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Level 10 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) - (91/100)
Location: The Under - Termite Kingdom Ruins
Word Count: 812

With the introduction to the fight of the Ichor and Iron wasp queens, things got a bit more annoying than just the ranged attacks of the bare basic wasps and the heavy drone. Although with the push from the two 'kings' with a bit of haste, the stalemate that was about was broken at last as they pushed through and started to destroy the opposing backline, causing some damage to the heavy drone in the process. Sectonia, having a bit of fun in the backline for once watching the boys just wreck havoc in front of her was throwing out her spells, even throwing a partial Spacial Rend upon the Heavy Drone when it lost its balance and fell out of the sky temporarily, but soon she'd have to go and join the frey herself as the Iron Queen, having gotten into position, was buffing her own minions with her magic that let them much more easily deflect Sectonia's spells. Sure they could evade the slower spells, but having her spacial rends not having the effect she wanted, and not wanting to leave herself open to charge a bigger one, forced her hand into melee combat as well.

Moving past a recovering Heavy Drone, Sectonia approached the Iron Queen with her blink strike. The enemy wasp had a will equal to her title though, and instead of getting struck by a swipe from Sectonia's swords, instead shot web at Sectonia and stopped her momentum temporarily as she went to strike. This surprised Sectonia a bit, but the webs didn't hold her long. The iron queen got a hit in before Sectonia could blink away, but as her name suggests, she was more for defense than offense. Something Sectonia would learn as she started her counterattack doing a rapid sword thrust.

Still, that iron defense was no joke. With her amount of buff spells on her and her minions occasionally forcing Sectonia to retreat or throw her lightning around to clear them away, it took Sectonia some time to chip through her defense and regeneration. Counterattacks were a aplenty as well, but the incoming damage on the bee queen wasn't all that high, especially when her Chaos Shield came off of cooldown and her commrades keeping the much more offense oriented ichor queen busy. After a bit of a longer fight than Sectonia would like to admit, eventually the iron queen fell after Sectonia focused on her exclusively for a time thanks to Rubick offering a large enough distraction.

With the iron queen dead, her buffs went with her, making the nearby wasps much easier to clear out. Taking her spirit as Sectonia liked the idea of more buffs for her loyal minions, she would make use of Kamek's snackivator much like the mage made use of Sectonia's symbol of avarice and decided to fuse the spirit to her wings to get back her more majestic golden insect look instead of these half cape half wing things they were at the moment.

But that would have to wait until after they were out of this hive and into a safe area. There was still the heavy drone to take care of, which wasn't in a great state. Through the residual damage of everyone's attacks, attacks directed at it, and everything, it was on the verge of falling apart. And Sectonia, retreating back to give herself some passive healing, gave it a courtesy blow with her swords, finishing it off as well as the cumulative effort of everyone worked to take it down. And with that, the spirit as spoils.

With everything calming down now that the large majority of forces had been taken care of, the group made its way deeper into the hive and soon found the 'ursurpor', a giant mechanical wasp! And giant was an understatement, it was far bigger than Sectonia and Bowser themselves, but also immobile. "Hmph, no wonder they were such a weak hive, considering whats before us." Sectonia said. Still, just because it was immobile, didn't mean it didn't have its own tricks as it summoned in many of its wasp minions in large hordes to attack the seekers.

Sectonia, being one of the group that brought the widespread damage, used her Slow on one of the groups of wasps before throwing her various spells. Due to them being in a large group, hitting them wasn't as difficult, although seeing as it was a large group of individuals making an object, her spells had a mixed effect. She also summoned her striker, which shot its own lasers at the swarms, as well as her antillions to help support however they can, granted they seemed to be able to only attack the giant metal wasp queen itself instead of the wasp hordes due to their limited range, but any damage going out was good damage so far.

Robot Girls

Level 3 Roland - (6/30)
Level 12 Blazermate (Holding 3 level up) - (29/120)
Level 5 Susie - (38/50) - (Holding 2 level up)
Location: Sector 7 > 8
Word Count: 3414

As Roland moved through the slums, having been cured of his drunkeness by Blazermate (Which he was part thankful for, part annoyed with.) he noticed Sandalphon's new outfit. "Hey, So, i notice you changed your outfit. Is there anything more to that or are you just changing jobs? Its hard to tell with some people nowadays."

Sandalphon looked down at him for a moment, question marks in her eyes. Then her pupils returned to normal, a look of understanding flitting briefly across her face. "Oh, I see. You must have been rather low on the proverbial totem pole," she stated matter-of-factly, despite the brisk pace at which she and the rest of the Seekers were moving through the Sector 07 slums. "I observed other members of your group partaking in spirit utilization, but if there are gaps in our collective knowledge, it would behoove me to make sure all are up to speed."

She paused for a moment, considering how best to explain the phenomenon. "Spirit utility is seldom practiced and even more seldom understood. The powers that be in Midgar, and I would assume the world at large, keep what it is -and how to use it- top secret. It is understandable, since I have no doubt that if word were to get out the crime and especially murder rate would spike drastically, but it means that they control the single most expedient way to gain power." Sandalphon put up a display that showed off a number of spirits, with the images of various people shimmering within the orbs of prismatic light. "Despite the name, spirits have nothing to do with a being's consciousness or immortal soul, and are themselves inanimate. Suffice to say, a spirit is an agglomeration of data about a particular being. Very much like the genetic code of biological organisms, albeit greater in scope. And like code, spirits can be merged. Following a brief conflict resolution, which influences the host's physiology and psychology, the host gains a boon from the merged spirit as well as its 'potential'."

After going quiet while the group navigated through a crowded junction, Sandalphon wrapped up her explanation with a little specificity. "How this works can take different forms depending on the fusion method. Cerebrofusion injects a spirit's Skill. Cardiofusion injects a spirit's Ability. Physically destroying a spirit will itemize it, resulting in a semi-random object. Spirits can also be co-opted through a brief ritualistic act in order to make use of it remotely, and the resulting projection is known as an Assist. Think of it as a ghostly puppet, but make no mistake, it's still just an extension of oneself." She thought for a moment, then shrugged. "That about covers the basics."

Roland nodded, listening but not really understanding the big words she was using. "Sounds like this thing we did back in the library. We turned people into books, then copied their combat abilities by donning their persona. "

Blazermate, making sure Roland wasn't too intoxicated as he moved through the slums, had been following behind, and clarified the spirit thing. "Put it in your chest for power, head for knowledge; although no seeker I know has done that one yet since it doesn't seem like it helps you fight, bond with it to summon it as a friendly thing for a bit, and crush it for an item. Oh yeah, and if you fuse with too many spirits of your opposite gender you'll turn into that gender until you equalize the spirits, unless you have some kinda innate power or something that lets you bypass that like me. And uh, if you absorb too many spirits you'll turn into some kind of chimeric monster. Kamek has something for that part, and Peach did have the power to unfuse spirits, but.... yeah...." Blazermate said, trailing off.

Side eying the medabot, Roland said. "So... its like that EGO thing, but different... Wait, is that why Midna looks so weird? I didn't want to say anything, but that doesn't look right."

Blazermate nodded, saying. "yep! She needs to visit Kamek to fix that up. At least its not like Bowser, who had it even worse. I wonder what that guy looks like now, the big teddy bear."

Sandalphon glanced at Blazermate as she reiterated what the archangel had said, but dumbed down. Had her own explanation been too cerebral, perhaps? The medabot did add one or two things of note though, more or less confirming Sandalphon's inference that one should be careful what one consumed. You are what you eat, as they say.

Susie didn't have much to add to this discussion, and also learned something new as well. She wasn't aware of the gender change part of spirit fusion, something she'd have to keep in mind.

While the slums were pretty quiet, the Detroit sector was anything but. With the dismantling of the leaders of Despirado, those cyborgs were going crazy, with the general police force dealing with that. It was kinda like when two Syndicates were fighting each other for territory in a way, although not as brutal.

Still, Roland was here to get through the area, not participate in the combat itself. His mask at least made him less of a target. Still, he'd have to find a bit of transport that wasn't shut down due to the riots in the streets. Unlike the robot girls who could just fly above the city and; while getting a birds eye view of the chaos below, could ignore most of the chaos, Roland had to stick to the ground. Blazermate offered to carry him, but Roland wasn't sure if the robot girl that was her size could carry a tall guy like him.

When he looked around near the entrance from Sector 07, Roland quickly found a possible solution to his quandary--and a potential source of trouble. Just outside a corner convenience store, a couple bikers had pulled to a stop in the parking strip and put down their kickstands while they went inside for a quick top-up. Their vehicles were both very impressive, one big and red while the smaller one came in glossy black, but both motorcycles were sleek, high-end machines that stood out against the gritty backdrop of Detroit, as powerful as they were beautiful. Unfortunately, the timing worked out that both bikers were just now returning from the store with a bag of snacks and such apiece.

Though quite dissimilar to one another, the pair matched their motorcycles perfectly: tall, broad-shouldered, and scruffy, the long-haired man sported a roughed-up look thanks to his eyepatch and bandages, but an easygoing smile and disarmingly melancholic eyes. Meanwhile, his short-haired lady friend seemed small and thin but fierce, her black leather contrasting white hair but complimenting a sour expression. Fittingly enough, Roy wore a heavy toolbelt but no weapons, and Sugar came strapped with both a long shotgun and a sawed-off double barrel. Upon exiting the convenience store, however, the pair found their bikes under examination by a pair of G-men, both with wrenches. "Hey!" Sugar yelled, her voice turned up to eleven instantly. "The hell're you doing?"

The G-men turned her way. "We are mechanics, and we are mechanizing these machines with our wrenches," one told her in his deadpan voice, gesticulating with his tool like a conductor's baton. "Who, might I ask, are you?" He was dangerously close to provoking Sugar, and Roy clearly didn't like these spooks, either. Things seemed liable to escalate fast.

