Level 11 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (47/110)
Level 4 Susie - (11/40) - (Holding 1 level up)
Location: Midgar
Word Count: 890
Blazermate listened to the questions her friends asked. She really was let down with the fact that no one knew what happened to Japan, or if they even know of any medabots here. It was a big city, so it made sense that they probably didn't know, but still, it was quite the let down. Still, with everyone asking their own questions and getting their replies, discussion who they should go with and everything, Blazermate got to thinking about what she wanted to do and where she wanted to go, but she really wasn't sure.
Susie however had gotten enough information to make her own decision, which ended up being a mix of the various ideas thrown around. Deciding to introduce herself, she gave a polite cough to catch everyone's attention before saying. "I am Susana Haltman, but you can call me Susie. I run my own business called the Haltman Works Company. We use the power of science to make wondrous products, robots, harvest planets, and grant wishes. Unfortunately certain sectors of the company are experiencing complications so production is limited. Still, I'm sure those of the city would appreciate the things currently on offer." Susie said, showing the group her blaster. She would show them her business suit, but the room was a bit too small for that. She then began discussing her own plans.
"If it wasn't for the fact that I suspect that Shinra is involved with the guardian of the zone or those that hide it, I would recommend we skip all of this pretense dealing with these factions and just join and climb the Shinra ladder, do some corporate espionage, and take over the entire city that way. But seeing as that is not an option..." Susie said, thinking. A few various ideas could be heard coming from the pink robot, her mumbling "I could open a branch office for the Haltman Works Company here, but selling resources or robots would be difficult without access to the Access Ark. And if I had that, I could just compete directly with Shinra and push them out of town. Its not like their tiny mako reactors could compete with entire solar systems worth of materials..."
After thinking to herself for a bit more, Susie decided on an idea. "You said this Despirado group had various amounts of robotics and cybernetics? Perhaps I could use some of the tech developed at my company to amplify their power and have us situated at the group that allowed Despirado to eliminate a threat of the city? I can operate on a small scale, at least." Susie said, finishing with a smile on her face. Susie then shrugged. "Otherwise getting contacts in with the Hermits doesn't seem so bad. Perhaps it would be a way to get a proper corporation going in this sector like Midna suggested. I could handle all that paperwork without issue and they could supply us tech to sell. I'm sure they would like a public face to work through."
Blazermate wasn't as gung ho about all of this as Susie was, but she did think of something to input, although it wasn't all that much. "HI I'm Blazermate and uh... I don't really care who we side with. I'm still bummed that Japan is gone..." Blazermate said with a sad expression on her face. Trying to get herself over it though, she slapped both of her cheeks before continuing with a more determined look. "These 'others' seem like they are zombies. Are they zombies or undead, or some kind of alien thing? If they are zombie like, my arm part here can control them. Turning an entire Ever Crisis faction into an ally would be super cool. It'd also make us the biggest bots on the block if we just swooped in and took an entire faction out overnight." Blazermate then thought about her time in the Dead Zone and shook her head. "But I doubt it'd be that easy. I haven't seen much in the way of zombies that I didn't create myself with the Dead Zone getting nuked..."
Having taken the wind out of her own sails, Blazermate then continued, a little bit defeated. "But yeah, power wise I can control and make undead with this shield part of mine. My other arm can heal people or other robots, make them invincible, make their damage super effective, and other medic stuff. I'm also super perceptive and can see enemy and ally health and weakspots, summon a guy who has a super powerful gun and teleporters, and can put up a really damaging energy shield that blocks a lot of things."
Blazermate than sighed, saying. "If i had to pick a faction, I'd say the psy ops people just because I wanna see if this arm can control the Others. Otherwise I don't really care. I would like to see the robots you were talking about though and see if there are any medabots there." Blazermate then paused, thinking about it, and said. "Wait, that machine faction doesn't have any robots that kinda look like me right? Colorful parts, a head like mine, maybe a hatch on their back? Man, I hope we don't run into a God Emperor. Those guys are nasty."