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    1. ArenaSnow 9 yrs ago


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Current Seeya next week, Guild. Signing off.
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Elder Scrolls RP, now with the Creation Club!
6 yrs ago
It's happening again. I have been visited by a soviet mad scientist, a king, a penguin prince of darkness, a house plant god thing, a mystical ancient member, a tired reaper (thank god) + a greeting.
6 yrs ago
For the same reason Rome 2 was attacked by thousands of players who don't know what they're talking about. lleeeeeeemmmmings


Whattr' you stairin' at.

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Arena, question. You probably already know I want to make an AI faction. Would you mind if this AI faction sort of has its roots within combat AI research from you guys but the program got shutdown due to reasons.

Possibly it could have been a lost technology/development team of the late Talon Industries that TSDC was never able to re-acquire?
Welcome :)
Right now I have a jumble of information I’ve yet to put into CS format. It’ll look better over the next few days.

TSDC, or the Talon Security Development Corporation, is the leading branch of the former Talon Industries and is presently a market leader for the research and production of military equipment. Based in Mars, It is known for creating popular equipment models and technologies that are in common use today, and is a very high profile arms dealer - one of the best to acquire items from short of the black market. However, access is limited to any entity not corporate; it takes some convincing for non-extremely wealthy individuals to get into the "loop" known as the Corporate Network, also known as CorpNet, over which TSDC sells its wares.


Talon Industries, the predecessor of TSDC, was for some 200 years the undisputed leading producer of military weapons, and came up with various standards that TSDC has claim to today; they include various advancements of ammo usage for rapid fire, production of iconic vehicles and weaponry units, developing a modular system along with other leading corporations, and more things along those lines. However, some 80 years ago, Talon Industries collapsed due to political infighting and debt. The command structure had spent far too much and operated too many facilities, in addition to a standard of weak leaders at the top with far too many powerful figures leading various branches. The result was the destruction of the main company headquarters on Earth and the rest of the branches erupting in a small civil war over assets. TSDC managed to gain the largest portions of the corporate empire, but even today it still lacks the power of its predecessor.

TSDC itself was founded on Mars as one of the most profitable holdings of Talon Industries. The majority of production indeed ultimately came from Mars. The division leader Charles Fafnir lead the Martian assets and in his lifetime became more powerful than the executives themselves. Nobody really knows if he was behind the collapse, but some folks did have ideas.

When the corporation did fall apart, he participated in a brutal game to control assets on Earth, Mars, Venus and the new openings in Jupiter. He ultimately gained control of the majority, though he was unable to eliminate all the splits; the wise ones aligned themselves with other corporations and in effect became untouchable. These events allowed for a great deal to be exposed in the Talon development structure and lead to the integrity of their previous proprietary systems being compromised.

Still, he was able to pull enough together to reclaim a position in advanced corporate politics. However, neither he nor his successor Argus Melengyavik have yet been able to claim a top position in the corporate pyramid.

It certainly wasn't from a lack of trying, and Argus has pulled his corporation into a very strong position. It is well respected in the arms industry and by most other corporations. But it is going to take fresh blood to put it over the edge... which may need to come through more aggressive means, considering Argus is old, stubborn and has no intent to step down.

But then again, the fellow has life in him yet. If he's managed to survive the schemes of his underlings this long...

Other Talon Industries Split-offs

Talon Industries split off in various locations on Venus, Earth and Earth's moon - the primary planets of production outside of Mars. Attempts at reuniting the assets were somewhat successful; but a good number of locations on the planets took the protection of other corporations in the meantime. The result was a leak of TSDC intelligence and an almost catastrophic result for the Martian Talon branch in keeping items proprietary; although it has managed to keep itself afloat and has indeed built a reputation as the one true successor company of the legacy, others still half-heartily go for the title and in some cases have tried to shove TSDC out of the business; however, due to the most important projects and network information being on Mars and having been destroyed in part on Earth, they haven't been able to reproduce what TSDC has built up. Some labs owned by the former Talon may still be in operation under other companies today, much to the ire of TSDC [Feel free to integrate this into your own writings if you like].


TSDC has its primary holdings on Mars; a number of locations critical to the corporation's survival, each in the general access sphere of the other and very heavily guarded.

Headquarters (Mars)
Following the destruction of the late Talon Industries headquarters, the branch headquarters on Mars became the primary center of operations, with most of Talon's surviving key assets being placed there. It is the location of the CEO and most high-ranking staff (appearently they didn't learn much in this regard from the past). It was remodeled when Argus became CEO and turned the headquarters into a futuristic fortress while putting an almost overkill amount of defenses on it that makes ground assaults from anything short of combined corporate arms or a strong government-backed army impractical.

