun little creatures they were. It had been cold their even next to heaters, he remembered some troopers complained the chill still hadn't left them a year later. Airus didn't care for the cold or the heat but he understood the need for both like Ashla and Bogan the world needed one to the other. But it did make him wonder why a world so cold and quiet would have such a wellspring of energy upon it, what could have created this natural light side wellspring? Varina would no be telling him off for spending more time worrying about the why's and how's than basking in the wonderful feeling of the moment. Only in his mind would he ever admit he missed that crazy sister of his.

Airus thought back to before he left and the long lecture's she'd been giving him on the meaning of lightsabers and how special it was. The woman was working to become a Jedi artisan she'd been advising him what materials would suit him for his own sabers creation. He wondered how long the artist had spent here trying to put together her own badge of office, perfectionist she was he could only imagine hours and hours spent adjusting and tinkering at it. Like when she had taken up painting, only after making her brushes, he could remember having to drag her inside. Nurse her back to health in winter a few times after she spent all day trying to capture the look of sunrise on Hoth. Of course, similarly she had been one to bring him food when he forgot eat spending days reading through old war documentation or after action reports. They had been connected nearly all their lives only in recent years had they spent so much time so far apart without the free time to visit one another that it seemed they didn't always know what the other was thinking about.

Snapping back to reality Airus shook his head a moment running a hand through his red hair. "So when do we get started? Varina got me all excited for this trip."

Winter is Coming

@VitaVitaAR Awesome I'll get to work on a character!
Is this still open? I'd love to make a tactician of sorts for a Fire Emblem setting!
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