Well, motorcycles weren't his thing, but it'd do for now. Better than running, anyway. G men were.... unique to deal with if anything. He'd hate to be the poor guy who got on their bad side. That being said, those two the G men were irritating were also in a bad spot, and right now Roland needed those bikes the most. Wait... did any of the others even drive, let alone motorcycles? Either way, now was one of the those times Roland got to throw his weight around.

Approaching the scene, Roland said. "Hey pals, don't you know what G men are? Say or do anything suspicious and you go straight to jail. Or disobey the cops." And upon saying that final statement, Roland showed his turk badge to the group. "Turk business, I'll be needing those bikes. You can pick them up later." Of course Roland didn't know if that was actually true, but considering he could just trigger the g men if needed, well... sucked to be these guys.

When Roland veered off without a word to take a small detour, Sandalphon followed him, unsure of his intentions. Communication was key to the function of any organization, after all. He turned out to have his sights set on a scene unfolding nearby that reeked of trouble. Sandalphon meant to advise him not to get involved, but she was too late, and just as she expected, neither biker took Roland's intervention well. "We didn't DO anything!" Sugar fumed, turning on him. The sight of his badge, and the declaration that followed, turned her indignation into fury. "No goddamn way! You Administration goons leave us high and dry when we need help the most, then think you can show your face here and walk all over us? Go die in a ditch somewhere!"

Before Roy could try and calm the situation, the original G-man -emboldened by Roland's arrival- stepped forward. "Suspect under arrest for obstruction of General Affairs activity, suspected insurrectionist sentiment, and threatening a peace officer." It reached out a hand to seize Sugar.

"FUCK!" The woman jerked away violently from his outstretched grasp, her face one of raw panic. Almost without thinking, she grabbed her sawed-off and unloaded both barrels directly into the G-man's chest in an obscenely loud blast. It went flying and fell on the pavement in a heap, then melted and erupted into a badly-wounded Myrmecoleon. Promptly the other G-man switched into combat mode, removing its hat and transforming into a Yowie the size of a horse. As soon as it appeared, however, the reptilian monster turned toward Sandalphon, who was approaching in order to help control the situation. Aggravated by her new Bane of Dinosaurs weakness, it roared at her and cast Zio to shock her with a bolt of lightning.

Meanwhile, Roy went to deploy something from his toolbelt, and Sugar rounded on Roland, reaching for her pump-action shotgun rather than trying to reload. "Get away! Not a step closer!"

Roland wasn't surprised this is what was going to happen. It always did with punks like these, although to be fair, he wasn't sure himself if they would get the bikes back. Well, either way, they opened fire first so.... "It would be best to run now. Maybe you'll get away fast enough that we wont get an ID." Roland said, giving these poor sods one last chance to fix their mistake. Still, he wasn't going to say no to a fight and was ready to draw a weapon to deal with these two if needed.

The weird thing was the transformed G man attacking Sandalphon, that would have to be dealt with. These things were always so predictable. Roland moved to smack the Yowiel to knock some sense into it.

Not only did the Yowie's cast take less than a second to perform, meaning Roland couldn't possibly get in the way in time, but it descended from above like a real lightning bolt, so it struck Sandalphon near-instantaneously and without mitigation. The archangel gasped, flinching. Even if water-aspected beings from her world took extra damage from wind-aspected attacks rather than light-aspected ones, her defense was low enough that she felt even this rather paltry spell. Of course, Sandalphon didn't plan to take that lying down. She bore no more love for the Administration and its peons than Sugar evidently did, especially the G-men, who jumped to conclusions at the drop of a hat and happily backed their presumptions up with mindless brutality. Her gunstaff materialized in her hand as she prepared to take the Yowie down; these mooks were designed to be expendable, and the archangel wasn't so cruel as to deny them their purpose.

In the commotion, both Sugar -her weapons quickly holstered- and Roy -now surrounded by a handful of his mechanical bees, the Sweeties- went for their bikes. They swept up their kickstands and noisily revved their motors as they prepared to make a break for it. However, by that time the Myrmecoleon had recovered enough to attack, and as it faced the bikers it inhaled deeply to knock them over with Wind Breath.

Roland sighed. Well, he really didn't have any beef with these two bikers, and they didn't look evil or anything, so he would've let them go without much fuss, but now that the situation has gotten so bad and they were making a run for it, he shrugged and made a move for the G man that attacked Sandalphon, coming down on it with his daggers, before moving to intercept the bikers with his sword drawn. He would then notice the other inhaling and getting ready to blow something upon the bikers, and held his attack for a moment to see what it would do.

His dagger strike against the Yowie distracted it long enough for Sandalphon to close to melee range and take over. Using the head of her gunstaff she dealt the monster a heavy smack across the face, and as its long neck whipped sideways the Yowie over balanced and fell over. The moment it hit the asphalt, Sandalphon planted her heel on its neck just behind the head, then planted the butt of her staff -which happened to be the weapon's barrel- on the monster's face. As the weapon spun up, her pupils turned to targeted reticles, and the next second she squeezed the trigger. In an instant the Yowie was dead.

At the same time, the Myrmecoleon battered Roy and Sugar with its Wind Breath. Though the spell lacked stopping power, it dealt enough damage to trigger the bikers' Gleam, and both immediately changed tactics. Roy's Sweeties surged forth to pierce the half-lion, half-ant monstrosity with their stingers, keeping it busy long enough for Sugar to unholster her pump-action shot gun, take aim, and blast the thing to kingdom come. Although both shadows had been mercilessly exterminated, Roland had a chance to act freely.

Having a bit of time, as the two bikers unloaded on the unfortuniate G man, Roland moved behind Roy, the one of the pair that didn't seem extremely jumpy with his silent movement, and as his bees dispatched the G man, Roland squatted on the front side of his bike as his back was turned, tapping him on the shoulder once the monster was obliterated by their combo attack. "Hey, make this easy for everyone here. You two bring me and a coworker where we need to go, and perhaps these G men went missing dealing with some cyborgs. I don't want this to get messy if I don't have to." roland said.

"Whoa, whoa!" Roland startled Roy with his sudden appearance, causing a reaction before he even finished his first sentence. With the ill-meaning stranger way too close for comfort, the brawny man turned and shoved Roland away, then revved up his bike to get the hell out of dodge, his Sweeties ready to follow behind him. With her Gleam sated as well, Sugar hurried to do the same, but that meant she needed to sling her shotgun across her back again before she could speed away.

Well, it couldn't be said Roland didn't try the peaceful method. But such was life in the city, it was rare to find anyone who could be considered neighborly. Flipping off the bike as he was shoved off, Roland decided to go for Sugar, who was having some difficulty getting into a riding mode due to her shotgun. An opportunity Roland would take by knocking her off her bike with a non lethal hammer strike to the side, before hopping in the seat she occupied and using the pre-revved bike to speed away, swinging by to make sure Sandalphon had her own transport before heading off himself.

With an agonized grunt Sugar hit the ground, several ribs broken. Because she'd been straddling the motorcycle, the force that knocked her over also knocked the bike over, forcing Roland to pick the heavy thing up in order to get it rolling again. As one might expect, however, Roy hadn't planned on leaving his lady friend high and dry. "Sugar!" he yelled, his voice echoing down the street as he slid his motorcycle sideways with the screech of tires. Then he sped back the way he came. His Sweeties hovered around him, ready to attack, and while he now appeared to be holding a grenade in his hand he clearly didn't want to risk hitting Sugar. Speaking of, she wasn't down for the count just yet, and she gritted her teeth through the pain as she reloaded her sawed-off as fast as possible. Roland having been starting to ride away.

In her current state Sugar took too long to reload to get a good shot off, so by the time she fired, the spread of the breaching round only grazed Roland and the stolen bike in a number of places. Sugar was effectively out of the equation, but Roy was not. His Sweeties hurtled toward the Turk en masse, not just trying to pierce him with their metal stingers but also bull into him and compromise the motorcycle's precarious balance. Still, he didn't prime the grenade. It was too risky, and there was a slim chance that Sugar's prized possession could still be recovered later.

It was at this point that Sandalphon stepped forward. She approached the spot where Sugar writhed from behind and planted the butt of her gunstaff to create a healing ring. Addressing the biker might have provoked her ire, so the archangel allowed the relief of restoration to speak for her. Once Sugar realized what was going on, she relaxed somewhat, accepting the help.

Roland wasn't an ace when it came to using a motorcycle, but he knew a thing or two. Having deflected the bit of buckshot that streamed his way, Roland put his sword away and pulled out his gun to shoot the tire of the guy persuing him with his little nanoswarm of drones, swapping weapons back to his sword to deflect the drones when they got close before taking a sharp turn to head down an adjacent street towards quarentine valley.

While Roland's shot missed, his heart not really in it, Roy's Sweeties didn't manage to make much headway either, and the two men passed within a couple feet of one another as they sped in different directions. That left the biker with a decision: Roland or Sugar. Although it pained him to see some psychopath make off with his friend's motorcycle, the Turk had demonstrated zero sympathy and maximum violence. Better to make sure Sugar was okay than risk both their lives. As the motor of Roland's stolen bike receded into the distance, Roy headed over to the two women, regarding Sandalphon warily. "You okay, Sugar?"

"I'll live," she replied, running her hand along her midriff. Though this prompted a wince, she was already feeling much better thanks to the healing ring. She looked up at Sandalphon. "Who the hell're you? Weren't you with that...that lunatic?"

Roy shot her an apologetic look. "I think Sugar means to say 'thanks for the help'."

Sandalphon's face betrayed nothing, but her pupils had turned into stress marks. "You're welcome. Be safe, you two." With that she hurried off. The archangel had a lot of ground to cover to catch up with the others. Hopefully her familiarity with the sky-line network that ran through Detroit would make up the difference.

