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Level 9 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (63/90)
Location: Necropolis
Word Count: less than 750

Sectonia DID want to view what a boss fight was in this place. If the horrid miniosn were anything, the leader of these minions must be truly grotesque. And that seemed to be the case as the room was covered in various archways, cobwebs, and a dark ceiling. And as if the room itself was an illusion, when everyone had gotten in the room, a deep, horrid sound could be heard as bits and pieces of a monster appeared from the archways deploying its minions in such horrid, grotesque ways by making its own flesh explode. And those minions, while different from what they had seen before, were still grotesque themselves. And this show of body horror made Sectonia very, very mad.

"This is the leader of these grotesque monsters? Show it no mercy my minions!" Sectonia said, casting her Haste on everyone as they were all grouped together. She was hesitant to cast it on Ganondorf, but she could revoke it at any time if the gerudo king tried anything and was too mad at the horrid creatures in front of her to care. Just then a mighty foot came down out of the darkness at the group, Sectonia blinking away to safety so she could begin to summon her own minions, her now supercharged antillions getting to work throwing their elemental magics at the minions summoned by Mom.

Looking over the battle, Sectonia had to figure out what to do herself. Considering the hit and run nature of this creature, she figured she should handle the grotesque minions herself while the more agile members dealt with the giant in the sky and the grotesque body parts moving through the walls. Handing off her Chaos Shield to one of the less durable minions of hers, Jesse for the time being, Sectonia got to work throwing large rings of light or stabbing the minions around the room with her swords. Sometimes occasionally her splash damage would hit Mom, but she was targeting the minions first and foremost.

Level 9 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (62/90)
Location: Necropolis
Word Count: 672

Exiting the item room sounds of combat could be heard outside the door to the north, so Sectonia figured another group had entered the room that door lead to and were dealing with the monsters inside. Still, this room had its own monsters for her to deal with in a wide open room that looked like some dark alchemist crypt.

Inside the room were 6 masks and heart pairs. While the masks ran at Sectonia in lateral directions, the hearts seemed to flee from her in the same manner. She tried throwing some of her dark globules at the masks advancing towards her position, but soon found they just bounced off. So much for 'pierces all defense', but then the hearts themselves were trying to stay away and out of conflict entirely, so perhaps they were the monster's true form and this was merely a shield?

Considering her ability to blink, reaching the hearts and staying out of range of the masks wasn't that difficult. Summoning her Chaos shield, she began to blink about the room. While there were quite a few things flying about the room and her large size forced her to blink more often than she'd like, the hearts took damage normally from her strikes. Sticking to her swords only, as they allowed her to utilize her blink in a much more timely manner and still strike afterwords. Sectonia had a bit of enjoyment fighting these things as the hearts just tried to flee from her feebily shooting out blood globules in random directions around it, unable to fight back that well as she slashed at them with a mighty overhead swing before blinking to the next heart. While it took a couple rotations of this blinking maeuvor, her striking heart after heart, when she managed to destroy the first heart the corresponding mask also blew up. With fewer and fewer masks, the battle got easier and easier. And thanks to her shield, the odd blood globule that hit her had its damage greatly reduced, but considering the hearts couldn't even aim their globules of panic, she was able to avoid them for the most part.

While the others were clearing the room to the north, Sectonia managed to clear this room herself, having a skillset that let her dominate the creatures inside it. Upon clearing the room, a strange symbol in red appeared in the center of the room. Sectonia, ever weary of new things in this dungeon, looked at it with her magical ability, and found that it might've been something she'd be interested in if it didn't have strings attached. She sensed whoever grabbed this item would gain power, but power granted to them by another instead of by the item itself. A dangerous prospect in general, but even more so in this horror filled dungeon full of disgusting monsters of filth, decay, and death. Making a pact would give her pause normally, but making a pact with whatever might've ran this dungeon? A fools decision; She'd much rather take the power at its source.

When the team clearing the rooms to the north finished clearing their rooms and entered what would be their 4th room, they'd see Sectonia, the queen saying. "This place is quite strange and has secrets left behind. I am not interested in 'that', but if any of you are, feel free to take it. Beware, it seems to be connected to something. Or feel free to take the weird rotten fruit in the 'golden room'" Sectonia said, pointing at the Boon of Ares, then the item room itself. She then joined up with the rest of the party, commanding her antillion to come back to her through the cleared rooms and crushing the spirits she had gotten from the rooms she cleared.

Hm... she didn't see the shop on this floor, perhaps it was behind her? Those seemed to have more... manageable items than whatever that red symbol or rotten fruit behind her was.

Level 11 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (54/110)
Level 4 Susie - (18/40) - (Holding 1 level up)

Location: Midgar > Detroit
Word Count: 1224

Blazermate agreed with Tora when it came to not getting into unnecessary robattles, Tora defiantly telling her that Poppi was the only partner for her, with Poppi stating the obvious of Tora's wandering eyes on other ladies that weren't Blazermate or Susie. "Sure, sure, but just letting you know. More for me than you as it looks like this is more akin to where I came from than what the world has been for the past week." Blazermate said, shrugging. "At least the medabot rules say I can attack humans if they attack me. They had to make that rule after some idiots called the Rubberobo gang caused tons of chaos. If you see people in black rubber full body suits with sci-fi alien looking horns on their heads, thats them. They are goofy, but thuggish." Susie meanwhile watched the whole thing with Poppi and Tora and gave a slight giggle, noting Tora acted a lot like a teenage boy.

