OK, so, I'm going full conversion here. Let me know any changes I'd need to do.
Full Name: Elizabeth "Lizzy"
Hero Name: Steel Princess
Age: 15
Class: 1-A
Quirk: Soul-Driving Automaton - Lizzy is essentially a power core driving a mechanical body. A mechanical body that also formed because of their quirk, but they are essentially a power core. A power core that runs off food, souls, and emotion (And thusly has the power of Anime behind it.), but a power core non the less. The mechanical body is really nice too, and fully upgradable! Thankfully only Lizzy really knows this fact, and most people think she just has a quirk that turned her into a robot.
Analog Mechanical Body - Since Lizzy's body is fully mechanical, she doesn't need to breath, is immune to poisons and disease, aging to an extent, and is highly tolerant/resistant of temperature changes. Plus having a fully metal body really makes you quite durable. And since she is only made out of moving parts, IE no circuits, water doesn't bother her nor does electricity. She still needs to eat and sleep though, although not nearly as much as if she was human. Repairing her mechanical body is a bit different, as while she can heal at a slower rate than a human, its usually much faster to just undergo repairs an actual machine would go under. She can also freely detach parts form her body as she needs to, although its inadvisable to detach your head since that's where your eyes and ears are. While she can upgrade herself, this is... difficult. While not impossible, all upgrades must be able to be driven by gears or her power core instead of circuitry.
Mechanical Strength - Lizzy is stronger than your average human, with her strength increasing based on her power core's energy level.
Soul Heart - Lizzy's Power Core gains more power as enemies or allies are defeated, increasing her power substantially. <Name> can feel the emotion and intent behind people she is near, and gains power from encouragement from her allies or from her own anger, but not to the extent she'd get if someone went unconscious. This is a double edged sword though, as being discouraged or made sad will weaken her power. Using more powerful abilities will also drain the power in her Core. If core energy gets too low, Lizzy can sleep to recharge it the slow way. Note that since this is technically what Lizzy is, she can talk through her core if it ever finds itself outside her mechanical body.
Beam Cannon - What robot wouldn't be complete without a cannon in their arm? Hidden inside her arm, which she needs to open up in order to use, is a massive beam cannon, one for each arm. With these, she can blast opponents with beams of energy. Of course while she has her cannons out, she can't use her hands on that arm and anything she was carrying in that hand will be dropped.
Super Beam Cannon - A more powerful version of her beam cannon, Lizzy uses stored up energy in her core to fire a massively powerful beam at an opponent. This lowers her overall core energy, and damage output, but is exceedingly powerful.
Very durable and strong.
Robot body, plus energy beams!
Good with machines, especially analog ones.
Knows how to work metal.
If her power core is taken out, the mechanical body shuts down and she, being the core, can be used to power other things that can run off her special energy.
Exceptionally heavy. Having a body made out of solid metal does that.
Heals very slowly if she can't find replacement parts.
She loses a lot of power if she is sad or discouraged.
Personality: Lizzy is the life of the party. She likes bringing joy to others and is very outgoing because of it. She keeps good care of herself, and likes to polish and clean herself when she can, but she isn't vain to the point of being ineffective. She doesn't like inflicting pain on those who don't deserve it, due to her empathic powers, but she does get satisfaction putting down villains. Shes fairly intelligent, you gotta be to know your way around metal and machines (due to needing to know all that to keep herself from literally breaking down, but shhh.) She often doesn't think too far into the future however, which can get her into trouble.
History/Bio: Not much to say, besides the whole Lizzy is a robot part. While it took her some time to get used to being what she is, she had one of the more 'pretty' mutant type quirks, and was either left alone or was looked at with astonishment. For the most part though, since she was treated well, she treated others well and became very outgoing as a result. And this outgoing joy bringing nature lead to her sense of justice. After all, villains make people bad, which makes her soul feel bad, so why not fight against those bad guys and cleanse them with righteous justice?
Hero Name: Steel Princess

Age: 15
Class: 1-A
Quirk: Soul-Driving Automaton - Lizzy is essentially a power core driving a mechanical body. A mechanical body that also formed because of their quirk, but they are essentially a power core. A power core that runs off food, souls, and emotion (And thusly has the power of Anime behind it.), but a power core non the less. The mechanical body is really nice too, and fully upgradable! Thankfully only Lizzy really knows this fact, and most people think she just has a quirk that turned her into a robot.
Analog Mechanical Body - Since Lizzy's body is fully mechanical, she doesn't need to breath, is immune to poisons and disease, aging to an extent, and is highly tolerant/resistant of temperature changes. Plus having a fully metal body really makes you quite durable. And since she is only made out of moving parts, IE no circuits, water doesn't bother her nor does electricity. She still needs to eat and sleep though, although not nearly as much as if she was human. Repairing her mechanical body is a bit different, as while she can heal at a slower rate than a human, its usually much faster to just undergo repairs an actual machine would go under. She can also freely detach parts form her body as she needs to, although its inadvisable to detach your head since that's where your eyes and ears are. While she can upgrade herself, this is... difficult. While not impossible, all upgrades must be able to be driven by gears or her power core instead of circuitry.
Mechanical Strength - Lizzy is stronger than your average human, with her strength increasing based on her power core's energy level.
Soul Heart - Lizzy's Power Core gains more power as enemies or allies are defeated, increasing her power substantially. <Name> can feel the emotion and intent behind people she is near, and gains power from encouragement from her allies or from her own anger, but not to the extent she'd get if someone went unconscious. This is a double edged sword though, as being discouraged or made sad will weaken her power. Using more powerful abilities will also drain the power in her Core. If core energy gets too low, Lizzy can sleep to recharge it the slow way. Note that since this is technically what Lizzy is, she can talk through her core if it ever finds itself outside her mechanical body.
Beam Cannon - What robot wouldn't be complete without a cannon in their arm? Hidden inside her arm, which she needs to open up in order to use, is a massive beam cannon, one for each arm. With these, she can blast opponents with beams of energy. Of course while she has her cannons out, she can't use her hands on that arm and anything she was carrying in that hand will be dropped.
Super Beam Cannon - A more powerful version of her beam cannon, Lizzy uses stored up energy in her core to fire a massively powerful beam at an opponent. This lowers her overall core energy, and damage output, but is exceedingly powerful.
Very durable and strong.
Robot body, plus energy beams!
Good with machines, especially analog ones.
Knows how to work metal.
If her power core is taken out, the mechanical body shuts down and she, being the core, can be used to power other things that can run off her special energy.
Exceptionally heavy. Having a body made out of solid metal does that.
Heals very slowly if she can't find replacement parts.
She loses a lot of power if she is sad or discouraged.
Personality: Lizzy is the life of the party. She likes bringing joy to others and is very outgoing because of it. She keeps good care of herself, and likes to polish and clean herself when she can, but she isn't vain to the point of being ineffective. She doesn't like inflicting pain on those who don't deserve it, due to her empathic powers, but she does get satisfaction putting down villains. Shes fairly intelligent, you gotta be to know your way around metal and machines (due to needing to know all that to keep herself from literally breaking down, but shhh.) She often doesn't think too far into the future however, which can get her into trouble.
History/Bio: Not much to say, besides the whole Lizzy is a robot part. While it took her some time to get used to being what she is, she had one of the more 'pretty' mutant type quirks, and was either left alone or was looked at with astonishment. For the most part though, since she was treated well, she treated others well and became very outgoing as a result. And this outgoing joy bringing nature lead to her sense of justice. After all, villains make people bad, which makes her soul feel bad, so why not fight against those bad guys and cleanse them with righteous justice?