Production Site A (Mars)
The majority of development and production happens here. It is almost historical, being a site that has been in place for hundreds of years and remodeled five times. An expensive business venture indeed...

The site covers about a full acre, with a vast empty space surrounding it. Inside is a nuclear fusion reactor, a massive and heavily fortified production site, a large old-style Biodome structure (one of the few things that hasn't changed much since the site was first colonized), and most of the remaining space being warehouses above and a little ways below ground, along with various buildings in between. It is surrounded by a fortified perimeter of three levels of barbed wire fencing and checkpoints at various places along the way. It employs a massive security force... but in a focused assault on one section, most of it is static and won't end up being used, and it takes a while for unprepared security forces to go from one end of the place to the other.

The creation of the site was a key factor in Talon Industries falling in the first place, and remains a mixed blessing to TSDC. While it cranks out several tons of ready equipment a day, it leaves the company itself rather lacking in funds to simply throw around. The result is quality of life at the lower levels being rather like working in a small-scale factory. While it's a step up from 19th century factories, it isn't that big of a step. Even the corporate executives feel the strain in luxury items as a result of this site.

Production Site B (Mars)

Almost the same as site A, but smaller, funded much less (almost affordable), and a third the production. Nonetheless, it still cranks out a massive portion of the company's assets.

Auxiliary Warehouses (Mars)

Located in the middle of the triangle formed by the above three locations, slanted a little to the side, is a massive field of warehouses protected by mostly static defenses and a security minefield around the perimeter. It is from there most of the contents of the corporate stock are distributed, and additionally the location of various active branches of TSDC security. Directly to the left is a massive testing field, well secure in the perimeter and the site of advanced weapons testing.


TSDC has a newer office on Earth, old offices on Venus and Earth's moon, and has a site claimed on Jupiter; although construction has yet to begin due to a shortage of funds (not the official reason, of course).

Organization Structure
TSDC is a corporation with a board consisting of all main department leaders, who in turn answer to the CEO that acts as basically dictator for everything short of the largest company-changing decisions. The CEO can do just about anything and is in office until stepping down or ending up dead. The board has an annual meeting that presents up-to-date information to the CEO and if the CEO dies or steps down, elects from its ranks a new leader by 75% majority vote.

Each board member is generally left alone to his or her own affairs, with the CEO only getting involved in special matters. Individual board members have great power and can in some cases speak for the company (for some, it’s the job). They consist of Production Site commanders and department heads.

Department Level
Departments vary based on type.

Departments for things such as research and public relations maintain small ranks, but have dedicated facilities to themselves. Main corporate departments are almost exclusively located in the main Headquarters.

The Department of Security and Staff Management are a little different. Staff Management has a host of agents, mostly to perform secret audits in the ranks of the ground level, and some to actually oversee hiring and promotions (candidates are presented to department heads on a case-by-case basis). Security maintains a massive force and accounts for a good 1/5 of the company’s spending. It includes everything from strike teams to the sub-Department for Mercenary Relations.


Sub-departments very rarely get in the spotlight and are often even more independently functioning than the departments they are part of. The most well known is the Department of Mercenary Relations.

Ground Level

Supervisors make up the top ranks of the ground level workers, who consist of everyone from security guards to cheap labor - with massive pay and security clearance gaps. While the Department of Security actually provides a good fielding ground for advancement, it is possible hard workers of the production level may never see an improvement in quality of life. Which they know all too well...

These are small offices consisting of a few security guards and someone trusted from the External Relations department. They are afforded a decent pay grade... and are the front lines for anyone that wants to pick a bone with TSDC. It’s sometimes a dangerous job, and so it can often be seen as “being sent to the Eastern Front” so to speak.

Dynamic Forces

(still in development. Here’s the basic outline)

Jump Corps
An elite force of some 12 infantrymen. Think of US Navy Seals in a real life context. They don’t get used much and are deployed to protect key figures in operations away from the base, and are armed with top-of-the-line equipment and years of training. That said, they aren’t James Bond special agent guys, and they do go down rather quickly due to lightly armored suits.

1st Harasser Squadron

One of 5, this one is notable due to the seniority of its members and the fact they destroyed a raiding band of pirates some 13 years ago on the corporation’s outfields. Each squad has 6 Harasser vehicles. All are in the main TSDC perimeter.