Tora then remembered what Blazermate said back at the junk depot, and decided they should all investigate that again to find some answers to what was a really, really good question. With the four back at the junkyard, Susie, Poppi, and Blazermate scouted for an android to inspect, which didn't take long as they all found one that was mostly intact under some rubble. Thanks to all the subtle robotic muscle in the group, they exhumed the body which quickly got up and tried to speak some words of warning to Blazermate, holding onto her for dear life before it was cut down by Poppi. Blazermate was right, these robots were zombies! She got up in a guarded pose with her shield ready as Tora apologized for the altercation that just happened and got to work ripping apart the android.

Upon seeing exactly what Tora was working with, Susie remarked. "Quite ghoulish work. Making a robot so identical to organic life would lead to that though." with Blazermate trying to get the flecks of robot blood off of her face letting out spitting and spluttering sounds even though she had no mouth for the blood to get into. "Seriously why would someone do that unless they had no idea how to make a proper robot." Blazermate said. Medabots didn't have any blood or liquid inside of them as they didn't need it, besides nanobots perhaps. After digging around for a little while, Tora found the core of the robot, holding a card like black box object.

Blazermate looked at it, a bit confused but soon figured out what it was when Susie said. "So the core of these androids is a black box?" Poppi then grabbed the device after taking pictures of it to take a look at it with Tora guessing that the robot's spirit resided inside of it. After flpping it around a bit in her hands and giving it back to Tora, Susie noticed something with the card looking black box object and said. "Whats that rainbow crack inside of it?" Curious, Susie tried to get the item from Tora, but when Tora gave it to Susie, the card finally broke entirely, causing the body it was attached to and the card itself to turn into spiritual dust, with the robot's spirit left behind.

Upon seeing this, there was a bit of a complex emotion on Blazermate's face as if she was both terrified, and relieved at seeing what had just happened. Susie meanwhile was in the same thinking process as Tora and Poppi. "Well, it seems that, indeed, the robotic spirits are inside these cards. Although it didn't seem strong enough to be a processor or power supply, which is interesting." Susie then heard as Tora and Poppi mentioned some 'cyberlife' thing, and his idea that whoever made these robots was aware of spirits. Susie thought for a bit as Tora wanted to go to the headquarters, while Poppi told him they had no idea where it was, and came up with some idea. "Before you killed it, it mentioned something about "find Jerico"? Is that its owner, its creator, or something else entirely?"

Blazermate meanwhile held her head in her hands for a little bit as she thought, saying. "I guess that might explain one of my worries here, but we'd best find an actual medabot to do this same thing to before I know for sure..." mumbling something about that being that robot's medal and how fragile it was.

A few streets over, a protest against androids was being held. Protesters holding and chanting slogans which Susie quickly recognized were people without jobs, having their jobs taken by androids and these people not at all happy. Susie mulled over if she could hire these people right now, but without the Access Ark or her facilities to turn them into cyborgs under her company's command, there wasn't much reason to. Nor did she have a real working business in the area, so there wasn't much she could do. She did keep a note of this unrest as it could be useful later however.

Blazermate wasn't as naive as Poppi was about this whole situation either; there were medabot haters in her world as well but they were far fewer since very, very few medabots worked alone. After all, a medabot often needed a rare medal to even disobey humans that weren't outright hostile to it. Still, she hadn't ever seen it this bad before, but then no robot in her world looked as human as the ones here did. Speaking of a human looking robot, one was moving around the crowd and G Men in order to make it to a bus stop. Curious, Tora moved to talk to it, with Blazermate and Susie following since there really wasn't anything better to do.

It seemed this android was a wealth of information that they had been looking for, even more so for Susie than Blazermate. Blazermate learned that this was exactly like her old home, although with the ID LED stuff instead of medawatches and all that. As long as she said she was on an errand she could move about freely, which was always a fun excuse. Susie meanwhile caught onto something extra; robots here weren't known to lie or steal as their maker, cyberlife, made it impossible for them to do so. Something she could very, very easily take advantage of as that was the bread and butter of the business world. Soon after the bus came and picked up everyone waiting there, Susie and Blazermate needing to sit in the 'android reserved' zone where they just stood while Tora could sit down. Blazermate was used to standing, even if she enjoyed sitting down, while Susie was a bit irritated, but took the time to think about all the things she could take advantage of here. But at least unlike Poppi, the two robot girls didn't look sad, as if this was the first time Poppi had ran into something like this.

"Hey Poppi, is this your first time running into robo haters?" Blazermate said, curious. Susie wondered this too, although she wasn't as concerned as Blazermate as she was already thinking about what business to take over and fold into her own. "This is a bit more extreme than I'm used to, but its mostly standard, I guess its different where your from huh?"