As Roland rode away, he shouted behind him. "You can pick this back up at the interplate train station near the Quarentine Zone." as he rode away, saying that more to clear his conscious than anything. Overall he was being pretty nice, but he didn't have any reason to be more hostile than he was. These people were just common folk that had a bad shake, but thats that and this is this.

Level 10 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) - (89/100)
Location: The Under - Termite Kingdom Ruins
Word Count: less than 750

"I see no point in stealth, the less enemies, the easier leaving this place will be." Sectonia said, and upon saying that, got started on the frontal assault. She started by summoning her antillions, which if the guards weren't looking at the group before, they sure were now as they saw Sectonia's summoning portals. But considering the royal was out for blood (and loot), and she much preferred the bees over the wasps asthetically, she opened up by causing the chaos she often did in a battlefiel. Making and throwing her large rings of light that just went in a general direction, they for the most part waved, weaved, zig, zagged, and zoomed through the hive. The bee workers would be unharmed, but the wasps would be enraged as these attacks went at them. Their agility made dodging through the ring of light barrage easier due to Sectonia's lack of control on them, although a couple as they approached got caught off guard by the mild homing properties of the ring thanks to the smart worm.

While melee based wasps couldn't really approach Sectonia due to her barrage of attacks, ranged attackers could still hit the intruding bee queen. Due to her size, she herself couldn't really dodge these ranged attacks that well either, but summoning her Chaos Shield greatly, greatly reduced the damage these did as her antillions advanced onto them. The queen herself would also advance forward, spitting out more projectiles if any wasps got near her, and with the others help things wouldn't be nearly as bad as they could be.

Since Sectonia and her minions basically caused chaos, attacking whatever wasps came around, this also aggroed the miniboss of the area, the Heavy Drone B-33 and its Bee Boops. While the Bee Boops were not too much of a problem, either shooting their honey shots at Sectonia's antillions or rushing towards the group and dying to the bruisers of the group or even an antillion as they got frozen solid, the same couldn't be said about the Heavy Drone. Unlike the bee boops, it was far tankier, and hit much harder with its missiles and its laser sweeps. It was big, and couldn't really dodge that well unlike the wasps, but it made up for it with its ability to deal damage and tank hits.

These missiles attacked anyone in the group, with the Heavy Drone B-33 having no concept of what was more threatening, instead just shooting its missiles at every hostile unit it could see at random. While this made it easier for the group, as these missiles would either take out an antillion or target Sectonia or Bowser, they could also target the less tanky members of the group if not intercepted. Even then, its laser sweeps would also cause mild explosions around the hive and damage anyone who got hit by them.

"Rush forward and deal with these weaklings." Sectonia said at Bowser as she gave him and Ganondorf Haste, giving them some breathing room with her projectiles. This was for sure causing quite the distraction for the wasp forces, and while tanky, the Heavy Drone couldn't withstand attacks from all of them. As one of Sectonia's light rings hit it, it started to have some of its heavy armor drop off. This made it more threatening, as it had lost some of its defense, but now with its much greater mobility it could more reliably dodge the errant projectile from Sectonia, and even though it was a bit lighter, it was still quite a large object and upon seeing the distraction team advance, decided to meet them head on with a thruster boosted charge, wiping out any antillion it came into contact with as it charged the group.

Robot Girls

Level 3 Roland - (2/30) Level up! Learned Memories of the Library.
Level 12 Blazermate (Holding 3 level up) - (28/120)
Level 5 Susie - (37/50) - (Holding 2 level up)
Location: Sector 7 (Seventh Heaven)
Word Count: 1036

As they went down the whole way down to the underplate, eventually the motorball couldn't keep up as it was. not as nimble as the rest of the group, it eventually turned into a hunk of molten metal. A big ball of it that was coming down to crush the pedestrians below! But there wasn't much her projectile shield could do against something that big, she had tested it and objects of massive size still took damage, but weren't blocked by the shield. That was when Goldlewis showed one of his super skills, using his coffin to smash the machine into much more manageable smaller chunks which Blazermate used her projectile shield to block so that only a small amount even touched those behind her and Goldlewis. Still, seeing as Goldlewis did the hard task of breaking that monster scrap into smaller chunks, Blazermate let him take the adoration of the people, just hovering to the others and healing if necessary.

Wanting a break, Goldlewis suggested some bar that Susie knew about, having been there prior, or at least something similar. Roland had heard of that chain as well, and considering he wasn't the one buying, he was up for it. Sandalphon had appeared as well with her supporting androids and had fused with a few of the spirits Midna had given her. Susie would have to figure out how this whole spirit thing worked, as seeing what kind of strange abomination Midna had become and the changes to Sandalphon made her interested, but also cautious. Roland was just as weirded out by Midna's change, but noticed that Sandalphon hadn't been as a radical change. And Blazermate was fine with everything, although she'd have to find a medabot spirit for Midna to fuse with later so that she didn't look so... weird? It was like she was made of way too many clashing parts!

Roland had heard about the under sectors, how they resembled a safer version of the backstreets back from where he was from, and yeah, they looked it. Dilapidated, rough, but at least the smell of blood and body parts wasn't anywhere to be seen, nor were their sweepers cleaning up at night and eating anything that was unfortunate to be out then. Susie wasn't too impressed with the area herself, this place needed a lot of fixing up and probably didn't have the money to do so. Even then, there wasn't much she could offer this place with how limited her business aspects were at the moment. Finally Blazermate thought it was quaint, being more on Roland's side of things thinking this place wasn't that bad. A little dusty, but rustic. Reminded her of a show she saw regarding a cowboy and his trusty nine iron, and on top of that the bar they entered was even cowboy themed!

"Oooh, I like this place! Its got that country vibe to it! You don't see these very often in Tokyo!" Blazermte said, floating around the place and looking at everything. Roland could only look at the robot looking at everything with a strange nostalgic look combined with puzzlement. He didn't say much of anything though, instead grabbing himself a couple beers and joyfully drinking them. "Ah, thanks for buying them buddy. Nothing like a cold one after a hard day's work!" Seeing Benedict and Partito drinking and rambling on about some of their past co-workers, Roland decided to join them. He was already a bit pink in the cheeks at this point. "Hey whatchya two talking about over here?" and decided to have some casual chit chat with the two.

Not wanting a beer, Susie decided to take a light stroll outside to see if there was anything of interest. Even though this place was dilapidated, that could also be opportunistic as that meant there could be things here that are far, far more valuable than people knew. It didn't take her long before she ran into a Vending machine that spoke in a southern drawl as she approached.

It wasn't like anything she had seen, and it had both an intake for items, and an outake for them. It offered mostly medicine and ammo, most of which she didn't need, but it also had a 'daily special', a shield module, but marked down from its obscene price down to 400. Now, this was something she could use. Even with all of their advancements in technology, Haltmann works couldn't ever miniaturize a shield like this. Yes they had large shields on the access ark, but they were only temporary at best. This boasted that it worked all the time and just needed time to recharge. Now if this was a scam or not, Susie didn't know. But even if it was scrap, if it held some of its former tech that could be extremely useful. Pulling out some of her credits, she bought the thing, and with a 'plunk', it appeared in the slot before her.

And it... worked! It even sized itself down to fit her great, only taking a small slot on her belt. Yeah it ruined her outfit a bit, but she was soon surrounded by a shield that would absorb every 11th bullet aimed at it, and gave her some extra shields to boot. Very nice. Maybe with how annoyingly fast these cyborgs and other creatures were, this would help her a lot. She didn't find much in her little stroll, and soon returned to the bar to chat with the others on what she had found and may be able to replicate in the future.

Blazermate, not being able to partake in any of the festivities, just floated around and made sure no one got too drunk they couldn't do anything. She had ways of getting them back up if they passed out, which it seemed Roland would be close to being after his third bottle, but she'd prefer not to. Or perhaps she would love to do so, but not in a calm way. Oh, she could play out a funny scene for everyone who wasn't drunk to watch, that'd be fun!


Level 10 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) - (88/100)
Location: The Under - Termite Kingdom Ruins
Word Count: less than 750

Sectonia, after giving Rubick his requested stickers and putting away the bottle of magic fairy tears, went back to meet up with the rest of the group as she got a call on her linkpearl. During that travel, she inspected the bottle to see if she got ripped off, but no, this was fairly valuable if a bit mundane. It was a bottle of magical glass that seemed like it could hold almost anything that could fit inside it, even incorporeal things like souls. But it could only hold one thing, and the current thing it held was tears of some great fairy that not only boosted her damage, but healed her to full upon drinking it. Sure the bottle was a bit too small for her, but this would be valuable. And if this was just to get him to start moving, perhaps finding the rest of the poes would offer something extremely useful? She'd at least let the others know about them when she joined the group.

Apparently Primrose and Therion had managed to find the place they were looking for, an entrance into the hive. And inside the hive was, well, it was a hive. She'd prefer the area to be full of hexigonal glass and crystals rather than honey, but being a bee herself, she understood what she was looking at and there was a very comforting look of it all either way. What wasn't as comforting were all the wasps bullying about the honey bees, using various mechanical devices to enforce their rule. She had to agree it was smart, but now she had to deal with all of that 'smartness' on the reviving end as there wasn't much opportunity for stealth as they entered the main chamber, with Nadia suggesting the same. As she gave out her bee pun, and looked at the group, Sectonia gestured to herself and Bowser with a look of "Does it look like this group is about stealth?" on her face and got herself ready to start to fight off the wasps and drones hovering in the air. The big drone probably had something really, really good inside of it, considering how it looked much stronger than the rest.

"We should deal with the 'eyes in the sky' as it were. I'm sure that big drone above there has something valuable on it." Sectonia said.

