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Level 11 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (30/110)
Level 3 Susie - (29/30)

Location: Outside Dystopianscape
Word Count: Less than 750

While a few gave Blazermate's ideas to look at the schools some credence, most didn't and with a vast majority of the party wanting to explore the bigger, wider city in front of them Blazermate had to relent and go with the party. Apparently only a few people even got what she was talking about as if their worlds had nothing even remotely close to what she was talking about. Considering how most of them looked at her when Blazermate first appeared before them, it made sense, but still... Susie meanwhile was with the group that wanted to move forward. After all, maybe this large metro had some worthwhile tech, but she doubted it.

As they made their way into the town proper, things were wrong almost right away. G Men, all sounding weird and being... really suspicious were everywhere. All while having this feeling of being 'watched'. Susie didn't give them too much mind, finding them weird, but otherwise not that big of an issue, while Blazermate questioned. "Wait, is this America?" Raz then explained how they were from his world, and that if you played along with their game, they didn't really bother you. Weird.

That was until they eventually found themselves walking down an alleyway next to a pet shop. Roxas, having been very nice in holding her hand, pulled Blazermate into the nearby pet shop at Raz's insistence as they were all cornered by these G Men, Blazermate herself fine with a fight but Roxas dragging her putting a damper on that plan. Susie, seeing the others go into the store, shrugged and went with them.

Level 9 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (26/90)

Location: Dirtmouth
Word Count: 807

Sectonia looked over her allies and the various stuff they were doing. Some entered the shop which did interest Sectonia, but she decided that it wasn't worth it much when she glanced in and only saw basic stuff and nothing magical. It seemed that as she looked around dirtmouth, she saw some bugs like herself, although much less beautiful with the rest being scavengers. Much like a few others, she found herself looking at what was around town. A few of her allies were dealing with some bandit camp thing, something she'd aid them with if they needed it but considering who was there and how weak these bandits looked, she probably wouldn't need to help much. Bored, she decided to look around to see if anything got her eye.

As Sectonia surveyed the territory, something caught her multi-faceted eye, attuned as it was for anything exquisite and shiny. On one of the looming crags at the uppermost portion of the Chasm's spiral valley, she spotted the telltale gleam of gold. Unlike many of the other mineral deposits around the area, this one seemed unclaimed, as well. While the others rooted around in the rocks and dust for supplies, it was only fitting that the queen help herself to the bounty of the heights.

Up she soared, making a beeline for the concentrated vein that glittered at the end of its arched promontory, distant and dazzling as an unattainable dream, at least for anyone but her. Once she arrived at the upper tier of mountains, more ordinary than the rugged terrain that constituted the Chasm's immediate surroundings, she soon learned why few came up this high to get at the resources. A steady rumble and the low roar of shifting stone beneath the earth warned Sectonia that she wasn't alone up here, and after a few moments a monstrous Thresher Maw erupted from the earth not far from the gold. The giant alien centipede waves around scythelike legs, a vivid blue tongue, and a horrid mouth large enough to swallow a goat whole. Having sensed the vibrations of an intruder too close to its favorite source of food for comfort, the Thresher shrieked, warning its fellow insect to stay away.

Well, considering the sheer amount of gold in those rocks would mean Sectonia wouldn't be a 'mercenary queen' anymore, she got to work on getting rid of this pest so her antillions could get to work. According to its body language it wanted to devour this gold, so she would have to stop it from doing so while she destroyed it. And to that end she hit it with her Slow spell, slowing down all of its movements by quite a bit before she unleashed ring after ring of cutting light at the creature, one of her items greatly increasing the amount of rings she threw even if they were a bit haphazard in their trajectories at times.

Thanks to the slow motion of the worm and its lack of ways of even reaching Sectonia as she unleashed barrages of large light rings at it, even some of the more off course rings could clip it due to its hampered ability to dodge. She made an attempt to get around the creature as well, in an attempt to herd it away from the gold rock with her barrage of spell attacks.

Those down below would see the glowing light rings Sectonia launched from atop the cliff face going off into the distance, or at least those that missed, going a fair distance before finally dissolving into particles. The creature, offended that this large colorful bee was both peppering it with bright hurty round things and was trying to steal its meal made an attempt to defend itself by gobbling up nearby rocks and spitting them at the bee queen. This... didn't work like it would expect though as Sectonia's light rings collided with a fair amount of the rocks, destroying them and the rocks that did hit the bee queen... didn't look like they did much at all.