Level 9 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (61/90)
Location: Necropolis
Word Count: 1459

Sectonia was impressed that little skull helmed bug knight soloed the boss of this floor, when her and the others managed to get there. Seeing as he managed to defeat the boss, it only made sense for him to get the reward which seemed to be some blue cloths that covered up the dark parts of his body in the same color. What that outfit gave, Sectonia could only guess at, but it seems defensive in nature. Still, she couldn't help but echo the sentiment that he looked cute in that outfit.

There was an additional door that lead to another, much more sinister looking room. Inside was a demon sitting on a stone throne with an item pedestal containing an item with an evil red face, the cost of the item being a 'heart', which Sectonia guessed was life force seeing as this was incredibly demonic looking. Seeing as there was nothing left, Sectonia went down to the next floor, having no interest to spill her royal blood for something so ugly.

The next floor in these depths had the stench of the long dead about it. If she had to rate the smell, she'd say it was getting better as they went down, but not by much. She was tired of this place, and as the others debated which way and where they'd go, she decided to start clearing some rooms on her own. She decided to go right first, entering a room filled with 6 rolling organs (Guts), and a giant mass of organs (Mama Guts) with some scattered skulls and rocks around the room, some by themselves, some in sets that look liked a + sign. Upon the Queen entering the room, the small balls of organs began to roll in straight lines, although some went for Sectonia, others went other ways and the large mass just slowly moved randomly across the floor.

Sectonia teleported away from the organ balls that made their way to her, being able to fly over the glowing red blood trails they left behind as they rolled. Upon reaching any obstacle, the organ balls just circled around it, clinging to it like flies to honey. This made them easy to dodge for Sectonia, since she could just ignore them or stab them when they got close. The big mess of organs however upon seeing Sectonia attack its hapless minions began its slow advance on the Queen. Wanting to keep that behemoth as far away from her as she could, Sectonia summoned her own minions to pepper it with ice from a distance. It didn't take nearly as long as she figured it would to kill such a large mass of organs with her antillions, but it made sense when it split into two of the smaller ones, making avoiding the rolling balls a bit tricky until she started to clear them out with her swords and antillions.

For clearing such a relatively easy room, even if it was disgusting, Sectonia got nothing at all. Ordering her antillions to grab the spirits of the defeated organ balls, Sectonia went back to the entrance hall. She left an antillion in the entrance hall holding the spoils of the previous room, and decided to enter the room to the north instead. In this room things started to take a weird turn. Still on theme for this whole place sure, but weird non the less as two chained up demons were on the far wall (Begottens), both trying to charge at Sectonia with bloodlust in their eyes but being held by the chains along the wall as 2 what could be seen as... Well Sectonia didn't want to think about it were floating about the room. (Psy Tumor) Occasionally they shot a ring of... purple balls around it? Sectonia noticed these seemed to curve towards her when they got near, but didn't have all that much range. The room itself was fairly open, with the corners of the room being bottomless pits and a couple skulls in the center.

Seeing the chained up demons weren't able to reach her, Sectonia decided to deal with the floating... things... They were at least quite large, so her large light rings were able to land on them more consistently than say, the flies from a few floors earlier. This caused these things to panic upon getting hit, causing them to rapidly spit up their purple orbs as they got hit and began to die, a few of these orbs hitting Sectonia as she wasn't expecting them to attack properly while being damaged. While she was able to cut them up, they did land a few hits on her which smarted. With those gone, the demons chained to the walls broke free of their chains and rushed down the queen, getting a hit on her before she teleported away. This confused them for a moment before they ran at her new location. Sectonia blinked again, and the same thing happened. This gave her an idea that might be amusing, she deserved some amusement considering she had taken damage here.

Moving to a wall after a teleport, Sectonia decided she'd use up these bombs that she had been holding onto. She had no more use for them, so why not destroy the disgusting things of this floor with their own rewards? The first bomb she laid along the east wall she tried to lead the demons into, but misjudged how fast they could move away from the explosion wasting the bomb. Readjusting the timing in her head, she moved to the west wall and did the same thing, this time timing her teleport correctly and catching both demons in the explosion, killing the two of them in one shot and clearing the room. "Hmm..." Sectonia said to herself as she realized those bombs were stronger than she gave them credit for, but there wasn't much she could do about that.

With the room cleared, a card that radiated some kind of teleport magic appeared in the center of the room, while a hole was blasted in the west wall. Sectonia picked up the card which had a bit of artwork on it with the word "stars" on the bottom. She then looked at the hole in the wall she had made, and came to realize it was that 'secret' room she had found earlier. She totally forgot about these things, as she didn't have a good way to find it on the last floor, and just happened to luck into it on this floor. If she hadn't played with those demons, she doubt she would've found it here as well. Either way, inside was only 6 coins, so there wasn't much in there so perhaps these weren't all that important anyway.

Now the 'Stars' card and its teleport magic was interesting. Considering it was teleport magic, she had no idea where it would take her. Likewise, she had no idea where it would take any of her minions if they were to rip the card instead. Seeing as she could teleport inherently and not wanting to risk her minions on something like this, Sectonia thought about this for a little while as her antillion ran into the room and began to collect the spirits of the defeated enemies. She decided to rip it herself, figuring that only the items on those stone pedestals or those in the shops seemed to cause issues with appearance.

