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Level 11 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (67/110)
Level 4 Susie - (31/40) - (Holding 1 level up)

Location: Despirado Area
Word Count: 772

Susie could only give a laugh to Midna's plan, although due to her cute exterior it was difficult for anyone to discern if she was for the plan, or against it. "If what I've heard about the seekers is true, that will come to pass at some point. Blazermate could only shrug, scratch her head, and kind of agreed with Susie, unaware of what Susie meant. "I mean, shes not wrong. Things tend to end up in huge fights and that isn't going to be any different here..." Susie dismissively rolled her eyes, enjoying the banter just the same. She'd prefer to just infiltrate Shinra and take them out that way, but that plan was already shot down. Well, if she had her way and the Access Ark, she'd just robotize the city and be done with it. No more issues with the Ever Crisis if the full power of Haltmann Works was on display after all.

It was here the two robot girls went onto different groups. Due to feeling the pain of no healing, Goldlewis asked Blazermate to join them, which the medabot had no arguments with. She knew medabots were in the city, and that was her goal, so she only had to inform that grup about medabot things if they were to come up seeing as Tora and Poppi were going with Susie to deal with the robot menace. The pink businesswoman curious to see if these robots were savage tech, or could be put to work at Haltmann Works.


As the groups were on the initial train ride, there were talks about Avalanche, some rebel group trying to take down Shinra. Hearing this and how dismissive Goldlewis was, once they were in Seiran and the group was more isolated Blazermate asked the simple question. "Why would running into them be a bad thing? They seem like they're our allies if they're trying to bring down the big bad. And from the sound of things, they are successful as they haven't been beaten. So they are either really strong, or Shinra is really weak."

Blazermate then looked at Midna fidgeting, which she had been doing all morning. Blazermate could tell she was on caffeine, but considering how badly it was affecting her Blazermate had to ask. "So Midna, are you allergic to caffeine or something? you'd be been super antsy all morning and most people I know who drink coffee don't get nearly as excitable." Blazermate did have to make sure everyone was ready to go and everything before they had to fight... whatever they had to fight. Blazermate only had a few ideas about what little she heard. Then a thought occurred to her.

"I know you guys asked for a healer on this one, but I just have one question that just occurred to me. This is a psychic sorta operation right? Well, I'm a medabot. Is that going to be a problem?"


The ride to Sector 7 wasn't all that eventful with Susie doing business work on her PDA as the others looked about the area until they came to a stop. Giovanna explained the area and where they would possibly have to go, which got Susie to put away her PDA. "Well, lets hope there is something valuable with these robots. I am still in need of a bodyguard." Susie said, giving a very quick glare at Poppi for taking the giant metal monster they had fought yesterday which would've made an excellent one, before clasping her hands together and taking a look at what was a fairly dreary looking area.

"Although from the looks of it, if this is where these robots attack, I wouldn't assume anything they have is going to be worth anything... Otherwise sections like this wouldn't exist." She then scratched her chin thinking for a moment before getting an idea. "But if there are valuable components, we should see if someone is going to 'pick them up'. Jumping them could lead to all sorts of valuable intel and components if what I just thought of is true."

Still, she looked at the rest of the group. She hadn't worked with half of these members before, so she wasn't entirely sure what they could do even if most of them were at the demonstration at Twilight Town. Still, she didn't forget to ask that they pass some of their elemental power over to her if they got into a fight. Thinking about that, she should make a device that stored that energy so she didn't have to ask for it every time.

Level 11 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (65/110)
Level 4 Susie - (29/40) - (Holding 1 level up)

Location: Despirado Area
Word Count: Less than 750

With the battle over, Blazermate made sure to heal up everyone who needed it, giving a sigh that it was over. "I was confident Tora could deal with all of that Poppi. He is a tanky boy and I can see how much damage people are taking." Blazermate said, affirming why she helped Susie before ubering Poppi to finish off the big horrible monster. Although she wasn't sure about Benedict and Giovanna, but they did well and weren't too hurt. Overheal helps a lot though, especially for frontliners. If only she had this when she did robattles, it would change the outcome of so many fights....