The few rocks that hit Sectonia did in fact do damage, but she was far to regal to show that she had taken any damage, especially to such a stupid beast. A few more barrages of light rings later, the creature fell and Sectonia could claim her prize. At least her Pipe of Insight would let her heal up on what damage she took. Not as good as Blazermate, but she hadn't really been with the medabot for that long. And with this extra wealth, she could have more bargaining power overall. Especially since she didn't have access to Floralia... All that was left was to summon her antillions to mine the rock for her, collect her prize, and make it back to the group.

Level 11 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (29/110)
Level 3 Susie - (28/30)

Location: Outside Dystopianscape
Word Count: Less than 750

Blazermate wasn't the first one on the train, but she wasn't the last. Apparently Roxas had gotten smacked real bad out there... How did an anime boy that was former org 13 beaten so bad? Good on Geralt for bringing him to safety, but... What hit him? Hopefully this wasn't going to be a sign of things to come...

Still, Blazermate made her way over to Roxas as Geralt friend hearted him. Susie observed this and noticed it was something very, very similar to what Pinkie did that one time. Go figure that monster of a creature had techniques that beat up something a light god did... Blazermate knew she didn't need to heal Roxas, but was over there either way shaking the poor boy awake with words of "You ok?" and "What the heck did you do?"

Susie meanwhile was looking over the area. Hm... looked like your average megacity. Schools on the outside, probably extremely shady and primitive busiensses inside the city. But where there were wealthy people, there was a deal and money to be had and potentially technology to be had as well.

Blazermate after getting over her little exchange with Roxas, held him loosely in one of her hands as she looked at the schools nearby. "Oh hey, we're in an anime! Look! Universities! Wonder if we're going to have fun or terror if we go in one. Maybe we'll get superpowers? Or it could just be normal school... Hard to tell at a glance!" Blazermate then pointed at the Blackwell acadamy. "Yeah, these aren't really Japanese looking, but it can't hurt to go look in one to see if there are supoerpowers or something inside them!"


Level 9 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (24/90)

Location: Entrance to The Under
Word Count: Less than 750

Sectonia gazed over the grim, gloomy looking Dirtmouth town. She didn't know what she was going to expect, but she figured it was going to be an area that needed some beauty to it. But in a way, the gothic gloomy look had its own beauty.... she'd just need to touch up a bunch of places. The crack that lead down to the Under might have some interesting magic. It was either that or something disgusting that she'd need to eradicate from this world. Speaking of something that wasn't nice to look at...

Sectonia had joined the group with Bowser. He looked much, much cleaner than the last time Sectonia saw him, so at least he was being weary of that aspect of himself, but that didn't help the whole... 'dry scale' look he had. But that was contradicted by Kamek being on this team with his Snackivator, which would let Sectonia prioritize powerful spirits over beautiful ones as long as she could make that spirit look beautiful in some way. No more omni spirit fusions, and to her knowledge she had unlocked all the power this Count Bleck had. Well, besides the true power of the Chaos heart, but she felt that would cause more harm than good as it felt that once it was released, it wouldn't stop until everything was erased.

Another thing Sectonia noticed looking over her team, they had all the magic casters here. Perhaps they were all drawn to the potential magic here, or something else? Could that be something that could be an issue? Well either way Sectonia could see what some of these newcomers did. Rubick for example seemed to be able to copy any ability Sectonia used, or rather, the last one she used, so that could be interesting. If he could at least keep his magic from hurting others.

Level 11 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (28/110)
Level 3 Susie - (27/30)
Level 9 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (23/90)

Location: Twilight Town
Word Count: 1412

After the trio of girls, there were a few others that went. Some that Blazermate knew, some Sectonia knew, and most Susie had no clue about. When it came to Pit, Sectonia and Blazermate knew a little about him, but not much. They knew Geralt more, but Sectonia did notice his new upgrades. Sectonia didn't know Sakura's friend, a person Susie was surprised about being a business person like her. Then that was concluded by a kid who could control some kind of emotion power (Something that was a weakness to Sectonia's Chaos shield, but she didn't know that.), then another person who just seemed to be good with a gun and move stuff with her mind, and fianlly a boy Blazermate thought was a girl thanks to how androgynous some anime looking people can look who was into the same pokemon things Jr. was, but he used them exclusively.

