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Level 13 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (77/130)
Location: Dead Zone
Word Count: less than 750

"Ew, I remember now why I hated this zone. And no fire to burn it!" Blazermate said as she saw all the appraoching creatures. A lot of the group was in the same boat as her, and it didn't take long for everyone to start attacking these things with their various abilities. Blazmermate spent her time healing everyone. She debated putting down a sentry gun, but seeing as the boss hadn't shown itself, they might have to go find it and she didn't want her spirit on cooldwon for that.

She did have a fun ability she could try though. Looking at Ganondorf being one of the heavy hitters, Blazermate cast Disruption on him. The king of darkness would vanish from the battlefield for a couple seconds as he was ingulfed in an orb of darkness before reappearing, but he wasn't alone. Two identical illusions of himself were next to him attacking and protecting him from the sickening creatures approaching him. They didn't have his abilities, but they did have a fair amount his immense strength. They were much weaker than him in the hp department too, but they added up to basically another Ganondorf. While following Blazermate technically, she'd let them follow his orders since he was the one near them, plus it'd probably make him like her more knowing she could do stuff like this now.


Level 6 Roland (39/60)
Location: Dead Zone
Word Count: Less than 750

"This is disgusting." Was all Roland could say about these creatures before he began to deal with them. Being one of the few in the group without really AoE, at least at the start, Roland tried to deal with whatever got close or tried to go after a creature that attempted to flank one of his allies. These creatures were a bit of a blessing in disguise for Roland though, as he could use their fairly weak stature to win clashes and up his emotion level, meaning he wouldn't start at a low level once the boss showed up.

Having started a battle in earnest, Roland remembered the Floor of Natural Science, and with winning his first clash got Love, A voice almost similar to Blazermate's, although not robotic saying "A true magical girl never runs away in the face of any hardships!". Probably a weird thing to hear come from Roland, although not from his own mouth like always. This let him heal whoever was the most damaged by any successful strikes he made for a little bit. As an infested... turtle? (Jr. would know it as a koopa) used its shell to try to dive him, Roland intercepted it with his hammer and knocked it away, the shell doing a LOT more damage than he was expecting to the enemy forces at it flew through them. "Uuuh... hope you didn't know him." Roland said to Jr, before moving to defend someone else.

He'd protect another ally the same way, and upon dicing up a creature made of mushrooms with his sword, he'd gain Emotion level 2 and that same voice spoke again, with Roland gaining Justice as it said "In the name of Love and Justice~ I have arrived!", making it so that now, whatever enemy had been doing the most damage to the group would have a clear indicator over its head marking it as a "villain", and anyone attacking it would do extra damage. Granted with how fast these creatures were dying, this symbol wouldn't appear for long but if his emotions held until the guardian, it'd help take that thing down.

Dealing with a few more creatures that got close, Roland reached emotion level 3, and with it, gained Magicial Girls, this time a feminine voice that sounded like a clown drowned in shadow said "Did you make me, or did I make you?", which had no apparent benefit to Roland for now. With how few creatures could beat Roland in a clash with their weak yet swarming tactics, it'd take a bit before its effect could trigger. He also gained the EGO page Gold Rush, something he'd probably use soon if they couldn't find out where to go next.


Level 12 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) (71/120)
Location: Dead Zone
Word Count: less than 750

Sectonia was relieved that the time rain wouldn't get them in this tree, dispelling her chaos shield in case it had some weird effects by shielding her from the time rain. Granted her worry about the time rain would soon be over as all the ugly creatures within the tree started to converge on the new intruders to the tree. These things, clearly, enraged Sectonia at how disgusting and hideous they looked and she wasn't the only one. Many of the rest of the group were appalled or disgusted, but her rage burned the brightest. A bright burning rage she turned into blasts of holy lasers and swords.

Thanks to her various items and the new death pulse spell and her own lightning, Sectonia had a bit of a "don't approach me" zone about her, dealing with anything that got close. Although while weak, these things were nearly infinite and just destroying them, as cathartic as it was, wouldn't be something that would get them anywhere. "We need to find the source of this disgusting tree and destroy it." Sectonia said, a bit unsure of where to go herself and instead offering an area for Jr. Rika, and anyone who wanted to stay away from these creatures to inhabit while they figured out where to go.

Level 13 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (76/130)
Location: Dead Zone
Word Count: less than 750

Blazermate wasn't a nutranurse, so when BB mario started to cry, she was in the same boat as Goldweis in being at a loss to quiet him down. She was a field medic, not a nanny, and was just as annoyed at everyone else at how the BTs were summoned and started to mess with everyone by coming out of the ground and grabbing people. "Ew ew ew. Get off me!" Blazermate said as she tried to get these hands off of her. Ace got the worst of it though, or rather, was one of the ones that really shouldn't have been stuck by these things, but he was, and with that the emitter broke and they were now all on a timer before these shields wore out.

With it now being a dash to the end instead of a stealth job, Blazermate began to fly. And being one of the fastest members of the group, it wasn't too difficult for her to make it to the tree where she could help support anyone who got close. She'd help with the big BT distraction group, but she wasn't sure how she could help them with it seemingly taking no damage.


Level 6 Roland (38/60)
Location: Dead Zone
Word Count: Less than 750

Roland could only sigh at how some of the group split in such a stressful, serious situation. It slowed everyone down while some fought demons, some made their way to their destination, and some just went off from the emitter to explore a giant ship! Yeah there was probably some loot in there, but the time rain was way worse to deal with and not worth it. Although the thing that both annoyed and didn't surprise Roland was when one of the BBs decided that the stress was too much and made way more noise than everyone else had combined. Considering his own BB was calm as a cucumber, Roland was convinced that these things were just advanced androids or something for a fair amount of time. But seeing they were actual babies from this both disgusted Roland, and also made him sigh that this wasn't all that different from the world he knew.

That would have to wait though as this noise caught the attention of the BTs. Being one of the BB carriers, he could see them coming up from the ground. This made his own evasion of these things easier, but it was clear that some of the others weren't as agile. There wasn't a whole lot he could do but point things out until Ace fell over and smashed the emitter. Roland's personal shield triggered, meaning he was now on a time limit and he wouldn't want to lose his good looks to aging rain. While a bit slower than he normally was with his new spirits, he was still pretty fast and agile and on top of that, pulling out his paintbrush, he could give Ace an ink swirl to help him... assuming the ink could stun the BTs going after him. He'd be making his way to their destination though to get out of the rain and be safe.