Susie meanwhile came up to Poppi, saying. "I could make use of that Chemtrail spirit. Having a big destructive distraction like that would help. For some reason my business suit is acting a bit differently than it normally does. Its annoying to adapt to, but I suppose the trade off has been helpful." Susie said, not so subtly hinting that she would prefer a striker to take the heat off of her when in a duel so she could be more offensive, not defensive, with her business suit. With her cockpit exposed, she has had to guard herself more than attack like she preferred which was more than a bit annoying.

Still, they all had to get out of there, and the two bots followed Giovanna back to the base, where they got some rest. Although the two robot ladies not needing much time to rest at all, Susie got to doing some work on her PDA. Considering how this city had a network and everything, at some point she would need to hack into it to get some information. Blazermate meanwhile made sure the other group who had come from their excursion with the psychic ops were healed up and all of that.

As the group discussed what they were going to do, having met the various factions of the city and the ever crisis, A few ideas were thrown around. The main one being they should all just make their own agency. While there were agreements on this, Susie had to put a damper on those plans. "That was my original plan Roxas, but Giovanna told us that there were many permits and systems you had to go through in order to make that work. Stuff that would take a very, very long time to get done. How would you all suggest we get around that red tape?" Susie waited a bit for some ideas or replies before giving her own.

"Considering this place runs on technology, I could perhaps hack into it and see what is going on. Perhaps find a way to expedite the process. Could clear up the whole mess that we were involved in yesterday or shift the blame while I'm at it, if Its possible. All I would require is an access point."

Blazermate really didn't have too much to add to the conversation. She was more of the 'fight or heal' type of girl. She did ask something that was on her mind though. "Say, about that whole 'walking on eggshells' sorta thing. Is there like, some secret police or something that would investigate two turks going missing or something in a single day? Couldn't that be a huge issue for us? Like someone way above the G men? They don't really seem like a threat when they aren't turning into those demon things, so there has to be some really big fish somewhere, right?"


Level 10 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) - (9/100)
Location: City of Tears
Word Count: Less than 750

With the closure of the circus show Sectonia had caught, she grabbed the knight as it was getting late. Having not eaten since yesterday aside from the snacks on offer at the theatre, Sectonia stopped to grab something to eat. Being a city of bugs, she could easily find fruits, honey, and other sweets to munch on as she moved through the city, finding a tasty honey glazed doughnut that was said to be imported. If it wasn't so late, she would have preferred to visit a store before turning in for the night, but only the seediest of stores and the pawn shop were open at this hour, so she decided against it.

There were a few hotels Sectonia passed by, but for a queen of her stature, she would only take the biggest one. (Plus she doubted the smaller ones could even accommodate her, but she wouldn't say that out loud.) Those walking alongside her would see a rare sight, Sectonia practicing. Sure it was just her seeing what shapes she could make with her new power over fire and seeing if she could make some beauty out of the falling rain and her new fire, but it was something. If she remembered right, she had fused with a spirit that made fire horrid. It was a good thing she wasn't fused with that now, otherwise acquiring her fire breath power would've been far more painful than it already was.

Finding the biggest hotel in the city, Sectonia had found that Nadia had already signed in. The girl knew what was up, but how did she find the money? Last Sectonia knew, she was totally broke. Well, either way, Sectonia paid for her own room and got some beauty sleep, hopefully forgetting about the horrid horrid trial she had endured not a few hours ago. Still, she wasn't greeted with great dreams thanks to that.

Level 11 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (64/110)
Level 4 Susie - (28/40) - (Holding 1 level up)

Location: Despirado Area
Word Count: Less than 750

Blazermate didn't think this weird mish mash of metal was going to be as big of a threat as it looked. But then she wasn't as good of a medic as she looked so... Well this wasn't the time to think about that as Blazeramte dodged the massively damaging cannon shots aimed at her, this creature very aware of what she was doing to the others. At least it wasn't all that fast... But its shots hurt really bad when it landed one on her shield arm, causing enough damage to cause it to almost shut down entirely. And if it did that to a defensive part on a deflection hit, well... best not to think about that, especially since it had debuff powers on top of that which slowed everyone down, reduced their damage, and even put Poppi to sleep. While Benedict got into position to defend and try to awaken Poppi, Blazermate could use the drone around her to hit her with a revive, cleaning the sleep debuff from her. At least that debuffing attack wouldn't do anything with Blazermate on the job. But even with the thing's weak point glowing for all to see thanks to Blazermate's scan, it seemed it would be a tough nut to crack in general.

