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Level 9 Blazermate - (12/90) +1

Bottomless Sea > the Maw
Words: less than 750

Blazermate's plan for assistance worked alright. It got Geralt, the one of the group who wasn't all that gifted as it seemed he got all of his powers later in life, up on a nice high perch compared to everyone else. Although this would soon turn out to be a bad thing as a single eye and two large hands came out of the shadows of the roof, the eye searching for something and when it found movement, it sweeped one of hits hands down to grab it. Considering one of these hands was big enough to hold Blazermate like a doll, she didn't want to chance it even though her scanner told her that the eye looking at them was a weak point. As the eye made its way towards Geralt and Blazermate, Geralt leaped off the bookshelf to a nightstand, barely able to make it himself.

Blazermate meanwhile used the distraction Peach made herself. She grabbed a book from the shelf and made her way back to the only hiding spot she could use, the ruined blanket of the bed they had been on, and use that to hide until the light passed on. As she flew her way over there, she threw the book into the junk to get that junk monster to move. Maybe that'd cause a distraction, or do nothing. Blazermate didn't really know, and she'd prefer to just fight this thing, but with hands that big that moved that fast and none of her new things nor any strong medabots to support, she decided she'd do what everyone else was doing unless something bad happened.

She made her way to the bed and hid under a sheet and stood still, watching what that light and the hands were going to do.

Level 9 Blazermate - (11/90) +1

Bottomless Sea > the Maw
Words: less than 750

Even if they were far smaller than her at this point, Blazermate was a bit dejected no one took up her offer on carrying them. This was probably for the best, as even if they were smaller than her, she doubted she could even fly with one of them. She listened as, even though their voices were squeaky and some of them, such as Geralt, looked very different, they still had their wits and planning about them. Peach for example explaining the threats around them, with things near the ceiling and some horrible monster inside the junk that was littered along the floor.

Using the pillows on the bed and around the room, apparently they could float along the junk below and the creature swimming through said junk didn't bother anyone on them, which Blazermate found really odd. But if thats how it worked, thats how it worked, so she could only shrug as different members of her party, such as the koopa troop started tossing others or jumping around the pillows, tables, toybox, and other elevated positions trying to get to a vent that Peach had pointed out. While some of them could do this, there were others where Blazermate doubted they could jump like that in their diminished state, Rika being a good example that needed a lot of help.

This got Blazermate thinking. While she couldn't fly, she could at least glide while carrying someone, and make their jumps much easier, adding her own jumping power to theirs if she carried them. Looking to the others who hadn't jumped yet, she said. "Hey, if some of you want some help jumping, let me know. I can't fly any of you over, but I can make you jump high and float down like Peach did with my jets." Blazermate looking over the rest of the room as she waited for someone to take her up on that offer, noticed something that unsettled her. Everything here was big. She was about as tall as Link was before he became a kid, so she wasn't that small. And yet everything here looked like it was more Bowser's size, making even her, the tallest of the group right now, feel small.

Level 9 Blazermate - (10/90) +1

Bottomless Sea > the Maw
Words: less than 750

Blazermate really wasn't sure what way would've been the best to get to the center of this hurricane. Although going into the ocean didn't seem to be the best idea? Well via a platform anyway. Thankfully her choice was made for her, or maybe not thankfully as she got knocked out when a loud roar radiated out. Well, being knocked out wasn't entirely accurate, she still had her mind in her medal, but all senses and everything from her body was just blanked out, as if she wasn't in her tinpet anymore, although she knew she was.

After some time, she managed to 'wake up' as her tinpet rebooted. She got up on edge, after all, it was rare for a medabot to be knocked out by any kind of EMP due to how specialized their tinpets were, but she guessed it wasn't out of the question now that it had happened that a strong enough blast could cause issues. And the place she woke up in was very different from the platform she had been on. She looked around, getting a lay of the area, and quickly noticed that her shield arm was gone, with her normal arm replacing it. "uh..." She said, not sure what was going on. She seemed to be factory fresh, with that new medabot smell and everything, her parts nice and shiny. "Was that all a dream?" She thought but that was put aside when she saw Jr, another Jr but angrier, a little kitten kid, a little girl...