Level 12 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) (70/120)
Location: Dead Zone
Word Count: less than 750

If it wasn't for her needing to move with the emitter and her worry about that, she'd help those in the pit killing the demons below. They were doing her work for her though, so she'd need to remember to reward them later for getting rid of such evil and hideous creatures. That would need to wait though as one of the BBs let out a lot of crying attracting the BTs. Being off the ground, it would be difficult for her to be grabbed by the BTs rising from the ground, but that wouldn't mean much as Ace fell and broke the emitter. Now was the time to move, but her preemptive chaos shield protected her like she thought it would... although she wasn't sure how long it would last as the rain drops smacked across the rainbow barrier with a ping and waver effect she got immediately worried about.

With their destination in sight though, her plan was simple. With only a little bit of worry on her face showing, she used her blink as fast and frantically as a distressed bee could to make her way to the tree and to safety. She'd only be able to help the others once she herself was safe and out of the rain with some support from her ground based swords in a futile attempt to try to slow down the BTs chasing everyone else.

Level 13 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (75/130)
Location: Dead Zone
Word Count: less than 750

Blazermate found that no one really wanted to carry her, none really had the broad shell back bowser did, so she guessed her time of being lazy were over. At least as she moved through the mud, she found that her feet didn't clank like she thought they would. At least unlike her heavier compatriots, her light weight meant her metal body didn't sink in the mud. Still, she wasn't happy about having to walk on it. At least climbing over all the stuff in the way wasn't too difficult outside of getting filthy... And after all that time last night she spent cleaning herself... She wasn't completely silent though, as her medi beam let out a low healing hum as she kept it on her team mates to generate ubercharge in case something happened. The rain mostly drowned this sound out though as you had to listen carefully for it.

As they got to a split in the road, an area apparently infested with BTs, a downed ship, and a chasm filled with demons, Sectonia conjured a platform to help cross the chasm. Considering that path was both the fastest path out of this rain and seemed the safest as they could handle demons, Blazermate elected to take that path. Granted she had to fly a bit which would cause noise, but she could help one of the medium weighted people cross the gap in that time if they came with her.

As for the demons or those dealing with them, Blazermate did what she mostly did, kept them healed and overhealed. She didn't deploy her projectile shield though or use any other abilities yet as they were very, very loud if she used any of them and she'd rather not make too much noise if she could help it.


Level 6 Roland (37/60)
Location: Dead Zone
Word Count: Less than 750

Being one of the BB carriers, Roland had to stay near the parameter of the emitter. The rain worried him far more than the BTs at this point though, as thanks to his gloves he could move through the area completely silently. Even the splashes of him stepping in mud were silent with only the splashback of the mud being heard as if it was a very, very distant sound. Besides the few BTs that they passed and one close encounter, so far things had been going pretty well. Being one of the more athletic members of the group, getting past most to he obstacles around the area wasn't too difficult for him although much like some of the others, he wasn't keen on getting muddy with what could be millions of year old mud. Come to think of it, T Corp would love this place, but he doubted they'd harvest a natural form of time like this as it didn't involve any human suffering.

Once he reached the three forked road, the chasm, the ship, or the BT filled area, Roland would've preferred to go the opposite way of the BTs if possible even if he was sure he himself could go through that area without much difficulty. At this point the giant bee conjured a pink crystal platform over the chasm to help everyone cross, which didn't surprise Roland anymore considering a giant bee seemingly obsessed with beauty was right there in his face so of course she can do weird things. Being one of the BB holders, Roland elected to be one of the last to cross himself in order to keep the parameter. There were some mumbling of some wanting to go to the ship, but Roland was much in the mind of Sectonia; get out of this rain and danger as fast as possible. At least the demons didn't view him as a big threat when he did cross unlike everyone else, his mask making them care more about the others than himself. He wasn't about to shoot a gun at them either, as those did make noise even through his gloves if he hit something.

Level 12 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) (69/120)
Location: Dead Zone
Word Count: less than 750

Sectonia wasn't a fan of this place. Sure she had a bit of a rain coat, and her chaos shield mitigated the wetness a bit more, but still this place was drab, dreary, and just awful. At least she didn't need to walk unlike everyone else. Flying was trickier though for her, thanks to this aura that was canceling the rain's time effect out. Needing to stick right next to Ace and the emitter wasn't too bad overall, he was strong enough to carry it around the various obstacles and her ability to fly made them not all that bad. She could see why the BTs were a bit terrifying though as you could only make out their hand prints and footprints if they were near without the BB users pointing them out.

Eventually they came to a crossroads. A shortcut over a fiery chasm with demons at the bottom, a detour through a ship, and finally a path apparently full of those invisible BTs Sectonia couldn't see. Seeing as the Quipoth they were headed towards was nearby and just across the chasm, Sectonia made a move to make deciding way easier for the group. "A chasm hm? I have something to solve that." Moving a bit forward but still within the emitter field, Sectonia waved her hands and a large pink portal dotted with hearts appeared over the chasm and out of it came a giant crystal that would make for a platform to make jumping over it much, much easier. It was smaller than her normal platforms, but it'd do the trick.

"My decision on how we move forward is clearly evident. I'd prefer to spend as little time out here as possible." She said, gesturing to the pink crystal platform.

Level 12 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) (68/120)
Location: Avenger > Dead Zone
Word Count: less than 750

Unlike many of the others, Sectonia didn't head to the armory. Instead she made sure she was proper before she went to the landing pad. Being easily the biggest member of the group here, Sectonia wasn't able to fit into the normal drop ship everyone else was in. Not for a lack of her not wanting to fit, which granted, she wasn't really interested in being in such a tight spot with so many people, but she just couldn't physically fit.

So unlike everyone else, she had to land on the ground from a different drop pod, the hellpod that was all for herself. Even so, it was a pretty snug fit. Clearly stuff on the avenger wasn't really made for someone her size in most regards. Still, she had a way to get down to the others. Although unlike many of the others, she couldn't wear one of the shield pads that'd protect them from the aging rain. She did have her own shield however, so she could apply that to herself just in case, although it'd mean she couldn't project her chaos shield on anyone else if they were in trouble in that case.

