Level 10 Blazermate - (88/100) - 1 stored level up
Level 2 Susie - (8/20)
Peach's Castle
Words: Less than 750
Having spent the night with the koopa troop, Blazermate just having nothing better to do and Susie just going with the big boy of the group, they followed the troop back to Alcamoth. Upon getting close to the gates, Blazermate was quickly reminded of something she had forgotten about, Susie was still under Galeem's control! "Gah, I knew I forgot something!" Blazermate said as the doorman stopped Susie and got into a fight with her. Without her business suit though, and the insanely difficult fight the doorman were supposed to present, it wasn't a very long fight. Blazermate made sure Susie did survive though, which also gave Blazermate a good idea of Susie's base durability and damage. Her tech did hurt, quite a lot, even if the doorman was just far, far, far beyond her. Just being able to make the doorman's health wiggle a little was impressive, but Susie was a bit glass, like any kind of heavy weapon based Medabot. At least Susie looked way cuter and nicer than any God Emperor, although those were tankier... With Susie being subdued, Blazermate threw a Friend heart at her then helped the robot lady to her 'feet' and explained what had just happened and what was going on. Being ambushed put Susie in a really bad mood though, which followed her through her tour of Alcamoth. The tour didn't last long though as while Blazermate was at HQ, she did get a look at the updated map and a region that had her very interested, Japan. Although she figured it wasn't where she was from but some alternate world take on it. A bit of a shame, but if there was a question on where to go next, she'd ask about going there just to check it out.
Susie meanwhile decided to take a much closer look at the HQ of the seekers and much like Blazermate looked over the map. But unlike Blazermate, Susie was annoyed that there was no space that was even closely Haltmann related on the map. These guys hadn't scouted everything clearly. She figured that made some kind of sense, they were savages after all and the Access Ark MK2 was a spacefaring vessel, so they probably had no concept of that or a way to even look there. Still, that did mean that the presence of HWC wasn't really here and that meant that Susie would have to do quite a bit more work than she anticipated. And looking over everything, none of these places looked even remotely high tech short of a few areas in dystopianscape, but even then they were probably industrial level tech at most. Funny enough, Susie could understand the Koopa king's annoyance at not having his castle, although she doubted it was anywhere close to what the Access Ark had.
Susie could only shake her head at her options, but it seemed if there was a 'vote of where to go next' as she suspected she'd suggest that area. And when the two robot girls were asked where they wanted to go, both voted for the same area, although for vastly different reasons.
"Somewhere in Dystopianscape, Midgar perhaps?"
"Oh, Oh, I wanna go to Japan to see if its MY Japan!"
Susie came out of the whole thing thinking that Alcamoth was probably the most 'high tech' thing on this planet besides herself which was a bit saddening, but that just meant the devices of Hatlmann Works Company would make a fortune here, if the savages could afford them and she could get access to more tech. She could call her copter now though, so she was getting some signals to and from the Access Ark, but still no business suit.

Level 8 Sectonia (holding 2 level up) - (78/80)
Location: Gerudo Village
Word Count: Less than 750
Before turning in for the night, Sectonia decided to give the larger petal dragon thing a try. If she remembered right, one of the other seekers could reverse things if she didn't like how the fusion turned out.
Notable spirit consumed:
Having done the fusion, Sectonia went to sleep, waiting til the morning to take a look at the changes the spirit did. From what she could tell... Yeah this has issues. Massive ones. She'd have to figure out how to fix this 'mask' thing, but more important, she had to get rid of these vines. It just looked horrible seeing these things flop around wildly as she moved her hands. Besides those two things she looked pretty alright. At least she looked like she was wearing some beautiful flower petals... a mixed deal much like the last one. IF, IF the power and the weaknesses inferred by this spirit were worth it, she might think of a way to overcome this issue, but if they weren't, she'd have this thing taken out of her when she could.
Still, she'd have to deal with it for now. Meeting up with the rest of the group to figure out what to do next, Midna came up to ask her to use her Avarice helmet, which Sectonia obliged, but in return Midna had to crush a spirit of Sectonia's, which gave her a...
You have acquired:
Sectonia wasn't aware of any minions who could use a whip, nor was she able to use it herself. She sighed as it was a dud, so they'd just have to sell it and maybe find something better. A new, fairly well dressed humanoid much like the others approached the group, talking about 'pokemon' and 'training', pokemon being something Sectonia wasn't really familiar with. Having come back from the market, Raiden found some augmentation to his body he wanted Tora to install, as he was a mechanic, and Midna had said what her plans were before they met everyone after they all talked about some 'warp trains' pulled by cats.
"Hm... Well, personally I'd suggest we take some time to take a look at clown town. Professional fools that entertain you sound like fun after we had to deal with this horrid desert." Sectonia suggested, offering her idea.