With everyone introduced, there was a bit of mingling and discussions going about as everyone ate their food. Blazermate being unable to eat food, just sat there and enjoyed the company of others while Sectonia ate and Susie did more business stuff on her PDA. While almost the size of Bowser, Sectonia didn't have his appetite, although that being said her size did make her eat quite a bit. When chilling at dinner, Blazermate remembered something she had, and pulled out the single pokeball she had picked up a long, long time ago. "Hey Bede, do you need this? I still have it but I haven't found any of these 'pokemon' I like. As I've learned about them, I don't think there are any medabots among them. You need these to hold onto pokemon yeah?"

Sectonia overheard Blazermate talking about this, although unlike her and Jr, Sectonia didn't know what a pokeball was until now. That reminded her of a cute cake monster thing she kept under her crown. Something she rarely took out as the fights they had all been involved in have been quite rough and really Sectonia had no idea how to command the little thing. Pulling the Alcremie out from under her crown, Sectonia asked "Is this little thing one of these 'pokemon'?"
Blazermate wasn't too sure, but just shrugged and said. "Well, only one way to find out. See how it reacts to the pokeball!"
Sectonia agreed, and took the pokeball offered to her from Blazermate and gave it to the cream monster, which began to play with it until it hit the button on the ball and went inside it without issue. "Well, I guess it was! Good to know." Blazermate said with a smug look on her face. Sectonia held the ball and thought a bit... She really didn't want to have this thing get destroyed by battle, as she wasn't someone who understood whatever this 'pokemon' stuff was. She then came up with an idea. While she wasn't fully familiar with the stuff in this new world, there were brands of magic that had been unseen. Perhaps this 'pokemon' trainer was one of them? Probably not, but perhaps Bede had some skills or something that energized well with these 'pokemon' similar to what Jr. had. AFter all Jr. had been able to keep some, and lose others as he wasn't a part of that world, but perhaps...

"Bede was it? I'm curious as to what you could do with this little one, if it comes from your world I'm sure you know much more about it than I do." Sectonia said, giving Bede the pokeball containing the Alcremie. "Show your Queen what you can do with such a creature. I'll be watching." After all, if one of her minions could use something that she had little experience in much better than she could, it'd benefit her in the long run. Yeah thats it.

Susie tried to talk with Karin to get an idea of what business she ran, but to be frank, it was more a formality as Karin wasn't the most civil person. Other than that, not much else happened at the picnic. Soon after, everyone made their way to the metro, this being Blazermate and Susie's first time there. "Cool! Its like a drab cat laced Tokyo!" Blazermate said. Susie wasn't as awestruck, but seeing something a bit more industrial instead of rustic was somewhat nice.

When it was suggested that everyone go around to gather their pons for their train rides, Blazermate flew up and started to collect some. This was put to an end shortly though as a voice came on the loudspeaker, which ended with every seeker getting a bounty on their head. Big or small, it didn't matter as each one had a bounty, and the opportunistic cats of the metro, at least the non civilian looking ones, all gathered up in giant hordes to attempt to get a hold of that sweet bounty money.

"Hmph. A Queen having a bounty put on her by a Baroness? Sounds like shes trying to move up in the world." Sectonia said, annoyed and amused at the state of affairs. Seeing the sheer amount of cats though, slaughtering what seemed like an endless ocean of enemies might take far, far too long, so the idea of just getting on their trains if possible was for the best. Conjuring her Chaos heart shield, Sectonia made her way for her stop, while the two bot girls made their way to their stop.

Sectonia, thanks to her Chaos Shield, had little trouble with the multitude of cats. She could fly over the hordes below her, and while the occasional sniper took a shot at the big bug which they couldn't really miss, the shot would just bounce off her glowing shield with Sectonia not even really noticing the shot. After a few snipers tried this and found the bee queen was far, far too tough of a target to take down, many swapped targets onto other, less squishy targets. Still, it wasn't too hard for her to get t o her train as she'd only need to occasionally blink to get past the giant cats pulling trains when she was forced onto the tracks. Why this place was so weird to navigate was beyond her.