It took a bit before it hit Blazermate. "Ok, why are you all kids?" she said, standing up and now towering over everyone else. It was like she towered over the meda operators in some tournaments she faced, but even more so. She had to think about the situation a bit. She was the biggest one here now for some reason, and from what her systems could tell, she was just set to factory settings with factory parts. That was fine, she was just back to fighting in a medabot tournament without the extras from this world of light, although losing the invincibility was kind of a bummer. Still, she was the biggest one here, so she figured she'd have to lead now, no free ride on the back of the giant koopa anymore.

"So uh... anyone wanna catch me up on what happened to you guys?" Blazermate said, getting into a boxing stance and practicing some boxing routines. After being caught up, and practicing her boxing a bit, she said. "So... I guess I'll have to carry a few of you..." She wasn't too happy about it, but she was still a medabot and very strong for her frame and unlike the others, didn't have her physical powers diminish.

"Anyone got any plans or ideas here or should we just wander?" she asked after taking whoever took her up on her offer, only able to really carry a couple people at most at the loss of being able to fly, having them either hold onto her back or her jet hair as to keep her hands free if things got messy.

Level 6 Sectonia (holding 1 level up) - (36/60) +3
Location: Sandswept Sky - Town

Word Count: 2512

Sectonia was accosted by one of the warehouse managers after sending her antilions in to check for the mimic, said antilions tapping on crates seemingly causing him distress. Sectonia explained the situation to the man, in which he replied in kind mentioning that her antillions would get squashed by the security inside said warehouses. "Thats not a problem, I can always make more." Sectonia said, dismissively. She then continued. "However if that is the case, finding this 'mimic' would be far more tricky. Especially if these sentinels are so bad at their job that this thing could sneak in anyway."

"What?!" The contempt with which Sectonia responded, both for her workers and the city, ignited a spark of outrage. Contrary to the queen’s assumption this merchant was just an independent vendor, knowing nothing of the situation inside the warehouses, who happened to see what for all intents and purposes appeared to be a coordinated raid. A few warehouse workers, customers of the nearby bazaar, and other bystanders had gathered, just as taken aback by the sudden intrusion. Sectonia’s explanation smoothed things over a little for those aware of the infestation, but even they had to wonder why the giant bugs decided to barge in without so much as a by-your-leave from the owners and provoke the Ruin Sentinels. Hearing that the insect queen didn’t care if potentially destructive fights broke out with the fearsome guards only served to rub everyone the wrong way.

A heavyset warehouse foreman stepped forward with a brave face, pointing a beefy finger at the massive hornet. “Well, even if you are hunting for the mimic, you’ve gotta get those bugs out and find another way! We can’t have brawls right in the middle of all the goods, and they’re cousin’ panic! Attackin’ Sentinels is almost as bad as attackin’ the Grimleal themselves. And if the stinkin’ Resistance catches wind of this, they’ll join in the chaos and attack again!”

"Fine." Sectonia said, snapping her fingers. An audible 'poof' sound could be heard from where the antillions were at the time of their searching as they disappeared into smoke and stars. "So I assume some of you have a much better idea then as to where this thing is? I don't need to search if one of you has more pertinent information."

The foreman looked annoyed at Sectonia's presumptuousness. So the only grounds someone had to ask her to stop doing something was if they had an easier way to get it done for her? "Tellin' you not to break the law and disturb the peace doesn't mean we gotta do your job for you! We've all got our own work to get back to!"

"Weren't you complaining a moment ago about the Sentinels not being able to do things themselves?" the merchant added among grumbles from the others. Even if Sectonia came to do something good, the way she had decided to go about it -going over everyone's heads to do as she pleased- was running up against resistance. That plus an underlying fear, both of her monstrous appearance and the duplicitous Resistance, combined to unite the crowd against her.