Once she was with everyone on the ground, she spent her time as one of the close guards to the emitter. More so because it gave her more space to move around, and because flying was a bit more difficult with this thing around making her pretty slow in the air. Out of everyone, she was one of the ones most affected by this generator, although unknown to her the powers of the guardians he absorbed wouldn't be hampered by this emitters field. Plus, at least being in the center of everyone, her beneficial auras, of what little she had, could affect everyone so there was that.


Level 13 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (74/130)
Location: Avenger > Dead Zone
Word Count: less than 750

Blazermate skipped breakfast, not needing to eat, and instead spent some time perusing the armory. She didn't have much she could give herself, as she often didn't carry things. But as she looked through her bags, she found two items that she could put in there. A single pokeball she hadn't used, and a taser thing called the Short Circuit. Although for the latter, she had already expended its ammo so she wasn't sure how useful that'd be. She looked around at everything else, and while the shield was cool, it was pretty quick she couldn't use anything here. With a sigh, she left.

Once she was done, she left the armory as her friends who were interested in their own kind of weapons in there and waited patiently at the drop ship with those who didn't take a dip in the armory. She was ready for whatever was to come, although she wasn't too happy about having to go back to the Dead Zone. That being said, perhaps the guardian wouldn't be a super bulky thing and be something super cool? She did get her shield form there after all.

In an attempt to save space for the drop ship, there being way more people than should realistically fit inside it, Blazermate elected to sit on someone's lap to save seating space. Roland being one of the skinnier members, made the most sense and he seemed to be ok with it. At first Blazermate wondered if he was one of those Medabot super fans, the scary ones, but it was clear he wasn't comfortable with the situation. Well, that was good at least, although a bit disappointing. Still, Blazermate tried to not move too much to make things better until they landed.

Once they landed, Blazermate found that some of her things worked fine, but anything gained from spirits wasn't feeling so well. Still, she could still heal and that was the important part! Although she'd have to walk to as her jets made too much noise, but soon she'd realize even her footsteps were really loud with her metal clanking. Well, relatively loud she concluded, but not as loud as say, Bowsers would've been. Seeing this, she decided to try to catch a ride with one of the larger members of the group like she tried for Bowser. Sectonia had the size, but she didn't look like the riding type. Goldweis was also big, but would he be ok carrying her on his back? "Since this is gotta be stealth, any of you guys wanna carry me around so my footsteps don't echo everywhere?"


Level 6 Roland (37/60)
Location: Avenger > Dead Zone
Word Count: Less than 750

Much like he suggested, Roland paid a visit to the Armory. Looking through all the stuff that had been gathered recently, he was a bit surprised at just how weird some of the weapons here were. At least most of them seemed to have some kind of description on what they did. Although he could use most of these, he decided to just take one for now that seemed useful. If they had to fight any flesh abominations like that one book, this ice javilin would be really useful against it.

With his item gathered, he gave everyone else in the armory an affirmative nod before heading off to get geared. Being one of the BB holders, he'd have to stay alert for these 'BTs' that they were all talking about. hopefully they wouldn't be too much of a problem. Although he did offer to carry one, the fact that they were going into an area with time rain that aged things super fast still didn't sit well with him. Hopefully that generator and the personal shields didn't run into problems and worked....

In an attempt to try to squeeze more people in, Blazermate ended up sitting in Rolands lap. For a robot she was surprisingly light, although having solid metal sit on you still wasn't all that comfortable. The robot seemed to be trying not to make it awkward, and thankfully the ride was pretty short with only the largest members left behind needing their own drop pods. Once everyone landed and debarked, Roland didn't really feel the same penalty that the likes of Grimm and Nadia were feeling from the dampening field that kept them all safe from the dangerous time rain around them, the effects Roland could see firsthand outside of the bubble much to his horror.

"Alright, try to stay quiet, I'll inform everyone if my 'device' here detects anything." Roland said, affirming he'd be a team player in this.
Bless This Mess - Ms Fortune, Ace, Roland, Geralt, Therion

Word Count: 3213 (+4)

While the Seekers picking up more people increased the group's strength and overall options, it also meant more mouths to feed. There were plenty of big eaters among the group already, but not many could pack it away quite like a monster hunter. Ace's metabolism worked on overdrive, and he had a large appetite on top of that - but even so he was good-natured enough to wait near the end of the food line and not wipe out the entire buffet when he got up there. He did still end up with two almost-overflowing plates for himself and a mug of coffee with plans for seconds afterward if he could get away with it, but hey, a man needed to eat.

Thankfully after the waiting his preferred seat was still open, though whether it just ended up that way or it was saved for him was unknown. Ace took a spot beside Nadia at the first table, unabashedly close to her. Considering how well last night had gone, he also opened with an equally shameless pun.

"Good morning brewtiful," he said with a sip of his coffee, so while it could be argued he was addressing the drink itself it was pretty obvious who the line was directed toward since his eye hardly left her face. "After all this time it feels kind of weird to finally be hashing out the Dead Zone, huh?"

When Ace placed himself behind her, Nadia pushed into him with unabashed immediacy, first her hip and then her shoulder pushed against his with jocular roughness. Just the sight of that goofy grin of his was enough to make her forget all about the ominous (and, given the ‘equipment’ they’d been prescribed, perhaps morally questionable) task ahead of them. Unlike Primrose she hadn’t remembered that the BBs were stuck as they were for their limited lifespans, just like everyone else, so the feral was happy to push those thoughts aside for the time being. With one food-based pun delivered already, the game was officially on, so she reached for the most normal-looking vegetable on her plate, which she’d filled with a little of everything. “Good meowning yourself, carrot top.” Crunch. That excited, electric tingle was tickling her again. Others would be headed over soon, so she’d only have Ace to herself for a few moments, but any amount of time made Nadia happy.

Of course, it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows, and the feral’s destination did way on her mind. “Didn’t mind putting it off, actually,” she admitted. “Zombies, ghost, parasites, literal demons…it was basically hell on earth. But that police station’s where I met the Seekers, so even if it was rough road gettin’ here, I ain’t gonna complain.” As she munched on a juicy pogofruit, she reminisce on the crypt where the Red Team fought the Skullgirl, Marie. The Skull Heart had been hers for the taking, but she’d made that same realization just in time–that as bad as things sometimes were, she wouldn’t want to change the events that made her who she was. By the time Nadia wolfed down her pogofruit, her fingers were covered in juice, so she licked them like a grooming cat, a playful grin on her face. “So whatever’s down there, I won’t be a-fur-aid!”