Blazermate and Susie meanwhile had a much more difficult time of it. Since the two bots were together, Blazermate could keep Susie healed and overhealed, as well as any other member of team City that was nearby. Susie meanwhile made the cat crowds scatter when she got into her business suit, the mech's armored bottom being nearly impossible for the cat hordes to even put a dent in. That and Blazermate's flight made the crowds of cats not an issue. The real issue came from their support, the snipers up top. Susie taking the first hit due to her relative slowness in her business suit. Thanks to Blazermate's overheal, she wasn't too badly damaged and could be healed back up, but this made her more weary and forced her to 'hop' through the crowds of cats instead of just pushing them all away with spinning arms as she had to have her arms guard her cockpit.

Blazermate meanwhile didn't have the luxury her partner had, and had to rely on her agility and ability to mark out any sniper that appeared. At first she could handle a few of them, as she could dodge or deflect shots as she knew where each sniper was. This eventually got much more difficult however as the snipers that gave up on shooting at Sectonia joined the crowd, causing Blazermate to really, really slow down as she had to jump from cover to cover. Susie had a much better time of it for sure, but Blazermate could only really advance to a new spot when her shield was ready, slowing her down considerably. At least the snipers didn't follow the girls on the tracks, but on the tracks Susie had to use her transporter to move around, as the business suit was too slow to dodge the trains being pulled by giant cats.

All in all, when the two bots got to their destination, Blazermate was hurting while Susie was more annoyed that hurt thanks to Blazermate's healing. Blazermate could heal herself of course, but it'd take time. At least they were on the train heading for their destination with the rest of their team...
@Omega Man Yeah, not sure how I'd make her more DC. She'd be where some of your darker storylines come from, but yeah I get if she doens't fit here. (The game the character idea comes from is a grim dark horror kinda game.)
Added some background stuff, but need time period to make it less generic.

Level 11 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (25/110)
Level 3 Susie - (24/30)
Level 9 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (20/90)

Location: Twilight Town
Word Count: 2113

The teams finally rejoining and spending some time to socialize was long time coming. Blazermate saw some new faces that were picked up on Yellow Team, but she had seen most of the team as well. Susie was the newcomer, and for the most part waited politely for her turn to talk so she could gauge the personality of the others. That just left Sectonia, who had no issue speaking up after Cadet introduced himself. Upon meeting Peach, Sectonia made sure to recycle the plant monster spirit she had absorbed into a striker, as it wasn't doing much for her beauty, and overall it was a downgrade even in the power department it seemed like.

Speaking of Peach, when she was done with that request she gathered everyone together to try to get everyone to introduce themselves, seeing as everyone here was all of the strikers. Susie hadn't seen anyone on the other team before, although the large bee lady looked.. familiar. And sounded almost like her! That was a bit jarring, but nothing she couldn't handle. First was Band, followed by Tora and Poppi. only Susie didn't know these guys, although Blazermate didn't know much about band as well. Susie found it almost cute that Tora built poppi, considering his stature compared to hers. Blazermate meanwhile did notice that what Band had been saying didn't make Nadia react well, and a few of the things he said matched up to things she had said. It was a clear case of them being from the same world as the skullgirl was mentioned, something Blazermate remembered Bowser had turned into a striker as is his need to be a father to wayward children. That was going to be one spicy conversation Blazermate didn't want to miss.

Next was Raz and Red, people on Sectonia's team. Blazermate found it weird that Raz, if he touched water, died. That feels made up, like wouldn't he just die in the rain? Could he never bathe? That last bit really bugged Susie, but she had an idea she could always robotize the boy, that should fix his water weakness. Psionics were something both robot ladies didn't know too much about, although Susie knew way more about it than Blazermate. The other guy sounded like some kind of super sentai or something. Susie knew how to dealt with those types if it came to it. Blazermate knew more about them if anime was to be believed, but she wasn't much one to care for their shenanigans. They were too showy and not as hunky. Still she wondered if he had some kind of fancy gun or something. "Sorry Raz, I don't think you can fix robot brains. Appreciate the idea though." Blazermate said, being nice to Raz and his offer. While Sectonia knew the boy could do this, it was still a bit unnerving.