Susie wasn't having as much luck either. While her business suit could out muscle Loup, his speed made it annoying to do much other that block his hits. And she could tell the demon was more or less toying with her, waiting for her to make a swing before launching at her in the cockpit which was a bit annoying. But that plan of attack could also be predicted, and since her mech's hands were large enough to obscure her for the most part, Susie had a bit of a plan since from the sound of things, that other G man was giving everyone else trouble.

Blazermate meanwhile thanks to all the rapid damage and debuffs going out from this monstrosity, was gaining her uber and shield relatively fast. That was a huge upside to heavy hitting foes at least, it got her stronger abilities up and running very quickly. And seeing as Geralt had at least more or less won his fight from the looks of things, with his opponent rambling on while he ignored him, all that was left was these G men. And if Susie could deal with hers, it would just be the big metal one left. Using her fully charged projectile shield, Blazermate used Tora distracting it, swapping her drone to him as she moved to aid Susie as she did her trick.

Susie, having enough of this Loup-Garou's jumping around, pulled out the cow mangler she had bought. Calculating his movements, she loaded it up and began to overcharge it, making a sweep with her mech's hands and exposing her cockpit, but in a way that when Loup did his coutnerattack, he'd be jumping right into a charged rocket shot. What Susie didn't expect was Blazemate to be there, her projectile shield clipping into Loup and slowing him down as he leaped at Susie, allowing a much easier and safer rocket hit and sending the demon straight down into the ground at insane force, allowing Blazermate to follow up with a few hits from her ubersaw and a bite from her suffering shield as he got back onto his feet.

The damage to her business suit had started to take its toll though, and thanks to absorbing the splash of that rocket, Susie had to send it away as it being a damaged state like that wouldn't aid them against what was to come. But she still had her blaster and knew how to fight outside her business suit, even if she preferred not to. With a full uber and Susie's opponent being weakened, Blazermate gave her a bit of overheal before flying back to Tora and Poppi, ready to give them that all fun invincibility. Susie having her blaster out to deal with Loup if he still wanted to fight.


Level 10 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) - (8/100)
Location: City of Tears
Word Count: Less than 750

Sectonia, getting quite tired of the rain of this city after a little while, stopped by an open store to buy an umbrella and unload her 'spoils' from the dungeon they had just been through. She wasn't surprised the masks she found wouldn't sell for much, but she figured that a city full of masked bugs might offer a bit more than another place. Overall after buying her parasol to shield herself from the rain and selling her masks, she gained 50 geo from the transaction. She could've gotten more, but she wasn't going to go around with any old parasol, grabbing a fancy one to befit her status.

It seemed it would take longer than she thought for her allies to get their effects in order from that fight, as it had gotten fairly late all things considered. She had hoped that, while her stress had melted away, that they would enjoy a bit of fun at the amusement park. However all she could find was the Knight, the little bug walking about the city with that blank stare of curiosity it always wore. It seemed the others were predisposed with whatever they were doing, probably resting if she had to guess, so while she'd take any others that she found, she decided to head to the amusement district with the Knight in toe. On the way there, Sectonia, remembering she had taken an item that gave her control over fire, began to play with that power. It became quite clear it was only a fire breath, no conjuring fire form her staffs or anything, but unlike that large bumbling king koopa, she would control something like this with more elegance and grace, soon making fancy fire spirals from her fire breath in small artistic patterns as practice. If this had any power in combat had to be tested however.

A bit of a shame that many of her allies were indisposed all things considered. While she wasn't much one for the cheap thrills of amusement rides; many things paling in comparison to the power of flight and teleportation, nor the scams that were the games, at least she could find enjoyment in the foolishness of clowns and the other carnies that engaged in acts of slapstick. At least unlike the royal district, things here weren't nearly as expensive, including admission, so it didn't cost much at all for Sectonia to pay for herself to view the comedy of the big tent, while the others got a bit of money to do whatever they wanted to do to unwind. There was still the matter of the It Lives spirit that had to be dealt with, but considering what everyone had just gone through, that could wait for the next day.