Ace couldn't say he was thrilled with going to such a place either, but once they got it out of the way they'd be that much closer to their ultimate goal, and hopefully they wouldn't have to deal with many undead afterwards. He was pressed thigh to shoulder with Nadia already, but he leaned a little closer ready to deliver some line about there being nothing to worry about if she stuck close to him, though at that point their table began to fill with other hungry would-be world savers.

”Oh? So the name of the area is literal then? Good to know.” Roland said, coming out of nowhere with a plate of various meats with dry spices on them and a cup of coffee. ”Just don’t raise any death flags by flirting a bunch while we’re down there now you two.” Roland said, making a bit of humor about how the two were acting towards each other, completely unaware of how true his statement actually was. He took a sip of his coffee, grimacing after he took a sip. ”Yep… Chesed ruined my taste for normal coffee alright…” he said in a lower tone of voice, clearly displeased.

Nadia raised an eyebrow at him, initially at how he knew she and Ace were an item, but then at his next statement. “Chesed?”

”One of the people I used to work with. Prim, proper, a bit too kind for his own good, and a coffee gourmand. Or I suppose ‘fanatic’ is more accurate. Made me try all types of exotic coffees and now plain coffee just doesn’t taste the same.” Roland said, grabbing a spicy sausage and taking a bite.

The feral shrugged, then took a sip of juice. “If you say so. I’m not much of a coff-feline.”

While the stranger chatted, Ace used the time to finish off his first plate of food (a collective of just about everything on offer, he wasn't picky) and move on to the second. He wasn't really embarrassed at being caught flirting, and it sounded like this guy didn't seem to mind, but it did make the hunter wonder if he should be more mindful in the public spaces... Nah, he decided simply. At least not until someone brought it up as an issue.

"Yeah, types of coffees really don't mocha much difference to me," he said. Although he did enjoy a strong cup. He set his own mug down and then reached a hand over the table towards the man. "We haven't met yet, right? I'm–" There was the briefest moment of hesitation as he decided whether to go with his title or his common nickname, something that always seemed to come up and he should really make up his mind about. "–Ace."

”Roland.” Roland said. He’d mention his fixer rank, but that really didn’t mean much anymore. ”Just make sure you guys don’t make any pawful puns. I got a feline Ms. Kitty here is used to them though.” Roland said, deciding to join in on the pun wars a bit. It looked like fun, or at least a bit amusing.

The hunter grinned. "Yolk's on you, our puns are oat-standing."
“Springing that a-pun us?” Nadia raised an eyebrow at Roland, tapping her plate with a nail. “Buddy, dishes not gonna end well.”

“I immediately regret coming over here.” Geralt deadpanned as he came upon the punning group of Seekers, but flashed Ace a half-smile and an appraising nod. “Good to see you back, Ace. I didn't end up with that one,” he said, gesturing to Nadia, “but I'm sure she was beside herself with worry. Literally.” He added, a smirk pointing out the flimsy pun.

"It's good to be back!" the hunter said, turning his grin toward Geralt. "Feels like it's been way too long since I've seen everyone. And this ship? So Gargwawesome."

The Witcher's mention of Nadia worrying over him changed Ace's smile from a wide friendly one to the slightly sappier one of a man clearly smitten. "Yeah, so she told me yesterday. I don't plan on us splitting up again anytime soon." he said, glancing at Nadia and giving her a playful nudge. Given her fighting style he added, "Well, me at least."

Halfway through a mouthful of food, Nadia snorted with laughter.

Roland gave an internal sigh of relief at Geralt showing up. He was sorta out of puns to reply with at that time and appreciated the distraction. ”Oh? So the pun twins have just gotten back together? What's that all about?” He said, diverting the conversation away from a pun-off as he ate another sausage.

The monster hunter leaned back in his seat as he addressed Roland's question, jabbing a thumb at his armored chest. "I haven't been around in a while, got stuck up north - long story. But I've been fighting alongside these guys for a while! Geralt and I fought through the Land of Adventure way back when, and together with Nadia when we had to cross an ocean." Geralt just gave a nod in concurrence, his mouth full of sausage at the moment.

Therion had slunk over to the table at some point before Roland started enabling the punsters. He'd gotten used to Ms. Fortune's linguistic antics, but now there was two of her. And it had barely been more than an hour since they'd woken up. After losing his seat at his first choice of tables, it kinda felt like he'd been banished to this one the longer they went on. Thankfully Geralt had interceded, leading to as much of a break as the table could hope for.

It doesn't stop even first thing in the morning, huh? Therion thought to himself. He didn't care enough to voice his complaint, despite the way his ears were lowered like he couldn't stand to hear anymore. He didn't even comment on Ms. Fortune and the redhead sitting like they wanted to meld into one person, besides raising an eyebrow at his fellow thief. This was him being social. He could have ferreted away his food and gone off somewhere.

And now that Ace mentioned it, Therion did sort of remember him. He chewed through the apple slice he'd been eating then spoke up for the first time that morning. "You were in Twilight Town with us, right? Got split up when the cats attacked us?"

Ace blinked as if noticing Therion for the first time. His eyes flickered over the thief's light armor and then he gave the guy a nod. "Yup. It was a real pain in the Astalos at first, but we figured it out. And you're..."

"Therion," he reminded the hunter, going back to picking at his platter of fruit and eggs.

"Oh, right. I didn't remember mew being part felyne," Ace said, now putting a face to the opinion Nadia had let him in on. He got a shrug in response - looks completely changing just happened in this world after all.

After chomping into a prickle pear and wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, Nadia jumped back into the conversation with a nod. “Oh yeah, he got kitted out while we were workin’ through those caves. Got into some purr-etty serious fights, but our fightin’ styles worked well together. And now we’re thick as thieves, huh?” That said, she didn’t want to push her luck too far. Despite Roland’s cheerful enablement, she knew that neither Geralt nor Therion shared her sense of humor. Her jokes were meant to lighten things up, so if they wound up annoying, the feral had missed the mark. Still…it wasn’t her fault that the puns came so naturally!

