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Level 10 Blazermate - (52/100) - 1 stored level up
Carcass Isle
Words: NA

Blazermate was glad they eventually left that island of soggy wet decay and back to the town of Limsa through her teleporter. While the others went right to sleep out of sheer exhaustion or went to find their loved ones that had disappeared in the fight, Blazermate more or less did the same as the others, but in her own medabot way. Which was basically finding a place to wash herself off and wait for her little personal engineer to recharge and give her a good amount of fixing and maintenance. This would take her a good bit of the night, the echoing of a wrench hitting metal audible around the room she was staying in as if there was some construction work going on. But at least thanks to the engineer, she'd be in top condition and form come the morning.

Blazermate was one of the few who didn't even attempt to come to breakfast, as she had no plans to eat. She did get an invitation to a beach party though, and since everyone else was doing other stuff, she decided to follow that invitation at her leisure. This still meant she was one of the first few people there, but unlike the others who were drawn to the food, Blazermate just decided to lie down on the beach with a towel as she waited for everyone else to get there.

When Nadia passed by with a new eyepatch, Blazermate got up to ask. "When did you lose an eye? Need me to regrow that?" Although Blazermate had never regrown an eye, something seemed 'right' as if she had done that a few dozen times with, frankly, disastrous results. Or that could be some 'dream' or something she had awhile go, she couldn't tell.

Then when the koopa troop got there, this gave Blazermate an idea. Once the group made it to the beach, Blazermate went up to Jr. and asked him. "Hey, do you have any fun ideas to do on a beach? Sandcastles is one, but that also feels done to death." While an independent medabot who was fairly battle hardened, she was still into doing 'fun' things.


Level 8 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (21/80)
Location: Atop the mountain
Word Count: less than 750

...And there it was. As everyone was discussing what to do next, and no one was attacking the creature that just seemed to take only punishment and refused to defend itself, the creature now decided to go on the attack by ramming the group that was discussing what to do. Sectonia managed to grab a couple fellows and fly out of the way of the giant creature rushing down at them, but its wind stream did make her tumble a bit. Sectonia only gave Midna that. "I told you so." look, the princess herself being apologetic (but still adamant on freeing this creature.). This did bring one question to Sectonia though. Why would it attack them NOW? It had ample opportunity before if it was all about this galeem curse thing but it didn't. Perhaps it just couldn't attack besides ramming them, and was just a giant wall or something. A very pathetic creature all things considered.

Still, there was a bit of mystery about this thing, and that mystery gave Sectonia some curiosity about exactly what was going on. So she dropped off the two charges she had grabbed and rescued before flying up to and over the large creature as Midna tried to get its attention. When over its head, Sectonia cursed the Palanx with a cast of slow before she summoned Natasia on its head to attempt to mind control it. This would be her last attempt to try to 'pacify' this creature however and if Midna's plan didn't work, she was going to finish this creature off.

Level 10 Blazermate - (21/100) - 1 stored level up
Carcass Isle
Words: NA

Blazermate, seeing a group of people still wanting to explore this hostile island, waved goodbye to Jr and those that left with him in his little painting. Although considering the stuff she saw on this island even with the guardian defeated, it might've been better to leave with Jr. Even free, the island inhabitants seemed to be incredibly hostile, or at least, indifferent in what they hurt. While Link and Sakura talked about what defeating the boss meant and all that, Blazermate kept healing herself and the others as they explored the island, backtracking and all.

They did eventually find a group that the others seemed to be interested in talking to, other Abyssal Princesses. Blazermate did absorb a spirti of an abyssal princess earlier, but she figured if she brought that up that might harm things worse than they were. But considering how hostile even the cute fish creatures were, the creature killing Kamek's clone and another beast with its large knife in one strike, before Kamek finished it off. Seeing as a few of the others were having second thoughts, Blazermate said. "So... I think we should go... Like, if this is just their default state like that kid monster Bowser tried to help it doesn't seem to be worth our time?" The Medabot was questioning even staying, so she was hoping these guys would want to go sooner than later.


Level 8 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (20/80)
Location: Atop the mountain
Word Count: less than 750

Having laid into the creature, it retaliated much like ti did to the attacks of the others, by spinning and shaking off its attackers, sending even the bee queen flying. Although unlike many of the others, Sectonia could recover form her tumble without much issue, evne if it was comical seeing a large bee like her do a few spins in the air. "This isn't much of a 'guardian' is it? I've got a feeling that things will get much worse once its dead." Sectonia said, echoing the opinions of a few others as she got ready to go in for another attack. This was their enemy, even if it was 'passive', it would eventually have to fall.