Upon ripping it, Sectonia was instantly warped to the item room, being unharmed herself and unchanged, but now stuck in the golden crowned room with quite an Unsightly Appearance and rotten smell. Perhaps one of her minions would want it, but she for sure wouldn't.

Level 11 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (51/110)
Level 4 Susie - (15/40) - (Holding 1 level up)

Location: Midgar > Detroit
Word Count: 1436

The two robot ladies, having made some basic plans, were soon told off for them as they needed some extra identification. Blazermate nodded her head at this, saying. "Yeah yeah, makes sense. Same as in my world more or less. Did you know medabots are actually toys where I come from? Crazy right?" Susie meanwhile was angry at this, since she was running a very successful business doing things on a galactic scale. She was brought out of this anger with Blazermate's offhanded comments about herself, actually confused as to what society would have military grade robots like her as TOYS. She'd have to see if she could do business with these people, it could be very lucrative...

Still, with Tora and Poppi, the two girls were directed to the Solid Waste landfill. Tora was happy at first to see new tech, but had his enthusiasm quickly deflated as he saw what was essentially a mass grave for robots. Poppi was just as mortified, if not more so due to being a robot and the two looked very unsettled here. Blazermate herself was a bit creeped out by this place, but it was more akin to someone being creeped out at a graveyard than the dread Poppi was feeling. Susie meanwhile seemed to be disgusted at the sight, but only because this was incredibly wasteful, saying "What a waste of resources..." Apparently the pink haired robot girl didn't think in the same was as the other two.

The two girls followed Tora and Poppi down into the wasteland of robotic bits and pieces. Susie noticed that basically almost anything of worth, or what seemed to be of worth, had been scavenged from what robots the scavengers could find. Within the wasteland there were human looking robots, things Blazermate figured were the robots they'd be fighting and... Medabots? Yes, Medabots! She knew they were around here somewhere! But they were... thrown away parts? Blazermate flew over to these two junked metabots to get a closer look at them. It was no wonder they had been thrown out, their tinpets were irreversibly damaged and the nanobots inside were gone. Doing something Tora had only seen before, Blazermate pulled these medabot corpses out of the landfill and opened a hatch on their back, a hatch she kept hidden under her schoolgirl/medic backpack. She had a look of concern on her face as the hatches opened, but let out a sigh when she saw what was inside them. "Oh good, they didn't throw out the Medals. So these are just busted up hunks of metal."

It was then a truly morbid thought came across Blazermate's mind. "Hey guys..." She started, getting the attention of the group. "WHY is there a robot landfill in the first place that is still being filled when things turn into spirits when they die?" With that thought, Blazermate flew above the landfill, waiting for Tora to get her an LED, clearly freaked out. Susie scratched her chin as she thought about this too. Why was that the case? In fact, she hadn't really seen anyone but things they had defeated turn into spirits... Why was that? But she shook her head, apparently the main group they were looking for had fused with spirits, so there had to be something else going on.

Thanks to Tora, the two bots had their LEDs installed. Blazermate choosing a Military LED, while Susie got a commercial one. Blazermate didn't move or anything as Tora did his work, while Susie gave him a sideways stare. She wasn't angry at Tora in particular, more the whole situation, but she couldn't help but stare daggers at the Nippon. She let out a sigh when the process was done, saying. "I have a feeling if I did open a business here, I wouldn't be the CEO of it until this whole Ever Crisis is dealt with... Even then I wonder..."

Tora and Poppi then went to go visit a store full of shiny new on display robots. Blazermate followed behind, with Susie bringing up the rear, merely curious as to what the commercial grade robots were. Tora spent his time in the store staring at the human looking androids with sexy bodies, as Poppi made a fool of herself unintentionally as the shop owners found her line of questions weird. Looking around the shop, Blazermate saw an old KBT medabot. It wasn't as shiny as the legendary heroes KBT, but its guns still packed a punch. Still, seeing a medabot on sale was nice to see.

Blazermate asked the two store clerics after Poppi left, seemingly embarrassed or insulted at the word of having an 'owner.' Susie, not that impressed with what was on sale short of the combat medabot, left with Poppi. She didn't want to even MENTION needing an owner as that was far below her if she didn't need to. Blazermate mused asking the clerics about the medabot, but figured Poppi had already made a mess and her perceived owner had just left the store... so she decided to buy a cheap medabot watch looking thing and left with the others.

Catching up to Poppi who was tugging Tora along, Blazermate said in a joking singsong voice "Hehe, I guess your my Medafighter then Tora while we're here. Make sure to keep me all nice and repaired now~" finishing her sentience with a cute wink. Susie merely crossed her arms, clearly not happy about the situation. Blazermate then dropped the sing song voice, saying something that was on her mind. "So, this place has medabots. And apparently just beating up their parts or tinpets don't yield spirits. Until we fight one, I wont know if ejecting the medal will yield a spirit or not as well. I've been keeping mine well hidden because of that fact. Anyway, if we run into a medafight, Tora, you'll need something that looks like a watch on one of your wings to look like a Medafighter. " Blazermate then pulled out the watch she had bought. "I am NOT putting my medal in there for obvious reasons, but its best you look the part if this place knows anything about medabots."