One cap-wearing girl, however, spoke up from the crowd. "Hey, maybe I can help! Try the red brick warehouse on the other side!" she suggested. "The overseer there, Nazeem, got his fingers bitten off by something last week."

Sectonia could only roll her eyes at how uncooperative this town was being. First the vizear's troop, now the townspeople. Seems like this town was full of nothing but fools. But before she was just about ready to leave as to not deal with all of this complaining from horribly managed subjects, a little girl actually gave her a good source of information. Ignoring the riff raff who was being overall very unhelpful, Sectonia moved to the girl and tipped her hat, her alcremie under her hat also trying to tip its imaginary hat. "Thank you little one." Sectonia said. She gave the rest of the crowd a glare before asking for directions to where this warehouse was.

The ones she'd dismissed did not respond. Francesca, however, pointed Sectonia directly to where the warehouse lay with her ability to fly in mind, and trusted in her ability to discern the characteristic red brick to do the rest. Sectonia made her way to the spot in question, finding the building that stuck out with its red brickworrk. The building seemed to be empty of workers, the door open. considering the time, they probably went out for lunch if Sectonia could guess. Still, seeing as this was her major lead she should have this all wrapped up in short order. Summoning her green antilions again, she sent them to fan out around the warehouse to find said finger eating box.

Just a few moments after the bug queen sent her minions inside, history repeated itself, albeit with Sectonia able to see what happened this time. The clank of heavy metal armor in motion followed by the slam of a weighty polearm against an antlion carapace drew her attention, and when she looked inside she found one of the Ruin Sentinel guards on the offensive. An unnaturally tall and thin night in armor with the yellow sheen of brass was addressing the unauthorized intrusion one bug at a time using a polehammer as tall as it was. Though it didn't move at great speed, its long strides and reach allowed to to follow the Antlions wherever they might scuttle.

"And there it is. I suppose this would be a good of a test as any for this." Sectonia said, pulling out one of her staffs and pointing it at the metal behemoth now that she could see where it was as it smashed two of her 5 antillions without much effort. Wordlessly the sentinel started to slow down, with its massive loss in speed on top of his already slow movement making its attacks dodgable by the third and final indoor antillion who went about doing what his queen commanded of him.

With Sectonia interfering with but technically not fighting the Ruin Sentinel, her underlings could go about their assigned task of giving absolutely everything in the warehouse a once-over. They pored over boxed tools, furniture, construction supplies, and a whole host of other goods. When the two from the perimeter turned up nothing they joined in the search to speed things up, but the time dragged on. All too soon, the lunch break threatened to end and put the factory staff back on the clock. Sectonia's magical reserves hurt a little too, as sustaining the time distortion field around the Sentinel required notable upkeep. It was at about that time however, that she noticed that she hadn't seen or heard the antlion sent to the second floor in a bit.

Noticing this, Sectonia made her way past the sentinal with the last two antillions, making her way to the second floor of the warehouse. Controlling this sentinal was getting annoying, but seeing as it wasn't much of an issue now Sectonia held the spell on it as she reached the second floor. She spread out her two remaining antillions, figuring out where the other one perished so she knew what to attack.

Finding the missing minion proved tough, since in a world where even full-bodied people left no corpses, summons especially didn't. As Sectonia searched, however, she came upon an odd sight among all the stacked boxes and cases. Arranged in a rough circle in one area were not one, not two, but five unique treasure chests. She could see a gold-locked marked chest, a brightly colored toy chest, a smallish reinforced chest, a metal-plated electronic chest, and a time-worn old chest. Some sat on top of other crates and some on the floor, facing various directions without much rhyme or reason, but for someone on the hunt for anything unusual the sight of so many in a small area seemed amiss.

Down below, the Sentinel started to move. The distance between it and Sectonia had put it out of her hex's effective range, and it now headed for the stairs to the second floor in pursuit of the intruding targets.