Soon though, many of the others stopped attacking this creature, having heavily wounded it with all of their attacks, feeling sorry for having attacked something that wasn't attacking back. Heck, Midna's apprehension after having revealed another weak point made Tora stop, and the nipon was fairly bloodthirsty Sectonia noted. Although if this was misplaced pity like Midna was want to do or a genuine good idea Sectonia didn't know. An idea did present itself though, as a few allies pointed out that the bell this thing was circling and the statues holding it were part of the 'riddle' of the area, and that might reveal why this creature was either passive, or possibly the 'real' boss of the area.

There was an idea of destroying the pillars, which Sectonia begrudgingly went with. "Hmph, very well. We can try to destroy these pillars and 'free' this bell, seeing at this creature refuses to fight back. We can kill it at any time it seems if thats the case." Sectonia then flew next to Midna, glaring at the imp. "But will this be another case of a 'bleeding heart' for you? Need I remind you the last time you tried to spare something for it to only bite you in the end?"

Seeing as the others were getting ready to destroy these pillars, Sectonia summoned some Fire Antillions to help smash them as well, seeing as they were Sectonia's strongest antilion type in raw physical strength. She also hasted the more physically gifted of her allies as well, their newfound speed hopefully expediting how fast they could destroy these things.

Level 10 Blazermate - (20/100) - 1 stored level up
Carcass Isle
Words: NA

Besides Blazermate's ghosts or marking the weak spot, there wasn't too much Blazermate could do to put this thing down. Especially when running from the summoned ghosts of those who had fallen on their adventures that seemed to chase after the Medabot herself with strange weapons in hand. Screw this flesh baby thing, it was so annoying! And it bloody refused to die even when its health was gone! And yet it still hit like an absolute truck, swatting Hatty out of the air like she was a fly. Seeing the absolute mess that Haty was in after getting swatted into the cliffs, Blazermate made her way over to her as Peach called to the medabot to start to stabilize the kiddo. Although she wasn't all that fast needing to still heal her own injured/broken parts and dodge all these apparitions.

After one final hit though, the fight ended. The goop, gore, and all the filth of the area receded as the Orphan was finally no more. Blazermate managed to get some healing into Hatty, but hatty would deferentially need to sleep some of those hits off. With the defeat of the Orphan came something Blazermate, and the rest of the group dreaded. In order to get rid of this area boss for good, one of them would need to fuse with it. Blazermate would speak up if no one else did, as her parts system would at least make it not SO bad... But thankfully for her Geralt spoke up giving a very good reason as to why it would be perfect for him. "Thanks a lot Geralt. That thing is uh... Good luck." Blazermate said. Funny enough, Geralt looked... normal, if a bit ghoulish after absorbing that spirit. At least he was smaller now, but that also meant no free rides on him anymore. Although what lasting effect those crystals that were left behind when the orphan died is anyone's guess.

With all of that taken care of, Nadia gave the real question... How ere they going to get back to town? Thankfully Blazermate prepared for this situation much like she did in the Dead Zone. "Well, unless someone wants to try their luck on finding some neato spirits in the area, I still have a teleporter side in Limsa. So we can just teleport back. I figured needing to go to the bottom of the sea, getting back up would be really difficult so... yeah." blazermate said. They'd have to wait a bit for her striker to charge back up before she could make said teleporter, but at least they wouldn't be suffering nightmare after nightmare traveling back.


Level 8 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (19/80)
Location: Atop the mountain
Word Count: less than 750

Sectonia soon found her attacks had no effect to this behemoth, the creature itself not even retaliating it seemed. That... seemed odd considering what Sectonia knew of how things worked here. Very, Very odd... Yeah it did shake people off when they got onto it, but other than that, it was just... flying there. This diffused Sectonia's rage a bit. Something was off here, perhaps defeating this thing would reveal the true area boss? Or there was some other puzzle or something they had to do here. Still, all they had to go on was that they had to deal with this creature, so Sectonia after a moment of reflection and thinking, continued her assault, throwing void globules at the creature instead.