Sectonia's antillions, having been given an order by their queen, went out through the city to look for the scattered currency they had once looked for at the metro. However unlike the metro with its flowing pons, here, there wasn't much in the way of currency. A few loose bits of geo here or there, but that only totaled up to 15 which Sectonia would find in her wallet upon collection. Meanwhile the rest of the city saw these ant soldier looking creatures moving around almost like mindless bugs, ignoring others staring at them as they looked in in whatever areas they could look in with their larger frames thanks to the item Sectonia had gotten earlier. They seemed weird, but weren't hurting anyone or anything, so besides a few curious looks they were mostly ignored. Some might think they were guards looking for something? Although the actual guards might have an issue with a notion like that.

Level 11 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (63/110)
Level 4 Susie - (27/40) - (Holding 1 level up)

Location: Despirado Area
Word Count: Less than 750

Well, there went a bit of time to relax. Guess thats what happens when turks clash and their G men want to get some of that action. blazermate, having had none of the pizza was up and ready for a scrap, joining Tora and Poppi with dealing with the G men as Benedict and Geralt handled the hostile turk and his summon. Susie joined those outside shortly after, but spent a bit of time cleaning her face with a napkin before pulling out her remote to call her business suit.

Blazermate, like she started all of her combats, latched onto Tora to buff the tankypon with lots of extra HP, with her new healing drones hovering around Poppi. Being able to heal two people at once was pretty awesome, although she was only gaining uber and shield form Tora. Shame she had already used her engineer spirit to 'fake eat', with Dell only making a single level one sentry before poofing out of existence. Still, at least she could heal, and heal well as long as Tora protected her. And knowing Tora, that wouldn't be too much of an ask.

Susie meanwhile dealt with the werewolf looking G men she had seen before. Considering the two frost looking G men, a bit of fire would be great here, and hopefully Poppi would oblige. But at least right now Susie's business suit let her handle Loup-Garou with its mechanical strength and durability, Both sides grabbing each other's attack and pushing against each other before Susie blasted the G men in the face with her blaster, breaking the two of them up and putting them back in a neutral position.

Level 10 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) - (7/100)
Location: City of Tears
Word Count: 791

While not the cheapest thing, it was about time Sectonia saw some bits of high class society for once. A lot of fancier looking bugs were here, One with a fancy white tophat, a fashionable bee lady, a pair of bugs arguing over cards. and a bug watching and enjoying their arguments. among other noble or well off looking bugs. There were a few non bugs here, but they were in the vast minority. While being a bit more extravagant than the rest of them, Sectonia didn't stand out as much as she would've in a lower class theatre, well, besides her size making her much bigger than many of those here.

Having gotten to the theatre at the time she did, Sectonia had only caught the tail end of a play based on some desert adventurers trying to save a princess. She wasn't all that interested in such a play, having been in a desert not a few days ago and fought such a disgusting monster there. The arguing pair quieted down when the next show started though, a strange looking humanoid boy bandsinging various songs that had a good rhythm, but felt disingenuous. Sectonia found them tolerable, but she wasn't smitten with them like a few of the younger bugs in the theatre, she'd prefer more of an aria than whatever this was truth be told.

After finishing one of their songs, as if speaking her thoughts, one of the male bugs in the audience spoke up and started calling out this band, named 1010, out for feeling fake. A sentiment that was more or less proven true as one of the band members tripped over their instrument chord and crashed onto the ground in a mechanical heap. Some of the smitten lady bugs berated the guy who had spoken up about the band, distracting most of the theatre from the band's producer coming down and using some kind of device to summon a new band member to replace the broken one, with said broken one being nonchalantly, and briskly, brushed aside by one of the janitors. Now this Sectonia saw as enjoyable. She figured she'd need to go to the circus to see such tomfoolery, but no, it was a routine of this theatre! What made it even funnier to her was that from what she could tell, this wasn't planned from how the staff was acting, but none of the patrons seemed to notice.

After their show with the robotic boy band members having some issues getting off stage, the crowd mumbled to itself before the final showing of the evening was to be seen. Sectonia couldn't hear much at all, but did catch a little bit of someone mentioning how someone named Undyne would make sure things were kept orderly, with another bug sushing them as the stage had been cleared and the next performer was on stage. They were a single ethereal looking butterfly who began to sing a song with a tune Sectonia greatly appreciated. Now this was what she figured a high class theatre would have, not the metal boy band. Other than a beautiful song, not much else of note happened. With her act done, the songstress gave a bow before fading from sight as a few of the patrons got up and left, with a few others staying to chat with each other.