Thankfully Therion already considered her if not a friend, then at least a close comrade, so it would take a little more than mildly obnoxious wordplay to set him off. As for her latest pun though, Therion pressed his tongue to the top of his mouth to stop even a ghost of a laugh from escaping, though his lips did twitch upward slightly. He then rolled his eyes at her, not in annoyance but rather as a way of saying alright, I'll give you that one.

As she bit off half a sausage, Nadia glanced over at a neighboring table. It seemed like Juri was making a scene already, first waving around a hefty gun, then picking on the kids, and the sight of it made the catgirl’s eyes narrow. But Juri wasn’t her problem anymore. If she overstepped, the people she underestimated could knock her on her ass; Nadia didn’t have to play sheriff. Seeing Junior did remind her of what her long ears overheard during the briefing, though. He’d hailed one of the babies -or BBs, as Sandalphon called them- as Peach, and while Nadia got only a brief glimpse, the resemblance was too great to ignore. According to the others, Peach had died, only to live again as Moebius P. After everything she and Nadia had been through so far, how could that be anything but a betrayal? It got her thinking, though. If Peach still lived as P, but Peach existed here as a baby, that meant that there could be two of the same person. The possibility of meeting herself out there was a scary thought, and it got her gears turning to such an extent that for a few moments, Nadia was actually pretty quiet.

Starting on his bacon and eggs, Roland noticed that they were all talking about their previous adventures. Being a newcomer Roland really only had stories of Midgar, but he did have a lot of fixer stories as well. Maybe he’d retell some of them. ”Well, you two didn’t really get to see Midgar. According to your friends that went there, it was in a really bad shape. But I thought it was pretty alright. The Ever Crisis was a problem though, and I didn’t think following a lead to try to get rid of it, and following Consul C would lead to all this though. Nor that it’d lead to Shinra and Armstrong dying. Wonder if they got that city back up and running in the past week.” Roland said, trying to join the conversation himself.

“Not sure about the city itself, but Karin and Sakura managed to get a pretty serious group of folk together at that Satisfactory, and get it up and running.” Geralt mentioned, thinking back to the few days he'd spent there. “Ended up heading down there with Yen, my wife, and we found Ciri. She was alright.” The relief Geralt felt was uncharacteristically evident on his face as he mentioned having found his daughter, though he didn't speak a word of it. “They've got a lot of work ahead of them, but those four have got a lot going for themselves, too.”

Hearing about Geralt’s family -not a common conversational subject- made Nadia smile. She could only imagine how it would feel to finally find the people she cared about most somewhere in this messed-up world, and know that despite everything, they were safe and sound.

”Well if they took my advice Binah should help get everything up and running quickly. She might be lazy, but she's efficient. Although If I remember right one of them was a bleeding heart and I think if they saw Binah fight they’d regret asking for her help… huh.” Roland said, remembering what he told them before he left the city. ”We can check in next time we’re flying over there.”

"I'd like that. It'd be good to get a chance to say hi," Ace said. He'd learned a little of what had happened in Midgar, but nowhere near the full story, so the names and terms went right over his head. Still, hearing that Geralt had reunited with his daughter was great news. It reminded him of another piece of news he should let the Witcher in on since he wasn't sure how much of what had happened in Edinburgh had been told to the others - if anything at all.

"By the way, you'll never guess who we ran into while we were stuck in the Highlands," he began, launching into an abridged version of the events surrounding Linkle's reappearance. Since Roland and Therion had never met the heroine and Nadia had heard it all last night, the short story was pretty much just for Geralt's benefit. Therion didn't tune out exactly, he absorbed the information like he did all mealtime gossip, but he also didn't question or add anything as the two hunters went over it. All the while he spoke, Ace gently pressed his leg against Nadia's under the table, intending on picking her brain afterward. At the moment he was just eager to connect with everyone now that he was back.

“No kidding.” Geralt hummed, pitching in with a bit of his own commentary throughout Ace's story. Not enough to distract, just enough to show that he was listening. Between Ace and Linkle, the story involved two people he'd grown to appreciate the company of here in the World of Light. He just hoped Linkle would be okay.

As she listened to the tale for the second time, Nadia pressed Ace right back. She’d been so tired last night -and so focused on the hunter himself- that not everything he told her sunk in, but now she could really connect the dots. Back in the sepulchral ruins beneath the Dead Zone library, exposed to the half-light of overcast day by the wild battle against Bloody Marie, she’d been terrifyingly close to becoming the Skullgirl herself. If she’d been even a little bit more tempted, it could have been her possessed by the Skull Heart and deported to the Frozen Highlands, and unlike this Linkle girl she was no hero. As much as she liked Ace, becoming the Skullgirl would not have been worth spending more time with him up there in Edinburgh. Just the thought of how close she came to her own ruination made Nadia shudder, though she focused on the remainder of her meal.

All too soon, the last bite disappeared with a loud crunch, its note of finality unmistakable. Around her, the noisy mess hall seemed a bit quieter than before. Breakfast was coming to an end, and the Seekers’ appointed hour in the Dead Zone was closing in. With a sigh, the feral rose to her feet. Her hand perched for a moment on Ace’s shoulder as her tail flicked back and forth. “Welp, that was eggcellent, but I’m full. Gonna go limber up. Maybe drop by the armory, see what’s there. Anyone else done?” she asked, offering to take their plates along with hers to the dropoff bin. It went unsaid that if Ace had business with her, he could join her on her trip.

Roland would’ve preferred a more flavorful display of food personally, but he finished his spiced breakfast soon after. He really had nothing to comment about this skull heart or anything as he had no idea what that was or the people involved and only listened while he ate. ”Take mine if you're offering. I’ll probably see what's in the armory as well. I could use more varied weapons.” Roland said, offering up his empty platter. A funny thing to say, considering he had the most weapons out of everyone here from his base kit.


Level 6 Roland (22/60)
Location: Avenger
Word Count: Less than 750

Grabbing a bit of grub before he went to bed, Roland made his way to his room and flopped on the bed. Even while sleeping, he'd keep his gloves on just in case something happened. There wasn't much of a reason to sleep with his mask on though, even though he was used to it when he worked as a fixer.

Roland, once he got to sleep, had a bad dream much like he usually did. While his time in the library had helped him resolve some of these issues, he still had them from time to time. A nightmare about a collapsed house, a destroyed city block, and a musical piano performance by a multi armed man turning anyone who heard the songs into the fleshy keys of his piano. A piano Roland would be too late to stop, and a fight against that massive, massive instrument...

