Queen Sectonia
Level 5 Sectonia (holding 1 level up) - (29/50) +1
Divine Beast -> Lakeside
Word Count: Less than 750
Sectonia was a bit disappointed that her 'gift' couldn't really be used by Tora. However she wasn't a mechanical expert and figured these pieces could be used differently from what was around the giant moving camel, considering they were much smaller. She let out this disappointment with a "hmph" before moving on with the rest of the party.
As they were making their way to the destination that the Queen had suggested, Sectonia caught a few tidbits of Midna and Fox's conversation. She didn't understand some of what they were talking about, but she did pick up on the philisophical crisis this world of light presented with its whole 'spirit system' and mish mash of worlds. However she only listened to their conversation, not interjecting as they made their way to the pyramid and fighting ground below.
Once they arrived, much like Fox, she noticed that the fighting sounds they had heard before were gone, some below celebrating a fight they had won. Considering they weren't hostile at the moment, Sectonia followed Fox and Poppi as he descended upon the battleground, liking his suggestion that Midna stay on the camel for backup. If they needed to make a hasty retreat, she could carry the both of them back, but time would tell if they even needed to do that. Most of those below didn't look all that threatening, and noen looked like they could fly or even handle her magic.
Midna, staying back, waved her hair at the people below, trying to be peaceful with them. Sectonia figured that this was the best course as well, as none of the ones below even had a beautiful spirit for her to take for her own as it were anyway. And she could always use more minions, especially combat hardened ones. Still, she was ready if they attacked her, they were galeem contrlled after all. Getting a closer look below, Sectonia did notice something very, very odd. The battlefield was mostly symmetrical and each side had blue and red paraphinalia much like the people below being either red or blue colored. Although neither had as regal of a royal blue/purple color that the queen herself had.
Level 8 Blazermate - (23/80) +1
Dead Zone
Words: 507
This "marie" wasn't the best conversationalist and really didn't do anything to help her case about being an ally to the dead zone party to Blazermate. Her expressions just seemed both defeated and malevolent, which while an odd combination, didn't feel like it'd make for the greatest of team mates. However, these thoughts were put aside when Nero informed everyone that in a couple hours, everything would be annihilated. "Wait, wait, wait... WHAT?" Blazermate said, processing what Nero just said. Apparently according to her, the dead zone would be wiped out in a couple of hours due to some delivery someone in the zone had made. This worried Bowser and Marie as well, the latter deciding that she would just take the power that the heroes had for herself to escape and not be destroyed by this 'annihilation' event.
Marie, going on the offensive, cracked the ground causing Bowser to plummet down a chasm, Blazermate hopping off the koopa king and hovering in place. She then summoned a bunch of strange skeletons, some looking like gun weilding yakuza, some like animals, and others that were just weird. However before Blazermate could attach herself to a new healing target, Bowser grew in size, becoming a giant once more and telling Marie that she wasn't ready for what he could do, more or less. Unleashing his fury, Bowser dove into the melee, destroying skeleton after skeleton, some accidentally, some by using the larger skeletons as weapons.
Since the party didn't have much time, Blazermate would have to use her more offensive options available to her and hope her normal healing would be enough to keep everyone up. She kept her healing beam on the raging koopa king, his natural bulk plus her healing and overheal making him able to withstand quite a bit of punishment. She also set an internal clock for herself that, if it ticked downt o zero, she'd force everyone to teleport away to avoid this 'annihilation' event. She didn't want to chance being inside a nuke zone, although all she had to go on was Nero's word.
Woth all that set, Bowser, turning to the Skull Girl, began to charge up one of his massive fireballs. As Blazermate had been healing the whole way here, her medaforce was fairly well charged and before Bowser unleashed his barrage of attacks, Blazermate used her Kritzkrieg ability on the koopa king. Unlike before with her charges turning the koopa king a metallic sheen while he became invincible, this charge instead made blue electrical energy shoot out of the koopa king, supercharging him with power and making all of his attacks emit a blue particle effect on top of what they did, the attacks looking far more intense and vibrant and, unlike what would normally happen, his attacks showed no signs of decay as they rocketed towards the Skullgirl and her army. Blazermate was also sparking, but as she had no ranged attacks, she stood back with her shield to attack whatever came by with her own kritz.