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@Noodles Eh, hollow hollow is really the only one, although making a new fruit might be more interesting unless you want me to use canon only devil fruits? dunno, up to whatever you think you can make a more fun story around.
@Jerkchicken Eh, fair. HP lovecraft does a looot of things with his things, as well as his successor, so I'd probably need help making it coherent.
<Snipped quote by Archmage MC>

Would prefer the eldritch fruit, nanoswarm is kind of beyond the world's technology, even for vegapunk o.o ~

But for gigantic size, you need to be able to fit into the ship at least, the White Pearl isn't a Marine Battleship :X ~

Oh its the power of the eldritch, not actually that big. So lots of strange immunities to weird obscure things, regeneration, self portals, and reality/sanity stealing touch and whatever I forgot about some of the HP lovecraft stuff. But ok, Ill do that one xD. Oh, and of course eldrich speech. Thats the most fun part xD.

Believe it or not, the nanoswarm thing isn't actually that far off in One Piece, it'd require a devil fruit, but there are sentient robots in One Piece that vegapunk doesn't even know about. They live on the moon with Eneru, who are constantly fighting space pirates who are foxes. Yeah, when Eneru comes back in the series its going to be steampunk/metal as hell with his sentient robot army.
Hm. I'm debating being a robot lady with nanoswarm powers or a fishman lady with an HP lovecraft eldritch fruit. What do you want GM? I'm 50:50 on them so if you don't decide I'll just flip a coin.
Boost. Imagine Boost + Blazermate kritzkreiging Geno. mmm, fun fun!

Dunno how long it'll take for me to get the medic soul though.
<Snipped quote by ProPro>

You're sort of warm, but in fact he is not an exception to the phrase 'Galeem's influence (not possession) affected all beings in existence.' For that matter, neither was Kirby. He has not yet explained himself, since nobody has asked.

Not much to explain tbh. All he needs to do is phase shift for like 5 seconds and he can dodge Galeem's annhilation beam just like Kirby did if he knew it was coming. He knew it was coming, and I'm sure he can phase shift (Which is only a medium level spell) so yeah, makes sense he dodged it xD.)

Level 2 - (14/20) EXP
Location: Scrapyard
Word Count: 452

With the combined efforts of Roadhog, the Courier, Bowser, Ratchet, and the rest of the party with Blazermate's healing, everyone was able to come out of the fight only slightly damaged. Having such beefy boys really helped Blazermate, especially when one of them was keeping an eye out for her with that hook of his. Plus they made excellent heal targets, and she was sure they appreciated the ability to just keep on rampaging. She did feel sad though, after all, she was known as a combat medic back home, but here all she could do was hide and heal thanks to the lack of weapons at her disposal and her flight armor nowhere to be seen. Meanwhile Michael, Ratchet and all the other weapon users almost made her a bit jealous. But at least Kirby was safe.

Collecting the spoils, Bowser scooped up all the spirits from the robots in the area and deposited them in a pile before looking at a few spirits of his own. Blazermate didn't get what he was talking about, but she walked over to the pile anyway and decided she might as well get some kind of weapons to use. Picking up an Engineer and Heavy bot spirits, she crushed them in her hands in the hopes of something fairly decent. Seeing commotion back where their allies were, the courier ran back instead of chasing the retreating rabbids. Blazermate followed suit, making sure to be wherever the battle was in case someone needed healing.

A few of the weaker omnics seemed to be harassing all of blazermate's ranged allies. Since her weapons hadn't coalesed into anything usable yet, she focused on healing whoever the slicers were focusing, that being Michael and the Master. Those bots did very little to Bowser and roadhog, so she was sure they could handle it before she got in melee range to crush them.
I'm not sure whether I want that Luigi rabbit to live so I can insist on dragging it back to the master because it's wearing green and thus must be a great hero or die so I can absorb it's essence and become a double hero.

Well if you want the latter, just have something unfortunate happen. Like bowser trips and squishes it, or some debree/rocket hits it or something xD.
Man, I've gotta get some abilities or items or something that let me do more than just hide and heal, lol.
<Snipped quote by Archmage MC>

Oh, don't you worry. I'm sure the Courier, Ratchet, Tora, and anybody else mechanically inclined will be able to give Blazermate some, shall we say, upgrades?

The internet has already done that... Like, a lot... xD.
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