Roxas's introduction was new to Blazermate and Susie, but only Blazermate really understood what he was talking about. "Huh... I guess it makes sense that they came from a world somewhere. Although since you look like a pretty anime boy, I doubt the people I saw were from your world." Blazermate had seated herself close to Roxas, as she liked pretty boys like him. They reminded her of home in a way. "And uh, you don't need to be so formal, Loosen up a little... I mean I don't think your like that silver haired anime boy that ran off right?" Blazermate continued, looking over at Roxas like she had a bit of a crush on him, although due to her face, that was hard to tell.

Primrose and Ace were people everyone had met, so there wasn't much for anyone to think of them. Although Blazermate did have to get him hooked up with Nadia, so there was that. Something the other two girls weren't aware of. It was nice to get a clarification on what they all did though, since Blazermate and Sectonia could only guess.

The koops troop went next, but they really didn't put on much of a show. they mostly bragged about what they could do or how strong they were, with only Kamek having anything that really interested Sectonia since they last met. Sectonia was a bit interested in Bowser's mention of having gone through this a few times before. Either he was lying, or he was smarter than he let on. She doubted the latter though, so only time would tell. Rika was the last one of the group and Sectonia could see that she wasn't the smartest in the drawer, much like Bowser, but in her case it could be excused.

When it was Sectonia's turn she didn't disappoint. "As those who have journeyed with me know, I am Queen Sectonia, ruler of Floralia." Sectonia started, having only her natural presence being shown, but when she reached the next part of her speech, she fully opened up her wings to make herself look bigger and get even more attention, if that was possible. "I am a powerful sorcerer and spellsword and now thanks to journeying in this hodgepodge of a world, now command space and time alongside my magnificent beauty!" Having said that line, she then went back to a more rested pose. "Those who serve me as my minions are justly rewarded. What Queen would be without her subjects?"

That last line might've actually caught even those who have traveled with her a bit off guard, as it had been one of the nicer things she had said, although since it was more of a subtle thing, it was very much possible not many would see it like that. She then demonstrated her powerful magic, requesting someone to join her in the demonstration. Seeing as Blazermate needed to also show what she did, she figured it should be ok? She knew Sectonia's magic didn't seem to hurt the other seekers when she used it. Blazermate herself would need to build up her medaforce to show what she could do anyway, so she figured she could go while Sectonia did.

Sectonia demonstrated by first showing her mastery over Time. To do so she requested Blazermate just fly around. Blazermate did this, but also used the opportunity to overheal people to get medaforce, Sectonia and Bowser being wonderful wells of medaforce due to their significant constitutions. Sectonia demonstrated that she could both speed up and slow down the flow of time for either individuals, or in an area, with Blazermate going both faster and slower when she did so. Sectonia then conjured a glowing dark rainbow shield around Blazermate, telling all who were watching. "From the powers of this 'Chaos Heart', a powerful shield that makes whoever is shielded highly resistant to all damage."

With her buff abilities shown, Sectonia requested Blazermate sit back down, with Blazermate flying on top of and resting on Bowser's shell as she healed him to generate paltry amounts of medaforce. Sectonia then said to look at the sky as she summoned a giant crystal, then finishing up with a grand finale of shattering the space and the crystal; a fair bit above the picnic table. A sound akin to shattering glass, although more ethereal, could be heard far and wide when she did this, causing the detonated area to shatter like said glass and become a white void that slowly regained color as the world repaired itself.

"And being a proper Queen, I can control who is affected by all of my spells. Even the destruction of space won't hurt my minions." Funny enough, Sectonia didn't show she could summon her antillions, her rings of light, lightning, nor her swordplay, although she figured she had shown her destructive power fairly well and it was always best to not show one's entire hand.

Considering both Peach and Bowser and mentioned they were the leaders, Sectonia threw her crown into that ring as well. "A Queen lets others do things for her. Her royalty is here for all to see and is without question." Although it was annoying there were so many royals in this group truth be told. Each one did have a different rank of royalty, so there was at least no contention there, but it was still quite annoying having to 'share' the limelight with a turtle and an admittedly useful punk princess. Sectonia also did somewhat regret having turned that plant thing into a striker now, as knowing this 'snackivator' thing could be extremely useful. Sectonia would have to keep in close contact with Kamek seeing what this thing did, as it drastically increased Sectonia's abilitiy to take in other spirits. A bit of petals to replace the yellow trim on her lower half would look lovely, but that opportunity had passed and that fire vulnerability was far too severe for such paltry power in return as it was.

