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Waking up from her power down, Lizzy was thrilled for the day. Her first day at U.A. High, nothing could be more exciting! Since this was her first day at school, she made sure to oil and polish herself to make herself extra shiny. After all, she was about to make some new heroic friends, best to look your best! Making herself all nice and shiny, Lizzy waved to her parents and made her way to the train to head on over to UA. Being a robot girl, Lizzy didn't really need to sit down. And considering how hit or miss most of the seats on the 6 o clock tram were, well...

As the train made its way to the station near UA, Lizzy did a bit of reminiscing at the test that lead her to be accepted to the prestigious UA High. After the written portion of the exam, which was pretty much what Lizzy expected, was the more exciting and interesting practical exam. This exam changed every year, and this year was no different. The scenario was to either run for help, stand your ground, or find and rescue all the hostages. The big thing was to minimize damage to the city, citizens, and herself. While Lizzy wasn't sure how the others did this, she did this the best way she knew how, by blasting things. What was good, was that since all the obstacles of the test were robots, Lizzy was allowed to do whatever she needed to in order to do what she needed. Deciding to minimize damage, Lizzy spent most of the test blasting the villain robots with her cannons, her firepower superior to the test robots they were using. Likewise, the robots couldn't do too much against her metal body with their low energy blasts or bullets. Still, Lizzy didn't keep herself exposed unless she had to, and kept her accuracy high to destroy the robots without causing too much damage. Thankfully these robots weren't strong enough to require her to use her more destructive attacks.

Having held out for the full time limit, Lizzy succeeded on the practical exam. She did worry that the fact that she took quite a few hits protecting the dummy citizens would hurt her score as self damage was one of the criteria, apparently it didn't hurt her score all that well since it was in the defense of others. Although the grenades making her face plant constantly weren't very fun to deal with.

As the train arrived, Lizzy got off and made her way to the gates of the school. The start of her hero career was right ahead of her, and whoever else she'd meet along the way would probably be thinking the same thing. As Lizzy approached the gates to YA, she noticed a girl with purple hair waiting outside gazing up at the gates. "Hey, are you a new student to UA too?" Lizzy said, waving as she approached. Her voice sounded mostly normal, besides having a slight metallic twang to it. This made Lizzy think a bit to herself; How would these students react to her being a robot?
OK, so, I'm going full conversion here. Let me know any changes I'd need to do.

Hm. Is it wrong that I found a pokemon I like, and I wanna repurpose it into a quirk character? Its a full robot, so it'd be an easy conversion. xD.

Otherwise I might need some help on designing an eldritch quirk.
I don't like the idea of a quirk-remover myself, especially if the PCs would then inexplicably be shielded from such removal due to plot armor and shit. If they have no more conviction than trying to make humanity as a whole quirkless again, I feel like it'd make most sense to go after the younger generation rather than established badasses, especially if the targets have to be subdued for a long time.

Which is sorta horrible and gross too.

And a quirk remover would probably just get gunned down due to outright fear in a unvierse like this tbh.

As for me. I'm trying to think of a quirk that might be fun. Do you think some kind of eldritch or robot quirk would work?
@Weird Tales Fair point. If you know what that ability is, its one of my favs from DB xenoverse. Its one of the moves you learn from Cooler and man is it hilarious to use.

Level 4 - (38/40) EXP +3
Location: Hammerhead
Word Count: 925

Blazermate was debating a bit with her feelings on Din taking in Storm Eagle's spirit. For one, she was becoming more Medabot, but on the other, she'd also be stuck in this weird half limbo of being partially 'flesh' with Blazermate. But seeing as she figured that this was just due to the spirit she absorbed and that finding another Medabot spirit would probably fix her up, Blazermate said. "Nice, becoming a medabot yourself? Now we just need to get you your own medal. And more parts..." trailing off as she thought about how many parts she'd also need in the future, feeling she had almost expended everything the current spirit she absorbed could do.