Sectonia kept up this little ranged attack until Midna called out that there were weak points under the fins of this creature, weak points that Sectonia's swords could possibly do some damage on. Why a creature would willingly have weak points was something Sectonia could only laugh at, as she moved in to strike at the mark Midna had called out, striking out with her swords.

Level 10 Blazermate - (18/100) - 1 stored level up
Carcass Isle
Words: NA

Blazermate's gambit managed to do the damage she wanted, although not as much as she thought it'd do, Sakura getting up to delvier the final blow. And while Blazermate's medaforce beam did heal her up from the damage she had taken to get the charge for it, the Orphan didn't like getting hit by the laser blast, and as Blazermate got healed, she also got struck by a direct lightning bolt, causing her to collapse, a bit darkened by the ash caused by said lightning bolt. This hurt, a lot, and disabled her shield arm that she had jsut healed up, alongside almost disabling her leg parts which would stop her ability to fly. All this and the grund was turning to muck while Blazermate was righting herself from the lightning strike. Thankfully, Link scooped her up to get her out of danger. "Ah, thanks Link." blazermate said, using the opportunity Link gave her to heal as everyone else dealt with the new boss. At least Blazermate could place a marker on the new boss's weak point as Link carried her and heal up at least her leg parts so she could keep herself out of the muck.

After healing for a bit, Blazermate soon had to dodge the strange jellyfish orbs this boss was throwing out. Although moving and healing herself was all Blazermate could do at this time as that lightning strike had also destroyed her sentry. But there was one thing Blazermate could do. There were still red cracks in the arena Blazermate could touch, and while dodging and healing these attacks, she managed to touch one, the ghost zooming off to hit the creature in its eye, knowing where to hit it apparently to do damage. That was about all she could do, especially as a spirit of one of their fallen commrades appeared in front of Blazermate. That cyber ninja that the first bosss he fought had killed. Although unlike the others, Blazermate's logical mind wasn't tricked by this apparition as she knew that spirits didn't become ghosts, thats not how it worked here, so this didn't distract her as much as it would others.


Level 8 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (18/80)
Location: Blizzard of doom
Word Count: less than 750

This blizzard just got worse and worse, more and more people getting lost, it getting colder, and the Queen being sick adn tired of all of this. She could barely move without blinking, and blinking meant she lost her heat source which just made things worse. But like the others, after passing out from the cold she found herself at the summit of the mountain, all warm and healed up. She knew she wasn't dead, since she still looked the way she was. But she did make a note to destroy whatever caused that blizzard for revenge. And with the big colossus in front of them all being a good target to vent her frustration, Sectonia went on the attack. Being one of the few flyers of the group, she could get up and attack the so called Guardian with her rings of light, the large version fairly easily. Its size would make her slow spell useless, but she could haste herself to get these rings of light out faster. Even if some went every which way thanks to that mask that tripled the amount of rings she threw out.

Level 10 Blazermate - (16/100) - 1 stored level up
Carcass Isle
Words: NA

There was only so much one medabot could do. Still she could zap away some of the rocks with her shield and block some of the organic globules of the Orphan, her shield didn't last forever. And while she was able to get 2 more ghosts to rush at the Orphan thanks to how much darting back and forth she had to do, flying above all of Orphan's shockwaves and staying out of his ire as she flew to heal those who needed it, the fight wasn't going so well. Even with the benefit of some team attacks and other new techniques Blazermate hadn't seen yet, people were falling and falling in health, most critical, and Sakura down for the count just barely hanging on.

At least Blazermate could now summon the engineer to finish building his turret, which had run out of ammo awhile ago and since it wasn't shooting him, the Orphan had ignored it. This would at least help the situation everyone was in, as it only took a few more smacks with his wrench for Dell to not only reload the entire sentry, but finally bring it to level 3, which began blasting the Orphan with its rockets and miniguns as it flew there throwing globes of... something... at people.

Blazermate meanwhile didn't have enough charge to uber someone, at least not yet having just ubered earlier. but she did have one idea... as painful as it sounded she could at least do some good damage to this thing seeing as it was near dead. And maybe assist Kamek with getting Sakura up at the same time. Seeing as the Orphan was distracted with the rest of her team, Blazermate came up from behind, using her beam to attempt to at least awaken Sakura with her revive ability before swapping to her ubersaw and smacking the Orphan in the weak point she had marked for everyone a couple times to build her ubercharge. When the Orphan turned to deal with the newcommer medabot, like it was want to do, Blazermate raised her shield and had it scream right in its face, the shield abosrbing a direct blow from the Orphan in the process knocking Blazermate out of the sky and causing her shield arm to be rendered useless. But she had gotten the ubercharge she wanted.