Sectonia sent her antillons to try the odd looking chests, positioning herself so that she had view of the odd collection of chests and the stairs at the same time as she heard the sentinel making his way to her location from down below.

No sooner did one antlion open the reinforced chest and find nothing out of the ordinary about it, than the toy chest sprung to life. It popped open to reveal a nebulous head with arrow-shaped red eyes, and from its base extended a trio of spider-like legs terminating in blades. With a skittering sound the creature leaped at its fellow bug, blades flashing in the imperfect light.

"Hmph. Doesn't seem too out of the ordinary in my kingdom." Sectonia said to herself as the toy chest mimic did its thing with the antillion. Trying out her new power again, Sectonia made herself faster and charged the mimic chest with her blades out, doing a few swipes at it before attempting to stab it.

Sectonia's weapons fell upon the creature with extra force thanks to their increased speed, but even without she got the impression her strokes would have been sufficient. Each attack dealt visible damage to the Spiderchest. It pulled a leg-blade from the antlion's head and turned it against the insect queen, but with little effect. By the time she readied her thrust, it was already on its last legs, and her stab finally put the little menace to rest.

The next moment, the electronic chest lunged for her. It burst out of its original shape as it leaped, revealing a much larger and more horrifying mimic, and with vicious talons tried to grab hold of Sectonia's abdomen so that its grisly fangs could chomp in.

The newcomer to the mimic party caught Sectonia slightly off guard, as she wasn't expecting more than one mimic. The fact that it went for her lower half though wouldn't leave it unscathed. While it did manage to get a grab on her, Sectonia summoned a large ring of light and had it spin around her lower half, the buzzsaw ring of light causing massive damage to anything that was attacking that section.

As soon as the pain began the nightmare mimic got a final chomp in, let go, and scooted backward out of the ring's range. It took the opportunity to pull itself on top of a nearby crate and then launch itself bodily at Sectonia in a wild leap. It aimed to land on Sectonia with the full weight of its body behind its ghastly jaws and bring the big bug to the ground.

Evading the constant damage of the ring after getting its final bite in, the mimic decided instead to instead knock Sectonia out of the air using its body. Even so, Sectonia still had her light ring spinning around her, and seeing as the mimic couldn't dodge in the air, she launched it at the airborn mimic intending to cut it in half.

A shrieking sound rang out as the ring cut into the mimic, but while it dealt enough visceral damage to spray gunk over the storage space, it did not kill the monster outright. The mimic followed through with its leap and crashed into Sectonia, knocking her to the wooden floor with a loud noise. The planks below her rattled under the impact, soundly built but not made to bear the strain of combat.

This creature had no fear, no brain, just instinct it seemed as it took Sectonia's ring of light head on becoming gravely wounded in the process in its attempts to knock her to the ground. While it did succeed, it didn't succeed for long as she blasted it with another one of the powers gained by absorbing the count's spirit, a dark globe of void energy, at point blank. followed by a blink to right herself back in the air.

Her magic scored a heavy hit on the mimic, and though the vicious thing meant to lunge at her once again, her magic had begun to take its toll. Seldom did the monster ever spring its trap and not brutalize the hapless bystander outright, and now that it found itself confronted with a capable -and durable- victim, its low intelligence wasn't doing it any favors. The mimic's slobber flew this way and that as it gnashed its teeth, pulling itself at Sectonia once again, but the monster could not defend itself if she took action in time.

Sectonia, not wanting to be on the reviving end of this slobbering brute's jaws again, summoned her swords and unleashed a barrage of rapid stabs at it as it approached. Most enemies would try to dodge this attack, but the mimic didn't seem to have the intelligence to do so, nor the ability to stop itself from moving once it got started.