Blazermate had been spending her time building up Medaforce, as her powers were both supportive and harmless in nature. Flying to hover above everyone, getting off of Bowser's shell, Blazermate said "Hiya everyone, I'm Blazermate and I'm your main healer. Make sure things don't get to me. I can defend myself ok, but I'm made more for healing than punching or shooting things. Of course those that I was healing could probably feel that healing energy that made you better than you were, for a short time anyway." She then pointed at Roxas, the anime boy who was her current anime boy crush, and said. "It takes me a bit, but if I heal enough, I can do this." and with her healing beam on Roxas, turned the boy a metallic blue as he became invincible for a good 12 seconds, Blazermate also having the same sheen. "IE turn you invincible. Its really useful. I can also instead turn that invincibility into extra damage. Damage that I've had Bowser here use and oh man, that skullgirl didn't know what hit her when that critical fireball came barreling towards her!"

Blazermate then explained a few of her other support abilities, IE the ability to heal most status effects, her engineer buddy who could make fun buildings which she summoned at Rika's request, making a dispenser for everyone. She showed her new drones that deployed whenever she started to fly, marking weakpoints on enemies, and her projectile shield that she said "Does some insane damage if an enemy decides to try to push through it. I managed to kill an enemy medic using this and they couldn't outpace the damage even with all their healing on them!" The last thing she mentioned was her ability to turn things into zombies and command them, but she gave that as little fanfare as possible since that was more offensive and less supportive. Out of everyone who had demonstrated stuff, she seemed to have a slew of abilities. When asked, she said. "Well, I was one of the first seekers, so..."

Seeing those around her, Susie felt a little inadequat in the lack of things she could do in comparison, but it would be tough to match such varied skills. Still, one common thing was shown with everyone. Bar Blazermate, no one here was even remotely used to technology or science. Most seemed to use raw strength or magic to accomplish everything. Getting up from her seat Susie introduced herself. "I am Susie Haltmann, CEO of Haltmann Works Company. A company that specializes in robotics, technology, science, harvesting planetary resources, robiticizing, and making wishes come true." She then moved to an open area to pull out a remote and summon her Business suit, the drill shaped mech being a first for many to see. "This is my business suit. A powerful mech suit that lets me tangle with the biggest of threats. Susie then hopped out of her business suit which disappeared in a small burst of light. "Although I'd prefer it if one of you could handle those for me.~" Susie said, finishing off with a cutsy tone and winking at Bowser.

Susie then went over a lot of business jargon that went over most of the seeker's heads. What they could all gather though was she was good with money, so money wouldn't be as big of an issue as it had been. Sure Peach had been funding some of the seekers, but others had to get by with almost no money or mercenary work. This was quite gladdening for Sectonia to hear, as she was growing a bit tired of having to be a mercenary queen.
@Archmage MC That's fair, and hey I could be wrong depending on the powers everyone else has. Time will tell.

I could definitely tell this character was based on a game due to the fairy ability being described as having 'stacks'. What game is it if you don't mind me asking? Either way, I think you are in a cool position to re-flavor those powers the way you want to, and to better fit the roleplay medium.

Lobotomy Corp and Library of Ruina.


I didn't use her Lobo corp variant since that involves a sanity system and shes a boss in that game instead of being a player character, so shes 'stronger' in lobo corp. Also you can tell I got lazy on the name and just reused it because... I'm bad at names in general and this name sounds cool anyway.
@Archmage MC Hey I think the image you used isn't working, I'm curious to see what your character looks like!

I also don't mean to be a prude, but this character feels very powerful. Fitting for someone based on doctor fate but for a group of new members to the JSA, we might want to have more toned-down abilities or more egregious weaknesses. Again, I don't mean to be rude but if we are going to be on a team together I'd like to have my character feel on par with every one else.

I wasn't sure on powerlevel, so I just put her stuff in as it appears in the game I got her from. But I can twaek stuff. Maybe get rid of the sin ability and have that be a part of one of her stories at whcih point she gets it.

I will mention that as I got her from a video game charcater, in that game she is more of a support character instead of a pure damage character. Fairy does let her do things solo, but thats where her damage comes from.

I'm trying to figure out the time period so I know how to write her bio. Is a secondary character needed?
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