She then, after thinking for a few moments, remembered something which made her freeze up for a moment before snapping herself out of it. "Oh right, uh... If you guys see any like, toy hammer looking things that have a battery attached to them and spark electricity... Please keep them far, far away from me. I don't know if they'll actually work or not with me having fused with spirits, but I really, really don't wanna try anything with a Medal Ejector. "

Blazermate then thought a bit more, and explained to Tora, Poppi, and Susie that if they did run into a medabot outside of a robattle, that they should target its head and back. If they got their medal hatch open and pulled it out, it would shut off ANY medabot no matter how bulky or dangerous it was. She even explained how one time there was a medabot the size of a building, but just yanking its medal out shut the whole thing down. "Oh right, speaking of robattles, Tora, they aren't all that complex. You just stand there and cheer me on as my medafighter. I can give up on my own, so no need for that either." She then thought, and said. "You'll know if your involved with one or not because Mr. Referee will come out of Gods knows where to announce it. Trust me, he has announced EVERY robattle I have ever seen and he has found very, VERY creative ways to find his way to referee one. Hes an eldritch monster, that man..." Blazermate stopped for a moment, nodding her head remembering how the man had appeared out of a lamppost, came out of a 10cm filled fountain like it was as deep as the ocean, parachuted from a helicopter, or even wore a mascot costume! She then remembered something very important with him. "Oh yeah, DO NOT attack him or threaten him if you see him. He is really, really strong. Like really strong. He has a satellite medabot that'll hit you with its rail cannon and smite you like a strike from God. He shouldn't attack us otherwise though, he only oversees robattles."

Susie could only think about what this man was. Considering Blazermate said she was a toy earlier, Susie wasn't surprised that the people she would have been owned by could be something akin to monsters, they'd have to be in order to have military grade hardware as toys.
Hm.... Thinking of a character for this. Goo girl might be fun, but should she just be an ooze, or a nanobot swarm/grey goo reject.

Level 11 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (48/110)
Level 4 Susie - (12/40) - (Holding 1 level up)

Location: Midgar
Word Count:

Susie and Blazermate had decided to go with the team that was going to the robot district, although for very, very different reasons. Susie was known as a robotics and resource collecting businesswoman, while Blazermate was simply, to her annoyance, labeled as 'General purpose medibot.' In retrospect she should've actually chosen something for herself, but she figured the others would come up with something cooler than her at the time.

On the way to the district, it was explained that digital districts like this one were full of crooks, and if you knew how to hack, you had car blanche to do anything you wanted. Blazermate didn't have to worry about the hacking part, ad Medabots were immune to that, but someone pickpocketing her could be nasty if they reached into the wrong spots. Susie meanwhile made sure to keep her PDA off, being more worried about her accounts being drained than anything (Although hers weren't accounts opened in midgar). She was also immune to being hacked, but for different reasons than Blazermate.

Susie looked around as they moved through the district. This was a sorry place for being a part of the city. "When we made a Cityscape, we made sure to make it look half decent, unlike this." Susie said, gesturing to the areas that looked horrid and rundown. "But considering as there are places that sell cybernetics, perhaps there is money to be made here." Susie then glanced at Raiden, in a not so subtle hint as to try to sell him some Haltman Cybernetic enhancements. Blazermate meanwhile kept her eyes open for any sign of anything from her world, but for the most part didn't see anything. "I'm not picky either Raiden, but I would like to see soemone I'd recognize for once."

Level 9 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (52/90)
Location: Basement > Cave
Word Count: 1334

Sectonia found moving through this 'basement' was tricky. The doors were too small for her, so she had to teleport through them which wasn't the best. And while she managed to clear the rooms on the left, they lead to a dead end. Being thoroughly disgusted by this floor, Sectonia decided to stay back and let the others explore ahead; although she soon found this wasn't an issue as while she had gone left, many others had gone right. And she was mostly thankful she let the others go ahead considering the amount of... horrid body waste that lie ahead. Well at least she knew the origin of the smell of this floor, but that only made things worse.

As she hung back Sectonia crushed some of the spirits she had gotten, finding.... well nothing useful. There was additionally a super heavy device she couldn't carry with her that seemed to be useless she left behind (hopper). Therion had managed to pick the lock of the item room, but all Sectonia saw was bits of blood and burnt bits at the entrance of that room, apparently something happened there she wasn't aware of. Wanting to get rid of the smell of this floor, Sectonia summoned her Antillions to clean up the rooms the others had cleared in an attempt to maybe bring some class, or at least reduce the smell of, this floor and collect any spirits they left behind. Being magical constructs, they didn't care one way or another. Sectonia did have to resummon them a few times though as they got filthier and filthier as they cleaned. As she had her antillions clean, she figured what kind of atrocious monster would hire or even make use of any of these things. Anyone that stuck around the Queen would see this was definitely a place she hated just by the expression on her face.

Eventually making her way through the dungeon, following behind the others, Sectonia found that a room marked on the map as a ? mark seemed to have no way to enter it. A strange thing, but she wasn't a stranger to secret passages. Using her antillions, she had them check out the nearby walls that bordered the hidden room and after a few attempts, figured there was some false wall separating it from the rest of the dungeon. A breath of fresh air perhaps? Her antilllions couldn't break through the wall, and she wasn't going to put her hands on it anytime soon... Seeing as she had gotten her hands on an explosive, Sectonia tried using it to blow open the false wall, almost as if it was some kind of makeshift key.

