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@ProPro Oh for sure. A net gun will do wonders for something like that. But I know how to RP regen to make it fair for everyone involved.
@ProPro So, do we make our own characters or take from a fighting game's roster of characters?

Level 3 - (23/30) EXP
Location: Peach's Castle
Word Count: 333

The death of Zer0 and Gauge didn't shake up Blazermate all that much, which felt almost odd to her. She knew she should be feeling at least a little bit of loss over a few teammates dying to MegaDragonBowser. But her instincts as a medabot, a being made to fight and defeat others to claim their power, alongside the mercenary thoughts of Dell Conagher, combined to give her a calm complexion. "Be careful of engaging in melee range fellas! Hes really strong there!" She said, as if that wasn't obvious to everyone in the room considering what happened.

Alongside the fury that MegaDragonBowser showed and the pride the monster took in destroying two of their allies, he also shot a massive fireball at Blazermate's sentry, clearly annoyed at how it was constantly peppering him with bullets, followed by a shockwave ground slam attack. She jumped and hovered over the shockwave attack, but since Blazermate was far away from her sentry, she let it go down in a blaze of glory. She happy that the fireball went towards something she could just build again, instead of another ally at least. Blazermate noticed that to dodge the shockwave attack, Ratchet was riding his robot companion. And in true medabot pride, Ratchet gathered the powers of their fallen allies to distribute between himself and the courier.

Looking around the battlefield, Blazermate attched her beam to Tora as he seemed to be ploting someone as she was trying to collect more scrap for another sentry gun. Considering what happened to Zer0, she wasn't about to go into melee range of that monster. Plus another sentry might do wonders, if it would eat another huge fireball attack like the previous one did. While she was scavaging around, she heard a series of explosive attacks come from MegaDragonBowser's person. Apparently a few more of her allies that hadn't came in the first wave were arriving now, which reminded her. Where was Linkle and that girl they had met under the Master of Master's mushroom thing?
Sounds like something that could be fun. I'll keep an eye on this.
<Snipped quote by Archmage MC>

I always restrict my faceclaims and in my experience I have never had difficulty recruiting for an RP. If 'cartoon-ish' faceclaims don't match the tone and setting then I respect the GM for restricting them. If that's something that doesn't appeal to you as a player it makes more sense to move on then to try and force the GM to tailor to you. There's plenty of other RPers on this site and there's plenty of other games, if one opportunity doesn't work out, it doesn't take long for another to appear.

I'm only suggesting to him how to easily get a lot of RPers with a recruit message. No need to get personal.
Unless you remove your restriction on face claims, your going to have trouble recruiting for that RP. A lot of the superhero RP players aren't going to play if you don't allow cartoon-ish faceclaims like a picture of batman or something.
A creeping dark mist came over the surface of the swamp as the party made its way deeper and deeper. Willow wasn't too worried about the smoke, but a comment from flint really got her a bit nervous. "Agreed Flint, If it is a logia,, and we can't counter it, all we can do is run." willlow said, watching as the cloud came closer.

Soon shots came out of the cloud. Thankfully it was very easy for Willow to dodge any that came her way, if any even did due to her small size. Having an idea, she conjured an orb of Fairy Fire and sent it into the mist as the new dragon member also did his best co try to clear the mist away. Even if he couldn't do anything, Willow's Fairy Fire should reveal something.

Level 3 - (21/30) EXP
Location: Peach's Castle
Word Count: 304

This MegaDragonBowser wasn't as destructive as Blazermate thought he'd be considering what he looked like. Sure he could throw any of her teammates around with his physical strength, but beyond that he didn't seem to do all that much as long as everyone kept their distance. Especially considering how just... wasn't doing all that much damage. Din could heal up all the lightly damaged people, and with Blazermate healing all the ones who are getting hit by MegaDragonBowser, he just wasn't being the threat he came off to be.

But at least the big bruiser was making an attempt. Tossing off and lighting Gauge's Deathtrap robot and throwing it at Blazermate and her sentry was at least a neat attempt. It did force Blazermate to pick up her sentry and try to dodge the flaming robot, but she didn't have to move much as Tora shield smashed the giant robot up and away from her encampment. When she noticed this, she redeployed her sentry and continued building it as MegaDragonBowser was incapacitated by all the magic being flung his way.

This gave her enough time to fully upgrade her sentry to level 3. Once it was fully upgraded, it beeped three times in quick succession, before locking onto MegaDragonBowser and started pelting him with its twin miniguns and its new weapon, a quad rocket launcher. With her sentry fully upgraded, she decided to leave its cover and come within healing range of the party, healing up whoever was the most injured. She watched as her team unloaded on the fake bowser, others from the hallway joining the frey. "Keep it up! He is taking damage from all of our punishment!" Blazermate said. She was still unable to tell where MegaDragonBowser's weakpoints were, but at least she could tell he wasn't doing so hot.
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