A flurry of steel fell upon the mimic as it scrabbled toward her, sinking into its mottled flesh. Despite it wounds the monster was a credit to its kind, and only barely slowed down under the onslaught until one of Sectonia's points pierced its glowing green eye. The rest was a done deal--the bug queen pierced straight through and into the monster's brain, killing it. After struggling around for a moment in its death throes the greater mimic lay flopped down and started to dissolve. In another moment only its spirit remained, joining that of the spiderchest in floating just off the floor.

At that time the clanking of armored footsteps grew louder; the Ruin Sentinel reached the second floor. Worse still, she heard voices echoing through the warehouse below. The first few workers had returned from their lunch break, and it was time for Sectonia to make herself scarce.

Before leaving, Sectonia grabbed the spirits of the two mimics. Seeing as the sentinel was at the top of the second floor stairway now and more commotion coming from below, she dismissed her antillions and made for a window, blinking outside the warehouse when she had clear vision and avoiding the whole situation of dealing with the rest of the people downstairs. Hopefully it was just these two chests, and not a third. But considering the bounty was for only one chest, they should be fine with the proof she had. At least she hoped, getting bitten by something with a mouth that big, even if it didn't hit at full force, wasn't the most pleasant of things. at least the pipe of insight she had gotten earlier was now showing how useful it could be, slowly healing the bite wound left behind by the large mimic. She made her way back to the palace to collect her reward. Bounty work, for a Queen! Galeem really needed to go.

Level 6 Sectonia (holding 1 level up) - (33/60) +1
Location: Sandswept Sky - Town

Word Count: under 750

Queen Sectonia could only sigh, a Queen becoming a bounty hunter for another kingdom, what impudence! But as she didn't have a kingdom of her own at the moment there wasn't much she could do about it. As her allies went about what they wanted to scout out, Sectonia decided to find this 'mimic' and deal with it. Apparently the hardest part would be finding it safely, but since she could just summon endless disposable minions, that wouldn't be an issue for her. "I suppose I will go after the 'mimic'. If any minions wish to join, they are free to do so." Sectonia said, waiting for a bit before flying off to get more information about this 'bounty'. Ugh, just thinking about it... Well at least the Vizier had a good sense of fashion. His minions were ugly, but she supposed not many would willingly stay in this sandy wasteland.

Sectonia, not being a stranger at gathering intelligence, didn't take too long to get an idea of where this mimic would be. A few questions to a few guards here, some bystanders there, some workers here, and she had a general idea of what warehouses it could be in. With an idea of what to do all set up, Sectonia summoned a group of green antillions and pointed them to search each warehouse one at a time, tapping on all the boxes they could in an attempt to grab the mimic's attention and hopefully get the mimic to eat one of them. Should any of the antillions be missing after searching a warehouse, or one antillion finds the mimic and escapes, they are to report to the Queen, then reenter the warehouse to engage the box with Sectonia supervising them from the upper area of said warehouse.


Level 9 Blazermate - (9/90) +1

Bottomless Sea > Bottomless Sea Structure
Words: 780

While many of her allies were damaged, Blazermate wasn't going to leave the deck of Shippy if she could help it. After all, one errand flick from either the little scylla or the giant Tentaclus that sent her into the water would be disasterus for all involved. Whats even worse, Bowser had managed to make things even worse by healing the Scylla monster with a friend heart! Blazermate was going to have a chat with him later about that for sure. Still, with all the attacks and renewed monsters from the bleeding hearts of their group things went from bad to worse, leaving them with no spoils of war and if it wasn't for a GIGANATIC shark taking both monsters underwater, things would've been pretty bad.

Still, they all had to get out of there, so seeing as Geralt was the last one remaining, Blazermate used an ubercharge on him to be safe, so that he could safely return to the ship and they could make their escape. Once they had escaped the battle, Blazermate went to healing everyone on Shippy, their injuries a bit old so her medi beam healed them at triple its normal rate and soon she had everyone on Shippy fixed in a jiffy. There were discussions about how friend hearts worked, with Blazermate chiming in her own opinion. "Sectonia was like that too, although she at least had the brains to not outright attack us." Blazermate started. "But even with that example, having a bleeding heart for a monster that has shown no signs of intelligence while galeem'd means that it wont show any intelligence after the fact." She continued, reenforcing that fact that was being clear to everyone here. She then thought a bit and made a comment. "You know, that sentry gun is very good at figuring out who is an enemy and who is an ally that we could restore. Maybe we shouldn't friend heart anything it shoots at first before we have any way of knowing if htey're an ally? Either way that will be my metric from now on."

