Avatar of ArenaSnow
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    1. ArenaSnow 9 yrs ago


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Current Seeya next week, Guild. Signing off.
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6 yrs ago
Merry Christmas
6 yrs ago
Elder Scrolls RP, now with the Creation Club!
6 yrs ago
It's happening again. I have been visited by a soviet mad scientist, a king, a penguin prince of darkness, a house plant god thing, a mystical ancient member, a tired reaper (thank god) + a greeting.
6 yrs ago
For the same reason Rome 2 was attacked by thousands of players who don't know what they're talking about. lleeeeeeemmmmings


Whattr' you stairin' at.

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@ArenaSnow@IcePezzThey are the same powers as last time, just given a bit of a boost because of the time gap.

Only trying to cover all bases this time.

So long as they are used with a limit and conservatively, there shouldn't be an issue. The way you used them last time worked well, so things like what you did are perfectly fine (and considering age/experience, you could probably go over a bit).

I'm not calling them OP - they're perfectly fine to have as long as it's plain they can't be overused - just want to make sure there's a few hard counters as power limitation was a bit vague last time (as were a few other things). Just want to make sure the loopholes of OP finger pointing and folks trying to excuse a OP action because the CS manages to justify it is closed before a finger gets stuck in it.

Basically, the point is to make sure that in this RP, things can move along without problems cropping up. Not saying you would cause them intentionally or even accidentally; I just think IcePezz and I don't want to see this Rp fall apart, and that means being a little more picky on details that last time went by.

Just re-read this and noticed how many words I slapped into what should have been pretty simple. Sorry :/

In the interests of keeping this alive... managed to dig something up from the depths of my somewhat depleted inspiration.
Jackson continued to walk along buildings, steadily regretting his decision to come at all. He pretty much did away with checking the place out beyond looking at the various ledges and stopping the moment he heard a noise. He almost shot a mouse in that mannor. I can shoot mice? He had problems shooting at a demon blob trying to pass itself as a human a couple months ago.

Why the hell did he come in the first place?

Why the hell not?

Hunters were paranoid bastards. Jackson noted the irony of being a hunter - "demon hunter", but nobody really knew the difference - that survived decades at the job with such a low key view on things. Perhaps hunters would not be such miserable asses if they just lived a little...

Although that still wasn't a good excuse to come at a letter that ultimately just said "bait bait bait bait bait" for a couple paragraphs.

He stopped as lights went on in a building two warehouse doors down. He continued to stand there as the doors opened, holding his pistol out and waiting for the noises of the hunks of metal to end.

He sighed and put his pistol in a coat pocket, his hand still tightly holding the butt of the pistol. He put in his hand on the other side to hold... a flask. Holy water, right? I did take out the regular water?

He considered shifting into a less conspicuous form; something that would catch demons at least off guard for an odd two seconds. Ah, to hell with it. He didn't feel like going through that level of effort at the moment when whatever was in there would do its thing no matter what. I could always turn around.


Steeling himself, he walked along at a very casual pace with his hands appearing to rest in his pockets, and turned the corner to walk into the warehouse and see... a man by a small fire in the middle of the rather big warehouse.

That's not all bad.

He stood there in the middle of the opening, aware of his exposed position inviting eyes and ambush, and tried to give a smile ended up coming out halfway and far from convincing. "I heard there was a meeting here tonight?"

He kept his fingers on the pistol and on the flask of something and hoped his attempts at shooting barrels the past few months as practice wouldn't need to be tested.
@ArenaSnow Fair enough there are a fair few of those around.

Perhaps a walled city might work?

It could, but it would have to be well organized so that the setting wouldn't get too confusing. I would suggest some sort of map be made as well. I've had experiences where a few OOC questions too many came up from a poorly defined city.

I did a high-fantasy who-done-it in a previous role play forum I was involved in. I had it take place over the geographical area of the city we were in. Allowed for certain types of investigation that you wouldn't necessarily get if they were only able to investigate the building the murder took place in. It allowed for the investigators to look in places that maybe wouldn't be helpful at all. The city had a busy harbor area, so going down there and looking around for witnesses might have been helpful, might have been a waste of time. Perhaps a bribe could have helped them out, or perhaps that bribe was a waste of time and sent them down the wrong path. Because ultimately, one should prove not only who, but how, and why whenever possible.

In my setting I did not have a player be the killer because it was a setting where a player had only one character forever unless they retired it or it was killed off, so unless I had a player actually choose to be the killer it wouldn't have been fair to make one of them play it. Even then, however, there is too much chance of the investigators meta-gaming and making assumptions without actually finding the evidence to support it. As such, I maybe wouldn't recommend having someone play the killer because any thoughts that were presented could be meta-gamed and used to figure out which character it was without the correct effort being put into it.

But anyways, I would be interested in being in such a thread.

That's an unfortunate reality. I'm co-gm'ing one right now that may involve a "killer" like character, but the revealing stuff would be posted by me and vaguely reference the other character; not give out who it is exactly, but enough detail to possibly suspect and proper loopholes that it could be plausible for said player to be discovered.

But, alas, metagaming... all I can really say is that I try very hard not to do that in any roleplay I'm in, even if the identity of a secret character is obvious. I'll instead try to make my char come to more logical conclusions and possibly find his way into the answer... but still fall to the side and possibly even accuse the wrong player if that too is reasonable.

I'd like to believe in benefit of the doubt and folks being able to seperate OOC and IC info... but unless we do, it'll probably end up any incriminating info be left out of the char's post or integrated into the GM's post. Assuming the idea's put in at all.
I'd be interested in giving this a try.

Some ideas for a setting perhaps a university or other large academic establishment?

Eh... I'd prefer not to have another school-based roleplay.
@AdamantiumWolf: No problems on my end. Unless 'Pezz has something, I would consider it accepted (but do wait until 'Pezz checks things).

@vietmyke: Same as above.

@Belwicket: I'd keep a few of those powers under a check of maximum output, preferably not too big. Those abilities can get out of hand very quickly if they don't have a hard usage limit. Do note that some may not be so effective on demons/mages. Other than that it's solid.

@The Harbinger of Ferocity: Don't ask how I know, but I consider yours accepted (unless 'Pezz has something for you in particular). Might want to keep the powers in check much like what I said above, but I don't think you'll have a problem with that.
A palace, perhaps?
In The 9 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
The is here.

Why does that sentence make me wince?
@The Harbinger of FerocityHope you got a challenge for me.

Lol, I'm in.

Oops, just saw it's full. I'll wait.

You can come in so long as you can keep with the ruleset.
@Mr Allen J - Where'd ya get that avatar?
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