This had the proper effect, blowing open a hole into what looked like a long forgotten crypt. Well 'crypt' was being loose, it seemed to be some cave that gave the air of forgotten death holding a calcified statue of some kind of weird looking person. Additionally inside it was... Well Sectonia wasn't sure what she was going to expect, but inside she found some fires and TWO explosives! Wow... TWO bombs for the price of one. If she was a kid, she figured she might, MIGHT be excited. Well, if she didn't have her sensibilities about her anyway. As she commanded her antillions to collect the explosives, she saw that the fires that were a bit more 'red' for lack of a better word attacked when the antillions got close, shooting out their own blood globules. Did everything down here attack with blood? Using ice antillions, Sectonia put out those red fires, and the yellow ones for good measure, and found that for her efforts she was rewarded one of those coins she had gotten from those spirits she crushed.

Sectonia would soon find that these coins were currency used in a, frankly, dusty and dirty store the others had discovered. Sectonia, being behind the group, only saw the tail end of their encounter with the store. Nadia had tried to steal the bomb that was apparently worth 5 currency, but the chalk numbers indicated some kind of magic. If you didn't have the currency, it wouldn't let you grab the item. Sectonia checked out the items in the store, finding the expensive one was actually something worthwhile as it buffed... minions? Well that was something she was interested in!

Although she realized she didn't have 15 of these 'coins' that existed in this dungeon. This miffed her a bit, but then she thought that perhaps the magic of the store wouldn't care about what kind of currency it was as long as it was currency. Remembering Geo was currency, Sectonia counted out 15 of it, and thrust her hand into the heart that said "BFF". Unlike Nadia who had her hand just go through the item, Sectonia actually collected the item.

Not knowing of the visual alternations these items confined, Sectonia saw that whatever antillions she had summoned immediately grew a fair amount larger. She knew they would be more powerful, but she wasn't expecting the size increase. And without a mirror, she wouldn't know about the new small tattoo that adorned her head. Something she'd learn soon.

Still lagging behind the others, as the doors only seemed to accept whoever could fit through them and only a few people went in every door, eventually the others reached a door adorned with a skull. Sectonia, alongside a few others, waited patiently as those that entered cleared out the boss. She took this time to clean any that wanted it using her now larger and stronger antillions. And considering the filth in this place, many of them needed it. When the boss was defeated and the door opened, the others waited around a hatch as the rest of the party entered, collecting themselves. Sectonia took this time to clean off whoever she could with her antillions as no self respecting minion of hers would be going around smelling like a sewer.

With everyone having caught their breath and Sectonia doing what she could to clean up her allies with her magic, the group went through the trapdoor down to the next floor. Sectonia being the last one to enter as her size meant she had to teleport down, instead of fall like the others. Upon reaching the new level, which seemed to be a cave system, the smell of sewage was gone having been replaced by the smell of general decay. It was better, but not by much.

"Hmph, whoever hid this 'mask' down here had the antithesis of beauty on their mind when they designed this place." Sectonia mentioned at how neither floor was all that accommodating to her sensibilities. Nadia had gone ahead much like usual, going in the direction of another shop she had seen. Sectonia meanwhile looked at the adjacent rooms finding many of them to have the smae grotesque monsters, although a bit more durable looking, as the previous floor. Curious as to what was in the store Nadia had found, Sectonia having found an item that made her antillions far more powerful, Sectonia made her way there after Nadia had cleared up that room. She caught the tail end of Nadia complaining about not having enough currency for some sort of prism looking object.

"IF your interested, I have some currency you can use to buy that object Nadia." Sectonia said, offering up the three pennies she was missing. "However I ask that you crush some of the spirits I have collected so far after this floor is done. I have a theory I would like to test." Far be it from Sectonia to deny one of her minions trying to beauty herself with crystal.

Level 11 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (47/110)
Level 4 Susie - (11/40) - (Holding 1 level up)

Location: Midgar
Word Count: 890

Blazermate listened to the questions her friends asked. She really was let down with the fact that no one knew what happened to Japan, or if they even know of any medabots here. It was a big city, so it made sense that they probably didn't know, but still, it was quite the let down. Still, with everyone asking their own questions and getting their replies, discussion who they should go with and everything, Blazermate got to thinking about what she wanted to do and where she wanted to go, but she really wasn't sure.

Susie however had gotten enough information to make her own decision, which ended up being a mix of the various ideas thrown around. Deciding to introduce herself, she gave a polite cough to catch everyone's attention before saying. "I am Susana Haltman, but you can call me Susie. I run my own business called the Haltman Works Company. We use the power of science to make wondrous products, robots, harvest planets, and grant wishes. Unfortunately certain sectors of the company are experiencing complications so production is limited. Still, I'm sure those of the city would appreciate the things currently on offer." Susie said, showing the group her blaster. She would show them her business suit, but the room was a bit too small for that. She then began discussing her own plans.