Sectonia, feeling far more relaxed than when she came, go up with the patrons leaving and decided to go take a look and see if her minions had gotten cured from their afflictions. She had plans to take them all to the amusement district, as she figured they would appreciate a bit of fun and time to unwind. Although with that in mind, she looked to see how much her little escoursion cost, and sighed. It wouldn't be a cheap venture, so she summoned what antillions she could, figuring that since it had been a few hours her antillions had gotten that 'king of evil' to a medical center. With a small group of antillions summoned, Sectonia commanded them to go look about for Geo or other currency that might just be lying about. From what she had seen, currency was found in the weirdest places in these cities so far.

With a lack of a map though, finding her minions would be quite the tall order in such a large city.

Level 10 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) - (5/100)
Location: City of Tears
Word Count: 828

Seeing the door that should be the 'exit' from this place, and hopefully not THAT exit, blocked irritated Nadia, Sectonia, and possibly the others. She had her rage leave her, but she would use her spells to break that door down if she needed to. Thanks to Jesse though, no effort was needed to break the door down as her no collision gun let them all pass.

Upon entering the new area, the severe atmosphere change in both aesthetics and temperature made Sectonia wretch as the others suffered their own sickness. Not because she was displeased they were out, but out of relief that she was in a much better area and ridding herself of the foul air that the giant organism they had just been was filled with. "Fresh air at least. Or at least, this is vastly superior to THAT thing." Sectonia said, scoffing at the It Lives spirit the group had taken with it. She commanded her antillions carrying Ganondorf to follow they group. When the group had made their way through the end of the tunnel they found themselves in, they found a grand gothic city with carapace architecture. Not Sectonia's style, but much like things of its style, it had a bit of a haunting beauty to it which she could appreciate.

The relaxed Sectonia greatly, the queen momentary dipping in the air and only recovering when she touched the water itself, going back to her proper flying height. The cleansing rain that showered the group as they advanced to the city center being annoying at first, but relieving after she noticed it washed both her and her minions free of the gunk that had accumulated from their journey through that awful, awful dungeon. She would rather have a proper bath, but at least things were moderately better. Although it did nothing to cure the rest of the group of their sickness.

That relief of the water did turn back to annoyance as it continued to rain down constantly, which didn't do wonders for those who were already sick as Sectonia noticed Nadia being affected by the cold. She was getting tired of being wet herself all things being said. Nadia was the first to spot a familiar face, Cornifer, someone who Sectonia had only gotten a bit of a glancing look at all things considered. Still, this was the one that Nadia had bought a map from... A map that had led them to that disgusting hell. "You, map seller. Do you have any clue the horrid, horrid things we just had to deal with thanks to YOUR map?" Sectonia said, her rage flaring up as she thought of what they had just been through.

All things being considered though, if Sectonia was in a better state of mind she would be more cordial with Cornifer. And the map maker seemed slightly concerned, offering up an explanation of what this city could offer to help the group with their sickness and perhaps relax after their ordeal. Hearing this, Sectonia turned to the rest of the group, giving her commands. "You all should get that plague off of you and take a proper bath. Then go where you will. Meet back up at the clock tower when you are all clean and proper." Hopefully they could get their sickness cleaned off, being weakened just wouldn't do.

With that being taken care of and any questions or actions cleared up, Sectonia departed for the spas herself in the royal quarters to take a soak and relax and possibly relieve her stress a bit. Being a royal herself, she wasn't going to go to anything less than the high class district to relax; although she did admit the fools at the circus could be fun to observe. Perhaps she would take the rest of her minions to see a show or something. But now wasn't the time for that.

The spa house was as opulent as the city outside. There weren't that many bugs soaking in the spas at this time of day, so Sectonia had a good amount of peace as she relaxed and cleaned herself. Probably for the best, as until she removed all her stress, she'd still be abusive. Thinking about it, Sectonia has gone to 3 different spas in a couple days. At this point she should get a little world tour card and just find all the spas in this world. She chuckled to herself thinking about that.

With her bathing done, Sectonia decided to head off to the theatre of the royal district. Hopefully it would have an interesting show on display and some good food and company to fully relax. Inside the Theatre Sectonia noticed it was full of lots of high class looking bugs much like herself. Maybe when she was relaxed she might be able to make some interesting connections here.