Dropship XC-400

The old reliable standard, TSDC uses specialty corporate ships that can pack tons of equipment (literally) into a fairly small space while still giving room to breathe. Mainly used for cargo transport, although some more civilian uses exist, and the government makes use of them for a variety of things ranging from moving troops to moving small colonies of people for whatever reason.

There exists an XC-500 in prototype stage in Skyguard’s lines, designed to carry new era jump engines and stick even more junk into them. That said, they aren’t in regular production... and only the corporations and government can actually prove they exist in the first place.

More stuff to come.

This will be put in a Dynamic info hider in the future, and will basically outline the company’s official stances towards other players/factions in the roleplay.


To be made. Will include vehicles, weapons, suits, etc. Here are some terms to know, though:

Harasser. Badass mountain-climbing jeep-like light tanks that shoot missiles at a ridiculous rate, although they can’t say much for accuracy. They’re cheap, popular, and a first choice skirmishing vehicle.

BeamBlaster 55k. Think of siege tanks from starcraft - they are the only real laser based tank TSDC makes. They shoot balls of pure plasma that explode in a respectable radius, and support custom weaponry as well. Mostly a behind-the-line unit that’s good for companies looking out for long-term security.

Serperior IV. A sleek tank with a barrel that can rotate just about any direction that isn’t straight down, and can shoot gauss rounds that can rip through a meter of dense Steel IV. Expensive and produced slowly... and relatively unknown outside corporate/government entities. Serperior III is used sometimes, but while it packs a good punch, it’s nowhere near as effective as SIV and can be outclassed by BB55k’s and Bulldogs.

Bulldog (I and II)
Massive, slow tanks with a massive payload, either a variety of weapons or firing big explosive slugs. The raw material needed to make them has them pretty to see, and they aren’t really useful to anyone that isn’t trying to make an army or take down a base. They can, however, level small colonies if they are properly supported. The Bulldog II is experimental and only three models exist, and are said to be able to take down a full-sized colony without much support at all, defenders included. Although that’s probably rumor. Right?

Additional Stuff to Know
-TSDC is known for being a politically charged atmosphere of competition and backstabbing at the top, and being a crappy place at the bottom. It specializes in cheap colonial labor and bringing in folks for mass production on the main lines of getting equipment out in places where automated labor simply isn’t effective enough. However, it is better for supervisors, live operators/testers and anyone in the security divisions.
However, the above has caused TSDC to gain a very negative view in the eyes of the common folk, and make it an iconic dirtbag organization, often one of the first scapegoats even though it doesn’t actually do much outside of arms dealing.
-Lasers/shielding are the weak spots of TSDC. It’s a little ways in the past when it comes to the top tiers of technology. It makes what works and sticks with it... and it does produce some very nice new items, and has good systems in place. However, the newest of the new - AI developments, effective laser weaponry, the like - are not things this company specializes in.
-The infrastructure is rather like having Windows XP being the main OS used in a company today, and the oldest terminals are like running Windows 95. So things are dated, constantly hotfixed by a round-the-clock tech team and not the most secure around.
-As an extension of the above - it uses the T63 Transmission Standard, which is about 300 years old. It works and just about everything supports it, but it’s old and some folks get tired of video transmissions that, to compare with today’s logic, look kind of like year 2000 video games.
-TSDC is known to be aggressive and throw its weight behind things once in a while. Such things typically succeed...
-Buying something from them and not being trusted, a corporation or a multi-millionare is hard. However, if you want to get their stuff, you might have a chance contacting External Relations Department Head Howard Oleman directly; he is known to be more lenient than others at the top of the command tree when it comes to selling to outsiders.
-Changes will happen to the leadership over the roleplay, with two integral characters being old. It may be worthwhile to see that fact and buddy up with the likely candidates; although choose wisely - choosing the wrong contender might cost the backing of TSDC in the future.
-Yes, it signed the Referendum.
In New! 9 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome :)
<Snipped quote by Rhymer>

Peoples thoughts on this? I thought it might add a level of cohesiveness and integration to the RP.

Sounds fair enough. I might take a wee while on my sheet for depth.

I'm designing things with my faction so that other players can integrate them as they would like. Sort of like the stuff I had on the market for the last version of the RP; the items were known by other players and in some cases already integrated IC, which I am perfectly fine with (such as the harassers).
Welcome back :)
Welcome :)
Welcome back :)
<Snipped quote by Rhymer>

I'd prefer working for someone/something. Rather then creating my own.

I could always find a spot for you at TSDC. :)
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