Having patched everyone up on Shippy, she decided to make her way to the airship above. Before she took off though, she said. "Now time to give Bowser an earful. He is a big teddy bear so I know he can't help it, but he can't turn every little girl into his daughter." Blazermate did take a bit to start flying after saying that, processing that the reason he treated blazermate so well was probably that very same reason. As she was preparing to take off, she said to Peach. "I guess your boyfriend makes for an awesome dad though, look at how badly he wants to help anyone that looks like a kid!" and with a giggle she was off, flying up to the Atomos to heal the koopa king and anyone left on it of their injuries.

It took her a little bit to fly up there, and as she got htere she noticed Kamek was using his green clones to heal Bowser, although not nearly at the rate Blazermate could right now. "Hi Kamek, I'm here to heal you guys up before we get to the next fight." Blazermate said, healing up the koopa magician and Bowser jr. before working on the king himself. She she got to healing the king, Blazermate said. "I know you wanna be an awesome dad, but you really need to get a better judge of who is going to be a good kid and who is just a mimic trying to take advantage of a bleeding heart." Blazermate said, wagging her demonic finger at Bowser as he lay there, scolding him but not harshly. "I think a good rule of thumb to follow for that should be if my sentry gun shoots at them before we have a chance to make friends with them, we should be far far more cautious and if they don't respond to words, there isn't much you can do. And don't go try adopting any mimics like we saw back there. They aren't little, they're probably older than you are!" Blazermate continued, trying to be a bit more lighthearted to the koopa king as he was trying to do a nice thing in the end after all.

Seeing as Bowser was the most dejected out of the group, or it seemed, Blazermate stayed on the Atomos as they approached the new tower. Apparently this lead them all to their goal, which was quite a nice feeling. Soon they'd be away from this cursed ocean, and Blazermate was glad for that. She'd take Space over this any day!

Level 9 Blazermate - (6/90) +1

Edge of the Blue – Seaward Bay
Words: Less than 750

Blazermate was right to fortify their position before a fight ensued, although she was expecting to fight the giant moob thing, not the little girl with the eels coming out of her bottom. She also was expecting her zombie to move further from the ship before it exploded, forcing her to heal up Shippy for the slight bit of chip damage that got through, but also at least letting Blazermate overheal her for the stuff that was coming. And thanks to how much health Shippy had, she was a good healing battery for Blazermate's new shield ability.

Since the sharks were stirred up, thanks in part to Blazermate's exploding zombie, many had to start to attack them to keep them off shippy. Thanks to their cover however, it allowed Dell to build up his buildings in relative peace, and soon his level 3 sentry was assisting them with its twin Gatling guns and rockets, attacking anything that got close while the engineer himself was shooting his pistol at things as well. With that covered, Blazermate focused on the little monster girl who tried to bring down the Atomos, with Link saving it from going down. The monster girl, having grabbed Bella in one of its tentacles, managed to gather the attention of many of the people who weren't attacking the various things trying to attack them on top of shippy, many trying to free her from the tentacle.

Blazermate scanned their new foe, and found that attacking the tentacles wouldn't do much or any damage, with the main body being the spot that held the weak spot. "Hey guys, if your trying to beat this tentacle lady, you have to attack the main body. You wont do damage if you attack the tentacles!" Blazermate said, directing everyone where to attack. Sadly all she could do was sit back and heal/overheal, but this built her charge fairly fast and filled her Projectile shield charge, letting her prepare for stuff if it came.