But as the dream went on, things started to catch fire. At first it looked like it was just a part of the dream, the piano starting to burn as its conductor was being hacked apart, but soon the fire started to burn the background of the dream itself, almost like it was a fire burning on a film strip. This was only vaguely noticed by Roland, as you don't really remember the specifics of a dream, just the broad strokes if anything. But as the dream's reel burned in scarlet fire, it finally snapped and Roland was left in a dreamless state, settling his real world self and allowing him to get a bit of decent sleep, and Grimm had managed to claim another nightmare for his ritual.

Level 12 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) (48/120)
Location: Avenger
Word Count: 525

The defeat of Absalom was celebrated by the angels, although Sectonia didn't share in their celebration the same way. Another horrid ugly creature was removed from the board and the world was more beautiful as a result as it should be. Thus she was more stoic about the whole situation than their angelic allies. "Such a hideous creature..." she said as she looked upon the spirit of the creature. She wouldn't be taking it, but if anyone did and didn't try to make some kind of weapon out of it, she'd have choice words for them.

Their little celebration would be over soon as the Avenger appeared and gave everyone their Fultons to get on board. While she didn't take them before, a bit of curiosity gripped her this time and she actually grabbed one this time. Although she found that after this point she'd probably only take one if she couldn't locate the Avenger and fly to it on her own, as the way up she could handle, but the waiting to be picked up she couldn't. Not without a mirror or something anyway to pass the time.

At least unlike some of the others, she didn't pass out and when she was on the Avenger so late at night she made her way to the showers to clean herself off and get rid of any of Absalom's corruption gunk she got on herself. At least there was one that accommodated her size, but it still took her a good bit to get as clean as she'd like. Plus now she had a good amount of time to just look herself over int he mirror and pretty herself up before she went to bed. So far no one had chosen to bunk with her, meaning she had a room all to herself. She wasn't against bunking with someone in all honesty, but they'd have to take care of themselves.


Level 13 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (63/130)
Location: Avenger
Word Count: less than 750

Blazermate, not being someone who needed to actually sleep, took some time to head back to her room. Since she took a good amount of time, she saw the next group of people get picked up and go about their business with Blazermate more or less floating around and vibing a bit before she went back to her room. Although what she saw when she got there was... Well, she knew Nadia and Ace had a thing for each other but she wasn't expecting to walk into that. They could've put a sign on the door or something! "Well, guess it was about time huh?" She moved aside to let Ace out as Nadia gave her quite the look.

"Uh, yeah. Well, guess I've seen that so things can't get more awkward from here." Blazermate said, walking into her room and plopping herself face down on her bed. "Don't think because I'm a robot I don't know what was going on there by the way." She said, turning her head to talk clearly. "If you guys need privacy, just put a sign or a tie or a ribbon or something on the door." she said in a deadpan voice, before going on. "I've been on the internet, I know these things. By the way, when your a popular girl medabot, don't search your own name." She then flipped onto her back and decided to try to get some sleep, seeing as Nadia would be doing the same before long and to her knowledge not many would be up at this hour anyway.

Level 12 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) (47/120)
Location: Skyworld
Word Count: 525

Unlike the others, being able to both fly and teleport made escaping the would be destruction of the train pretty easy. Dealing with the aftermath of the raging Absalom however, would still be a problem. Everyone was pretty quick to leave the train as it careened into a large pit and turned into scrap but the leader of the corruption emerged from the wreckage worse for wear but still ready to fight and flinging its corruption everywhere.

Still, he looked to be on his last legs, but that made the cornered animal more dangerous as it attacked Edelgard and brought the fire user low. Well, at least until Roxas got the save with a friend heart before preforming a flashy move using Roxas's magic, Dante's firepower, and Cerberus transformed. All while Midna and Pit got their attacks in.

Dante looking to go another round, and Uriel looking to get involved in the scrap as well, Sectonia had an idea. Causing another rain of holy swords on Absalom, she gave Dante and Uriel haste allowing the two fast melee combatants to gain even more speed and attack Absalom in a clash of steel, holy sparks, explosions, and in Uriel's case, just looked like an explosive laser drill attacking and destroying Absalom's side while Dante was attacking from the other side with his own weapons, both fighters keeping Absalom from escaping from the rain of holy swords like he did before and grabbing his ire. He'd find a hasted Dante would be difficult to attack as Dante had more than enough time to put up a counter and deal more damage and avoid Absalom's retaliatory swing.

Sectonia meanwhile, having landed enough light attacks and seeing Absalom was pinned glowed like a bright star as she focused and fired a large beam of pure light from the sky, impacting Absalom and causing the creature to try to run. But the hasted Uriel and Dante kept him in place as he took the Ethereal Gleam, and as the massive beam of light finally expired, Absalom was not looking great at all. Still, he was standing, and was still ready for more. With his counter used up, Dante was thrown away at last, with Uriel hopping away to not be slammed by Absalom's axe.

Seeing her foe was weak however and knowing that she had an ability for that, Sectonia closed the distance with a few blinks and got in range to use her Reaper's Scythe, the death and pain of Absalom coalescing phantom chains around him as the scythe of the reaper came to swing as his head. Uriel didn't see any of this however, as she instead went in for another round seeing an opening from Absalom's movement being temporarily halted by the phantom chains, and moved to make her strike from the same angle and timing as the scythe falling so all Absalom would see before it was destroyed was a furious angel striking him with a holy exploding scythe of death, the scythe overlaying on top of Uriel in a fashion and striking Absalom at the same time and felling the creature in an explosion of holy death.



Level 6 Roland (21/60)
Location: Avenger
Word Count: 1886

Well, Roland saw that the engineers could take care of themselves, and watching the relative comedy unfold in front of him with the seemingly chipper Poppi suddenly becoming distant as the witch introduced herself in a very distant manner and Tora being a bit of a jokester himself. Maybe they could make this, emotionally distant and possibly tortured person open up a bit with their antics? Either way, they semed to have everything under control so Roland decided to make his way out of the room and head to the mess hall to grab a snack.