Level 11 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (62/110)
Level 4 Susie - (26/40) - (Holding 1 level up)

Location: Despirado Area
Word Count: Less than 750

Blazermate had little success unlike Giovanna and the others when it came to finding information about Despirado and what they did here. Civilians didn't really offer much information beyond "Armstrong is great" or "Yeah, they keep us safe." or the occasional stammered. "They do good for us.", things that really didn't offer much information besides some civilians were scared of them. Susie meanwhile explored the Despirado branded android store and soon found that it really didn't offer anything she could turn for a quick profit or use herself, as it held a bunch of those android dolls she had seen earlier, but for sale. She noticed a great deal of them were refurbished, so they probably weren't even of the quality of those outside.

A bit dejected at her probing of information, Blazermate joined everyone at the pizzeria, Susie having been there early and doing more business on her PDA. Giovanna apologized to the 3 robot ladies for wasting their time as the other team members ate, thinking that they couldn't eat. Poppi and Blazermate couldn't, but Susie said. "I prefer ice cream and sweets, but I will try a slice." Being the only robot girl who couldn't even appreciate the food made Blazermate think a bit.

Upon sitting at the table and getting orders, Blazermate took a closer look at Tora and Poppi and noticed they had gotten some new stuff. "Hey, where did you guys get that stuff? Was it on sale somewhere or something?" Blazermate asked, pointing at the new hammer Tora had. Susie took her own glance at the two but wasn't as impressed at the items she could see. It didn't take long for the group to get their food, Susie grabbing a single slice to try as Tora seemed to just shovel the food into his face. Blazermate, feeling left out, had an idea and summoned her engineer striker and offered it some pizza. She didn't know if the striker could even eat or needed it, but it was all she could think of to not feel awkward. Of course she didn't realize it could've been more awkward she did this.

After sitting down for a little bit, Benedict noticed that one of his 'former' colleges was sitting at a table a few tables away as some G men had entered the restaurant and moved to another table with another Turk. Benedict himself bringing it up that he could do something since he was an old colleague. He didn't really offer much beyond that, with Susie saying. "And how should we go about that? Wouldn't you be disowned for joining a group that you had to fight before?"

Level 11 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (61/110)
Level 4 Susie - (25/40) - (Holding 1 level up)

Location: Despirado Area
Word Count: Less than 750

Blazermate followed Khamsin being one of the faster fliers of the group and being able to mark him so that the others could follow if they got left behind. This ended up not being as big of an issue though as once he reached civillian roads with people on them, he obeyed all traffic laws and everything after having just destroyed a construction site and basically crunched a shady individual of the leadership of the city. Quite a juxtapose of actions, but Blazermate wasn't going to argue. This just showed he was a terror to his enemies but nice normally. Susie meanwhile guided the others that were a bit slower, able to see and follow Blazermate without much issue.

Eventually Khamsin made his way to the Despirado base, a big strong bunker. Considering what they probably had and what they were fighting, that made sense. The area itself being quite... different? Well Blazermate hadn't seen much of the city to be fair, but there weren't many G men around. Instead there were Despirado clad androids around, playing roughly the same role as the G men? Susie noticed this too, and she figured these weren't as gullible as the G men in their stealth form. Still, the lack of G men in the area meant that there could be something here that was normally outlawed, but without knowing the city proper, this wouldn't be something Susie would know. She'd just have to let her business acumen take hold as she entered the android store to see if they had anything worthwhile. She only got a passing glance at Armstrong's posters. He seemed like a strong guy, but Susie doubted she could make him into a bodyguard with how much he had under his thumb apparently.

Blazermate meanwhile was a bit lost on what to do. They found Despirado, were they now supposed to get in the base or was that all they needed to do was figure out where they were? Thinking these guards were more like G men, Blazermate didn't go to ask them questions, instead asking quesions of the common folk around about what they thought about despirado and all that, since they seemed to have the place safe from the hostile robots and gang members and all that. Still, she was at a loss more on how to proceed really, as it seemed Despirado wasn't taking any recruits considering how tightly guarded their bunker looked. At least this Armstrong guy Khamsin was talking about had posters of himself around the area, and boy oh boy, he looked like a super buff robot man himself. Square head, super broad, really muscular... Not Blazermate's style but she could see some people liking him.