Mirage, one of their new pickups at the island, was one of the first to run out of ammo as he was enjoying shooting things. Mr L meanwhile, was asking for some help with constructing something. Seeing two problems that needed to be fixed Blazremate said. "Hey if you need ammo that thing over there makes it." Blazermate said, pointing to the dispenser for Mirage. "It'll also heal you but not as fast as I can." She then pointed at the engineer and said to Mr. L. "I can't make things and it'll take me too long to get to my touchup kit. He can help you with his wrench though, its magic! Just make sure his buildings are safe."

Level 9 Blazermate - (4/90) +1

Edge of the Blue – Seaward Bay
Words: 602

Seeing as Blazermate really didn't have much to do, she just observed her team eating and chatting. Bowser and Mr. L, the evil sentai looking fella, seemed to come to an agreement, although what Blazermate could understand from lip reading the big koopa made her laugh a bit. Clearly Bowser had never been in a robattle before with a killabot. Ah well, at least these two were getting along well. Meanwhile Mirage showed his skills off to the group, while Mr. L just seemed to boast about things yet again. With how much boasting and no show the green guy was, Blazermate could only look at him skeptically. Still, finding two new allies was nice and Bowser knew enough about Mr. L to let him help so he couldn't be all bluster and no substance.

"I'm glad everyone is getting along! Always nice to have more people. Just uh, don't get all hurt at once." Blazermate then turned to Mirage and said. "Its a good thing I can tell holograms apart from the real thing thanks to my head part. Otherwise that could be disasterous." She said, wagging her finger at him a bit playfully. She couldn't track the invisibility, but she could guess where he'd go considering how limited it was.

Besides the declaration of alliances and showing off of powers, and of course eating and loading of the ships, not much of note happened and they were off to the next leg of their journey. A stormy looking sea full of carnage and just, ick. "Ok, so we gotta be getting close right? This place is bringing back dead zone vibes." And sure enough, soon some of the locals decided to pay them a visit. Although they were just sharks, some people were worried, others were fine with them.

Mirage's idea did give Blazermate an idea of how to handle the sharks, even if he thought it was silly soon after. Although her plan would have to wait a bit as soon they approached what looked like the boss of the area, more sharks being attracted to all the stuff around. Seeing this as a good time to try her idea Blazermate took one of Mirage's explosives from him, Blazermate said. "Oh this'll be so cool!". With that, she fiddled around with the grenade for a bit until she found out how to arm it, jammed it into one of her zombies, and commanded it to jump off shippy and swim away form the ship. With a moan the zombie did just that, swimming with its weird bone appendages and spines that formed due to its mutations. Some sharks, sensing some new meat, chased after said zombie. The zombie swam only barely slower than the sharks, but they soon got in range and started to bite it, at least as best as they could through all the spines and metal bits. As the sharks started their feeding frenzy, the zombie let off one last moan before it exploded into abyssal contetti, taking a bunch of sharks with it away from Shippy. "That was awesome! Now for Mr. Moobs octo. Man that is just wrong." Blazermate said, summoning the Engineer to build his buildings while starting to overheal everyone for the upcoming fight.

While healing her team, she could feel a different type of energy build up that originated from her healing arm, not her medal. Apparently she had been healing enough with it from their last battle that something got toggled on inside, but it would be a bit before she knew what this was.

Level 6 Sectonia (holding 1 level up) - (20/60) +1
Location: Sandswept Sky - Town

Word Count:

With Sectonia's antillions riding Midna's wolfos, things should go smoothly for their lost commrades. The antillions would also make the desert trip fairly easy for their lost allies if they were found, thanks to their chilling magic. That was actually the reason why Sectonia kept the 5th ice antillion for herself, to use as a portable AC as they rode the train towards their destination. The only person in the compartment when Sectonia arrived was Premise. Sectonia, unlike Midna, wasn't so sure on what this girl did all things considered. What she did know was she used magic via dancing, an odd way of doing it, but magic isn't something not anyone can grasp so those who can grasp it in the way they can.