On the eve of a major operation, just about all non-essential personnel aboard the Avenger had already retired for the evening, eager to make the most of a good night's sleep. Some Lost Numbers remained, such as the flight crew and a handful of lookouts watching the sky for any sign of danger. Technicians inspected, logicians studied, physicians examined, and magicians practiced their witching-hour arts, but for the most part, the corridors and stairwells of the airship were quiet and still. Quiet except for metallic creaks and subtle reverb of the engines. Still except for the muted sway of course correction and atmospheric turbulence. Roland didn't leave the lower decks with any company to keep, but as he made his way up several stories, Roland gradually got the feeling that he wasn't alone.

Then, while reflexively looking over his shoulder, he saw it: a flash of crimson amidst the darkness. Had he not been in Meridi-at-han he might have been spooked, or convinced that he was seeing things, but he knew that color. He'd seen it the exact moment his friend heart scrubbed away the sundown luster of Galeem. At some point, the discreet ringleader of the Grimm Troupe had inhabited the shadows around him. Once Grimm felt comfortable enough to make himself known, the tall bug drew closer to the Fixer, and by the time Roland entered the empty mess hall his new acquaintance was only a second or two behind him.

"So, tall, dark and creepy. Can I help you?" Roland said, pointing to how Grimm had been stalking him for awhile until they had both managed to make it to the mess hall. Maybe the bug man didn't know where the mess hall was and was waiting for someone to show him the way? If it wasn't for Roland being familiar with stealthy tactics Grimm might've caused a commotion by scaring someone.

Once Roland acknowledged his presence, Grimm stopped following him. He stood by, more or less illuminated in his entirety by the cafeteria's ambient lights, and took in the area. Right now most of the counters were bare, spick and span thanks to Bracket's after-dinner cleanup, but a handful of drink machines remained online, and there was always the shelves offering packaged, non-perishable snacks. Judging by the droplets of spilled coffee next to one of the machines, and a couple crumbs where the last of the day's stale leftover muffins had rested, someone had been here recently.

"Well met, my friend. I wish to express my gratitude," Grimm rasped suddenly. "For freeing me from that cruel trance of captivity. I am beholden to one master already, and two figures cannot cast the same shadow. Now lucid, my purpose is clear. To cast a pall of nightmare across this sprawling dreamscape, and see its thralls awakened." He extended a hand from beneath his cloak, curled its black claws, and stared at them. "I am eager to see them illuminated. I'm sure I have many a splendid dance in store. Yet...there is much I do not know. My Troupe remains in oblivious delusion, but I am scarcely better off. No more a leader...merely a bit player." His hand disappeared, and he looked toward Roland. "In such a role, how best can I serve?"

"Oh hes one of these types. I just hope he doesn't expect me to talk like a theatre kid." Roland thought to himself as he gave Grimm a calculated look. "Uhh.... ok? Well your not going to be the first guy on the team going on and on about the 'power of darkness'. So hopefully that isn't going to cause any problems." Roland said. The polite ones were the ones you had to keep your eye on more than even the crazy ones, as they were just better at hiding how crazy they were. Well, time would tell, Grimm did risk himself for Roland unprompted so...

"Well from what I understand we're trying to beat up the light in the sky or something. We gotta fight people to fix that. Although no one knows what'll happen when that thing is beaten." Roland started."There are a lot of things we got to beat up and take the spirits of to get stronger to be able to fight stronger things.... I do appreciate something easy and straghtforward at least."

Pulling out the book of George, Roland said. "Remember that giant ape we fought? Well this is him now." then explained the things you can do with a spirit, although explained that for him he made books and not spirits due to his time at the library. Finding nothing he wanted from George's powers or anything, Roland turned to the pages that explained what he'd get if he burned the book. And while the chicken, fruit, and bomb were pretty self explaintory; two one time use heals and a one use bomb, the other others were a bit weirder. A one use massive fire breath, a multi use but delayed healing item, and the last one....

Wait... Scum Soda. Didn't Goldweis find some of that earlier? Reading its little blurb, suddenly events at Meridi made sense. "Wait... this thing turns people into monsters? IS that how those things appeared suddenly? What the hell? What kind of sick experiment is that?" Roland flipped to the page with the toaster and decided on that before burning the book, said toaster manifesting from the ashes. Roland picked it up, looked it over, and plugged it in on a table in the mess hall for everyone to use.

"Although I wouldn't go around just bopping everyone on the head and taking their spirits. A lot of them aren't worth it, and something bad probably happens if you go about doing it too much. I heard there was a guy that did that and he disappeared under mysterious circumstances." Roland said. He then thought a bit and clarified. "The common rule seems to be. If they're outwardly hostile at the start they're free game. Things with low intelligence, also kinda free game. Anything else is a case by case basis."

Darkness? Grimm was a creature of few words, and that hadn't been one he uttered. Its strength and allure were not foreign concepts to him, certainly, but darkness simply wasn't his lot. Dream and nightmare were two sides of the same coin, in that they both stood in contrast to oblivion, the pitch-black void at beginning and end. Few would choose a nightmare over a dream, but over nothingness? Even hell was preferable to nihility. Regardless, Grimm did not waste time on a rebuke. If not for darkness, after all, there would be no need for flame. Grimm could not anticipate what might constitute a 'problem' for Roland, but in regards to his mission, the fixer's hopes had very little say in the matter.

The Troupe Master listened as Roland reiterated the thrust of what Goldlewis exposited before, though dumbed down to an extent that Grimm wondered if his new acquaintance really knew all that much more than he did. Still, if it all boiled down to killing things, there wasn't all that much to grasp to begin with. He paid more attention when Roland introduced the topic of spirits. In his hand he held George's essence, converted into a tome of pure potential that Roland could tap as he pleased. One of the possibilities presented a conundrum, however, and having not been there in the aftermath of the battle, Grimm couldn't comment on it even if he wanted to. Still, if such wanton destructive power could erupt from such a small and harmless package, he could tell that everyone -both up here and down there- ought to be wary. If a mere beverage could transfigure someone thusly, calamity could truly come from anywhere.

"...I see," Grimm whispered. Power could be gained in many ways, and this one promised to be a great deal quicker than his own methods. The question was always what one must sacrifice along the way. "Where to now?"

"I think we'll be heading over to pick up some more of our allies in... some place called Mafia town? I hope its not run by the syndicates that I've had to deal with, some of those poor kids would not last long against such monsters." Roland said, completely ignoring that Jr. and Rika were armed to the teeth as if that didn't matter at all to him when it came to the horrors he was referring to. "Then off to pick up a few more allies and then I think the plan is to take out a guardian. " Roland then remembered that he hadn't told Grimm about those.