Level 10 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) - (87/100)
Location: The Under - Termite Kingdom Ruins
Word Count: less than 750

With Rubick having helped her deal with and collect more poes, Sectonia found that looking through these ruins for the additional 10 poes was going to be quite a pain, especially if the rest of the group would be done doing their explorations. All for a treasure that may or may not be great? Well, there was a way to speed this up.

"More eyes on the ground would find these poes faster." Sectonia said, summoning a whole horde of antillion and giving them instructions. They would look about the city, and if they found a hovering blue lantern to report back to her so that she could deal with the poe. She would command the antillions to handle the poes themselves, but she figured this would be easier. And with those orders given, the Antillions scattered about the ruins.

"And now we wait." Sectonia said as she watched her antillions fan out through the ruins. While some got trapped by the other spider creatures inhabiting the ruins, others soon returned having found a poe. Much like the royal she was, Sectonia delegated. She would follow one antillion and clear out a poe, while leaving the other to Rubick. The meeting spot would be in front of Jovani's house when they had claimed the poe they were looking for. Having been around the ruins and seen most of the area's tricks, Sectonia didn't have too much of an issue defeating the poes she was lead to with her magic or swords; really whatever she felt like using at the time.

With each poe defeated, it was harder and harder to find more. Occasionally Sectonia had to summon more antillions, but the poes themselves stood no chance when they were challenged by two powerful mages, and eventually they had collected the 20 poe souls in this area. With that done, Sectonia went to go see Jovani and what this 'reward' would be. If it was horrid, she doubted she'd go through with breaking his curse.


Robot Girls

Level 3 Roland - (0/30) Level up!
Level 12 Blazermate (Holding 3 level up) - (26/120)
Level 5 Susie - (35/50) - (Holding 2 level up)
Location: Sector 6
Word Count: 1032

"Phew, That was a tough fight." Roland said as he walked to the rest of the group, wiping his brow. "To think that lunatic would send attack helicopters to blow up the building he was in. I knew he had a screw loose, but that...." Roland said, sighing and shaking his head. With everyone grouped up, talk about what people were going to do started, with Roland learning that some of his party was part of PsyOPs and had, from what he could figure out, a friend they had taken? Either way, they were asking for a couple more from the group to help them out. Roland was going to have NONE of that mess though, stating at much. "Look, I'm a man who knows my limits. And I draw those limits at invisible things that can break your mind." He wasn't much of a fan of that whole part of the city.

Blazermate meanwhile was in the same boat, but for a different reason; she knew she wouldn't be of much help considering what she knew about the whole PsyOPs stuff, only saying. "Hey, I hope you guys can find Peach and free her, but there isn't much I can do either. Good luck." Susie had been spending her time gathering information, and why she didn't join the fight was due to her learning that the DespoRHado cyborgs specialized in dealing with her kind of mech robots. With her lack of ability to really defend herself due to the new rules of this world so far, she figured staying back and getting info would be best.

After the people that wanted to help with the peach rescue mission got teleported away, things... started to break down. Attracting the attention of the Public Security Division and their Motor Ball, they all had to make a run for it. Thanks to Sandalphon, and a decision of the group NOT to fight it as it would be too much trouble, it was time to run using an underground tunnel to find an escape tot he plate under this one. Blazermate was fine with running, attaching her medic beam to whoever seemed to be the fastest and matching their speed with her own thanks to the medi beam's ability. So whenever they took a dash pad, so did she in a sense. And thanks to her flight, most of the obstacles that appeared on the way down didn't really bother her much. Susie had a bit more vertical speed than Blazermate with her flying, and could use the dash pads as they were intended, even while using her transporter to fly. Like Blazermate she had an easy time getting around obstacles, but her movement wasn't as free as the medabots.

Roland meanwhile wasn't happy with needing to run on foot, but was at least equipped to deal with it. As he took the first dash pad, he used a small communication device to call up his superior to figure out why Public Security was chasing them. "Tseng, come in Tseng. Why is Public Security ruining my operation here?" Roland would soon get a reply over the device, with a reply of. "Roland? Where have you been. Last I heard you went AWOL after the debate with Shinra." Roland then replied. "Yeah, sorry about that, but I was investigating that moderator that got under President Shinra's skin and had managed to plant bombs under those sectors."

After saying that, the radio went silent for a little bit, with Roland needing to watch his footing a bit as the road got a bit rough soon after hitting another dash pad, as it was in need of some repairs. Then the voice over it came back saying. "I see... And did you find anything?" Roland then thought a bit, saying. "A little bit. It seemed like some parts of DespoRHado went rogue and were attacking Vandelay under orders from that 'moderator'. Apparently he has some kind of mind control powers, and very potent ones. But finding that out got me stuck in the middle of their internal struggles and now I've got this tank chasing me." That last part about the moderator being the one responsible for the fracturing of DespoRHado was a lie, but considering according to these people that woke him up out of his stupor, it would do well to get the whole city looking for him.

There was a pause before Tseng continued, saying. "... So you were at Vandelay which from my reports is on fire right now. What happened." Roland then explained a bit of what happened, and how, continuing with his story, explained how it seemed the senior cyborgs, including the one that lead Armstrong's security detail, were going crazy and attacking Vandelay. He explained that some of them had fused with 'something', and were crazy. They also had glowing eyes that didn't look right, which were in fact their Galeeming as he could see that now, but he used that as an excuse to say that they were mind controlled. He also stated that not all of DespoRHado were controlled that way, and how some tried to defend Vandelay from their rogue elements.

Near the end of the story when Roland was saying he beat Sundowner and saved the head of production, Tseng came back on saying. "Your breaking up. Return to HQ for debriefing." Well, that didn't sound great, but Roland was going underground to the next plate, and this plate didn't have very good communications due to the poor development of Shinra, so it made sense. It was good then that the conversation got cut short, as soon that 'poor development' came into fruition as the first thing that Roland ran into that was a bit of trouble was a large pit in the road with a launch ramp.

Seeing the two flying robots soar over this pit without issue, Roland sighed saying. "Why did Shinra refuse to make these lower plates..." before he ran into the launch jump pad, and found that there.... weren't any problems. It sent him flying right over the pit without issue and onward he went.
Peak Performance

Location: Midgar Sector 06, the City of Glass
Roland’s @Archmage MC, Partitio’s @Dark Cloud, Goldlewis Dickinson, Sandalphon
Word Count: 6499 7 xp

Roland remembered Sundowner, he was the head of security for Armstrong. And from what little he knew about him, he knew he wasn’t the best person. Goldlewis seemed to have heard the same rumors he had. Rumors that… could possibly be true…? Roland started putting two and two together as he and Rekka talked and got ready to fight. That C character had mentioned something strange, something that made Roland’s skin crawl. So he could only ask a simple question. But that would have to wait until after this fight was over.

Roland wasn’t new to fights like this. Even if both targets were his enemy, it would do well to side with at least one of them, the one he could easily take down. But as for now he held a defensive stance to observe these two fight at least a little bit to get an idea of who would be the bigger pain. From the looks of it, Sundowner was a defensive fighter with slow big hits, while Rekka was a grappler, both very annoying opponents…

He certainly got an eyeful, as neither of the two minced any words. Rekka started out by lifting one arm, flexing, and then throwing herself forward in a shoulder barge reminiscent of a runaway truck. She covered a lot of distance in a blink, but her highly telegraphed attack meant that Sundowner was ready. He brought his six plates together in front of him to form a single wall, like the squares of the world’s spiciest chocolate bar. Rekka slammed into him, and in addition to not budging Sundowner one inch, the man’s shield plates immediately exploded in Rekka’s face. The woman grunted as she stumbled backward, reeling and taken by surprise.

With an ugly chuckle Sundowner folded up his shields and went to work with his machetes, slashing first with the right, then the left. He then brought both blades up for a horizontal cross cut, but Rekka brought up her own metal mitts and caught the swords on her heavy gauntlets. Her muscles bulged, and with a shove she threw both off, allowing her to wind up and deliver a door-buster kick right to Sundowner’s belly. The blow actually sent him sliding back a few feet, but when Rekka wound up for another shoulder barge, her opponent’s shields slammed back into place in front of him. Rekka hesitated, her teeth gritted, but Sundowner simply brought the barrier to her with a charge of his own. In the ensuing blast both separated, quickly returned to neutral.

“Can’t lay a finger on me!” Sundowner hollered.

“Watch me!” Rekka shot back. “These hands are rated E for Everyone!”

With neither of his allies at his back, Goldlewis had been hesitant to throw himself into the thick of things from the get-go, but now that the fireworks had begun he recognized the elephant in the room straight away. Those adaptable shields, clearly capable of exploding again and again whenever struck, would be a real problem for anyone trying to step up to DespoRHado's commander in chief. Then again, Goldlewis had seen a lot of very strong gimmicks in his day. More often than not, figuring out how to get past them meant seizing victory. Sitting back and letting them take each other out might be strategically sound, but it’d leave a bad taste in the veteran’s mouth, especially when he felt obliged to show these slack-jawed yokels what a real southerner looked like. Goldlewis reckoned he could outbox either of these two if he got half a chance, but not both at once.

“Enough sittin’ around!” he told himself as much as the others. “We’re breakin’ this up. Cover me!”

Roland had seen what he needed to see. Had he charged in blindly, he probably would’ve been a victim to Sundowner’s explosive shields. That would be annoying, far more annoying than Rekka’s fairly basic, if strong, punches and shoulder tackles. At least she seemed straightforward, with Sundowner seeming very… tricky at least with those shields.