Level 9 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (68/90)
Location: ??? > Boss
Word Count: Less than 750

Sectonia had a much easier time dispatching her foe than the others. While some might think it was her rage at the whole situation, others would notice that her brand of lingering aoe attacks were the perfect counter to her foe. Unlike the others which seemed to have their own troubles with their foes. Sectonia having been distracted with her enemy didn't catch all that had happened but she did say. "you all are stronger than this! End these horrid abominations!" With the rest of the group done with this wave of minibosses, the big boss of the area finally revealed itself.

To be honest, Sectonia wasn't entirely sure what she would be expecting, but it wasn't this. It was as if whoever designed this area, or this world itself, was some play on body horror or something. What with the blood leaking everywhere as their fight caused the room, or monster, or... whatever they were fighting in to bleed profusely and cause a river of blood that carried the platform along. Sectonia could fly to keep up with her minions, not wanting to get splashed with the oncomming torrent of horrid blood, which ended up being a good solution since the fetus monster chased them down. "Another one of these? Hey, don't break the cannon this time!" Sectonia said, even though none of this group had actually been with her when she fought Big Eyes, the big guardian of the desert.

Being far to furious to care about saving it, Sectonia used her assist trophy and out came a large leviathan, which began to fight with the other assist trophy that was summoned as well as the boss, leading to some kind of freaky 3 giant monster brawl. While not wanting to get involved in the entire brawl, Sectonia summoned her Chaos Shield upon herself and put herself between the brawling leviathans and the platform below, quite angry at the whole situation and just wanting these creatures to be gone. And there was no better way to do that then throwing rings of light and globules of darkness at the fetus monster that was their target. She wasn't as used to the new fire magic she had gotten, so she only spat tiny embers with her angered breaths.

While not being the center of attention, but still involved mostly with the fight of the giant monsters, occasionally one of them would have an attack hit Sectonia. The leviathan she had summoned did absolutely no damage, while the other one did. still, even getting smacked by that thing was better than whatever It Lives was, but getting hit also flared up her Abusive affliction, with her saying. "Don't just stand there you louts! Attack!" This was around the time one of the monsters attacks smacked the makeshift flesh raft the others were on, causing Nadia to tumble in. If she was in her right mind she would see that they had issues with footing, but as it was, she just rolled her eyes and kept up with her assault.

Level 11 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (60/110)
Level 4 Susie - (24/40) - (Holding 1 level up)

Location: Detroit Fight
Word Count:

Blazremate was happy that she managed to get this guy to fight for them. Apparently from what he said, the bad robots they had to fight didn't fly or look like medabots; Or at least didn't look like her and Susie. Floating above the man and staying out of hsi way, Blazermate participated in his destruction of well... everything, her healing and eventually kritz letting him go more berserk than normal. TAking her advice, the rest of her team vacated the area as they could at various amounts of injury as mr. wind of destruction went to town.

With the rest of the gang members having been taken out, Blazermate went over to heal her friends as Khamsin attacked the G men for getting in his way, mentioning something about Armstrong? Why did that name sound familiar to Blazermate? Either way, it was surprising to Susie in particular Despirado could go around killing G men without issue, or little issue, was really really interesting.

Poppi then suggested that they follow the man back to Despirado's main base, as they had already worked with them and were more or less at a dead end of how to progress. Susie was fine with it, as was Blazermate, with the pink haired bot picking up the dropped spirits for the party to deal with later. "I'll go ahead and chat with the guy so we're on friendly terms when coming across the base. I got a feeling they wont like us just appearing and all that." Blazermate said, flying ahead to chat with Khamsin on the way back to base. Or rather, just let the man talk about freedom, armstrong, and whatever he wanted to and just be a good listener. He wasn't hte first 'crazy' medabot Blazermate has met.

Level 9 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (67/90)
Location: ??? > Boss Rush
Word Count: 1089

It took longer than she'd like, but eventually the giant fell, exploding into blood as the walls themselves also exploded into blood, almost like the room itself was the giant. "This place is disgusting. No class, no beauty..." Sectonia said, reiterating her opinion of the whole dungeon. Upon the death of Mom, her spirit appeared in the room as all of her minions they hadn't killed perished. And with her death, two rooms opened. One with that familiar devil statue, another where there was a faceless angel statue. Both statues offering the same item, at... no cost? A trophy case looking object with a spirit inside it, or something looking like a spirit. Additionally a reward for beating Mom spawned, a red shoe. And finally, a hole Sectonia would investigate once they had some time to rest and divvy out the loot.