"Oh right. I should probably tell you what to look out for. To beat that big ball of light, we need to take out these guaridans of its apparently. There are also two other factions with their own goals. The Consuls, which have letters for names which want to stop us so they can live in this world with all their heidonistic desires filled. They somehow can take over anyone who is 'galeemed', besides the guardians. Then there are these.. uh... one of our co workers calls them 'nobodies' that exist in that town to the north of Meridi that everyone couldn't enter. We don't know anything about them, but if they are hiding behind such a barrier it can't be anything good."

While Goldlewis had mentioned Galeem's guardians during his mission brief on the way through Meridi-at-han, but these Consuls were new to Grimm. If they really could puppet the deluded, their involvement would logically pose a huge, constant threat on any activities within populated areas, yet Roland mentioned it so offhandedly. No wonder the Lost Numbers prefered to travel above the clouds, hidden well beyond the reach of listening ears and prying eyes. He and the others would no doubt need to be on guard against Consuls and Nobodies alike going forward. "Very well," Grimm confirmed. If the mission Sandalphon alluded to involved a Guardian, one of the foundational support pillars that propped up this very world, things would be getting interesting much sooner than the Troupe Master had anticipated. "Our scarlet eyes will be watching."

"Oh, and try to be sociable. We're all in the same boat yeah? Best to not be distant on top of that." Roland said as a finisher to his 'advice'. This world was all new, so there was still a lot he needed to know before he could give a better explination like he could as a fixer back in his world.


Level 13 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (62/130)
Location: Avenger
Word Count: 1010

With it being a bit late, Blazermate wasn't sure who'd be up besides those that had just been picked up. And they were all probably really tired. So blazermate decided she'd just go grab a quick tune up, even if she had to do it herself, before heading to her room and taking a bit of a nap to pass the time. Humming to herself, she made her way down to the engineering deck to make sure she was in good working order.

When Blazermate entered the workshop, however, she found no sign of her friends. No sparks flew, no cranks clicked, and no machines functioned. At first glance, the place appeared deserted, but the medabot didn't need to rely on her optics alone. When she ran a quick scan of the area, she did turn up one life signal tucked away in one corner, but upon arriving there Blazermate was in for something of a surprise. An engineer was sitting there, comfortably tucked into a beanbag chair, and though its egg-shaped body, stubby limbs, and feathery arm-wings were all characteristic of a Nopon, this clearly wasn't Tora. Instead of stripy brown fur, this Nopon appeared be clad in salmon pink, with a head of fluffy dark brown hair dyed black. She wore a black vest that matched her glasses, and the dark eyes behind contained dull sparkles as she sat there, absorbed in a book. When Blazermate approached, though, the Nopon looked up with an irritated expression. "Meh? What gives?" Her voice was surprisingly low, bored-sounding, and apathetic. "Lulubi workshop closed for day. No more fixings or tinkerings for anypon until morrow. Got it?"

"Uh... do we have time tomorrow to go about doing that? Aren't we heading back to skyworld and doing something there? Kinda wanna make sure I'm ready for a fight if we gotta deal with one." Blazermate said. She hadn't really been fighting all that much while she was in Mafia town, nor took all that much damage. If anything she was just here to clean herself up and make sure she was in optimal condition, instead of needing repairs overall. "I can clean and polish myself if your too tired. Just uh, which drawer had the cleaning cloth and wax?"

The Nopon peered at Blazermate over her glasses with the critical stare of a librarian. "You look fine to Lulubi, meh. And Lulubi not tired, by the way. Am night owl, happiest once annoying people all go to bed." Hoping that Blazermate got the point, she reached her wing out for a glass of hot cocoa on the nearby workbench to bring it close for a sip. "'Friend' not use Lulubi's wax. Everything in short supply up here. Obviously. Why need wax if going to fight anyway, meh? Shinies only make more noticeable to enemies." From her tone it could be inferred that the curt engineer wasn't really interested in an answer--just criticizing her uninvited guest. "Lulubi rags mostly covered in grit and grease, but if 'friend' find one, be Lulubi guest."

"Fair enough. I'll uh, get to it then." Blazermate said, scratching her chin admitting lulubi had a good point. While being observed by the Nopon, Blazermate went around looking for a clean rag. There had to be a clean one around here somewhere... As she looked, she decided to strke up some casual conversation. "So, do you know the other Nopon, Tora that works here during the day?" Blazermate said as she found a bunch of rags and started to dig through them to find a decent one to use.

The question prompted an exasperated sigh. "Meh, meh. Sure have. He find excuses at all hours of day to come say hello, always giving compliments or bringing treats. Lulubi never meet more awkward nopon in life. It like he never meet girl before." She took a big sip of her hot cocoa. "Good thing he have that Poppi to hold him back, meh. It seem like she have head on straight, which is miracle given who made her. Even let slip that Tora only interested in human girls before now, if 'friend' believe it." When it came to complaining, evidently, Lulubi was much more forthcoming, and not averse to gossip. "So yeah, he kind of freakypon. Guess it take someone like that to make something like Poppi, though, so Lulubi suppose Tora must be pretty smart. Still, smarts do no good if nobody like you, meh. Avenger full of weirdos like that nowadays." Completely lacking in self-awareness, the nopon chugged the rest of her cocoa, then wiped her lips with the back of her wing and resumed reading.

"Your not wrong there! I was adventuring with him before this whole avenger spot, and you pretty much have the gist of it. I think hes kinda not sure how to handle being around girls. Well, flesh and blood ones anyway. He doesn't seem to have much interest in robotic ones outside of Poppi." Blazermate said, finding a good rag, cleaning it up in the nearby sink, grabbing a couple tools, and started to pop off her parts and cleaning up any of her internal components that needed it. Since she was doing it herself, she could only do one part at a time and when it got time to do her face, she had to find a mirror in order to clean that up.

Really she didn't have too much wear and tear to clean up, mostly just a bit of dirt on her healing arm since it changed to different modes constantly, but best to make sure she was in good condition. She kind of was the teams biggest healer, and people relied on her to feel safe.

Once she felt she was cleaned up, she put everything back where it was. "Enjoy your book, guess we'll see each other later then." Blazermate said, giving a wave as she left to head for her room. Lulubi just gave a hmph, happy to be alone once more.
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