Seeing his opportunity on Rekka’s next attack, Roland used her distraction of, well, running into Sundowner’s shield to pull out a pair of daggers and with his silent movement, sneak up on Sundowner and strike at the fairly weak looking arms connecting his shields to his body before moving back to wait for another chance to strike. Sundowner could only hear a faint ‘clink’ when Roland’s daggers hit his shield arms, the fixer being silent otherwise. Even then, the big many might not have noticed over the sounds of battle–though the shield arms might be spindly, knives weren’t going to cut through solid metal. But damage was damage, and as he turned in the direction of the disturbance he swung the shield arms on that side like three simultaneous elbow smashes. They did not connect with anything, however, and though Sundowner narrowed his brow, he couldn’t spare any time for further scrutiny. Both Rekka and Goldlewis were closing in.

While watching a good old fashioned fight unfold was all well and good to Partitio it rang home the fact that there were some folk who had more than just a mean punch or a hardy constitution to back them. So when his two companions decided to jump in on the brawl it was the merchant that hesitated to join the fray, even if one of the two they were gonna fight seemed more simple than the other even he knew he was outclassed in strength and power.

With a grunt, Partitio put his back into slamming the office desk on its side "Ya'll sure there ain't no way to settle this over a drink?" he hollered from behind cover in a futile attempt to solve things in a way he was capable of doing "Don’t much feel like dying today friends, what the hell ya'll fightin' for anyways?" knowing better than to stay in one place, Partitio rolled out of cover just in case it would be compromised and stood with his spear in hand.

The others ignored him, as the time for talk had clearly passed. If he wasn’t going to take action, he wouldn’t be on their radar. Instead the three brawlers met in the middle. Sundowner immediately locked his shields together and stood there with a grin, waiting to get hit. Rather than trigger another blast, Rekka directed her tackle into Goldlewis instead, who blocked with his coffin. He then lifted his coffin to slam it down, but Rekka let loose a giant lariat that shrugged off the blow. Her fist whacked Goldlewis in the shoulder and slid off it into his jaw, knocking him sideways. Rekka couldn’t cancel the lariat just yet though, and as she continued to spin Goldlewis recovered enough to reach out, seize her head in a grab, and bean her noggin with a hefty headbutt. The two stumbled apart just as Sundowner got tired of nobody hitting his shield, and as he charged forward to try and ram them, the others both backdashed to let him hurl himself straight between them. Then Rekka advanced with a series of slow, heavy slugs. Goldlewis ate the first one before he could jump, but he blocked the second and third, then rammed his coffin into her shins and performed a gatling into mule kick. Those not-insignificant hits persuaded Rekka to block low when she recovered, only for the veteran to mix her up with an overhead Behemoth Typhoon. By that time Sundowner had turned himself around, and he rushed back in for another go, splitting the two back up again.

Roland watched Sundowner trying to, frankly, haphazardly get into the fight and failing. It seemed he was far more defensive instead of offensive in nature. He didn’t know an opponent who won using only defense. Additionally it seemed everyone had caught onto his little trick, making him even less effective. And with Goldlewis slugging it out with Rekka, getting those two to fight each other again might be tricky.

Roland had an idea. If Sundowner was just essentially a walking mine, perhaps using him like that could make things easy. As Sundowner made his way back into the fray between Goldlewis and Rekka, Roland put his daggers away and pulled out a mace. He moved behind Rekka as she kept an eye on Sundowner, and tried to smack her into the charging cyborg.

He chose an excellent time. Goldlewis had just attempted to take the initiative by jumping and airdashing over Sundowner in order to cross him up, but the big cyborg knew what he was doing. He reconfigured in time to block the cross-up and detonate Goldlewis, launching him. “I’M FUCKIN’ INVINCIBLE!” Sundowner roared. Rekka rushed in and stopped just short as he rounded on her with the same triple-elbow he tried against Roland, but he whiffed and Rekka punished him with a smack before dashing backward. Sundowner locked his shields together and rushed her, but she actually caught him with a grab, clutching and prying apart his shields to expose him. That was when Roland hit her, breaking her focus enough to let Sundowner finish his charge and blast her backward. She landed on Roland and essentially fell on top of him, crushing him beneath her brawny back. “What the!?” With a quick roll she got off him and fixed the unidentifiable man with a baffled stair. “Ain’t nobody who can get away with sucker-punchin’ Rekka!” As a Thunderbird grenade from Goldlewis hit Sundowner in the back off in the distance, Rekka reached down with a massive mitt to grab Roland by the shirt.

'Dang it Partitio you're actin' like a right darn yellow bellied coward.' besides his new allies (or at least one of em') were in a pickle, so it was time to knock some heads rather than hide like a darn coward. Leaping over the desk on its side the riled merchant winded his fist back glowing with a bright blue light as he boosted his attack to max "You're bout to be taught a lesson ma'am. " fist connecting to the woman's jaw, followed by a one-two gut punch, then a wallop to the ribs before finishing with a nasty strike between Rekka’s eyes to hopefully break her nose.

Though little more than a background element until now, Partitio announced his presence with a ferocious flurry of powered-up punches. For the second time in as many minutes Rekka got blindsided by a heaping helping of blunt force, starting off with a sucker punch to the jaw just as she twisted up Roland’s shirt and hauled him off the ground. The blow both stunned and surprised her, allowing Partitio to land a couple more hefty bashes. When he tried to follow up with a punch to the face, however, his fist clanged off one of her huge metal forearms, doing far more damage to his own knuckles than it did to her. Steam practically vented from her nose as she turned a look of pure rage on the man, who would suddenly have to contend with the fact that he’d poked a tiger with a short stick. Rekka tossed Roland aside like a ragdoll and launched a massive hook punch followed by a devastating uppercut.

Roland flew through the air a bit before landing on the ground, doing a roll to reduce the damage he took from the throw. He underestimated Rekka ”Tch. You're faster than you look.” and counter attacked by pulling out his gun and shooting her in the back to get her off of Partitio and start charging him, now that he's got some distance. Aggravated by both enemies and able to choose between them, Rekka growled in pain but did not take her leave of Partitio for now.

The merchant wasn't scared, in fact through his gritted teeth twisted a smile "Heh, ya got a mean punch ma'am." Partitio chuckled weakly with his lip cracked and bleeding, Roland’s gunfire turning the angry woman off him for a moment giving him the opportunity he needed to trigger his latent power from the amount of damage those deadly fists did to him. Pointing a finger at Rekka like a gun, a fully boosted gout of flames burst beneath her feet dealing dangerous amounts of fire damage to her.

“Hah!” The burst of flame knocked Rekka back, and she slid to a stop on one knee, her clothes smoking and the tip of her hair on fire. Though she looked angry, she seemed to be smiling. “Not bad!” She blew her hair out of her face, extinguishing it in the prospect. “For a couple-a SHRIMPS!” With a grunt she leaped into the air, then extended both her legs and shot toward Partitio in a diving dropkick. On impact she left a huge dent in the floor panel, which she proceeded to grip with both hands, tear off, and hurl at Roland like a giant frisbee. Then she reached down to the exposed cables, grabbed the biggest one, and started pulling it apart. “Rekka could use some…”


Three stacked rows of cables that surrounded the corners of the room on all four sides began to glow like the ropes of a wrestling ring. Electricity arced across her body as she activated her magnetic gauntlets. Suddenly, Partitio began to slide across the ground toward her, her arms held wide to welcome the merchant into her loving embrace. A battered but thankfully alive (for the time being) Partitio hadn't even gotten to his feet, having only just dove away as the lady landed nearly making a merchant sized pancake of him. He had healed to almost half of his health in that time before he began to be moved by some unseen force towards Rekka.

The merchant half smiled and grimaced "You want a big ole hug then?" instead of waiting for her to pull him to her he leapt with the force that was sliding him towards Rekka with his spear in hand prepared to jab the woman's unguarded chest as he slid towards her.

Roland meanwhile seeing the metal plate heading towards him, decided to pull out his large sword and cleaved the plate in two, before charging in to smack Rekka with the same sword.

Over on the other side of the arena, Goldlewis and Sundowner were really going at it. The veteran managed to catch his opponent blocking high with a low kick (so low that he was practically sitting down) into low dust to knock his foe down. He mistimed a meaty hit and ate a high sidekick into machete slash on incoming, but got out of the follow-up with a backdash and went to punish it with a Behemoth Typhoon, but Sundowner recovered faster than Goldlewis thought and put up his shields, forcing Goldlewis to waste his Tension on a backward-moving purple Roman Cancel to not detonate the shields. The Wind of Destruction happily brought his shields to Goldlewis with a forward charge, but the veteran’s block reduced the blast to chip damage, and not even a double machete overhead broke his guard.

He caught Sundowner with a quick elbow thrust into forward-up-back Behemoth Typhoon, popping his heavy opponent into the air. Its floaty launch gave him enough time to pull out his minigun before Sundowner hit the ground in order to bombard the cyborg with bullets on wakeup, rolling him away from his fallen machetes. He found his footing and rose with his guard up, the electrical turbines in his arms revving up as he hid behind his explosive shields. When the gunfire ended, the shields parted and Sundowner zoomed forward to strike Goldlewis with a mighty lightning clothesline, carrying the veteran for a few feet before bowling him over. Goldlewis grunted in pain, the wind knocked from his lungs, and as he got to one knee he watched Sundowner recover his machetes. Rather than hold one in each hand, however, he attached one to his right forearm, creating what looked like a giant pair of pincers. He then looked at Goldlewis and grinned as he snapped them shut. “The fun’s just gettin’ started!” Tang, tang!