Blazermate having her plan all set, said to her teammates. "Keep it distracted and still, I've got a plan!" and letting her teammates know her idea, Blazermate prepared her medaforce beam to blast the Orphan when there was a proper opening.

Level 8 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (17/80)
Location: Blizzard of doom
Word Count: less than 750

The way to the summit of the mountain just got worse and worse. From a chilly elevator ride to a bone chilling blizzard that not even Sectonia could keep her composure in, her mandibles chittering as not even her fire antillions summoned in triplicate could keep her or the rest of the party all that warm. And while one of the thieves did suggest having fire cast on them to warm them up, that wouldn't end well for anyone as the Scout clarified. And while not having cold weather cloths hadn't bothered her much now thanks to her antillions, now whatever anyone used to keep themselves warm, even by magic, wasn't doing much at all. "I.... Hate.... This.... Mountain." She said with venom, needing to teleport to even keep up thanks to the severe winds. And while Raz did have an idea, Sectonia was living proof that it wouldn't work, having the most surface area of everyone and being constantly blown about. Hopefully this little 'trial' would be over soon, hopefully...

Level 8 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (16/80)
Location: Mountain Cave
Word Count: less than 750

Sectonia let out a sigh as the fighting was over, moving back next to her fire anitlion as this air was something she did not like without the heat of her summon around. While she kept her composure as best as she could, anyone paying attention could see when she wasn't near her antillion her antenna were shivering a bit. The rest of her allies were not doing so well either. some were much better off than others, but those who got assaulted by the feral zombie looking things that were, frankly, far more durable than they should've been, werent' healing right even with her regeneration aura benefiting them. Even so, they all did well clearing them out with band being a bit... flashy about how he finished the ice golem much to Sectonia's approval. Although he seemed to not want to come with the rest of them, having had enough of all of this before flying off like a rocket.

It was then pointed out by a few of them that there were no spirits left over from the feral zombie things they had killed. Sectonia knew what this meant, and said. "Well if they are just souls flying about, not spirits themselves, then someone or something summons these things and until we defeat that, they will just keep coming." Having said that, Sectonia scooped up her fire antillion and went up the shaft with everyone else. Now that its been shown how much of a threat these thigns are, she'd have to keep a much more attentive eye on them.

Level 10 Blazermate - (12/100) - 1 stored level up
Carcass Isle
Words: NA

Seeing Blazermate block its attacks with her ubercharge, the Orphan put two and two together for a moment and rushed at the Medabot as she had deployed her shield to deal some massive electrical damage to it. It put all of its might into focusing the invincible medabot, much to its frustration and Blazermate's annoyance. As it was focusing her, the rest of the group made their move, Bowser making the biggest move of them all.

This was one hard hitting, tanky area boss. The other bosses were tanky, but not nearly this fast. Nor did they manage to take out their biggest tank, Bowser! That was a bit of a shock, but thanks to his efforts, it did allow Blazermate to get up and heal up people while the Orphan transformed into its more... reaper... angel form? It was like someone thought. "hey, what if we made a flesh angel reaper?", buut they probably didn't think it'd be this painful to fight, or they planned on it in which case Blazermate would have to smack them around some if she ever met them.

Seeing as Peach was in the most dire of straits, as the Orphan was getting ready for its next attack Blazermate zoomed over to heal and revive Peach so she could get up and move on her own. She also made sure to shield Peach, the koopa troop, and anyone else nearby with the remaining projectile shield from the lightning and explosive attacks coming from the Orphan. She would protect her sentry... if it wasn't almost running out of ammo at this point. Still, at least this phase of the Orphan was more projectile based instead of being a melee monster, so her shield would be much, much more useful now. She'd also have to keep a very close eye on Nadia, since now the Orphan was using lightning attacks, and she seemed to be exceptionally vulnerable to them. But she'd have to get Peach up first before she could do much but heal the cat girl at this moment.
Ok had to make a new account because discord support is lame. Whats the server link again?
So I wont be on the discord server for a few days. Since I requested a refund of those hacked gifts I linked you guys, they have disabled the account until that all goes through. (If they'll even re-enable it after its all fixed, this is discord, they're terrible with customer service.) So I'll let you all know if I have to make a new account or not.
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