"If it wasn't for the fact that I suspect that Shinra is involved with the guardian of the zone or those that hide it, I would recommend we skip all of this pretense dealing with these factions and just join and climb the Shinra ladder, do some corporate espionage, and take over the entire city that way. But seeing as that is not an option..." Susie said, thinking. A few various ideas could be heard coming from the pink robot, her mumbling "I could open a branch office for the Haltman Works Company here, but selling resources or robots would be difficult without access to the Access Ark. And if I had that, I could just compete directly with Shinra and push them out of town. Its not like their tiny mako reactors could compete with entire solar systems worth of materials..."

After thinking to herself for a bit more, Susie decided on an idea. "You said this Despirado group had various amounts of robotics and cybernetics? Perhaps I could use some of the tech developed at my company to amplify their power and have us situated at the group that allowed Despirado to eliminate a threat of the city? I can operate on a small scale, at least." Susie said, finishing with a smile on her face. Susie then shrugged. "Otherwise getting contacts in with the Hermits doesn't seem so bad. Perhaps it would be a way to get a proper corporation going in this sector like Midna suggested. I could handle all that paperwork without issue and they could supply us tech to sell. I'm sure they would like a public face to work through."

Blazermate wasn't as gung ho about all of this as Susie was, but she did think of something to input, although it wasn't all that much. "HI I'm Blazermate and uh... I don't really care who we side with. I'm still bummed that Japan is gone..." Blazermate said with a sad expression on her face. Trying to get herself over it though, she slapped both of her cheeks before continuing with a more determined look. "These 'others' seem like they are zombies. Are they zombies or undead, or some kind of alien thing? If they are zombie like, my arm part here can control them. Turning an entire Ever Crisis faction into an ally would be super cool. It'd also make us the biggest bots on the block if we just swooped in and took an entire faction out overnight." Blazermate then thought about her time in the Dead Zone and shook her head. "But I doubt it'd be that easy. I haven't seen much in the way of zombies that I didn't create myself with the Dead Zone getting nuked..."

Having taken the wind out of her own sails, Blazermate then continued, a little bit defeated. "But yeah, power wise I can control and make undead with this shield part of mine. My other arm can heal people or other robots, make them invincible, make their damage super effective, and other medic stuff. I'm also super perceptive and can see enemy and ally health and weakspots, summon a guy who has a super powerful gun and teleporters, and can put up a really damaging energy shield that blocks a lot of things."

Blazermate than sighed, saying. "If i had to pick a faction, I'd say the psy ops people just because I wanna see if this arm can control the Others. Otherwise I don't really care. I would like to see the robots you were talking about though and see if there are any medabots there." Blazermate then paused, thinking about it, and said. "Wait, that machine faction doesn't have any robots that kinda look like me right? Colorful parts, a head like mine, maybe a hatch on their back? Man, I hope we don't run into a God Emperor. Those guys are nasty."

Level 9 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (49/90)
Location: The Crossroads > Basement
Word Count: 1722

Sectonia hadn't paid as much attention as she should've. Having dismissed the sleeping Grubz Mother as something not worth her time, she didn't pay attention to the Adventurer, Ganondorf, and eventually Nadia who all dealt with it and its spawn that erupted from it upon death in a shower of... Well thankfully Sectonia didn't see what it actually did but she did see the aftermath. And everyone came out of it mostly well, so that was a plus. Well, physically well. But appearance wise? She'd need to clean them up when she had the chance.

Surprisingly Nadia denied Sectonia's request of the Symbol of Avarice. Perhaps she figured the drop in life force was permanent? "The loss is temporary, as if you got damaged. But I suppose I'll find someone else..." Sectonia was a bit deflated but undeterred. Nadia hadn't seen what this thing could do, so it did make sense that she wasn't jumping for joy at the possiblity to see what strange and wonderful things she would find.

"Still, when we have the chance. I need to get you, the adventurer there, and even our 'king of evil' cleaned and proper. Being covered in... that... can't be comfortable." Sectonia said, her tone of voice dropping a notable octave when she mentioned Ganondorf, her sense of beauty even outweighing her distrust of the man if for a moment.

Wanting to get a move on, and with Sectonia's little group in agreement, Bowser's group having gone somewhere else. Sectonia rolled her eyes, "Of course the oaf got himself lost..." Sectonia thought as she told a couple of her antillions to go and find the koopa king and her other minions that were missing, pointing them in the direction of the strange forest that they had gone. She gave the same orders to the monsters she had 'adopted' through mind control as well. If this place was going to be gross and horrible, it would be best to stay gathered together. With that done, she headed after Nadia as the cat girl made her way to the basement as well.

And considering what happened next with Nadia jumping headlong into a 'chest' that lead to the basement according to her map, this was a much better idea than Sectonia was going to give herself credit for. Having gone ahead on her own again, Nadia found herself being ambushed yet again and needing to take whatever path she could find for an escape, jumping into that chest as a result. Sectonia could only sigh at the cat girls proclivity to find danger, or perhaps, eagerness. The creatures that chased her into said chest were quite the sights, and not for good reasons. Did everything down here have to be sickeningly awful?