When Partitio aimed his weapon’s point at Rekka, the production manager just grinned. “You want some?” Pulled by her magnetism, the merchant continued to slide toward her until Rekka brought her arms forward for the grab, not to snag Partitio himself, but his spear. Her iron grip clamped down on the weapon with both hands, conducting the electricity that now charged her as she whipped around and flung him with Wedge Catapult. “You can’t handle it!” He flew and bounced off the arena’s ‘ropes’ and sailed back toward Rekka. As her primary target soared her way Rekka spotted Roland coming in to smash her, so rather than stand there and take it, she jumped away from him and toward Partitio. She met him with the two-stage Crimson Punisher, first striking with an arm sweep to spike him downward and then dropping with a titanic belly flop. Then she got up and flexed her arms, essentially letting Partitio go in order to charge her next technique. Lightning sparked around her arms, and after a second she leaped straight up, then brought her fist down, electrocuting the floor of the entire arena. Both Goldlewis and Sundowner got quite the shock right in the middle of their melee as the whole area lit up for a solid two seconds, though after that Rekka doubled over, her arms needed to vent the excess heat.

Thanks to Rekka’s evasive part of her attack, Roland’s sword smashed into the ground, damaging the panels beneath. He then held his sword up to defend himself from her followup attack, the large object offering him some protection from the electric attack that zapped him as Rekka supercharged the floor. Once that attack was over, Roland smoking a bit from all that electricity, he saw his opportunity to attack Rekka and dashed at her with his daggers out, before smacking her from behind with his longsword in a quick flashy display.

Meanwhile a beaten and battered Partitio groaned, ears filled with a shrill whine like they were next to an explosion. The merchant jerkily dragged himself to his feet, and stumbled to whatever nearby cover he could find as he did his best to recover. Roland seemed to be able to keep Rekka busy, and as he quickly got his bearings back as well as his missing health the merchant took note that the big lady seemed to generate more heat than she could handle which got him to thinking…

A sly smile formed on the man's face, fixing his hat on his head Partitio then tugging at his white gloves had himself quite the good old fashioned plan. Chortling to himself, Partitio kept an eye on the two fighting while making sure he was ready to act if Rekka made her move on him or if things went south. He had quite the idea burning in the back of his mind, so to speak. Another blast of heat might just do the trick, so he was ready and riled to give ole' Rekka something to sweat about.

Things wouldn’t be so simple, though. The wrestler’s arena-wide move had gotten the attention of both Goldlewis and Sundowner, and after using his Tesla Blitz to send Goldlewis flying with an unexpected Psycho Crusher, Sundowner charged into the fray. With his explosive shields extended he was just a second away from ramming into both Rekka and Roland at once.

Roland reflexively pulled out a large warhammer to attempt to block the sudden charge from Sundowner in a defensive flourish. Being one of Rolands more defensive weapons, it blocked a fair amount of damage from the exploding shields, but it wasn’t enough and that sent Roland flying back.

As Roland did a roll to get back onto his feet, he did note that now Sundowner and Rekka were together and would be slugging it out for a little while. With some heightened emotions, Roland made his way to Goldlewis to help the old man to his feet. Hopefully the merchant would be smart enough to also retreat and let the two brutes duke it out a little bit while they regrouped and recalculated a plan.

When Roland reached him Goldlewis was already on his feet. He might be old, but he was also tough as nails. Even if the Distortion Mask interfered with his memories of the exact details, he gave the agent an appreciative pat on the shoulder as he hoisted himself up. He then turned his attention to the fight still going. With Partitio withdrawing to an at-the-ready state and her opponent turning his focus to Sundowner, Rekka got a chance to recover, and once the DespoRHado boss dispatched Roland the two faced off. Rekka managed to bash him with a shoulder barge when his shields weren’t up. She then reeled back, winding up for a gigantic downward punch. Sundowner charged up his own electric uppercut, and in an impact powerful enough to send out a shockwave the two titans collided. The trade doubled Sundowner over, but it launched Rekka, and by the time she landed hard in front of him the man had collected himself. He brought his electrified pincer down on top of her for a painful OTG hit, and with a grunt she rolled away.

Rekka got up with her teeth gritted, looking a little less confident and a lot more frazzled. “Hmph! You ain’t gonna make me tap!” She spread her arms wide, and then extended a couple feet in either direction, glowing red. “Just try blockin’ this!” Sundowner clicked his tongue and put his shield up, evidently more than happy to try blocking it, but if he expected a giant clothesline he couldn’t have been more wrong. Rekka bulled forward and caught him in a huge grab, clamping down on the edges of his shield before pulling Sundowner off his feet by the shield. She whirled him around, then tossed him straight upward. After adjusting her hair with a grin, she leaped up after him and snatched his shield arms by their elbows. With each set locked in like a fistful of straws, she pulled Sundowner over her shoulders and began to fall. “HERE IT COMES! …HAH!” When Rekka landed, the force of her buster not only dealt a grip of damage to Sundowner, but pulled his shield arms right out. All the displays in the room lit up with bright lights, the colorful equalizers on the walls turned to maximum. Rekka shrugged Sundowner off onto the ground, casting the shield arms aside to explode around them, then used Gadget Finger to lift him up again with magnetism so she could send him flying with a spectacular cowboy punch.

“Ugggh!” Sundowner tumbled along the floor, his heavy body clanging loudly. He got to one knee and spat. “Hyuck…ptooey! Enough foolin’ around!” Suddenly, a barrage of high-caliber chaingun fire tore through the wall behind him, blasted out from at least three different sources. The fusillade destroyed an entire section of wall, revealing three Hammerhead VTOLs. Standing up, Sundowner grinned. “Time for y’all to DIE!”

“Holy hell!” For a minute there Goldlewis had been more or less content to watch as the two juggernauts just beat the snot out of one another, catching his breath, but the arrival of military hardware took all fun out of the equation real fast. “Come in, Halo!” he hollered into his glyph. “Come in! Sundowner just called in three choppers with Goddamn chainguns to back him up! We need whatever backup you got ASAP, over!”

“Understood, Mustang,” Sandalphon replied calmly, already cognizant of the Seekers’ location. “I have two Flight Units I’m sending to your position, ETA thirty seconds. Until then…” In a blue flash, Sandalphon herself warped it, standing alongside the team with her gunstaff ready for action. “We will stand together.”

Emboldened, Goldlewis gave a grim smile. “Glad to have ya, ma’am.”

As Sundowner strode forward, the Hammerheads began to circle around, unloading their chainguns through the walls and the glass to open the way for their missiles. The cacophony of war filled the air.

”I knew he looked weird, but I didn’t know he was this crazy!” Roland said, pulling out his greatsword as he deflected whatever gunfire came his way. There were a few reasons why guns were rare where he came from. It was expensive to own and operate one, but also anyone with sufficient enough skill could make anything but the biggest guns a non issue. Roland used this skill of his to deflect machine gun fire from one of the helicopter chainguns with a great amount of speed and flourish. He couldn’t cover or protect anyone from the other two chainguns, including himself, so he tried to keep moving to help his comrades to cover until more backup came and out of the sight of those two.

At least their dispatcher seemed like she had some good weapons and augmentations. Roland was surprised she came to help when called for, now he just had to see how effective she was. He could at least help Goldlewis and Partitio get into a place of relative safety, if they could keep the other enemies and copters busy.

When the chainguns roared, Goldlewis clenched his jaw and blocked. Doing so reduced the shots to chip damage, but the chip damage quickly piled up, and though he wanted to find cover as much as Roland, no cover could be found. Not even a great defense would last forever, and that went for the both of them. Quickly getting a grip on the accumulation of damage, Sandalphon thrust the barrel of her gunstaff into the ground, expanding a green ring to encircle her allies. While inside the healing field, their vitality would be partially restored every second. After that, Sandalphon crouched behind Goldlewis; she possessed no protective skills of her own, and with defense like hers these circumstances posed incredible danger. One of the Hammerheads focused on Rekka to great effect, but the other two -and Sundowner- laid into the Seekers. Without his shields, the big cyborg charged at Roland with his machetes electrified.to bust down his defense and open him up.

Roland wasn’t going to have any of this lunatic. And unlike before, Sundowner wasn’t blind sighting Roland as much this time as he had to keep an eye around him to deal with the copters. So as Sundowner charged at Roand with his large electric blade, Roland used this opportunity to use his superior speed to dodge around Sundowner, putting him between Roland and the gunship that was shooting him. ”Kids shouldn’t play with such dangerous toys.” Roland said in a cold mocking tone as he stayed in Sundowner’s blindside and tried to keep the hulking cyborg between himself and the chaingun firing copter.

The aerial Unmanned Gear registered the possibility of friendly fire and stopped shooting. Sundowner cackled as he turned to face Roland, who immediately got lit up by the Hammerhead that had been targeting Rekka from behind. If the man looked over he could see why: Rekka lay on death’s door in a puddle of her own blood, overwhelmed by chaingun fire and left to die. Now all three choppers could focus on the Seekers. “Kids are cruel, boy!” Sundowner gleefully yelled over the cacophony. “And I’m very in touch with my inner child!” Roland attempted to counter this blow, but Sundowner’s attack broke through his counter and connected, dealing a fair amount of damage and shaking Roland’s resolve quite a bit.

Goldlewis wanted to help, but he couldn’t without getting shredded himself, and Partitio -without any way to seriously mitigate incoming damage- was burning through his latent power just to stay alive. The healing field was severely outmatched. Sandalphon remained calm, but she recognized that the situation had already become untenable–but not unsalvageable.

She stood up to her full height, steeling herself against the hail of bullets, and raised her staff. Rings of interconnected tech lines formed in a circle around her, brilliantly azure, and as they expanded four curved screens arose around her, spinning. After a brief moment the whole thing blazed with cool blue light and the screens shot outward. “Angelic Wings.” In that moment, all three of her badly wounded allies were fully restored. Though in Coordination Protocol, Sandalphon couldn’t make use of the skill’s extra effect since nobody happened to have a status ailment at the moment, but this second wind was a huge boon by itself. Not that the Archangel was done. “Angelic Praise.” She brought her staff down and struck the floor, sending out a ripple through the aetherial currents. It provided an extra burst of health as well as healing-over-time, and thanks to Coordination protocol the others also got an attack boost based on Sandalphon’s own attack.