As she left the garage, Blazermate heard the rest of the group talking about splitting up. Some wanted to go to The Land of Adventure, while others wanted to take a detour to get some powerful spirits in a demon castle nearby. While the Land of Adventure was their next destination, a little detour felt like it'd be for the best to obtain new parts. She overheard Kamek talking strategy, and agreed with the mage. Sure this would make the trek back to Peach's Castle a bit longer, but splitting up the party was a lot more dangerous than walking across a now seemingly cleared desert. Walking over to the Bowsermobile, which was now cleared of Blazermate's sentry, the gun beeping in the garage where she had left it, Blazermate put down one end of her teleporter. Detonating the other half at Peach's castle, she then put that other one down on the trolly Banjo and Kazooie had made that was headed for the Demon Castle.

While both teleporters were building, Blazermate walked up to Kamek as he seemed to be the one with the most strategy and informed him, Bowser, and anyone within earshot how her teleporters worked. "OK, these are two way, so if one side needs reinforcements just hop into one and you'll be with the others and vice versa. Each teleporter can only teleport 1 person at a time and need to charge up for a few seconds between teleports. Try not to get yours destroyed, because I can only reconstruct whats on my end. I can repair them through the teleporter on my end if they get damaged though. Enemies can't take our teleporters unless they're spies, and any enemy on the end of a teleporter while one of us is trying to use it will be instantly killed as we warp into them, even if they're invincible. We're fine though, the teleporter will push you off if your on it while one of us is using it." Blazermate said. she also recounted what she said and continued. "Although I don't know exactly what a "spy" is. As now I have an irrational SEVERE hatred of frenchmen and something called "Sappers". Might be something that this spirit knew and had to deal with. Have any of you hated something to an insane degree suddenly? This is new to me." She said, a bit confused but accepting of the knowledge anyhow. With her explanation done she turned back to level up the teleporters to make them beefier and recharge faster.

Seeing as Banjo's trolly had so much space, Blazermate went to get her sentry gun and place it on the vehicle. It seemed she'd be hauling the thing around as it was far stronger than most of her Medabot weapons and not having to rebuild it would be nice since it took so long to build. When she grabbed the beeping gun from the battle scarred garage, putting it back into a large toolbox and hauling it over her shoulder, she saw Michael and Franklin walking out of the bar with the last few stragglers like the Kid.

"Hey would you guys like to go to the Demon Castle? That group seems like its lacking people. Maybe get some cool demon powers from some of the souls there? Thats why I'm going!" Blazermate said to the three. She knew Michael and Franklin defenetly needed to absorb some spirits at some point as they seemed to be the ones with the most weak points. Hat Kid was a bit of an enigma though, and Blazermate really didn't know how to handle her besides offering an invitation to go to the castle. "And its not a permanent choice. I've got my teleporters up so people can swap locations if they want to." She said, in order to help her friends make better choices. "Either way, I'll just be a teleport trip away if you guys decide to go to the Land of Adventure instead. Just don't get hurt too badly. Don't want any of you ending up as parts." Blazermate finished with a giggle, hauling her sentry gun back to the trolly.

Setting up her sentry on the back of the trolly, she noticed Banjo and Kazooie. The weird couple she had healed previously in Bowser's castle, but hadn't really interacted with much since then. Since they talked unlike the kid that seemed to pal around with them, Blazermate decided to make some conversation to get to know her allies better as she tried to find a spot for her dispenser. "So... I'm Blazermate, How are you two faring with all this? Besides that tussle at Peach's castle, you two haven't really gotten hurt from what I can remember. And why are you going to the Demon Castle? I'm going for parts myself. Need more upgrades!"
I've got a character I'd love to use here. hope it goes far.
'Fight's over? We won? Yay?" Light said as she took note of how many injuries her two allies had taken. Hopefully they could heal up quickly, otherwise if every fight with the moderate baddies was like this, Light might be here for awhile. Sam, having dislocated his arm, gestured to Light. She took a look at his arm, and said. "Well... I can try to put ti back, but I'm not sure it'll be as painless as to when I do it to myself." As Sam relaxed, Light attempted to put his arm back into its socket much like she'd do to one of hers, by pulling it up, out a bit, and snapping it back into the socket.

"We should head back to base, there might be someone who could look after this better." Light said, hoping she popped his arm back into place. He was a lot more muscular than her, so she worried that she might've messed up somewhere. "Although you look better off than Naja..." Light said quietly. She did see Naja's pride was hurt more than her body, so she didn't wanna bring it up to anyone but Sam. Hopefully she could take the next fight, at least if she was beaten up badly she'd heal fast from it.
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