Surprisingly said chest that lead to the basement was incredibly large, so much so that even Sectonia or Bowser looked like they could fit through it without much issue. The miners seemed to ignore the queen bee, but the things that assaulted Nadia did not. Having left one injured, Sectonia decided it would be best to clean up after the feral and make the way down for her other minions or even the others easier. Plus more spirits to loot wouldn't hurt. Sectonia made her move, summoning her Chaos shield before blinking next to the pair of Kindred of Rot and zapping them both with dark lightning blasts as one was helping the other wounded one to its feet. Sectonia didn't stay for very long herself either, blasting the wounded one until it turned to dust even as the other one smacked her with its polearm and its threads. What Sectonia didn't expect was a third that struck her with its threads from range, very angry at the bee queen attaching its friend. Thankfully Sectonia had most of the damage being absorbed by the chaos shield, but with two attacking at full force and a third attacking her at half strength, they got through that Chaos Shield and started damaging the queen proper. She didn't take too much of that punishment though before she turned the weakened Kindred of Rot to dust, grabbed its spirit, and blinked her way into the chest. Still, she could see why Nadia ran, they were disgusting and damaging at the same time.

She soon found that flying down through the chest was a bit of a strange thing, the whole area being a darkness not even she could see through as she flew down for a few moments. Eventually she found herself in the same crusty, smelly room Nadia found herself in. Sectonia could only wretch at the smell coming from this place, saying. "Why am I not surprised this place is disgusting as well? You would think it wouldn't smell this bad but..." Nadia or anyone who had followed right behind the Queen could see this actually phased her, the Queen holding her nose until she could get 'used' to the smell, even if she hated it.

"Its rare I regret a decision, but this is one of those rare moments... I hate it here." Sectonia said, grumbling about how they were heading down this way of all places. Still, much like Nadia said, they had to go through, kill everything, and make their way through the floor. Looking at the map Nadia had, Sectonia decided to see what was awaiting them in a bit of a test run, making her way left. Glancing in the nearby room, Sectonia saw a trio of Strange crying blobs of... something that began to spit out black flies and run away from the Queen as she approached. That was the group of monsters, with the source of some of the smell being seen as a large pile of feces was sitting alongside one of the wall with various rocks sitting about the room. With the size of the room being what it was, Sectonia could still fly over these obstacles, but this was indeed unsightly.

Looking at the things running away from the queen and spitting out flies that flew towards her, Sectonia decided to expend some of her rage on the thing. Letting loose her rings of light that flew around the room, Sectonia made quick work of the slow moving flies and the creature, which upon its death exploded into a group of flies, one of which shot a blood globule at Sectonia before she could dispatch it with her attacks. Not wanting to get hit by something so gross, she blinked out of the way. One of the other Mulligans died to Sectonia's barrage of off target light rings, but this time not summoning anything but normal flies. The final mulligain, seeing it was the last one alive and terrified of Sectonia approaching it, decided to self destruct, releasing all the attack flies inside it which the queen dispatched with her swords. When the room was cleared, half a beating heart appeared in the middle of the room with the door to the south being opened. "Hm... That was a bit too easy...." Sectonia thought, poking the half heart out of curiosity. Just by merely touching it, she collected it, which healed her a little bit. A weird kind of healing item, but not unwelcome. Sectonia grabbed the three creature spirits and made her way to the next room.

She then progressed south into a more bare room that had a few sparse rocks littered about it with headless creatures that jumped around alongside white worm creatures that popped up and spit spiraling blood globules that eventually dissipated. Even more strange, but seeing as what she had seen in the previous room, she got to work attacking these things. As the headless creatures leaped near her, Sectonia pulled out her swords and struck at them, finding the creatures died in only a few swipes. Sectonia did find that these creatures required mobility to deal with, as she found when one jumped on her that mere contact hurt, and the pain was a bit odd for how light the impact was. Thankfully unlike the other creature she had fought in the previous room, these did not explode into attack flies. She didn't want to approach the worms shooting blood globules after having touched one of the hoppers, so she just struck them with lightning whenever the surfaced, making short work of them. Much like the other room before, an item spawned in the center of the room, this time being a cartoonish looking bomb which Sectonia picked up.

Seeing as there were no more connected rooms, Sectonia grabbed the 3 hopper and 2 worm spirits and made her way back to where Nadia was. "Left side is clear. This place is disgusting, ladies like us shouldn't stay in such a place for long. At least the creatures here are slow and easy to defeat. Just be wary of touching them. Not only are they gross, they do disproportionate amounts of damage. At least clearing a room seems to reward you with items in this dungeon, even if some are unsightly." Sectonia said. She still had spirits to crush, so the Queen crushed half of the spirits of the creatures she had grabbed. If Nadia or anyone was still around that knew of her Symbol of Avarice, they could see that she didn't wear it when she did this. Anyone who saw the item however could note that the helmet was, frankly, too small for the Queen to wear.

Overall she crushed a mulligain, 2 hopper, and a round worm spirit to see what she would get herself, while waiting for another one of her allies to come down and try crushing the remaining spirits with the symbol to see what it would give them. She also spent her time trying to remove the foul odor in this room, waiting for the others to clear the rooms ahead, curious as to what they would find. She'd keep up with the party, but she shouldn't be the only one to deal with these vile creatures, even if she wanted to destroy them all. The others should at least learn what they were dealing with after all.

Thinking back to Nadia's map, there were many rooms with creatures in them, but some with symbols. What could the symbols mean?
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