Goldlewis breathed a sigh of relief. “You’re a real miracle worker, ma’am. I owe you big time.” Roland also thanked her for her healing. It worked faster and better than whatever K corp used, he just hoped there weren’t any bad side effects.

“Think nothing of it,” Sandalphon said. Though her face didn’t change, the symbols in her eyes briefly changed to sparkles.

“Huh!? Traitor!” Sundowner fumed, glaring at the Archangel. “Fine, heal ‘em all you like, angel. You can die as slow and painful as you want! And when ya get to the pearly gates after my choppers mulch ya into ground beef, tell ‘em Sundowner sent ya!”

Rather than keep healing, Sandalphon turned her staff over and tucked it beneath her arm to use as a gun. The symbols in her eyes changed into target reticles. “Pride comes before the fall.”

Suddenly, a huge glittering blade of golden light cut one of the choppers in half. It exploded and fell apart in pieces, revealing the Flight Unit hovering behind it just before the futuristic machine reconfigured into combat mode. Whirling around in surprise, Sundowner got a good look at 2B’s dispassionate disapproval before his face tightened in rage. “Don’t just hang there,” he yelled at the other Hammerheads. “Take ‘er down!” When one rounded on 2B, however, two streams of minigun fire ripped into its fuselage and sent it careening into the tower wall, which it messily crashed through to land in the arena as a burning wreck. 9S directed his Flight Unit closer, its weapons smoking, then turned to chase after the last Unmanned Gear as it peeled away.

The android set her Flight Unit to automatic and jumped down onto the arena, Virtuous Contract in hand as her pod floated beside her. “Unit 2B, reporting for clean-up duty.”

Not too far away from her, Rekka gave a grunt and shakily got to her feet. Goldlewis gawked, wondering how she found the strength, but quickly realized two things: that Sandalphon had healed her, and that she’d probably done it intentionally.

“Feeling rejuvenated, Rekka?” Sandalphon inquired.

“Hah…hah…” The wrestler wiped blood from the corner of her mouth. She looked around at the state of her tower, then through the massive holes in its walls and windows at the entirety of Production. As the closest and most accessible part of the Vandelay Campus, it had suffered the brunt of DespoRHado’s attack. Many of its facilities were burning or falling apart, their bad design and lack of safety measures leading to a chain reaction that threatened to bring all of Production to a standstill. “We’re finished,” she groaned. “Everythin’ I worked so hard for…” She glared at Sundowner. “I done some things I ain’t proud of to get this far, but this sumbitch makes me look like a spring chicken! Just look at what he’s done!” She narrowed her eyes at Goldlewis, Sandalphon, Roland, and Partitio. “Look, I don’t know what y’all want, but it’s yours, long as I get me some revenge!” Roland wasn’t against the idea, but he wasn’t sure if the others would be.

Sandalphon made her calculations instantly. “All we require is your surrender. If that is acceptable, we will cooperate.” She, the three Seekers, 2B, and Rekka spread out to surround the Wind of Destruction. “Sundowner. As Chief Communications Officer and the head of DespoRHado division YoRHa, I hereby relieve you of duty, and for your many crimes sentence you to death.”

“Well then,” Sundowner rumbled. Electricity flooded through his arms, and as his armor reconfigured, his limbs transformed into giant, three-pronged lightning cannons. Looking far more machine than man, he rose into the air. “Come and get-!”

Sandalphon immediately shot him in the head, shutting him up, and the others charged. Roland took this opportunity to dash in. Insulted at being ‘shut up’ by Sandalphon, Sundowner aimed his cannons at her, but Roland intercepted the attack, deflecting the lighting bolts with his large sword before dashing in to smack Sundowner with it. ”I don’t think so ‘pardner’.” Roland said as he advanced on Sundowner, using his sword to land a large overhead smash on the Cyborg, before swapping to his longsword to slash him with another attack.

“Well struck,” Sandalphon commented, the glyph by her head blinking. “But I must go.” With that she disappeared in a flash.

Roland’s professionally executed string of attacks made for an effective combo, and it took only that long for 2B to approach. “Engaging.” She attacked with a quick couple slices, then let go of her pristine white blade to let it spin vertically in place like a floating sawblade. Sundowner let out a bellow as he whirled around with a giant swing, but just before his weapon made contact 2B split into four holograms sliding outward in a plus sign. She then vanished completely as a golden, spherical field expanded outward from her pod, and from the mirage a handful of phantom slashes carved through Sundowner before she reappeared above him for a falling attack. As she landed she twisted around and finished with a line of holographic spears that shot up from the ground beneath him.

With Sundowner momentarily skewered, Goldlewis jumped into the mix. He landed a shoulder charge that he proceeded to gatling into backhand, then back-down-forward Behemoth Typhoon to launch Sundowner toward Rekka, whose guard he bounced off like a wall. Goldlewis spent a bar of Tension on Burn It Down, activating the targeting laser in his glasses, then caught his opponent and extended the combo with the odd backwards Behemoth Typhoon that popped Sundowner behind him. Of course, the next moment another Behemoth Typhoon smashed him down into the ground, but as Sundowner rolled away an orbital laser blasted down through the ceiling to catch him and carry him back toward Goldlewis again. At that point, the veteran just smacked him with his coffin.

He'd have been riddled with bullets, cut to ribbons and maybe even beaten to a pulp but with a little bit of his own grit and the divine intervention of the angel Sandalphon the merchant was hale and hardy as ever.

Partitio might have been a simple man without any astounding strength but he was a tough son of a bitch, his mind and eyes set on the task at hand "You've really got my goat now." the merchant folded up his coat, rolling the sleeves of his shirt to the wrist and went into a sprint towards the fighting again. "Got some gumption I'll give you that sir but you ain't fighting the right fight." his beating earlier had been driven by his determination but now as he stood in front of Sundowner a bright light burst around him as he aimed a finger at him"Cause you picked the wrong one." suddenly flames so hot they singed the floor burst from beneath Sundowner as Ember took effect boosted to the maximum effect.

The heavily-damaged cyborg ended up near Rekka. Grinning, the wrestler jumped up and sent him flying with a bombastic dropkick. Goldlewis put up his guard and Sundowner bounced off him like a wall this time, right back toward Rekka, who jumped up to meet him. With gusto she pulled off the same Crimson Punisher that she almost flattened Partitio with earlier, and when the two came down, Sundowner’s body buckled beneath hers. His self-destruct protocol went off immediately, and with a final explosion the Wind of Destruction was no more.

Or so it seemed. A moment later, the now-bodiless Sundowner spoke in a voice twisted by pain and static, seemingly from Sandalphon’s glyph and other remote communication devices in the vicinity. “Sonuva…bitch…you got me!”

“What is this?” Goldlewis demanded, weirded out. “You ain’t dead?”

“Urgh…guess it’s up…to you now…Sam…”

With that the voice faded, Sundowner was gone, and the fight was over. 2B turned and ran back to her Flight Unit without a word, evidently needed elsewhere. That left Roland, Goldlewis, Partitio, and one of the two bosses they’d come here to fight. The veteran eyed Rekka uneasily. “We square?”

“...Yeah. I won’t trouble you folks no more.” Despite her size, Rekka looked deflated as she gazed out over Production again. “Once Kale sees this, I’m outta a job. If y’all ever see me again, I’ll probably be herdin’ hogs or somethin’.”

Goldlewis stroked his whiskers, exhaling as he let the adrenaline of battle ebb away. “Not to say I know best or nothin’, but you ever thought o’ bein’ an actual wrestler, ma’am? Might suit you better than…whatever it is you’ve been up to ‘round these parts.”

Rekka blinked, then lit up. “Say…now there’s an idea!” Excited, she pounded her fists together. “No more corporate ladders and production deadlines. Just me, my opponent, and the ring! Won’t be anyone’s captive, never again!” With a grin she winked at Goldlewis, then turned and took off running, waving as she went. “Thanks for the second chance, y’all!”

She left via an elevator with a panel that read ‘emergency escape route’, the sight of which stirred Goldlewis from his ruminations on Rekka’s wink. “Guess we oughta get movin’,” he told the others. As if on queue, the whole tower creaked dangerously. “...I get the feelin’ we don’t wanna hang around.”

”Yeah. Best to not be around before this place collapses.” Roland said, giving a bit of a sigh as the fight was over it seemed. ”I got a feeling that guy was even more bonkers than we knew. Which is saying a lot considering.” Roland said, looking at the spirits of Sundowner and Nikolai Dmitri Bulygin. That was something that perplexed Roland. Why did this cyborg man turn into a rainbow orb or something? Was this related to the ‘monster’ under the city?
”Hey pops. Is that thing safe to touch?” Roland asked, pointing at the spirits.

“Yeah, uh, I’ll explain later.” Not wanting to accidentally fuse with either of them, Goldlewis opened his coffin slightly. “Throw ‘em in here.” Once Roland obliged, the two grabbed Partitio and followed in Rekka’s footsteps.

Level 10 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) - (85/100)
Location: The Under - Termite Kingdom Ruins
Word Count: 1607

Seeing the opulent spider looking creatures, Sectonia decided to investigate the Holograd residential area. It was still a dump, being a series of ruined buildings, but it was a bit interesting that even then these creatures found bits of opulence about them. "Hmph. I wonder where these things found those masks of gold. Perhaps there are items of greater power around." Sectonia said as she floated towards the purple webbed areas to confront and possibly communicate with these creatures.

Of course these creatures were merely beasts, only attracted to their masks due to their shininess, and not due to any real feeling of opulence or anything, and were not much for communication. Much like feral spiders, they climbed up their webs as the large bee queen approached, hissing at her in a threatening manner, but not doing much else but to protect their territory. Not one to be intimidated, Sectonia merely waved these feral beasts away once she found there was no method of communication, and the area she had approached being quite a large collection of webs.