As they traveled there were various ruins and such littered across the desert. She was glad they didn't have to bother with those, being out in this wasteland wasn't her idea of a good time. At one point they all stopped at an Oasis, apparently the last stop before their last stop at this 'town' everyone kept mentioning. Sectiona used this pit stop to stock their water supplies back up as Tora seemed to find a pet version of himself. "Tora, take care of your new little you now!" Sectiona said, giving a giggle as she made her way back to the train, having done what she was interested in doing here.

After their little visit to the oasis, it didn't take them long to find their way to the town itself. Midna seemed to be surprised that they ran into an actual town, while Sectonia knew better having been to Lumbridge. Poppi was ready to get going to their next stop, with the mountains themselves being very close now while others wanted to go shopping and yet others, namely Midna and Red, began sparring, Midna using this opportunity to cleanse the galeem eyes from Red. Sectonia gave her opinion on what they should all do, chiming in with what everyone else was saying. "So, new town. If its anything like the last one, shopping would be a good idea before that mountain." Sectonia said. "We will use what we have collected to barter. There might be something we can all use." she continued, offering to take anyone else shopping with her as she grabbed their loot from the Phantom Thieves. "I'm sure our samurai could use a nice sword, and considering the strange parts we found on that camel, Tora might find something useful as well." With all that being said, Sectonia followed Premise to the markets, looking for magic items in particular, but keeping in mind stuff the others could find useful.

Level 9 Blazermate - (3/90) +21 Level up! Learned

Edge of the Blue – Seaward Bay

Link, ever the hero, jumped in and rescued the dark sentai looking fellow after Blazermate called him out. Although what he did after gave Blazermate mixed feelings. First, he seemed extremely arrogant, especially for someone who looked like he couldn't swim well. Second, he and Bowser seemed to know each other, and humorously argued with each other. "Now now boys, don't fight each other!" Blazermate teased. Geralt soon took in the spirit of the Harbor Demon given to him form Cadet and grew to be the biggest member of the team. "Oooh. Hey Bowser, I might have a new ride. Although unlike you, I don't know how he will fit in doors." Blazermate said, looking Geralt's new form up and down. The 'boob window' really didn't look good on him though.

Seeing as how they all landed, many of the group wanted to look for food. Blazermate asked her zombies what food they wanted, with a resounding sound of "brains..." coming from them, with Blazermate looking at the others with a "Yeah we're not getting that." look on her face. Blazermate didn't need food herself, so she stayed behind, playing with her zombies and making sure Shippy was all healed up and everything. It seemed the only thing wrong with her after awhile was the sadness of losing her captain, but with everyone reaffirming he was saved, it cheered her up a bit. It didn't take long for those who went out for food to come back, the new nervous looking fella coming back with bananas while Peach came back with a huge slab of pinapple.

"So whats the plan here?" Blazermate asked, making her zombies doing flips and cartwheels with mixed results.

Level 6 Sectonia (holding 1 level up) - (19/60) +1
Location: Sandswept Sky - Desert

Word Count: Less than 450

Sectonia was pleased that her method of finding the lost team members had mutual agreement. Midna not doing so well to hide her embarrassment at wanting to go find them herself, only to be upstaged by the queen. In order to save face, she suggested that her wolfos go with Sectonia's antillons. Sectonia, pretending to not notice the flustered Midna who was just upstaged called her 3 exploring antillions back. To be fair, they had only gone about 30 feet out but they returned just the same at her command. "Slight change in plans you three, you will ride these 'wolfos' as you explore. Your mission is still the same with the only addition that you keep these things and our missing minions safe and cool." With that said, the Antillions got on top of the wolfos, being only about a meter tall each and looking goofy riding the much larger wolfs, and they were off.

One of Sectonia's minions seemed to be a bit confused about her 'hands on' comment, Sectonia saying. "It is true I can be summoned by my minions if I so desire it, what I meant was our next enemy will be sorry they crossed us."
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