Even though Sectonia was stressed, she still told her minions what was going on. "IF any of you are interested, that shoe seems to increase the range of ranged attacks. But considering what it is, I doubt it'll come for free. The items inside the rooms meanwhile seem to contain spirits of some sort, but with no cost to claim. Their magic feels a bit more... raw..." As the group was given time to rest, Sectonia looked over the items she had collected so far, dumping those she deemed disgusting (Basically all the monster hunter crafting items) onto the ground from the spirits she had crushed prior. "IF any of you have a use for these items speak up, or they will be left behind." Sectonia also took it upon herself to wake up Ganondorf from his exhaustion with a few slaps. At least as the group rested he'd get some healing from Sectonia's healing aura. Sectonia, noticing the devil room spirit thing didn't have any cost at all associated with it, sent an antillion to go grab it for her.

With all of that being done and the rest going as well as it could, Sectonia grumbling to herself, she decided to investigate the same hole Nadia was. Unlike the trapdoors earlier, this one was... flesh covered. Almost like it was some kind of toothless mouth or something. The words Nadia then said didn't help, and everyone could visibly see Sectonia's eyes more or less buldging out in sheer disgust and anger. "Does this dungeon expect US to enter the bowels of a defeated giant in order to kill something inside of it? If I ever meet who made this dungeon, they will have a swift and merciless death." Sectonia's wings unfurling wide as she made that declaration. That being said, she waited until a couple other minions descended before gritting and following, with plans to teleport out if this became what Nadia had mentioned.

And yes, the descent was as disgusting as Sectonia figured, her large size making her descent a bit trickier. Even with blinks, she did have to touch the flesh walls, and this really, really wasn't improving her mood. At least as the tunnel widened, she could blink without touching as much of the wall as she was but what Nadia had said earlier, with the large fleshy room below... could prove true. And if it was, there really wasn't too much she could do to help her minions. Well, the ones she liked anyway. But either way, Sectonia could do nothing but agree with Nadia. "Whatever made this dungeon needs to perish." Sectonia reiterated. Although her rage blinded her to her own hypocracy as she saw the items on display for 'powering up' as this dungeon seemed to like to do. One was a thing of damaging lemonade, another was a symbol that made you bigger, a third was a pair of robes that really didn't match her asthetic but did increase damage dealt, and the fourth was a pepper that granted control over fire? Well it didn't look as bad as that rotten tomato and control over fire magic would be another bit of magic she had under her belt.

As each of the seekers took what powerup they wanted, Nadia taking the lemonade and Sectonia grabbing the pepper, they became affected by the boons and woes of each. Nadia hadn't had anything happen to her, while Sectonia could feel a massive burning sensation in her mouth as if it was on fire which didn't improve her temperament. After all the seekers grabbed all of the powerups, a menagerie of grotesque monsters to come out of the walls, much like what Mom did in her battle but these monstrosities were more disgusting and much larger. Yep, the entered some kind of giant alright, if the flesh walls and audible heartbeat weren't enough. Unfortunitally for the creature that Sectonia pulled her weapons out for, a Massive ball of cancerous flesh, her mood of being in a 'stomach' alongside the insane pain from the spice of the pepper she had claimed for its power over fire boiled her rage over and she took that rage out on this mass.

That came in the form of her throwing massive light ring after massive light ring, fire coming out of her mouth as not even she could contain her rage at this whole situation. She wasn't using this fire to attack, but the light rings were enough as while the first large section of the creature took a bit to go down, its slow movement speed as it bounced towards Sectonia letting her lay into it with her rings of light, with her rage (Abusive) increasing her damage output slightly but making her unwilling to dodge as she was blinded by her fury. This wasn't as big of an issue as it seemed at first as the large mass approached her, it split into three masses that bounced in other directions. Still, Sectonia didn't enjoy one of these cancer balls bouncing off of her and fired more and more rings of Light.

However the poor thing soon began to break apart more and more, falling apart much easier than its initial form. Once the medium sized chunks broke into more chunks, due to breaking apart while inside a ring of light, the new chunks also got turned into mush, becoming smaller chunks which got blended, and finally spawning for a split second as a small spider before that too got turned into a red paste. If Sectonia wasn't fuming with anger and spice pain, she'd ruminate on how this was probably one of the easier of the creatures to deal with due to her skillset. But she was far, far too angry at things to think about that.
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