Ignoring the large group of Ferriclaws and Auriclaws, Sectonia glided down an alternate street to see where they might have found some of their gold, and found herself accosted by a strange clinking lamp with some ghostly voice behind it. Possibly thinking Sectonia was some large beast coming to take its territory, the imp poe attacked the Queen, hitting her with its lantern. This got her attention however, and she was no feral beast unlike the spiders about. While she couldn't see the poe itself except its lantern, being invisible wouldn't save it from a large Ring of Light, which upon hitting the poe knocked it down and dazed it and revealed some red orb above where Sectonia assumed would've been its torso.

While she wasn't sure exactly what this was, from what she could gather it was some kind of magical artifact not too dissimilar from a spirit, and thus she collected it, ripping it mercilessly from the body of the poe and causing it to disappear. Her Ring of Light however didn't stop when it hit the poe, but instead weaves and continued down the street, cutting a few extra cracks in some buildings until it finally came to a stop as it crashed upon a boarded up building, destroying the barrier and revealing a glint of gold. Interested, Sectonia went to investigate.

Upon entering the room, she found that there were quite the amount of riches here, alongside some opulent looking, although strange looking, statue. Before she could start to loot the place though, the statue spoke out to her. "Please, please you've got to help me!" Sectonia paused for a moment, but was going to dismiss the strange statue until it said. "I was tricked! I asked for wealth, and those poes not only gave me this cursed gold, but also turned me and my poor kitty into pure gold!" Upon hearing about the curse, Sectonia examined the gold and yes, it was indeed cursed and useless. She then turned to look at the statue, who continued. "Good, I have your attention. My name is Jovani. You see, there are these ghost like things called Poes all around. If you defeat them and take their souls, perhaps it will weaken the curse upon me. If you can help free me from this curse, I'll reward you handsomely!"

There were a few questions Sectonia had, but one of them was answered when the statue projected a picture of what a poe and its soul looked like in her mind. She then pulled out the blackish orb pulsing with red energy much to the statue's surprise and joy. "Yes, just like that! If you can bring me 19 more of their souls, perhaps the curse will lessen. They are about the district here."

Seeing as this man was a noble of some sort from his culture trying to wriggle his way out of a dark bargin, perhaps there would be something to gain here. If this did weaken the curse upon him and the opulence around him, even if he nagged upon the deal he was making much like many nobles tried to do, there would be something to gain from that as well. "Hmph, I'll keep an eye out for these beasts." Sectonia said, not wanting to give him much more than that. Truth be told, this was the only lead she had at the moment, so she decided perhaps it would be an interesting one to follow for now. Often magic that had its curse broken was powerful, so there could even be something here that even this Jovani didn't realize was at play.

With something to look for at least, even if just to kill some time, Sectonia lazily floated around the town looking for those lanterns. They were surprisingly easy to find within the light fog, almost acting as wayward beacons to lure in prey. But that was a double edged sword, as that also made themselves prey to a much larger and dangerous foe. And as if sensing her intent, the next few poes she had hunted down, one under an auning, one in another back alley, and a third near one of the purple webs, all attacked her on sight. This time however, while one still used its lantern, the other two swung their ghostly scythes at the queen. Being unable to really see these attacks, she could do nothing but take them head on, before counterattacking with her own blast of lightning.

While perhaps they could make a powerful curse as a large group, individually these poes were not much to write about. Their attacks were moderately strong, but they couldn't take much of a hit and their souls were easily collected. Opportunistically the poe resting around a purple web that was the home of a pair consisting of a Ferriclaw and Auriclaw. As her bolt of lightning destroyed their web, they descended and began to spit their poisonous webs at the new intruder as the Queen grabbed the 4th poe soul. Her size made their webs not as effective as they could've been, reducing her ability to evade and slowing down her movements a bit as they did their poison damage, but the Queen attacked back by spitting her fire breath at them, knowing full well spider webs burned relatively easy.

The creatures themselves also seemed to be weak to the fire as well, as they started to burn and even melt a little. Activating her Chaos Shield so that she could deal with their attacks, Sectonia continued to throw her fireball breath at them. Even though they burned and melted, they stood their ground, at least until the fire finally overwhelmed them and they turned into spirits. Even so, they had webbed up the queen a fair amount and much to her annoyance, she had to then burn the webs around her, taking a bit of her own fire damage as the Chaos Shield expired, but cleaning herself of the webs. Poisonous webs, fitting for spiders sure, but annoying. She gathered up their spirits to see what they would give her later, and made her way to the adjacent building.

Upon entering the building, Sectonia saw a sight that threw her for a loop. Inside the building was another poe sure, but this poe was making a deal with someone she knew. Her second in command Taranza. A loyal servant, who seemed to be lying on a bed of webs no doubt made by his own power. He seemed to have some kind of fungal infection about him and kept mentioning something about a "Mora the Spider" Around him were a few of those same spiders Sectonia has just fought, but with a purple haze over their eyes which was no doubt one of his enchantment spells.

"Taranza, Rise and assist your Queen." Sectonia said, but the fancy spider boy only looked up at her weakly, saying. "I serve Mora... Who are you?" It was around this time the poe nearby, who had been talking with Taranza and attempting to make a deal with him, also noticed Sectonia and advanced upon the bee queen. Pulling out her sword as she wanted nothing to do with this creature, having a more important matter, Sectonia slashed it giving it very little mind as she glared at Taranza, saying. "How dare you forget about your Queen." As she grabbed the soul of the poe she had slayed, Sectonia calmed down a little bit, noticing the fungal infection about Taranza. Even with her declarations, he could only say. "I didn't forget about queen Mora. In fact, I need some help. Could a beautiful bug such as yourself help me?" He then laid down again, clearly not well as the spiders he had enchanted started to tend him as best as they could.

Sectonia was furious, but even she could see that... something was wrong here. Perhaps this Mora, or this disease was causing him to act this way. Or even the Galeeming... This was the first time she had met someone she recognized so she wasn't sure how that even worked as well. She could cure that with a friend heart, but considering how weak he was, she doubted she could hold back enough to weaken, but not kill him outright. With a sigh, she said. "I will figure out what has taken your loyalty, yes." Although there wasn't really all that much she could do at the moment but leave, confused and fuming at the same time. Taranza was a strong minion though, he would survive for quite a while.

Level 10 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) - (82/100)
Location: The Under - Pizza Tower
Word Count: Less than 750

Being the strange chaotic monster that he was, It was a bit surpising that Pizza Head went down as fast as he did. Sectonia assumed he had another strange trick up his sleeve. But no, he sat there head in the ground and all of his loot; including the mask shard, falling out of his pockets. In as much disbelief as herself, Bowser and Nadia poked his body for quite awhile, making sure he wouldn't be a problem in the future. "Strange, awful creature." Sectonia said, not joining them in their routine as she refused to touch such a weird thing. Which felt odd in retrospect as a humanoid with food for a head almost felt... normal now which was its own version of strange.

Much like in the City of Tears, now that the koopa clan knew her deal with her symbol of avarice and everything, they came up to use it. Seeing as they have always honored the deal she made, she had no arguments as Rika crushed the boss they had destroyed and gotten an item. Even if he was a brute, which Bowser showcased later by destroying a weird machine that spit out orb like items, he at least kept up on all of the deals he made without any intent to skip out on them. It was, refreshing, even if Bowser was more of a barbarian king. Much less of a worry than Ganondorf, whom hadn't even attempted to make a deal with her yet.

Once everyone had figured what they were going to do, they made their way down to the mist filled ruins below. The place was eerie, but in a more... somber way than terrifying. As if the area cared not if you passed through it, conquered it, or got lost in it. That feeling of indifference was new, at least in this area. "Hm... How many mask fragments do we have left to gather? It feels like we are entering areas that would make those that seek manifest destiny happy." Sectonia said, gesturing to the atmosphere around.

Level 10 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) - (81/100)
Location: The Under - Pizza Tower
Word Count: Less than 750

This so called "Pizza face" really wasn't all that difficult to take down. That was, until it opened up and showed itself to be a mech. A mech driven by... "What is THAT hideous creature?" Sectonia said, even more repulsed as he seemed to grab through solid earth before pulling up more creatures of equally hideuousness. That and his horrible movements and motions...

"I will not stand such an abomination to be in our way." Sectonia said, starting the fight by throwing her large rings of light. While the large rings scattered across the battlefield, weaving, wobbling, and zig zagging all about, Pizza Head and his... alien motions gave him the proper movement to dodge the randomly moving rings. With a hop, step, even some jazz hands, Pizza face jumped, danced, and even stood still to dodge the random rings as if he could see where they were going to be. That or perhaps he was insane as he pointed and laughed at the queen bees attempts to hit him.

This didn't help Sectonia's mood at all, and as Pizza Face was laughing at her attempts, Sectonia used her blink ability to blink over him and with a staff in her hand, bombarded him with her dark lightning. He stood there, laughing as lightning hit him, until eventually, either due to his power or poor mental faculties, reacted with a yelp as he jumped out of the way. At least it could feel her wrath. Not wanting to miss an opportunity to strike the fool down, Sectonia swapped her staff out for her swords and charged to slash the pizza man. Pizza head in return countering with an oversized boxing glove, knowing Sectonia back and hurting... quite a lot? it was as if she took 7 more blows of that caliber she'd be done for.

And again, after doing his move, he pointed and laughed at the queen, dropping his guard entirely. Sectonia used this opportunity to slash as him from behind with an overhead swing coming out of her blink, which again, Pizza head seemed to feel. Apparently this creatures own insanity caused him to drop his own guard...

Her other cohorts were likewise dealing with the summons that this Pizza Head pulled out form nowhere relatively fine, leaving Sectonia and a few others to deal with the big guy himself.
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